Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Thank you, @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • Walk: .92m/3.3mph
  • This month's routine:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday Challenge
  • code of abs Program
  • Splits Exercises
  • Keeping it lighter this month with the intention of upping my walking
  • I really like the look of 60 Days of Walking, but I'm no where near even an hour straight yet
  • If it's particularly light, I'll add a workout
  • I took my walk early and was happily surprised by thunder during my usual time
  • It was great to beat the weather and see it!
  • The walk wasn't bad, but I probably shouldn't have done the "hill" first thing after seeing Bee
  • Speaking of seeing:
  • The Es came by!!
  • So lovely to see them!
  • Supper was lasagna, with cheesecake for dessert
  • I love easy recipes!
  • Good: no spam? what is this madness? and how do I continue it?
  • Happy: Es! Good food and great company! What more can one ask for?
  • (Kittens. They met the Es days after coming home! And yet...)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • spring chicken workout
  • Walk: 1.42m/3.1mph
  • Tried a new restaurant that bought out an old favorite
  • We'll definitely be returning!
  • It was our favorite game day pub, so it's great that we'll be able to do that again
  • New route!
  • There were ups and downs and several very nice people
  • It's definitely a keeper!
  • Went slower just to get a good feel for the route
  • I strained something in my back
  • Everything hurts
  • Even breathing
  • I will be texting Bee tomorrow to see what I should do
  • Good: new restaurant!
  • Happy: it was late, but kitten cuddles!



Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • They are the best, @Anek!
  • Thank you, @Tileenah!
  • Basics
  • Walk: 1.47m/3.1mph
  • Had to keep the punches slow and weak, but did manage them at 5 minutes
  • I will be using heat for my back!
  • It's much better today, but still very noticable
  • Bee says heat is really the only thing I can do
  • My walk helped, surprisingly?
  • I kept it slow and steady (it rose consistently in speed with no decreases!) and expected more pain than I have
  • I am certainly not complaining!
  • Kittens have been kittening all day
  • It's fun to watch all 3 zoom from one end of the room to the other!
  • I had Nobu on my lap, but it was in the bathroom
  • So no picture
  • Good: back is doing better
  • Happy: my walk was an old route that had me really stretching my legs and feeling good!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Walk: 1.47m/3.2mph
  • Only 1 set of abs
  • I had also strained things around the cartilage of my false ribs
  • That makes planks nearly impossible
  • (C6 is uv*)
  • Good news: back is almost healed!
  • Better news: I can focus on my ribs
  • Great news: *this was Nobu curling on my lap!
  • I forgot to start my watch, but the automatic function caught most of it
  • It was the same route as yesterday, just opposite
  • There were geese!
  • I took that very carefully after I had passed
  • We were two arm lengths apart!
  • It was warm enough to keep the back room open
  • The kittens adored it
  • Nobu has stolen my seat, curled in my lap on the toilet and on top of the stairs, but in front of my legs!
  • Kittens...
  • Good: slightly faster walk and better back
  • Happy: this silly, seat stealing kitten


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • ♥️ @Tileenah
  • Basics
  • No walk
  • My back feels almost normal and my ribs aren't as sharp!
  • It's been raining on and off all day
  • I could have walked several times, but didn't want to bother with the wetness
  • (Plus, humidity. It's my nemesis.)
  • Slow, quiet day
  • Always lovely!
  • Nobu didn't want me to exercise?
  • He took a nap on my lap
  • (On the floor! Exact same position on the couch and he refuses!)
  • And then grabbed my dress
  • I finally picked him up and did lunges with the extra weight
  • Silly kitten!
  • Good: kept the humidity out almost all day
  • Happy: Casper and Nox were very quick to get into the back room; Nobu curled up beside me!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Basics
  • Walk: 1.28m/3.2mph
  • It's amusing to look at my walk data
  • Mom was going to an event in a bar around the corner, so I walked there with her
  • Then my speed picked up!
  • I'm curious how much faster she'd be if she just stretched her legs?
  • She takes such short steps?
  • It was a pleasant warmup, at least!
  • I got cuddles!
  • We're holding hands. Obviously. 😂
  • I had a quiet evening and it was lovely!
  • Good: walked
  • Happy: Nobu is zooming. It's hilarious!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • So many, @NancyTree! :hope:
  • Basics
  • No walk
  • My ribs were very good when I woke up
  • Then I did laundry
  • My shower helped, at least
  • Nobu has been helping by cuddling all day
  • He's just so photogenic!
  • Also preferred my feet today
  • But it's still cuddling, so I'm happy!
  • Casper got into the bathroom with me first last night and did not let Nobu in, too
  • Always fun to have a cat growling right behind your ear
  • Not quite Liam snarls, but enough for a shiver!
  • Good: laundry
  • Happy: happy kitten!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Thanks, @CODawn! I'm glad you like the pictures as much as I enjoy posting them!
  • Basics
  • Walk: 1.63m/3.2mph
  • Slight deviation of my new route!
  • It gives me a crosswalk on a busy street, which is lovely
  • Without the wait at the crosswalks, my speed was consistent!
  • I'm hoping to get up to 2 miles before working on speed
  • The Es visited!
  • I had a delightful conversation with Big E about various sci-fi medias
  • And later in their visit, Nobu cuddled with him!
  • Nobu was actually downstairs their entire visit!
  • !!!
  • Of course, I touched Nox and he fought me off as well as he could while running away
  • So there's that...
  • I can walk over him without issue most times
  • 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Good: kitten progress and not getting lost on my walk
  • (Thank you, Google Maps!)
  • Happy: he literally just settled!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • It's even more amusing knowing they're from the same litter, @Gandhalfit!
  • Basics
  • Walk: 1.6m/3.3mph
  • That walk was an almost straight line on speed!
  • I will be halting code of abs until Friday
  • My ribs continue to hurt after exercising, so I'm cutting the majority for a few days
  • After my podcasts, Welcome to Night Vale is pure humor and has me giggling on my walks
  • Kitten cuddles!
  • And then he stretched
  • His back legs had me in stitches and I still don't know why
  • My mom knows me
  • I adore cards
  • I keep every card I've ever received in a box my sister made me
  • So this Easter? Mom won
  • I need to get a frame for this thing!
  • It's so pretty... :aww:
  • Good: different and longer route than I had planned with my walk
  • Happy: Eggs Benedict for brunch!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • Walk: 1.56m/3.5mph
  • Had to substitute wall push-ups and even that pressed my ribs too much
  • Any further core workouts will be changed for the next few days
  • 3.5mph!
  • So happy with that!
  • Also saw SEVEN doggos!
  • And pet TWO of them!
  • That was a very good walk
  • It has been warmer in the back room and the kittens love it
  • I've not seen much of them today
  • Happy kittens are quiet kittens!
  • Happy Dyngus Day, Bees!
  • Good: a very excellent walk
  • Happy: dyngus day means pierogis! Lots of pierogis! Yummy!
Cats and bags...



Well-known member
Druid from TLV
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Posts: 950
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Belated Happy Dyngus Day
I hope you had plenty of water for it


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Thank you, @Gandhalfit!
  • Thanks, @Tileenah! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  • Tuesday, 11 April
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • Walk: 1.46m/3.3mph
  • Thursday, 12 April
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • Walk: 1.15m/3.6mph
  • Yesterday's knee-to-elbows were done standing
  • It's getting warmer, so the felines are out back most of the time
  • I did snap this one after midnight, though!
  • Today was much of the same
  • But! I upped my speed!
  • 3.6!!
  • I surprised myself with that one!
  • It'll be slower tomorrow after seeing Tyler
  • And unless he says otherwise, I'm dropping code of abs
  • Maybe he'll be able to do something?
  • Fingers crossed!
  • But on the probability that he won't, I'll take it easy for a while longer
  • No ibuprofen today, though! That's a first!
  • Good: fast walk
  • Happy: grapes! lots of grapes! all the grapes! :eatall:


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Thakk you, @Tileenah!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • Walk: 1.49m/2.9mph
  • Managed the reverse crunches!
  • All the pain is only in my ribs now
  • Tyler said it seems to be intercostal muscles
  • To quote him:
  • "It's a mess in there."
  • So that's fun
  • He gave me a stretch to open my ribs and I'm feeling it!
  • But there wasn't much he could do to help
  • If my lower back continues to be bratty, I will not be walking after visiting Tyler
  • My pace perfectly exemplifies that
  • I may not walk tomorrow, we'll see
  • I'm curious to see how air conditioning changes things
  • But as it is, if I want kitten cuddles before dark, I'll need to go into the back room
  • Silly kittens!
  • Good: new stretches!
  • Happy: Theo! I got kisses!


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Posts: 242
:vibes:Back pain is a bummer... I hope you'll get better soon.
I tend to have back pain too and walking usually helps. If I do it right: not too slow, not too fast, minding my posture.
I also did physical therapy that involved a lot of ab work, but avoiding some exercises that put too much pressure on the back, like the sit-ups. I always modify when there are sit-ups in a Darebee workout and I take care with the leg raises as well.


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
Thank you, @Gandhalfit, @TortoiseVibe!

I don't think I was clear enough in my complaining! My back has been better for about a week now. It did surprise me that walking helped it so much!

My current, ongoing problem is in my ribs. Specifically: the intercostal muscles under my right armpit and curving under my right breast. It makes bending, tilting, and reaching very painful.

I need to gain the courage to use the massage gun on these spots. Considering how I was cringing and whimpering when Tyler was working them? 🥲


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • 50 Lunges
  • 50 Butt Kicks
  • Modified Stretches
  • I managed the glute flexes!
  • I will be adding various leg exercises daily to get my heart rate going at least a little
  • If my ribs let me, I'll add high knees!
  • I dropped the downward dog and full arch stretches, but kept everything else
  • No walk
  • We had to start the air conditioner today and I just didn't feel up to more humidity
  • (And it's only going to get worse! 😭)
  • Good: made a menu for the first time in a month
  • Happy: Nox! He was stretched on my bed!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Thank you, @CODawn. I think it'll take until I see Bee again, but that's only 2 weeks
  • Daily Exercise w EC*
  • Leg Day Everyday 15
  • 50 Varieties of Squats
  • 100 High Knees
  • 100 Butt Kicks
  • *I had to leave my right arm stationary at times
  • No walk; my achilles is very tight and I don't want to strain it
  • My ribs like high knees more than butt kicks?
  • I'll take it!
  • The kittens were frightened by my skirt?
  • They both ran away every time they saw me!
  • This skirt was tucked away and I haven't worn it in years
  • This is sad because it's big enough I think I could have hidden Liam beneath it
  • Much more tolerable heat with the air conditioner!
  • Tomorrow is when the humidity hits, though 😭
  • Good: went grocery shopping
  • Happy: the kittens were playing and it was very amusing to watch!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday 16
  • 100 Arm Circles
  • 10 Shoulder Taps*
  • 50 Front Leg Swings
  • 50 Back Leg Swings
  • 100 Side Leg Raises
  • *I very quickly realized these weren't happening
  • No walk; my achilles is much better, though!
  • I spent 4 hours on a puzzle. My sister gave it to me 3 months ago.
  • But it's done!
  • Pretty and plays music!
  • I didn't realize how much my fingers hurt until I washed my hands
  • Hot water can sting something fierce!
  • At least by using the back room I got kitten attention
  • Nobu and Casper had to see what I was doing
  • Good: finally made my birthday puzzle
  • Happy: we may get snow as the temperature drops!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Thank you, @TortoiseVibe, @Tileenah! ♥️
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday 17
  • 200 High Knees
  • 100 Arm Circles
  • 25 Torso Twists
  • Just barely managed the bridges
  • I need to stop trying arm/torso exercises between cardio moves
  • Because of those twists, I couldn't do any more high knees
  • It has been windy, rainy, and lightly snowing all day
  • I allowed that to stop me from walking
  • I'm putting it here that I will walk tomorrow
  • That should get me going!
  • Best part of a colder day?
  • Kitten cuddles!
  • I've had Nobu multiple times today!
  • (He's on my feet as I write this!)
  • Kittens: the best excuse to ignore sugar cravings
  • Good: exercised
  • Happy: kitten cuddles!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC*
  • Leg Day Everyday 18
  • Modified Stretches
  • Walk: 1.03m/3.2mph
  • *Had to downgrade the jumping jacks to half jacks
  • My ribs did not like that
  • Which is surprising because high knees aren't much trouble?
  • Did just the basics because of it
  • I've forgotten to add my stretching to the list the last few days
  • I've been doing it!
  • I've even added pigeon pose and a wide dog pose back in!
  • Kept the walk shorter because rain and snow meant snow boots
  • For all that I prefer the cold, going back to the full get up after no jacket necessary isn't fun
  • Nobu hasn't liked this cold snap either
  • Kitten cuddled all day!
  • It was just after I woke up and wanted breakfast
  • I sat there for half an hour until he shifted
  • (What's a little hunger in the face of a purring kitten? What's numb feet?)
  • Good: walked
  • Happy: so. many. cuddles!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @NancyTree! ♥️
  • Patience? Procrastination? They sound sort of the same, yes, @Mianevem? 😂
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday 19
  • Surprisingly, I'm able to do planks!
  • I had to do 15 per leg, instead of alternating, but I did them!
  • I slept wrong last night and my ribs are not happy
  • Took it easy and I've been massaging all the knots and sore spots
  • Bee is going to have so much work...
  • Nobu wanted cuddles and playtime, though, so it hasn't been bad!
  • Good: exercise
  • Happy: Nobu had me giggling multiple times today


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Thank you, @Gandhalfit, @Julian4077
  • Daily Exercise w EC* 20-24
  • Leg Day Everyday 20-24
  • *With some adjustments
  • My ribs are doing much better!
  • My period this month flattened me
  • I hope this isn't the future, but at least I know it now if it is
  • It kept me bed and couch bound for days
  • But I got sweets and kitten cuddles!
  • I hope to walk tomorrow, but I don't think I'm adding anything else to the very basics until after I see Bee
  • Fingers crossed the insomnia ends tonight!
  • Good: rest and recovery
  • Happy: look at this precious baby!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday 25
  • Walk: 1.48m/3.2mph
  • Fell asleep on the couch and woke up late
  • But it was a decent hour to fall asleep, so I'll take it!
  • The walk was an hour later than I planned
  • Kitten cuddled on my lap
  • That's much more important!
  • Good: walk
  • Happy: kitten cuddles and grapes!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
  • Yesterday & Today:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • Substituted standing knee to elbows for the crunches today
  • Surprised myself with the side planks yesterday
  • Bee beat me up today
  • So much
  • I will be able to say how my ribs feel tomorrow, after everything settles
  • I'll be taking a look at the bike with Dad to see what needs to be done with it
  • Maybe my achilles will like that better?
  • Good & Happy: next post


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,433
Bees. BEES!

If you have a chance, SEE SIX!

This musical was spectacular. It very much was done as a concert. Loud, bright, engaging, FUN! So much fun! I will definitely be seeing it again!

I especially loved the additions that were made in the songs; little asides that connected verses. The characters were so bright for only having 90 minutes to really dig into them.

I went into this expecting a good time. My expectations were blown out of the water. SO good!

No pictures of the show itself, but here's the playbill and part of this amazing theatre.




Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Thank you, @Tileenah!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday
  • My ribs are mostly better!
  • There's just a small stubborn spot at the bottom that I can thankfully reach
  • So I'll work on that the rest of the month and will hopefully start May fresh
  • I've spent most of today decompressing from yesterday
  • Great show. So. many. people.
  • (I will do it again, of course!)
  • Bees, it's finally happened
  • Nobu settled on my chest!!
  • (Kittens are warm!)
  • I wasn't able to get a good picture, and he was very uncertain, but I have high hopes of it happening again!
  • The purchase of a baby wrap looms closer every day...
  • Good: went outside
  • Happy: kitten! on my chest! !!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,433
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Leg Day Everyday 29
  • Apparently I really needed sleep
  • Today has been very slow
  • And kitten wanted cuddles
  • It's been lovely!
  • My sweet baby!
  • I'm going to eat some ice cream and go to bed early
  • Good: necessary sleep
  • Happy: my kitten is the best!