Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • A reminder to myself:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Hard Reset Strength
  • before breakfast Cardio Challenge
  • Splits Exercises
  • I was very happy yesterday that today was going to be leg day
  • (All that raking!)
  • Then I woke up
  • My poor, aching legs!
  • I don't know what I did, exactly, but my calves and Achilles are achingly tense
  • So the burpees were  slow and I was only able to do one set of HR
  • Hopefully tomorrow will be better!
  • Walked Liam
  • Before today, I honestly cannot remember when I last walked in the rain
  • It was delightful!
  • Especially because I remembered to change clothes  before doing so!
  • Gotta love double layers of fur
  • Liam was damp, but still fluffy!
  • Burning question answered:
  • My sister did not win the haggis eating competition 😢
  • (Another question asked and answered: her boyfriend talked to Mom and Dad about marrying her!!!
  • I am screaming internally!!!)
  • Good: exercised!
  • Happy: Liam was a very good boy today!
  • (And E!!!)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • I don't usually mind leg day, @GentleOx! Yesterday just wasn't great.
  • Liam made up for being so good yesterday by being a  brat today
  • He doesn't like when Mom and Dad are gone all day
  • Basics
  • Jumping jacks were a success!
  • My back hates me now for some reason, though
  • After 30, my body just decided to start hating me randomly
  • It really could have  not started that
  • But, alas
  • The difference between myself and my father at the store:
  • Me: make a list, follow the list, pay, leave
  • Dad: make a list, wander around, find 6 extra things, pay, look at the papers, meander to the car, leave
  • It's... frustrating
  • (Of course, if it's not on my list I  will forget it, so...)
  • Good: Liam finally calmed down
  • Happy: I have only had additional sugar once in 5 days!
  • (It was Cherry Garcia. It had been a  day.)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • A new discovery for me, @Whirly!  So good!
  • Basics
  • Folded the daily exercise burpees into the monthly challenge
  • I just can't do an additional 20 burpees yet!
  • (So 20-15-15)
  • Walked Liam with Dad
  • Liam was back to normal!
  • Barked this morning but that was because of idiots
  • A man from the grounds crew decided to mow our front lawn
  • He knows it's mowed weekly, but it was a good day!
  • Dad even went out to ask what he was doing
  • The joys of a building and grounds crew manned by retired men
  • Liam calmed easily when I made it downstairs, though
  • Our walk was quite nice
  • Just some chatting with Dad
  • A nice, mostly quiet day!
  • Good: walk with Dad!
  • Happy: big salad with supper!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Liam was my alarm clock again
  • He let me have a nap, though!
  • He then gave me kisses when he saw I was awake!
  • The joy of napping on the couch!
  • (It outweighs the pain!)
  • Bicep curls!
  • No alternating!
  • So happy!
  • (My elbow doesn't love me, but it'll be fine)
  • Amazon Music algorithms are weird
  • Fall Out Boy, Avatar, Rammstein, Andrea  and Matteo Bocelli, Celine Dion?
  • Heavy Metal to Disney Soundtracks?
  • I can do without the old-school Backstreet Boys, which it just tried to play me
  • At least it's rarely boring!
  • Good & Happy: made myself green beans for supper. So. Many. Green. Beans!!
  • (Half my plate was green. It was lovely!)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Love it so I don't hate it, @Froud! It gave me Jonas Brothers, more Backstreet Boys and Big Time Rush today
  • Boy bands? Really?
  • It slightly balanced things out with Linkin Park and Five Finger Death Punch
  • Slightly
  • Basics
  • Liam was my alarm again
  • Today it was good, though!
  • I forgot to charge my phone, so no alarms
  • Liam to the rescue!
  • Other than the zoomies just a bit ago, he's been a great boy!
  • (It's downright chilly outside (9), and he got excited)
  • I am splurging tomorrow for lunch and a treat (pictures if I remember!) to bolster my spirit
  • I predict tomorrow night is not going to be fun
  • Good: grocery shopping
  • Happy: Liam kisses!
  • (They're much appreciated after groceries!)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Busy but good day!
  • Liam whined when Mom and Dad left, but settled quickly
  • He's down now, but I don't know if that will last
  • He about broke my heart when I was cleaning up supper
  • He was lying on the floor, right in front of the door, staring at it
  • Heart breaking 😢
  • And then came the whining
  • Followed by barking
  • The silence is blessed
  • They're home tomorrow!
  • I didn't get the sandwich today, but for good reason!
  • My brother treated me to lunch!
  • So we chatted a bit, which was lovely
  • At the very least, I'm getting the treat tomorrow, because I don't know how much longer it'll be on the menu
  • They only just announced the sandwich
  • So I may wait and go with Dad some time next week
  • Because I do not need emotional comforting right now!
  • Fingers crossed it stays that way!
  • Good: Liam was a very good boy today!
  • Happy: meal times with my brother!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Walked Liam
  • Had to wait for the wood delivery that didn't give a time estimate
  • So I was very upset until lunchtime
  • But he came early enough to get to the bakery!
  • I only got the dessert, but it was worth it!
  • "Nutty Buddy": chocolate rye biscuit, salted caramel mousse, cashew praline, milk chocolate, roasted cashews
  • (Pictures at the end)
  • Still hate raking the lawn
  • But I missed no poop! From the dog  or tortoise!
  • (That's a first...)
  • Liam wasn't great on the walk
  • And he whined a great deal today
  • But I did expect that
  • And he let me have a nap!
  • So it wasn't a terrible day!
  • Good: all chores completed!
  • Happy: they're home! Happy puppy!




Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Glad I'm not the only one who thought it looked delicious!
  • (It was. Could have had more caramel flavor, but a wonderful purchase!)
  • Basics
  • I have been mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted all day
  • 2 weekends of Liam not happy have taken their toll
  • (Plus an average of 5 hours of sleep a night in the past week doesn't help)
  • But we're back to normal schedules!
  • We don't know what prompted it, but Liam was at full 'awoo' earlier
  • He usually only does that at the church bells
  • I fell back to sleep after that, but then he stood at the bottom of the stairs and whined for me
  • No going back to sleep with that!
  • I kept things quiet and it's helped immensely
  • Here's to tomorrow being better!
  • (And having both Mom and Dad on hand Tuesday so I can sleep in!)
  • Good: Dad walked Liam
  • Ahem. Wednesday is being released by Netflix on Wednesday, 23 November 2022


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Other than Halloween, @LizardFriend95!
  • (My brother and I discussed it; the breadth of new content Netflix is dropping around 31 October makes pushing Wednesday into November much more sense)
  • Basics
  • Walked Liam
  • It rained
  • A lot
  • My hair is curly now?
  • We also made the first fire of the season!
  • It wasn't really necessary, but still lovely!
  • Liam only started barking after my first 3 alarms rang
  • And at something very loud outside
  • So it was a good morning!
  • Shredded cabbage is so much more pleasant than lettuce as a salad base
  • So much crunch!
  • Good: walked Liam for Dad
  • Happy: it rained almost all day! Thunder! Lightening! Hail! And still some sunshine!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Pretty quiet day, all told
  • Tried to unclog the tub with baking soda and vinegar
  • I will be purchasing a chemical cleaner
  • It did absolutely nothing
  • So that's frustrating!
  • Liam is bizarrely loving all this rain
  • Usually he comes in immediately after getting busy
  • He was lying on the wet grass, happily getting rained on!
  • My weirdo
  • He didn't wake me with barking
  • But I also didn't get to sleep in
  • So it evens out?
  • Good: not a bad day!
  • Happy: Liam walked all over me, but let me exercise without interfering!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Had to cut the burpees to 1 set
  • My head was pounding too much for more
  • Probably just weather changes, as I don't feel unwell
  • I actually slept in? On a Wednesday?
  • Liam let me?
  • Wild!
  • (But so good!)
  • There will absolutely be no sleeping in tomorrow
  • This numpty forgot to make an appointment for Tyler tomorrow
  • So I have to wake up at opening to hopefully get in
  • That's fun...
  • Yesterday, Mom turned on the furnace
  • Today, the air conditioning turned on
  • Yay
  • Good: made an old but favorite recipe for supper
  • (I'm not jumping. Liam is sleeping. That would wake him!)


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • I did get up early, but was able to fall back asleep after the call!
  • So I got to sleep in and exercise before seeing Tyler!
  • Which was very much needed as I put something in my upper thoracic out while sleeping
  • Thankfully, Tyler understands the strange things I manage when I really shouldn't be able to...
  • Kept it light because tomorrow is going to be busy
  • Pesticide was sprayed
  • Liam was  loud in his displeasure
  • The hornets in the flowerbed?
  • They'll apparently be upset for a week
  • We'd leave them be if they weren't a painful nuisance
  • Good: saw Tyler!
  • Happy: Tyler reminded me about Hocus Pocus 2! Drops on Disney+! Tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251
  • Basics
  • Hard Reset Strength :completed:
  • before breakfast Cardio Challenge:completed:
  • Productive day!
  • Finalized blood donation
  • (Aligning things so it matched with the family donation in remembrance of my cousin)
  • Set a COVID booster appointment!
  • Bought Nutcracker tickets!
  • !!!
  • It's 2 months early, but I actually lost slightly better seats by about 30 seconds
  • So we got them at the best time!
  • Frustration:
  • Mom likes it warm
  • Liam pushes the back door open and the uninsulated room makes the house a very pleasant 19
  • Mom then turns on the furnace

  • :vsad:
  • Yeah. Frustrating.
  • We're* working on getting her to just... close the door...
  • *Dad, me, even Liam!
  • The furnace doesn't need to turn on until it's 15!
  • Sheesh
  • Warm people...
  • Good & Happy: HOCUS POCUS 2! SO GOOD!
  • Not just as a sequel (though it's truly beautiful in its homage to the first), but it's actually a really cute movie
  • We definitely laughed a lot!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,251

  • :thanku: @Sif_Shepard, @Mianevem, @Hbomb, @TheLibrarian, @BetaCorvi, @Gandhalfit, @Fremen, @CODawn, @Whirly, @NancyTree, @Anek
  • Basics
  • This month's routine:
  • First Thing Push-Ups Challenge
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Daily Kicks Challenge
  • Iron Heart Program
  • Splits Exercises
  • I never said, but the before breakfast cardio didn't happen before breakfast
  • I physically cannot raise my heart rate just after waking up
  • I get dizzy enough to collapse and massively nauseous
  • So it was the first thing I did during my routine!
  • Thankfully, push-ups (specifically wall push ups) are a gentle way of getting me started!
  • I fully remade my bed today
  • That's always  fun
  • I do have the outer cover down to a science, though!
  • But shifting my bed  and my weighted blanket?
  • Both are 30 pounds!
  • (Though the bed could be more, I've never actually weighed it before)
  • Liam was unhappy I didn't let him out while the neighbors were mowing their lawns
  • I was very happy Jay didn't come by to mow ours!
  • So Liam's been pretty quiet all day!
  • (And he let me sleep without barking 2 days in a row?)
  • Mom and I are going to lunch tomorrow!
  • It's been a while since just us two went out!
  • Good: that darned bed
  • Happy: it's made! Winter comforter has been placed!