
Electrik Art

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Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
It's been awhile. I should probably try again.~ Focusing on morning workouts where I where I 20 lb vest (probably gonna upgrade weight eventually).

He Who Fights With Monsters (level 3 w/ EC)*
TEN Program Day 1
Daily Dare (30 butterfly situps)
Before Breakfast Cardio Day 1

*Personal Challenge: Do all the no-equipment-required combat exercises on Darebee. (I might need to make a spreadsheet later ugh.) 1/144
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Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Thanks for the welcomes! <3

Snowfight 2022
TEN Program Day 3
Before Breakfast Cardio
Daily Dare w/ EC

Evening (or I ran out of time before work so I split things up some)
Wild And Free Workout*
Snowfight 2022

Personal Challenge: 3/144 combat workouts.

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
So, yesterday I did:

Snowfight 2022
Daily Dare w/ EC
Before Breakfast Cardio
I'm Going To Be Brave Today Workout*
TEN Program Day 4

Today when I woke up I did:

Snowfight 2022
Before Breakfast Cardio
Wednesday Workout
TEN Program Day 5

Personal Challenge: 5/144 Combat Workouts

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Very busy day today so I'm opting for a rest day as it's about time for that anyway. Did have a few small walks throughout the day for various reasons, but just focused on some last minute Christmas stuff as well as being stressed in the vet's office because my Very Old Dog (12 years old) was having some really worrying stomach trouble. He's just got a stomach bug - but he's definitely at the age where not eating and nausea is going to set off some alarm bells.


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 515
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Welcome and congrats on your progress! :hello:

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Ahhh ty for the welcome as well! I'm already starting to feel some of the mental effects of actually workout out daily again so it's really nice.

This morning (well, kinda early afternoon, but it got done~~)

Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 6
Daily Dare w/ EC (2 minute wall sit)
Boxer Arms Workout*
TEN Program Day 6

*Personal Challenge: 6/145 non-equipment combat workouts

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Had to split up my workout a bit today because things were busy~~

I've also decided that I want to do a lil bit more on the recovery/wellness/flexibility side of things so I'm adding a second personal challenge of doing all the yoga workouts on Darebee as well.

Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 8
Daily Dare w/ EC (1 minute plank hold)
TEN Program, Day 8

Kingmaker Workout*
Hips + Glutes Stretch Workout**

*Personal Challenge: 8/145 non-equipment combat darebee workouts
**Personal Challenge #2: 1/67 yoga darebee workouts

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Morning workout time!

Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 9
Daily Dare w/ EC (40 knee-to-elbows)
TEN Program, Day 9
Ava Program, lvl 3 w/ EC*
Front & Center, EC**

*Personal Challenge: 9/145 non-equipment combat workouts
**Personal Challenge: 2/67 yoga workouts

Notes And Things:

So I'm mostly taking advantage of a lot of time off from work to get my body used to working out more or less daily, aside from taking a rest day after every 5th day (this means my next rest day will be Thursday for me). I'll probably adjust when I work out once I start working regularly again based on time. I really like working out after I wake up and before I eat breakfast because it gives me a very nice wake up without resorting to drinking a ton of coffee (one cup a day is the most I really should be indulging in tbh).

My very old man dog seems to be feeling a bit better lately as well after being on a diet of chicken and rice for much of Christmas - based on how much he likes the food, I know he doesn't mind at all.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year

Electrik Art

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Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Happy New Year to you too, @Fremen !

On the sad news: I got sick with one of those bad stomach bugs where I hovered between my room and my bathroom for a lot and then took a few days to recover after that because I was kind of weak, but I'm finally back on my feet and ready!

Yesterday, actually, as I forgot to post this:

Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 10
TEN Program, Day 10
Kiriko Workout* (lvl 3 w/ EC)
Bloom Workout**


Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 11
TEN Program, Day 11
Daily Dare w/ EC
Counter Workout* (lvl 3 w/ EC)
Good Morning Beautiful Workout**

*PC 1: 11/146 non-equipment combat workouts
**PC 2: 4/67 yoga workouts
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Electrik Art

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Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Didn't do my stuff in the morning this time, so no Before Breakfast Cardio today, but did do everything else I normally do~! I'll just do both days tomorrow when I do my morning workout (it's a bit easier to do it in the morning on work days, I've noticed).


TEN Program, Day 12
Daily Dare w/ EC (3 minute punches, 370)
Side Quest Workout*
Balance Workout**

*PC 1: 12/146 non-equipment combat workouts
**PC 2: 5/67 yoga workouts

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
Had some slight schedule changes in the last day because of work related stuff (I needed to come in early one day to train someone) so things are a lil different here. I wanted to at least do something, but time was just not on my side for more than what I did unfortunately.

TEN Program, Day 13
Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 12 + 13

TEN Program, Day 14
Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 14
Daily Dare w/ EC: 50 climbers
Fight Back Workout*, level 3 w/ EC
Bliss Workout**

*PC 1: 13/146 non-equipment combat workouts
**PC 2: 6/67 yoga workouts

Electrik Art

Active member
Rogue Pronouns: he/they
Posts: 33
A day of rest~~

Before Breakfast Cardio, Day 15
TEN Program, Day 15
Daily Dare w/ EC: 60 back leg raises
Rogue Assassin Workout*, level 3 w/ EC
Self-Care Workout**

*PC 1: 14/146 non-equipment combat workouts
**PC 2: 7/67 yoga workouts