Secret Santa Workout Gift Exchange

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@Proister :

Dear Proister,

Santa is very proud of you working out. So this year Santa is definitely coming to visit you at Christmas. But before that you need to prepare your house and decorate it.

You need to run up and down the stairs to clean the house. Also you should clean the chimney and go thru it to make sure Santa could also slide down. You should clean the floor and make sure there is nothing left under the couch or any other furniture. Lastly make sure you put enough decoration on the windows and ceiling, and create a wonderful Christmas tree. And don't forget a treat for Santa :)

I hope these exercises will help you prepare for the house chores and when Santa comes, he will be excited and give you the best gift you could wish for :)
Here are the exercises:

High knees - 30 seconds
Squats - 10 reps
Shoulder taps - 10 reps

Butt kicks - 30 seconds
Basic burpees - 10 reps
Pushups - 5 reps

Mountain climbers - 20 seconds
Back extensions - 10 reps
Elbow plank - 20 count

These 9 exercises make 1 set. To finish your practice choose between 3 (Level 1), 5 (Level 2) or 7 (Level 3) sets.

PS. Feel free to modify the counts of repetitions of each exercise to fit you needs to make it more or less challenging.

Stay safe and healthy. I wish you happy holidays :)


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@Maegaranthelas :


No story, no gimmick.
Just a little rhyme for you.
I hope that you won’t be sick
Of the tasks you have to do.

Remember when we were small,
We’d sing and dance about.
We didn’t even know at all
That we were working out.

So, here is what I have to give.
It’s simple, from the heart.
Memories of how we used to live
I now hope to impart.

May you find a little joy
In the simple things.
May it be easy to employ
The actions each song brings.

And now with no further adieu…

A special workout JUST FOR YOU!


I’m certain that most people are familiar with the song, “Old MacDonald’s Farm”, but if you are not, I have provided a link to a snazzy jazzy version of the song below. Each verse to the original tune represents a yoga pose: cat, cow, dog, gorilla, horse, butterfly, pig. However, to save your ears from the butchering of a children’s melody sung by mediocre voices, allow me to present a lady with class to your “Fit to Sing” adventure!

"Old MacDonald's Farm" with class. ;)


  1. Cat
  2. Cow
  3. Downward-Facing Dog
  4. Gorilla
  5. Horse Stance (Goddess)
  6. Butterfly
  7. Pig (Supine Knees-to-Chest)

Those poses nearly broke me,
And as I thought about you,
I took the liberty

To make an easy version, too.

This song only relies on “Cat-Cow” and “Downward Dog” poses! EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY! (Fact: That was a jingle for a cleaner called Lemon Squeezy… now you know!) Again, I’ve provided the tune for the beloved nursery rhyme… Maybe, not all Jazzed up like the last one, but I’m sure you can put your own spin on this as you sing along. ;)

"Hey Diddle Diddle"

Feel free to sing it at your own pace!

Cat Pose - If you look to the lower left of the screen, you’ll see where it says “Transition to this Pose” and “Transition Away from this Pose”. Every pose you want is there! Arch your back up to be a cat, arch it down to be a cow, and butt up to be a dog!

Hey Diddle Diddle - Cat
The cat and the fiddle - Cow
The cow jumped over - Cat
The moon - Cow
The little dog laughed to see such fun - Downward Dog
And the dish ran away with the spoon - Back to starting position

Do not think that you are done.
We’re only part way through.
I sure hope you are having fun.
There’s still so much to do!

With yoga out of the way,
Let’s warm-up with a dance.
Sing along as you play.

That is… if you get the chance.


This song is self-explanatory, and it’s easy to go along with. However, there’s a twist for the more advanced party… BURPEES! If you can’t do it, that’s fine… Sing and dance along as was intended. However, some days, a person simply feels masochistic with no rhyme or reason… in which case: WELCOME TO YOUR HELL! Instructions for burpees are to “enjoy to the fullest MEASURE”... A riddle for the musically inclined! ;) I’ve included the “Death by Burpees” workout to show you what a burpee looks like. Though, I like to raise my hands up as I jump up. It’s entirely up to you.

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Death by Burpees Darebee Workout



This song may very well give me away, but I grew up loving this one. To sing this song, you start in a crouching position, or a low squat, and as the snowman gets taller, so do you, until your fingers are stretched out towards the sky. Then, you slowly shrink back down into a crouching position again by the end of the song. It’s simple, right? Now, to complicate things, if you wanna kick it up a notch: SQUATS! Reaching up tall every other beat, then squatting down low every other beat. To help you along, I’ve provided the link to the sheet music as well this time.

"Once There Was a Snowman"

"Once There Was a Snowman" sheet music

SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT THIS SONG: The sheet music is connected to a religious website. The song itself, however, has no religious connotations to it. It is simply a song about a snowman.

Now that music’s moved your core,
There’s one last song to sing.
Your core will move once more,
But this time, music it will bring.

So, fix your posture.
Don’t be a slouch!
Your diaphragm will prosper.
Of that I can vouch!

Christmas can be more than Fa La La.
Staccatos are the way to go -
With a Ha Ha Ha

And a Ho Ho Ho!


Sing the part “Ha ha ha, ho ho ho, and a couple of Tra la las. That’s how we laugh the day away in the merry old land of Oz” from C to C, depending on whether your range is in the bass or treble clef. Use staccatos on the has, hos, and tra la las. Pretty much, laugh in staccato. So stand up straight, massage your face and neck, and warm-up!

"Merry Old Land of Oz"

I think you’ve put up with me
Enough for now, at least.
I hope you’re enjoying Darebee
And this music fitness feast.

To make this workout more complete,
One more task you should imbibe.
It’s not a very large feat,
Though feet I would prescribe.

1, 2, 3, Walk with me!
Fifteen minutes is all you need.
Every other day will be
When you must plant this seed.

Every other day you work,
Next day a leisure stroll,
Much needed rest so you don’t shirk

Your fitness as a whole.

Dear Maegaranthelas, I hope you enjoyed my Secret Santa gift to you. I had a lot of fun trying to find a crazy new way to implement music into your fitness routine. I recognize that some of these workouts/yoga poses might be crazy hard for you. For that purpose, I provided a simple solution to hide my murderous intent… er… sadistic tendencies? All joking aside, I very much hope you find joy in this journey!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@valle0302 :


It’s nearly midnight. The Hive party is all prepared except that the roads (the shortcut route and the usual route) are blocked with many obstacles. The clock is ticking fast and the only way to get past the obstacles is to jump over them. The brown fox is the party's designated host, and is called upon to prove his name to everyone: THE QUICK BROWN FOX. He needs to be at the venue before everyone else. To do that, he needs to get there as quickly as he can. But this particular night is freezing, and homeless dogs, made sleepy by the cold, pack the roads leading toward the party venue, wandering amongst all the obstacles and sometimes so tired they lay down to sleep.

Take the shortcut, the regular route, or the long road to the Hive by doing 3, 5, or 7 sets of this workout. The longer the route you take, the more homeless dogs you can gather up and bring into the warmth and safety of the Hive. Go for Extra Credit to ensure you arrive before midnight!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@Gandhalfit :

It's been a hard year. You've been juggling a lot of balls, trying to keep on top of everything. Now end-of-year celebrations are coming, but you need some rest and relaxation to be ready for them. So Santa has created this special Goodnight Gandhalfit workout to help you wind down at the end of your day, relax, and hopefully enjoy a good night's sleep.

Take 5 deep breaths in each pose:
  1. crescent moon - repeat on other side
  2. triangle - repeat on other side
  3. standing forward bend
  4. downward facing dog
  5. half pigeon or supine pigeon or supine bound angle* - repeat on 2nd side for the 1st 2 options
  6. seated forward bend
  7. supine spinal twist - repeat on other side
  8. happy baby
  9. corpse - try for at least 10 deep breaths in this pose, or more if you like
* choose the option most friendly to your knees


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@princess_sarena :

“Help us, Princess Sarena, you’re our only hope!”

You see a mysterious note wedged under your door, with only a small amount of text visible. As you open the door to grab it, a sudden gust of icy wind carries it away. Hurry, jump on that note!

6 high knees
hop to the right
6 high knees
hop to the left
6 high knees
hop to the right
6 high knees
hop to the left

rest and repeat twice

Yes, you caught it! You also feel a lot less cold. The letter reads:

“Dear Princess Sarena,
We’ve been hard at work getting together all the materials to throw a big party in the Hive, but the weather seems to be conspiring against us. The wind has carried off our baubles and streamers, and the cold is ruining our cooking. It feels like there is something out there that doesn’t want our celebration to happen, and we’re worried. Can you help us find out what is happening here, and bring back the missing supplies?”

As you inspect the note a glimmer suddenly catches your eye. You bend down to pick up a small bauble, but spot a few more in the distance, some big, some small, all shiny and glimmering. There seems to be a trail leading into the woods! Time to grab a bag and collect all the baubles.

6 standing cross toe touches
6 squats
6 shoulder taps

rest and repeat twice

You carefully place the last little bauble in your bag and see a majestic arch that reads “Frostbite Manor.” Behind it is a long lane lined with trees. And wouldn’t you know it, there are streamers caught haphazardly on the branches! I think you can gather those with a little effort.

6 slow climbers
10 calf raises
10 raised arm circles

Rest and repeat twice

You have managed to grab all streamers and even rolled them up neatly to store in your bag. But the wind had been picking up and small snowy gusts seem to be pushing you away from the manor. Small enough, you think, that you might be able to dodge them.

10 side bends
10 standing twists
5 forward bends

rest and repeat twice

You cautiously open the door of the manor. To your surprise, there is a group of small yetis huddled around a large but bare fireplace. Two of them are wearing red hats with a bobble. The smallest one spots you and says “please don’t be afraid.” The creature holds out a box, inexpertly gift wrapped with large leaves and some rough twine. “We’ve always wanted to have a party like the Bees have, but we didn’t know how and the weather gets so cold and unpleasant when we’re anxious and out of balance.”

Anxiety and balance issues, well maybe you can help with those? “Let’s try this: We balance on one leg, taking breaths of even length in and out. And if we need to put our other foot down for a bit, that’s okay. You don’t have to be perfect, and practicing makes things easier.”

Balance on one leg for 60 seconds, then switch sides

The howling wind seems to have died down, and the little yeti smiles. “I was very wobbly at the start, but I think I got better towards the end. Can you also show us how to have a party?”

You know the best place for a party. “I sure can. Let’s go to the Hive!”


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@heeropotter :

You're one of the worker elves who troubleshoots various production devices, as well as helping other elves with their work. Santa will be so happy if you help him out!

Day one:
You have been hired for this position not long ago and you have been sent to practice with another elf-worker who was fixing a problem on a packing device. The panel you need to fix is at the bottom of the device.

30 Squats to reach the panel and 20 Burpees to stand back up.

Day two:
This day you have been sent to practice fixing a Snow Plow that has lost control driving itself all over the area.

25 High knees and 10 March steps to catch up to the plow and 20 Punches to stop it

Day Three:

No one expected you to be able to stop the snow plow using only punches. So you were given the day off and decided to help the other elves with snow removal.

20 Climbers and 20 Push-ups with 15 Jumping jacks to help the elves with snow removal

Day Four:
The bosses decided to put you back to work and so they gave you an assignment: Fix the snow plow you broke

20 seconds Side elbow plank, 20 Lunges and 15 Jump squats to inspect the machine

Day Five:
With a good inspection of the snow plow you are ready to start repairing it

25 Punches, 25 Push-ups and 20 Side kicks to fix the machine

To your surprise, by hitting certain parts it fixed the machine!

Day Six:
You surprise your bosses every day and so they ask you to fix a very complicated gift making device. Upon inspecting it you notice that the levers that were used to operate it are broken

15 High knees and 10 Shoulder taps to run to the warehouse and get new levers
but because you forgot to take the oil, the levers don't move well. Do 10 Bicep curls to get them moving.

Day Seven:
The bosses have given you the day off as you have worked very hard this week. You decide to do some exercise to the music of "Highway to HELL" to keep active.

40 sec Jumping jacks, 20 sec Push-ups,
40 sec Jumping jacks, 20 sec Jump squats.
40 sec Jumping jacks, 20 sec Push-ups,
40 sec Jumping jacks, 20 sec Jump squats.

Day Eight:

After a day off you go back to work again and this time you have to troubleshoot a problem in the kitchen. There was something wrong with the stove and the refrigerator. There were flames coming out of the stove and the refrigerator too, and the fire alarm didn't go off because another Elf forgot to change the batteries

10 Jumping jacks to call for help and 15 Punches with 10 Side kicks to defeat the flames

Day Nine:
Once again you have impressed the Bosses that you can do anything with punches. So they decide to try you with a task where you don't have to fix anything with punches. You have to feed Santa's reindeer.

30 Bicep curls to bring in hay for the reindeer and 30 Push-ups to keep from getting bored

Day Ten:
The Boss is happy that you didn't try to fix anything with punches and so brings you back for repairs, but without using punches. You have to replace the fire alarm from the kitchen as it's completely broken since the fire.

15 Shoulder taps and 15 Burpees to find the part in the warehouse and 25 Overhead punches to attach the alarm to the ceiling

Day Eleven:
Christmas Eve is coming up. Time for you and the other Elves to start decorating the Christmas tree. But you have to find one first. So your team goes into the forest.

30 Push-ups to identify the most beautiful Christmas tree by the snow relief and 30 Punches to cut it down.
"...identify the most beautiful Christmas tree by the snow relief..." yeah, my Elves can do that too

Day Twelve:
It's Christmas tree decorating day

20 jump knee tucks and 20 overhead punches to decorate the upper branches, and 20 punches to decorate the lower branches

Day Thirteen:
Everyone got excited about the beautiful Christmas tree and turned on the Christmas music and started having fun

20 sec Kazotsky kick dance or 20 cossack squats and 30 biceps curls to show how strong you are

Kazotsky kick dance tutorial:

Day Fourteen:
This is the last day of the story, so do any exercises you want for any number of reps. Your gift from Secret Santa is an unforgettable and funny Elf adventure. Happy New Year and good luck in your life.

P.S.: Santa challenges you to do at least 3 sets of this workout!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@Mianevem :

The Hive is a buzz of activity as all the Bees flit about, preparing for the Great Holiday Party. The DAREBEE Tree stands tall and proud in the centre of the gymnasium, festooned with cuddly bunnies and teddy bears, magical unicorns, cherry red sports cars, and sleek shiny game controllers. A testament to the hard work of DAREBEEs all over the world, only the DAREBEE Tree could remain standing under the weight of so many ornaments. DARETREES, like DAREBEES, are strong, their branches woven together to help support the weight, just as all the Bees in the Hive pull together to help one another bear the weight of the world.

That weight has been a heavy load as of late, which only makes tonight’s party all the more important. Everyone needs this opportunity to kick back and relax, to break bread together and raise a glass in good cheer to celebrate the ties that bind us together in a world that so often of late seems to be tearing itself apart. And you have planned the perfect event to cap off the evening: an epic LARP featuring hobbits, elves, dwarves, and other disparate creatures who must set aside their differences and work together to save the world. It’s going to be grand!

Since many of the Bees have been busy decorating the tree, preparing food for the feast, and descending into the chaos known as the annual DAREBEE Snow Fight, you have built many of the costumes for tonight’s LARP yourself. While the other Bees continue to race about, hanging garlands and festive lights around the gym, and spreading the great feast table with cookies and cupcakes, healthy green salads and protein shakes in many flavours, you head back to the locker room to ensure everything is in order for the LARP.

You are not prepared for the sight you find in the locker room. Every locker door hangs open, revealing bare interiors. The magnificent costumes you’d spent so many hours lovingly crafting are gone!

Do 10 push-up + plank rotation combos as you search high and low, peering under each bench and into each locker, looking for the costumes.

Alas, not an elven robe, a hobbit waistcoat, or so much as a link of dwarfish chain mail remains. Someone has stolen all of your hard work!

Who could have done such a deed? The only clue is a trail of dirt and cookie crumbs leading out of the locker room. You decide to follow it.

The trail leads you out of the warmth and comfort of the Hive into the great outdoors, where you encounter a wall of snow. The Bees must have gotten a bit carried away in the annual DAREBEE Snow Fight. And sure, the event was a lot of fun. But now there is snow EVERYWHERE. Even the southern reaches of the Hive—which should be in high summer this time of year—are completely surrounded by mountains of snow.

The trail of dirt and cookie crumbs leads right up and over the snow.

Complete 50 mountain climbers to get over the wall of snow and continue the hunt for your stolen costumes.

After much slipping, sliding, and scrabbling, you make it over the giant mountain of snow. The trail of dirt and cookie crumbs is easily visible across the gleaming white snow. It leads away from the Hive and into the Deep Dark Forest.

The Deep Dark Forest is a mysterious and frightening place. But you are determined to get your costumes back. You set off at a brisk pace, following the trail into the forest.

Run for 15 minutes (or more if you like) as you follow the trail of the costume thieves. (If the weather in your part of the Hive is not compatible with running this week, you may substitute with 5 minutes of any combination of high knees, butt kicks, split jacks, and/or march steps.)

The path through the Deep Dark Forest is long and winding and in places covered in a thick shroud of fog such that you’re not entirely sure where you are anymore. But you stay on the cookie crumb trail. It eventually leads you to a sturdy gate in a tall, rough-hewn wooden fence. You can hear people talking on the other side of the fence. You cannot make out any of the words. But you’re certain it must be the costume thieves.

You try to pull open the gate. But it doesn’t budge. It must be locked from the other side. The fence is taller than you are, so you cannot see over the top of it.

Do 10 jump knee tucks, trying to get high enough to see over the fence.

It’s no use. The fence is too high. You cast about, searching for anything in the area that might help you to see what’s on the other side of that fence. Alas, there is no handy step-ladder nearby. (You are in the middle of a Deep Dark Forest, after all.) There are, however, several large rocks and fallen tree trunks in the area.

Do 3 x 10 goblet squats to pick up some rocks and logs and pile them into a mound at the side of the fence.

Finally your pile of rocks and logs is high enough, and you carefully climb it and peer over the top of the fence.

Your breath catches in your throat at the sight before your eyes. For you find yourself staring down into a fenced compound in which at least fifty people of all different shapes and sizes are milling about a central fire pit. Almost all of them are wearing your costumes!

How ever are you going to get your property back from this crowd? You decide to observe them for a bit before making your presence known.

Your pile of rocks and logs is pretty precarious. Balance on one leg for one minute. Try to remain as still and quiet as possible. For extra credit: balance on a foam yoga block, BOSU ball, or other unstable surface to simulate your precarious perch.

You’re still trying to puzzle out how to get your costumes back when you realize you are slowly sinking down. Your impromptu ramp of rocks and logs is falling out from underneath you! Luckily the costume thieves are making too much racket with all their talking to hear the collapse. But you’re going to lose your view into the encampment if you don’t do something soon. You brace your hands on the top of the fence and heave yourself up, balancing your body on your arms.

Try out crow pose as you balance on the fence. How long can you hold the pose before…

…you lose your balance and pitch forward, tumbling off the fence right into the costume thieves’ encampment.

You roll to break your fall and wind up lying on your back, staring up into the faces of the costume thieves. They might never have noticed you perched up on their fence like a bird. But they sure noticed your ignominious entrance into their camp. And now they surround you. All fifty of them.

Up close you can see that the costume thieves aren’t people at all—at least not human people. Your costumes are good. But nobody could pull off a makeup job this perfect. The crowd you find yourself staring up at now is unmistakably a crowd of actual dwarves and hobbits and elves, all dressed up in your hard work!

“Well, well, well,” says one of the dwarves, clamping a leather-booted foot down on your right ankle. “What have we here?”

“That’s a very good question,” says an elf, pinning your left foot beneath its own satin-slippered one. The elf is wearing your favourite elven robe which you painstakingly pieced together from scraps of silk and brocade and fancy trims you scored in a fabric clearance sale last month.

Do 20 bridge taps as you struggle to break free of your captors.

You manage to free up your right foot, but the dwarf gets a hold of it again before you can free the left.

Do 20 single-leg bridges as you continue to writhe on the ground, struggling to break free.

“Whatever are you doing, human?” asks the dwarf. “We outnumber you fifty to one.”

You have to admit he has a point.

“Why have you broken into our encampment?” asks the elf.

“Why have I…? Broken in…?” you splutter, spitting out the dirt you inadvertently swallowed when you fell. “You broke into our Bee Hive!”

“Bee Hive?” asks the elf. “You mean that old community surrounded by all the snow? It wasn’t locked.”

“There was a big ‘Welcome’ sign over the entrance,” says the dwarf.

“That’s to welcome people who want to join the Hive,” you say. “People who want to work together and help one another to strengthen the whole community. It’s not an invitation to steal from us. I spent months building the costumes you’re wearing.”

“Costumes!” shouts the dwarf. “Is that what these garments are to you? Playthings?”

“Well, I—”

“See?” says the elf, looking around at his companions. We were right to help ourselves.”

“But they’re mine,” you say, unsure now. If dwarves and hobbits and elves are all real… You hadn’t meant to appropriate anyone’s culture for your LARP.

A hobbit steps forward from the crowd now, his overlarge feet are crammed into a pair of the hobbit shoe-covers you’d designed to look like bare hobbit feet, and he’s holding a plate of cookies that look suspiciously like the shortbread you’d baked for the Hive holiday party.

The hobbit sees you staring at his feet.

“It’s hard to go about barefoot in all this snow,” says the hobbit around a mouthful of cookie. “We were cold. It’s been a hard year in Middle Earth. So much of our clothing was worn to tatters. And you and your friends looked warm enough, playing in the snow. We thought these garments were surplus.”

“And the cookies?” you ask.

“Would you like one?” asks the hobbit, holding the plate out towards you. “They’re quite delicious!”

You look up at the horde of creatures assembled around you. They really do look fabulous in your costumes—no. Clothing, you correct yourself.—They look fabulous in the clothing you created. For them, you realize now. And it feels right. What greater purpose could all your hard work serve than to provide for those in need? And you’re certain the other Bees with agree. They’ll be happy to wear their own clothing for tonight’s LARP, especially if…

The elf and the dwarf pinning your feet release you, each taking a wary step back.

Slowly and carefully so as not to spook anyone, keeping your hands in front of you so everyone can see you carry no weapons, you get to your feet.

Stand up without using your hands. Be sure to keep them where the crowd can see them at all times!

The hobbit offers you the plate of cookies again, and you take one. You’re hungry yourself after today’s adventure!

“There’s more food where these came from,” you say. “Would your company like to join us for tonight’s feast?”

The dwarves and elves and hobbits all agree that they would. They unlock the gate to their encampment, and you all head back to the Hive.

Because this is a magical sort of adventure, the 15-minute run it took you to reach the encampment can be reversed with only 20 march steps.

Tonight’s LARP is going to be the best one ever!

Your Workout:
  1. 10 combos: push-up + plank rotation
  2. 50 mountain climbers
  3. 15 minute run or 5 minutes any combo of high knees/butt kicks/split jacks/march steps
  4. 10 jump knee tucks
  5. 3 x 10 goblet squats
  6. 1 minute standing balance hold each leg - try it on a yoga block!
  7. crow pose - hold for as long as you can!
  8. 20 bridge taps
  9. 20 single-leg bridges
  10. stand up without using your hands
  11. 20 march steps


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@legolo :

A tinkling noise attracts your attention.

On your windowsill sits a fairy. Small, sparkling, beautiful. Shimmering blue wings that match her wide eyes.

“I need help,” she says in her sweet melodic voice. “I need YOUR help, great hero.”

You wonder to yourself…. Why you? Why have YOU been chosen?

But you can’t ignore her plea. You agree to help her.

“Follow me, brave warrior,” the fairy says, and flies off.

25 march steps later…

The fairy lands outside of a fairy fen. The land is squishy and wet, and your legs are soaked by the time you get to your destination.

“Brave warrior,” the fairies gather round, “an egg has appeared up in our Fairy Tree overnight. We don’t know where it came from. All we know is that it was meant to be yours.”

15 knee-to-elbows later… (climb climb climb!)

You have an egg in your hands. It’s shining gold with silver streaks. You jump down from the tree.

10 jumps later…

“It’s a dragon egg,” you say with shock and admiration.

“It’s meant to be yours,” says the blue-eyed fairy. “You have been chosen as the great dragon rider. Together with your steed, you will keep the land and its peoples safe.”

Get out and go for a ten minute walk…

You get home and lay the dragon egg on your bed. You shower and change into fresh clothes. When you get out of the shower, the egg is cracked in pieces and a baby dragon is yawning its first breaths…

The next year will be beautiful, magical, surreal. You will conquer unnumbered demons, slay many monsters, and protect the innocent. You will never be alone, but will always have your faithful companions by your side… the magical fairies, the baby dragon who will grow into a mighty steed, and your loyal friends.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
@graoumia :

Another day of vacation you think to yourself as you get out of bed slowly. What a wonderful time it is. Christmas is coming and everything is relaxed even though there are plenty of preparations to take care of.

I should wake up the rest of the family to help out, you think to yourself, but as you make your way to the kitchen, you notice turned over furniture, bits of paper, clothes and blankets on the floor. You notice a note stuck to the wall with a knife. You approach it to read: If you want to see your family again follow the interdimentional portal we have left open in the kitchen. You get to the kitchen and there's a purple blueish glow. There's no time to waste. You put a hand through the portal and get sucked through a tunnel at incredible speed.

The journey is finally over. You find yourself in very strange surroundings. Things that look like plastic trees the color of red are protruding out of white bumps on the ground. Each bump has an opening. You look through one of them and realize it leads downwards. Since you have no better idea, you go through. The tunnel is very strange, narrow with glowing figures on the sides. When you look closer at them you can see they are instructions and you follow through.

This speeds matters incredibly and as if by magic, you soon find yourself on the other side of the tunnel.

You can see your family right ahead, they are tied up together at the far end of the underground hall. You make your way towards them, but then revolting green creatures jump at you.

"No, no, no," they say. "If you want them back you have to make us cookies."


"You heard us," says one of them.

"Or fight us," says another.

"I don't have time to make you cookies," you say, irritability. "I have to go back to the Hive and help with holiday preparations."

"Fine," says one of the green creatures. "We will make you stay here forever and make us cookies every day."

They try to attack you but you respond with kicks and punches:

All the creatures are knocked down and you rush to your family to untie the ropes. You try to wake them up but they seem to be in a very deep sleep. You look around and see a strange contraption nearby. It has instructions on it as well.

You can use it to get your family and yourself out of there and through the portal back home. Just grab the different levers and perform the following actions to make them work:

You grab a lever that looks like a dumbbell and move it up and down over your head (10 times for each family member)
For example:

You now have everyone on the contraption. You find another lever in what seems to be a steering bar. You need to pull this one like doing biceps curls

You start rushing through the purple blue tunnel. Finally, you are all safely back home. There's no sign of the portal and everyone is starting to wake up, a bit confused.

You should probably do some stretching to recover after all you've been through!

Merry Christmas!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
Which leaves us with: @Laura Rainbow Dragon :

The Christmas Tree Ornament Theft

´Twas the week before Christmas and the preparations for the big Christmas party were well underway. You, Laura Rainbow Dragon, were chosen for a very special task. To decorate the Christmas tree. But when you wanted to start decorating something unexpected happened. The (number of sets you want to do, e.g. 5) boxes of ornaments were missing! But there was a trail of snowy footprints leading away from the tree and into the forest. Chase after the thieves!

20 Butt Kicks

You caught the heinous thieves, evil robots whose sole purpose is to inconvenience people who want to celebrate Christmas. Now fight them off and take the ornaments back.

20 Punches
20 Front Kicks

You have successfully defeated a robot and taken back a box of ornaments. Get them back to the tree!

20 Butt Kicks

Oh no, an ambush! The other robots have circled around you while you were fighting the first robot and are attacking you with snowballs. Dive for cover behind a tree trunk and peek out for a chance to get away with the box!

5 Push Ups

You carefully timed your escape and managed to get away from the robots. Now carefully carry the box back. Watch your step so the robots don´t hear you!

20 March Steps

You managed to get the box safely back to the tree. Now you have to start decorating. Sadly you haven´t found a ladder...

20 Jumping Jacks

After you finish this box, take a short rest, maybe eat a cookie and then off you go to get the rest of the boxes. Merry Christmas!


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
And that's all of them!

Santas: you really outdid yourselves! I am so impressed with how much thought, creativity, and effort everyone put into designing these gifts!

We have Santas here from all over the world, and I love how everyone brought their own unique perspectives and talents to Santa's workshop for this project. What a great example of the strength and diversity of our Hive!

Look at everything that we made together, guys! Great work!

What's next?

You have until January 1st to complete both the gift you received and the one you gave.
Don't forget to post about your adventures in your check-in thread!
Then follow your fellow Santas' threads to see if you can figure out who your Santa was!
(No spoilers, please! If you think you know who someone else's Santa is, don't say anything until that person has had a chance to guess without your influence.)

Have fun!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
Dear Santa:

Thank you so much for my gift! The bulletin board software doesn't allow me to react to my own post, but I love it!

Thank you for including a modest amount of push-ups in there. Five per set is the perfect number for me to be able to continue my work on getting stronger without needing to exert mental energy (which is still in pretty short supply for me) to make myself do them.

:heart: :happy:


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
@Gandhalfit :

It's been a hard year. You've been juggling a lot of balls, trying to keep on top of everything. Now end-of-year celebrations are coming, but you need some rest and relaxation to be ready for them. So Santa has created this special Goodnight Gandhalfit workout to help you wind down at the end of your day, relax, and hopefully enjoy a good night's sleep.

Take 5 deep breaths in each pose:
  1. crescent moon - repeat on other side
  2. triangle - repeat on other side
  3. standing forward bend
  4. downward facing dog
  5. half pigeon or supine pigeon or supine bound angle* - repeat on 2nd side for the 1st 2 options
  6. seated forward bend
  7. supine spinal twist - repeat on other side
  8. happy baby
  9. corpse - try for at least 10 deep breaths in this pose, or more if you like
* choose the option most friendly to your knees

View attachment 2886
That's perfect 🥰


Well-known member
from Philippines
Posts: 122
Ciao @Laura Rainbow Dragon !

I wasn’t expecting at all to read our names on the layout. This touching gesture made us feel very special indeed. Now I feel more inclined to connect daily to the Hive.
I remember Dale Carnegie’s “Remember that a person’s name is to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language”. In this case : the sweetest and most important sight in any written pubmats.

Great job!


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 657
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Thank you so much for my gift, Santa!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! :love:

Opening Gift Open Present GIF
Happy Lets Go GIF by Kamie Crawford
Happy Marine Life GIF by pikaole


Well-known member
None from France
Posts: 537
"Doing Fighter codex / Epic Five"
@graoumia :

Another day of vacation you think to yourself as you get out of bed slowly. What a wonderful time it is. Christmas is coming and everything is relaxed even though there are plenty of preparations to take care of.

I should wake up the rest of the family to help out, you think to yourself, but as you make your way to the kitchen, you notice turned over furniture, bits of paper, clothes and blankets on the floor. You notice a note stuck to the wall with a knife. You approach it to read: If you want to see your family again follow the interdimentional portal we have left open in the kitchen. You get to the kitchen and there's a purple blueish glow. There's no time to waste. You put a hand through the portal and get sucked through a tunnel at incredible speed.

The journey is finally over. You find yourself in very strange surroundings. Things that look like plastic trees the color of red are protruding out of white bumps on the ground. Each bump has an opening. You look through one of them and realize it leads downwards. Since you have no better idea, you go through. The tunnel is very strange, narrow with glowing figures on the sides. When you look closer at them you can see they are instructions and you follow through.

This speeds matters incredibly and as if by magic, you soon find yourself on the other side of the tunnel.

You can see your family right ahead, they are tied up together at the far end of the underground hall. You make your way towards them, but then revolting green creatures jump at you.

"No, no, no," they say. "If you want them back you have to make us cookies."


"You heard us," says one of them.

"Or fight us," says another.

"I don't have time to make you cookies," you say, irritability. "I have to go back to the Hive and help with holiday preparations."

"Fine," says one of the green creatures. "We will make you stay here forever and make us cookies every day."

They try to attack you but you respond with kicks and punches:

All the creatures are knocked down and you rush to your family to untie the ropes. You try to wake them up but they seem to be in a very deep sleep. You look around and see a strange contraption nearby. It has instructions on it as well.

You can use it to get your family and yourself out of there and through the portal back home. Just grab the different levers and perform the following actions to make them work:

You grab a lever that looks like a dumbbell and move it up and down over your head (10 times for each family member)
For example:

You now have everyone on the contraption. You find another lever in what seems to be a steering bar. You need to pull this one like doing biceps curls

You start rushing through the purple blue tunnel. Finally, you are all safely back home. There's no sign of the portal and everyone is starting to wake up, a bit confused.

You should probably do some stretching to recover after all you've been through!

Merry Christmas!

View attachment 2891
Dear Santa it is fun and now I will have to make cookies 😉 anywah my son asked me to cook some with him. Many thanks for this gift, I wont make shoulder press and biceps exercice without thinking to free my family now😂
I will do this this week-end
Thanks again and have a very merry christmas


Well-known member
Valkyrie from Budapest, Hungary
Posts: 1,095
Thank you, dear Santa! I loved the story, and I'm going to love the workout, too! I'll have to schedule it well to make sure it won't be rushed and I can enjoy it without distractions. :LOL: Maybe I'll wait until we visit my mother between Christmas and New Year's Eve because there I can actually go for a run in a forest...
The crow pose was a very pleasant surprise. I used to try it every now and then a few years ago, and I remember it being fun! I'll go and give it a try again right now. :p


Well-known member
Ranger from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 115
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I wonder if these gifts could be made into a collection on the site or something so that we can bookmark and reference them in the future. I know there are a number I would love to add to regular rotation and some I would love to try when I get a bit more fit.


Well-known member
Honeybee from 'MURRCA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 808
Thanks a million for this. And to my Secret Santa, thank you so much for keeping my shoulder issues in mind. I was initially nervous like, "oh man what if they didn't see that mention what if I get a bunch of planks and pushups oh no--" But nah, nah. You got it. You get me. And I was able to accomplish this without being in pain. <3

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,898
"Striving to be the change."
Awesome work everyone on completing your gifts so far! Some folks have been very sneaky w.r.t. their logging of the gifts they gave. Others have been offering some fun clues! Did anyone guess who their Secret Santa is yet?

Remember: January 1, 2024 is the deadline for completing both the gift you received and the gift you gave and posting about it in your check-in thread. If you're not going to make the deadline on completing your gifts due to injury or illness, this is of course perfectly fine. You get an extension on doing the work. But please at least post a clue in your check-in thread about the gift you gave, so your giftee has a shot at guessing.

Happy New Year to everyone who celebrates that at this point in time!


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,929
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I really have no idea whom it might be. I already did it, and posted it on my log, but I hid the fact that I did it in plain sight, and I'm not sure if they noticed or not. You hug-reacted to that post, so you know who you are!

I'm suspecting it could be either @Mianevem , @Nevetharine , or @neilarey , yet all I have are speculations.


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
@Quarkmage , are you my Secret Santa?:aww:

Congratulations @Nevetharine , you are correct!

Awesome job on the workout!!! I was hoping if you got into it you would do more sets of each of the workouts and like all things Darebee, you can always go a little faster, do an extra set, reduce the rest time to push yourself in the best possible way. I was not trying to go particularly easy on the workouts; I felt like yoga and walking were at your core workout experiences, something you could always turn to if you needed a refresh or a reset. I wanted to be sure to include and honor that, and give you some room to improvise depending on how you were feeling. Sounds like you were feeling good and strong (you have been rocking the Olympian program!). You did 5 sets of everything - sounds like you are a Viking in top form! It was great getting to read some of your writing, and learn about the world you are creating, truly incredible!

I look forward to following your continued journey. I am so inspired and impressed by your workouts, writing and diet discipline. Thank you for contributing so much to the Hive and for continued progress in 2024!


Well-known member
Mercenary from Germany
Pronouns: He
Posts: 231
"I am the one thing in life I can control"


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 846
"Energy and persistence conquers all things. -Benjamin Franklin"


Well-known member
Ranger from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 115
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
Syrius guessed me correctly. I still haven't had the chance to go through everyone's check in's to see who my Santa could be... having kiddo birthdays sandwiching Christmas plus immediately going into Job search mode starting yesterday has made my brain mush. I was lucky I did my workouts prior to Christmas.

Perhaps I will be able to carve out time tomorrow to set up a spreadsheet like Syrius did and see who could possibly be my match.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I was way away from the hive during these past few weeks but I lived my gift. I took a screen shot and did it a few times before going to sleep. I changed the pigeon hold every time to try other positions but I'm really enjoying it.


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 938
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I haven't guessed my Santa yet! Is it still relevant?


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,929
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Darth Vader Father GIF by Star Wars

:giggle: I mean, I am your Saaaantaaaa.

I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! As soon as I saw the text and the Side Leg Raises I had my suspicions, but I also had suspicions of others...

I love it. I have no other words but to say that I love it! Thank you! Thank you!