Time, we gon' get it, taking our time, we gon' get it

Nicole Kang

New member
Posts: 2
Day 2

Day 2 Foundation Light

I am excited as I didn't want to exercise. I didn't start until 5:30pm today. My goal is to complete both Square 1 Program AND Foundation Light Program. I didn't. I started talking to my girlfriend on the phone ( I initiated ) and just didn't do it. I also spent all of today not doing anything. I have less than a little motivation, but I am hoping I can build up my discipline the way you build up muscles.... a little at a time.

My quote is the beginning of my Journey.

I am currently hyper fixated on Ateez. Their debut song is Pirate King. I have been listening to them for a while and their music will be the soundtrack to this journey. So in the spirit of this being the first post.

"Will you be my friend?" - Pirate King, Ateez

Nicole Kang

New member
Posts: 2
Day 3- Foundation Light

Completed. It's 9:30pm and it's bothered me all day that I wasn't doing it.

I am going to trust the process. I am extremely sedentary and need to get back into moving but the workouts seem to be okay. I used to think that sedentary people just watched TV all day. I was wrong. I mean I definitely have a lot of screen time. But I am not working now and prior to this I had an office job so at lease I was getting up to open the door for clients and get stuff off the printer. Now there is only going to the bathroom and getting something to eat. There is also cleaning but I did all that before while working so yeah.... intentionally moving for the sake of moving is a little different.

But the fact that it will only take a few minutes is what compels me to do it. I have Square 1 on standby and I am also interested in a calisthenics program that I found. I am excited to add them but am trying to create the habit of working out at semi regular times regularly before adding anything else (I would like to add walking/jogging as well.) or I am scared I won't continue.

I am gonna keep it easy until the habit is there. And hopefully after I begin working again I can continue as I won't want to lose my progress.

To everyone who welcomed me..... there is a song that is playing in the background... 고마워요 (gomawoyo).

"Thank you for being on my side" - Ateez, THANK YOU