Transitioning to Carnivore


Valkyrie Posts: 9
Hey all! Going to try out using this as a tracker for my "Carnivore Journey", as it were instead of the random notes doc that I've been using on my phone.

Some background on me, my situation, and why I'm doing this. I'm a 30 yo female--daughter of triathletes so I've always been traditionally active and "healthy". I work as an NLP engineer, and am an avid competitive and team dancer in my free time (primarily West Coast Swing and Argentine Tango). My biggest health struggles in life have always been extremely low energy, chronic insomnia, acid reflux/nausea, and hypothyroid. I was always exhausted and seemed to gain weight just by looking at food, which never made sense to me given how I was behaving "better" than almost anyone I knew in terms of diet and exercise, at least by traditional standards. Still, I figured I was on the right track, I just wasn't doing it hard enough? Or I needed to exercise more perhaps still, but I was fighting an uphill battle with my energy levels that I could never seem to win for very long. Attaching a recent photo. Not wildly overweight or anything crazy, but never quite where I know I can be...

Then a few years ago I nearly kicked the bucket due to long-term exposure black mold poisoning. It had been hiding in my dishwasher filter for years, and completely wrecked my digestive system (among other things) since I was essentially ingesting it on a daily basis. Recovery from that has been slow and painful but relatively successful once I discovered the low FODMAP diet which finally gave my systems space to heal. Granted, I never fully gave up dairy or grains, but there were key fruits and vegetables that were easy enough to dismiss that made a big difference (cruciferous vegetables come to mind). Couldn't handle any heavy proteins like red meat or even poultry because I was just so compromised. Caused a lot of pain and fatigue. Eggs, fish, and protein shakes were my saving grace during this time lol.

About a month ago I fell down a nutritional rabbithole of information from the likes of established carnivores with a social media presence such as Dr. Anthony Chaffee (his lecture on "Plants are Trying to Kill you" is really what started this whole thing for me), Dr. Paul Mason, Dr. Elizabeth Bright, Dr. Zoe Harcombe, to name a few. Tons of great paradigm-shifting lectures among them that really inspired me to see if making such a radical change could possibly help resolve some of these lifelong issues I've struggled with. Everything I was learning seemed to make sense and fall into place with my experiences in the past, so here we are! I've been at it a few weeks already but will share some of my notes in a day-by-day fashion. Most people recommend a slow transition rather than an abrupt one to allow time for the body to adapt gracefully, so I'm taking my sweet time :p

Here goes nothin! I'll be tracking my food, mood, energy, sleep quality, exercise, etc. All that good stuff. Happy to spark any discussion or answer any questions if ya'll pop in and want to follow along or are otherwise curious.


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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Welcome! I'm glad they were able to eventually figure out what was wrong.

I never got to have a dishwasher, maybe that is for the best.

Really glad you were able to turn it around. Just wow!
Thank you! My doctors had no idea haha. You come to them with stomach issues and they're usually just like "Meh, could be anything." My mom actually found it while she was housesitting for me cause she's lowkey OCD with cleaning.


Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 8 ( Day 1 of tracking, ~week after 'starting') : 12/30/23
STARTING WEIGH IN (12/23/23): Weight: 141.9 lbs, Muscle: 73.9%, Fat 22.7%
Weight: 141.6 lbs, Muscle: 72.8%, Fat 23.8%

Sleep: Terrible

Coffee x2 with raw cream
4 eggs w/cheese and bacon bits
Cottage cheese and a few bites of cookie dough.
Notes: A little nauseous/acid refluxy. Not hungry.
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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 9: 12/31/23

Salmon burger patties with sweet potato fries.
Raw goat milk, 4 eggs, 2 pieces of sourdough with jam.
"Chill" mix (a protein and nutrient blend for winding down)
Turns out the salmon patties and sweet potato fries both had vegetables oils in them, so I threw them out. Wish I'd thought to look before.

Finishing the Kybalion as part of my "read at least one damn book this year" goal, and reading a chapter on the duality of mind. It talks in one part about how some people live within their bodies, whereas others allow themselves to be controlled by it and swept up in its myriad undulations. It brought back to mind a moment of compassion I had not long ago for my body and everything its been through the last few years. Gratitude for how well it managed to tread water and heal from the mold. I find myself sitting with a similar sentiment now as I'm trying to fix my nutrition. Feeling a sense of peace about being able to separate myself from things like sugar cravings. I realized I've again been frustrated with my body for being "uncooperative" in helping me to achieve my goals; for trying to lie to me, tempt me away from what I know is best. Constantly shouting at me things it thinks it needs or wants. And almost immediately I felt ashamed, given that I am the one who has continually warped the system and its signals by pumping poison into it for so many years (albeit unknowingly). And again the compassion and sorrow came back. I'm sorry for what I've done to confuse and corrupt my body. I know now that it's crying out for help and it's time for some tough love to help it remember what it wants and needs.

P.S. Editing Rae - I didn't necessarily track every metric before that I'm doing now, just catching up on my notes from before.
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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 10: 1/1/24
Sleep: Terrible (but NYE, doggo wouldn't let me sleep)
Energy: Terrible

Coffee + raw cacao + "Perk" mix (a protein, caffeine, and nutrient blend for energy)
Ground turkey, lactose free sour cream, salt, pepper, parmesan
"Chill" mix
Moderate migraine, dizzy, kinda nauseous, bloated.
Working on feeding my pup more meat as well. Which is still hard, given how picky he is.
Reflecting back to a few days ago when I had almost no animal products. Sushi, baba ghanoush, pita, cookie dough. Pretty typical of what I might eat in a day before (minus the cookie dough. That was a true moment of "fuck-it-ery"). I remember a distinct lack of feeling satiated, even though there was a sensation of my stomach being filled. Not something I'd ever noticed before. Guess I didn't have much else to compare it to. Pretty sure I consumed at least twice the calories that I have been otherwise doing lately. Similarly, the voice of the addiction is already beginning to distinguish itself as a distinct influence, and rings false in my head. Present, strong, and pretty annoying... but at least I'm able to recognize it for what it is.
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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 11: 1/2/24
Sleep: Bad
Energy: Bad in the morning, decent by afternoon + evening

Coffee/cacao blend + perk
A few scallops sauteed in butter and seasoning
Few bites of rotisserie chicken.
Beef franks x2, ketchup + mustard
Half a "pudding cup"
Suuuper nauseous and acid refluxy still. Had a sharp tightness in my stomach all last night. Initially hard to stomach any food today, but started feeling better ~30 min after doing so. Went for sushi after sauna + cold plunge. Stomach and mild headache on the drive home.
Made some salted caramel chocolate espresso "pudding cups" with some things I already had around in an attempt to get creative with the egregious amount of protein powder I have lying around. Made with avocado, almond milk, cacao and coffee grounds, vanilla extract, honey, molasses, salt, butter, protein powder. Holy moly its decadent.
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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 12: 1/3/24
Sleep: Okay-ish
Energy: Poor. Had to nap in the afternoon

Coffee/cacao + perk
Few bites of lamb + butter
Half a "pudding cup"
Ground turkey + lactose free sour cream, parmesan, salt pepper
Saw a lecture today from Dr. Paul Mason about how fiber actually increases constipation and bloating... something I'll need to be mindful of as I struggle with both. Realized my perk mix had xantham gum in it... Sigh. Will use up and not buy again.
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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 13: 1/4/24
Sleep: Okay-ish. Got to bed late due to team practice. Took some sleep aids.
Energy: Decent-ish.
Exercise: Light strength Training. Some dance drills in the evening. Stretching
Mood: Fairly productive
Coffee/cacao + heavy cream x 2
rotisserie chicken
beef frank x 4+ ketchup and mustard
Cold butter
"Pudding cup" + raw goats milk + GI support mix + creatine
~ 45 min post eating and not as fatigued as usual. Still pretty bloated/acid refluxy. Threw up a bit in my mouth this morning. Also feeling kind of itchy all of a sudden? but it is winter, so who knows.

Noticed I'm thinking about food way less. Cravings declining rapidly. Spent way too much money indulging my love of scents/fragrances recently to help compensate for the dopamine I was getting from food lol..
Threw out some panko in the pantry, and some chicken that had vegetable oil in it.

Learned that fiber can prevent absorption of nutrients because it is a physical barrier getting in the way of your enzymes being able to break down what's in the food. Crazy

Made some "peanut butter protein balls" with a bunch of shit I'm trying to get rid of. Felt gross even making it lol. Coughing and having some mild trouble breathing after eating? Wonder if I'm allergic to oats or something. More dance drills. Mild headache.
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Valkyrie Posts: 9
Day 14: 1/5/24
2 WEEK WEIGH IN: Weight: 140.4 lbs, Muscle: 73.7%, Fat 22.8%
Energy: Poor in the morning, came back up again around afternoon. Stayed good through evening.
dance drills
Coffee + cream
lamb, 2 beef franks + ketchup and mustard
cold butter
Raw goat milk + stomach repair mix
Several shots of Skrewball on a date (lol)
Was coughing a bit after eating. May be the condiments? A lot of carnivores recommend snacking on cold butter, but that still feels SO weird.
Got a blood glucose and ketone monitor. Checked them this morning before eating/drinking anything to help mark progress.. Glucose 84 (low end of normal), Ketones 0.6 mmol/L which is actually within the range for ketosis! Just barely, but still haha. Going to abstain from all sugar today and see how much I can bump it by tomorrow. I have no idea how quickly this usually happens.

I know I'm going to need to reduce the dairy, but I'm not ready yet :(

Stomach hurts a bit. Slight headache. Threw out some old pickles and oats.

Made carnitas. Was definitely "grazing" today (eating too frequently). Need to work on that.
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