Wannabe Superhero Journal


New member
Witcher from Copenhagen
Posts: 3
Hej all,

I'm relatively new to the community here, happy to be part of it!
I've known Darebee since 2015 but never used the HIIT programs before (I was already a Freeletics enthusiast back then). When I met my sidekick husband I was recovering from a -stupidly minor- injury that kept me away from my bodyweight routine. Then honeymoon, moving to a new country, new city, pandemic, new job, many new things. Years passed, I enlarged considerably in volume, lost muscular tone and motivation. Then, my sidekick joined a boxing club. It made me feel great seeing him, after just a couple of months, standing straight, well balanced and sitting with the core constantly engaged. Only one thing was missing to fill the gap left by this envy: motivation. "What's my drive?"... Heroes! Strong female characters that punch hard, climb, jump and move like they're born to kickass. I don't remember any RPG workout on Darebee back then, but when yesterday I -randomly- found how many and how amazing they are I fell from the chair! That means...


So, here's the thing. Darebee is awesome with its workouts, programs and challenges but they leave the progress monitoring to us. And lack of monitoring comes with injuries and frustration. Creativity comes handy here, 'cause I don't want to neither harm myself again nor miss the thrill of the challenge.

That's why I took my time to create an easy-to-use, customizable Journal on Google Sheet that anyone in the community can use.

Make a copy or download it to use the template.

The Log is already filled with some random entries to test and show its usability, plus a few descriptions on top of the Journal Log tab are explanatory for each field.
You can personalize it the way suits best with your needs, and feel free to reply to this thread with a feedback! I may write a how-to guide and add some features if requested (for example a point-based evaluation).

I hope you like it!

Screenshot 2023-02-10 155448.jpg


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Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)