Workout Log


New member
Posts: 2
Just joined a gym last month after almost 5 years of not conventionally "working out" and am excited to get back into it. The gym has an app that creates workouts for me but, while I really enjoy their cardio workouts, I'm not so hot on the weight lifting/strength training portion, so I'm going to start the Iron Born program on my next gym day which will probably be Sunday.

Disclaimer to self that I'm probably not going to do this program as a consecutive 30 day thing... I will go through the program at my normal gym pace, which is about 3-4 times a week, so will probably get through the course in a month and a half. Here's to feeling good!


New member
Posts: 2
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! It's so good to be back on darebee!

Today's workout:
3 min Stationary bike warm up @ 60 rpm, resistance level 3
26 minutes hill intervals, 1 minute @ 60 rpm resistance level 10, 1 minute @ 75 rpm resistance level 6
3 min cool down @ 60 rpm resistance level 3

Thoughts: could definitely go higher on resistance. Noticed halfway through workout that I was supposed to be standing on the higher resistance minute. Oops, next time.

IronBorn workout:
Shoulder press @ 10lbs - need less weight next time
Chest press @ 10 lbs - could probably do a bit more weight next time
Lateral lifts @ 10lbs - just right
Tricep curls @ 8lb kettle bell - good for now

Overall with the weights I need to work on control and slow myself down. Also find the right weights for each exercise.