Z's Fitness Journey


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37

46 years, 14 days

Todays workout: Classic Warmup ✅ / Bootcamp - Level 1 - Day 4 ✅ / Treadmill - 3.47km in 27:02 ✅ / Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

Note: I have very sore abs from yesterday. Will update weight and maybe post pictures on Saturdays so I can get opinions if I'm going the right way because sometimes our judgment gets clouded when we are judging ourselves
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 90
"Are you dreaming?"
Note: Halfway into the second set of Squat Hops my legs just failed on me and i couldnt continue, time to change program to something less demanding :sad:
When I feel let down by a workout I have to actively flip my thinking to "despite being untrained/tired, I pushed until I hit my limit and that is badass and a win." It's even more badass to refactor your plan and come back more determined. Every time you hit a limit you push it further. You are doing all the right things, don't let a speed bump get you down. :cool:


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
When I feel let down by a workout I have to actively flip my thinking to "despite being untrained/tired, I pushed until I hit my limit and that is badass and a win." It's even more badass to refactor your plan and come back more determined. Every time you hit a limit you push it further. You are doing all the right things, don't let a speed bump get you down. :cool:
i understand that, but i was halfway into the workout, and its going to happen again so i think i need to step down to something that is a bit more down to my level, probably going to do IRONBORN today instead in about an hour


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 11

46 years, 20 days

Todays workout: Classic Warmup ✅ / Ironborn - Level 1 - Day 1 ✅ / Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

Note: Yesterday did 20 alternating bicep curls with the recommended weight of 7.5kg and passed but today, as soon as I finished the first set of Shoulder Press I understood i had to dial that weight way back and went with 4kg... didnt do any good to my motivation and self esteem to start so low but i guess only time will tell...


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,179
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
If you have a few dumbbells available, choose the weight that's right for you for each exercise, certainly you won't do lateral raises with the same weight as bicep curls ;)
From direct experience I can tell you that a little wounded ego hurts less than an injury from overdoing it in training :LOL:
Seriously, starting slowly is the best way to keep moving forward and improve, injuries affect much more than anything else.


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
well, im completely illiterate on this so i do what it says on the program, only ever mentions 1 weight so i tend to follow it
Lateral raises use much less powerful muscles than biceps curls. So it's a good and normal option to use a lighter weight for those than for biceps curls. This way all your muscles get their optimal training. If you have no other option then lighter weights are fine but your biceps won't work as hard on biceps curls.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,179
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
You're probably already training more than you have in the past and you can still keep going anyway and that's what will make the difference ;)
You learn by trial and error, making mistakes is not a mistake but a fundamental part of the learning process :)


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Everyone has a different approach you know? I know some bees want to have done their challenges or programs everyday to claim their badges. I know I don't or I wouldn't get a single one or would start over the same one weeks after weeks... What matters to me at least is showing up and getting back to it. If I were you I would just pick it up where I left it off and continue. You can do this! :gogogo:


Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 90
"Are you dreaming?"
I don't worry about streaks at all. I've been looping IRONBORN on repeat for over a year now and I only do 4x a week to keep the rotation steady. The only important part is consistency and if that's off, just pick up where you dropped and go again. When I started strength training, I knew it'd be a lifelong commitment from now on so there's no quitting allowed.

My first run through of IRONBORN was rough! I used light weights, still bonked myself in the head, and did many exercises with non-ideal form. Practice fixed all those things and I can push to my limit with the weights but don't be discouraged 12 days in. You went from (presumably) being sedentary to lifting weights; it's gonna suck for a bit before the benefits start becoming undeniable.

I feel so invested in your story because mine is so similar. Keep going! You don't have to start over; you'll get to do that when you finish and start round 2 with more experience =P



Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 15 - 4th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Dumbbell pause Squat - 4 sets - 20 reps (7.5kg on 1st set, 4kg on last 3 sets) ✅
Standing Arnold Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Strength and Conditioning Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dumbbell Reverse Lunges - 12 reps per leg (4kg dumbbells)
- Hammer Curl with Twist - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Kneeling Press Up - Max reps (9, 6, 4)
Elbow Plank - Max Hold (51sec) ✅

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

DAY 16 - 5th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Dumbbell Bicep Curl and Press - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Row to Tricep Kickback - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Full Body Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dual Dumbbell Snatch - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- 1 and a Quarter Goblet Squat - 15 reps (4kg dumbbell)
- Plank to Press - 8 reps per side (fail on second and 3rd round)
- Hollow Hold - 45sec (9, 6, 4)

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

DAY 17 - 7th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Dumbbell Thrusters - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Walking Lunges - 3 sets - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Front Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Bicep Waiter Curls - 3 sets - 15 reps (7.5kg dumbbell) ✅
Body Weight Strength Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Tricep Dips - 8 reps (assisted)
- Butterfly Sit Ups - 20 reps (fail at 15, 1, 0)
- Negative Chin Ups - 5 reps

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

DAY 18 - 8th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Sumo Goblet Squat - 3 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbell) ✅
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbells, fail at 15 reps of last set) ✅
Strength Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dumbbell Floor Flys - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Kneeling Press Up - 15 reps (fail at 5, 2, 1)
- V Sits - 15 reps
- Sideplank - 30 seconds each side (fail at 20 seconds of round 3 on both sides)

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

DAY 19 - 11th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Dumbbell pause Squat - 4 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbell) ✅
Standing Arnold Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Strength and Conditioning Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dumbbell Reverse Lunges - 12 reps per leg (4kg dumbbells)
- Hammer Curl with Twist - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Kneeling Press Up - Max reps (12, 6, 3)
Elbow Plank - Max Hold (67sec) ✅

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 20- 12th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Dumbbell Bicep Curl and Press - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Row to Tricep Kickback - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Full Body Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dual Dumbbell Snatch - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- 1 and a Quarter Goblet Squat - 15 reps (4kg dumbbell)
- Plank to Press - 8 reps per side (fail when switching side on round 1, did not do round 2 and 3)
- Hollow Hold - 45sec (fail at 35 seconds of round 1, did not do round 2 and 3)

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 22 - 14th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine

Dumbbell Thrusters - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Walking Lunges - 3 sets - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Front Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Bicep Waiter Curls - 3 sets - 15 reps (7.5kg dumbbell) ✅
Body Weight Strength Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Tricep Dips - 8 reps (assisted)
- Butterfly Sit Ups - 20 reps (fail at 16, 0, 0)
- Negative Chin Ups - 5 reps

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 23 - 15th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h
5 minute mobility routine


Sumo Goblet Squat - 3 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbell) ✅
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbells, fail at 15 reps on 2nd set and 9 reps on the 3rd set) ✅
Strength Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dumbbell Floor Flys - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Kneeling Press Up - 15 reps (fail at 6, 5, 5)
- V Sits - 15 reps
- Sideplank - 30 seconds each side

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 25 - 18th of September

Warm up:

10 minute 3% Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h ✅
5 minute mobility routine ✅


Dumbbell pause Squat - 4 sets - 20 reps (5kg dumbbell) ✅
Standing Arnold Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Strength and Conditioning Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
- Dumbbell Reverse Lunges - 8 reps per leg (4kg dumbbells)
- Hammer Curl with Twist - 10 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 10 reps (4kg dumbbells)
- Kneeling Press Up - Max reps (16, 7, 4)
Elbow Plank - Max Hold (77sec) ✅

Cooldown: Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 26 - 19th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h at 2% incline ✅
5 minute mobility routine ✅


Dumbbell Bicep Curl and Press - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Row to Tricep Kickback - 3 sets - 12 reps (5kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Full Body Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
-> Dual Dumbbell Snatch - 10 reps (4kg dumbbells)
-> 1 and a Quarter Goblet Squat - 10 reps (4kg dumbbell)
-> Plank to Press - 4 reps per side
-> Hollow Hold - 25sec

Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 27 - 21st of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h at 2% incline ✅
5 minute mobility routine ✅

Dumbbell Thrusters - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Walking Lunges - 3 sets - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Front Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Bicep Waiter Curls - 3 sets - 15 reps (7.5kg dumbbell) ✅
Body Weight Strength Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
-> Tricep Dips - 7 reps (assisted)
-> Butterfly Sit Ups - 10 reps
-> Negative Chin Ups - 4 reps

Sore Muscles Stretch ✅

Not seeing a difference in body weight or volume


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 28 - 22nd of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h at 2% incline ✅
5 minute mobility routine ✅


Sumo Goblet Squat - 3 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbell) ✅
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 20 reps (4kg dumbbells, fail at 10 reps on 2nd set and 7 reps on the 3rd set) ✅
Strength Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
-> Dumbbell Floor Flys - 15 reps (4kg dumbbells)
-> Kneeling Press Up - Max Reps (fail at 12, 7, 7)
-> V Sits - 10 reps
-> Sideplank - 20 seconds each side

Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 30 - 25th of September

Warm up:

10 minute 2% Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h ✅
5 minute mobility routine ✅


Dumbbell pause Squat - 4 sets - 20 reps (5kg dumbbell) ✅
Standing Arnold Press - 3 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Strength and Conditioning Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
-> Dumbbell Reverse Lunges - 8 reps per leg (4kg dumbbells)
-> Hammer Curl with Twist - 10 reps (4kg dumbbells)
-> Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 10 reps (4kg dumbbells)
-> Kneeling Press Up - Max reps (18, 8, 7)
Elbow Plank - Max Hold (86sec) ✅

Sore Muscles Stretch ✅


Active member
Spartan from Madeira Island
Posts: 37
DAY 31 - 26th of September

Warm up:

10 minute Incline Treadmill at 7.2km/h at 2% incline ✅
5 minute mobility routine ✅


Dumbbell Bicep Curl and Press - 4 sets - 12 reps (4kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Row to Tricep Kickback - 3 sets - 12 reps (5kg dumbbells) ✅
Dumbbell Lateral Raises - 3 sets - 12 reps (5kg dumbbells) ✅
Full Body Circuit - 3 rounds ✅
-> Dual Dumbbell Snatch - 10 reps (4kg dumbbells)
-> 1 and a Quarter Goblet Squat - 10 reps (4kg dumbbell)
-> Plank to Press - 4 reps per side
-> Hollow Hold - 25sec

Sore Muscles Stretch ✅