There's Always Tomorrow, Baby


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269

My name is Nihopaloha and I kinda dropped off the face of the virtual world around three years ago. Before that, I was a happy member of the Hive and an avid participant of the internet. But then, well, not so much any more. Long story short, I got fed up with everything and quit the internet from one day to the next. Sadly, that also included Darebee. Sorry for that. But, I'm back now. Maybe some of you still remember me. I certainly recognise some familiar faces (well, names, more likely) again and am very happy to see that you are all still alive and kicking. There are some missing, too, and I hope they either changed names, did the same as I did, or at least are happy and well wherever they are. I, at least, decided to come back, because I missed you guys. Well, and because I desperately need some fitness and positivity again in my life.

So, what happened since I disappeared? I pretty much got my sh*t together. I started and finished schooling in Technical Writing, followed by an eight week long internship at a very small firm (only three(!!!!) employees, boss included!) that told me up front that they couldn't hire me. After six weeks had passed and I was nearly done with my assignment (renewing an old manual) I got hired anyway. So, not only did I finish that schooling part, but I also have a well-paying and very great job since February last year. I love my job, although I turned more into a jack-of-all-trades instead of just a technical writer, but it's awesome, nonetheless. Twenty-five hours per week, great people, dart tournaments I always lose...

But... despite that, I somehow failed at doing other things I liked doing in life. Working out, writing, trying (and failing) to learn the bass and guitar, and other hobbies. Not because of lack of time, gods, no, but because of me. I suck at staying organised in my fun time when I have something to do in my not fun time. Yes, I worked out now and then, but not enough. I got my weight back I lost in my cut 2020, and despite still looking pretty lean, my butt and thighs look lumpier than ever. I also don't knock out 5,000 words in one night writing any more. At best, I manage 500 every couple days. Haven't played guitar in forever, and practised the bass only now and then. In short, I slacked off.

So, here I am. Trying to get back on track. Training daily. Hoping to write more. Whatever it takes. There's Always Tomorrow, Baby isn't my motto for this (heh) but the title of a Space Dandy episode in which the crew of the Aloha Oe gets stuck on Meow's homeplanet (one member of the crew) and also stuck in one day, Groundhog Day style. Meow hates his home planet, every day feels the same (because it is) and I kinda feel like that, too. I came to hate this world we live in over the past years. But Meow and his friends managed to make it into the next day, and during the time he had spent in his time loop, he found that he liked his home planet, after all. I want to get into the next day, too, and hope that I can grow to re-like this world again, as well.

Well, I've written a lot now, but I felt like I had to. With my next post, I'll get back into the usual routine, so no worries. Maybe you've read until here, if so, many thanks. I hope I can become as active as I have been years ago.

I still hate high knees, I'll let you know. Some things don't change.

Good to be back, thanks for having me :flowers: :party:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
First (real) post and a short overview of what I'm currently doing and planned to do. I see that there were a few changes with Darebee, like a new forum, with huge avatars, cool backgrounds in the profile, and (gasp!) badges for every challenge. I deleted my old account back then, so I might as well start collecting badges again. Because of that, I chose one main programme at level 3, because I'm still reasonably fit, and will slowly work myself up through the Level 1 and Level 2 programmes on the side while doing a couple of challenges. For the moment, I'm doing 90 Days of Action as my main, Vitality on the side, as well as four challenges. Maybe five, if I take the April challenge. I aim to do all the programmes on Level 3, so if I don't state the level, one can assume I did just that. I started 12 days ago training regularly again, but for convenience sake, I'll start my new streak today. So, here goes nothing:

Day 1
  • 90 Days of Action Day 5
  • Vitality Day 11 and 12
  • Easy Cardio Day 11
  • Easy Arms Day 11
  • Easy Core Day 11
  • Glutes of Steel Day 12

Doesn't look so bad.
Maybe a bit weird that it's day 1 and I'm on day 11 on the challenges, but whatever.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :party:


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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 3,069
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Welcome back! You won't believe this but I thought of you just the other day, wondering what was going on with you. Glad to hear the good stuff!


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@HellYeah thanks! Still rooting for St. Pauli, I see. Hope you're doing great!
@Fremen thank you, my wonderful Italian friend! I've peeked into your thread and I'm still amazed at what you're doing, although you seem to take it a bit easier nowadays :LOL: Hope you and your partner are well, I missed you, too.
@AnZi thanks, I remember your old username, good to see you!
@TheLibrarian thank you, cool avatar! I was wondering now and then what your garden is doing, hope all is well on your end.
@Anek thanks, and yes, it really is hard to believe that you were wondering about me :happy: On the other hand, I was wondering about all of you a lot over the past years, too.

I need to get back into the swing of things and catch up with all of you, it's been some time. Bit of an advantage with the new forum: your threads aren't THAT long, yet. Lucky :pose:

And now, for my log of the day.

Day 2
  • Vitality Day 13, 14 and 15
  • Easy Cardio Day 12
  • Easy Arms Day 12
  • Easy Core Day 12
  • 90 Days of Action Day 6
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 1 (because of the cool dice thingy I found on the bottom, I only had to do 20 seconds)
  • Glutes of Steel Day 13

I feel like the new forum has some nifty functions when it comes to editing. Was it always so easy to make lists and such? I don't remember. There are a few things I noticed, like the missing nutrition/recipe section (sad), the new layout of checking off the challenges (bit confusing and lots of scrolling), new programmes (very nice) and the weird fact that the filters in the programmes/challenges section are now on the left side. I think that's not very intuitive, but it's probably because I'm used to it being different. No biggie.

Good news: I have vacation until the Tuesday after Easter, so the perfect time to make some changes and get some things in order. I got rid of years worth of whisky bottles and tubes today. Empty ones, of course. I also have 9 kg of bottle caps, if anyone has an interest in those, because I have no idea what to do with them. We probably have to move this year, at least within this house, maybe to somewhere else, so it's time to say goodbye to many things in the house. And one has to start somewhere.

Anyway, I'm already writing too much again. Wish I would write that much in my writing endeavours. Which is my next stop. Trying to write. Around midnight or whenever. Wish me luck.

Have a nice Saturday night, everyone. :party:
(my cute bouncy cats or whatever they were I liked to post at the end aren't in the smileys any more :cry:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
My goal of starting to write again on the 1st of April failed gloriously at around 150 words and me realising that I really didn't have any fun. Great. This begs the question, what should I do now? For today, I decided on working out and being depressed.

Day 3
  • Vitality Day 16
  • Easy Cardio Day 13
  • Easy Arms Day 13
  • Easy Core Day 13
  • Glutes of Steel Day 14
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 2
  • 90 Days of Action Day 8 (I switched Day 7 for 8 because I started training late in the evening. Too late for HIIT)

One of my biggest problems these days is that I have a low frustration threshold when it comes to failures. I also have a problem with craving instant gratification, so learning something new usually means having no fun, means I give up five minutes into whatever I wanted to do. It's a bit of a doom loop and I've been puzzling over the past two years on how to break that. I miss the times when I couldn't wait to fire up my laptop again to get writing, spending a couple of hours at the keyboard and having fun. It might sound a bit doomer-ish, but most days feel the same and like I don't have much fun doing things. Now and then I find a game that keeps me entertained for a couple of days, but in the end, I want to do something more creative and productive. Problem is, that's harder than it sounds.
I'm writing these thoughts down mostly for myself in the hope for a sudden inspiration on how to solve my dilemma. I sometimes pondered starting a journal, but to be honest, I never felt like doing so. Maybe this here would help. After all, this thread should also be something like a log on my quest to feel more positive on the world and life itself.

On the plus side of things, I had extremely tasty apple pancakes today.

Hope you all head a wonderful and relaxing weekend. :softz:


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Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,506
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
We often accept the idea that something should be done in a single way and instead and the ways are infinite and what works works :)


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Sólveig thanks! I wonder if I know you from the old Hive, just with another name. Your location sounds similar, as does the name of your Check-In Thread.... Did you have a name containing Vicious... Vicioussaint or something? If so, glad to see you're still here!

@Fremen oh yes, I have to internalise your words. Right now, I'm trying to find out what works for me and all I know for now is that all those tips form self-help books definitely don't :LOL: Although it's fun reading them.
@Tileenah :hellothere:

Today was much better, in almost every way!

Day 4
  • Vitality Day 17 and 18
  • 90 Days of Action Day 7 (I'm dead...)
  • Easy Cardio Day 14
  • Easy Arms Day 14
  • Easy Core Day 14
  • Glutes of Steel Day 15
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 3 (2 Minutes!)

Okay, I didn't do anything constructive on my first day of vacation, but at least I don't regret anything. I have a fairly modest (or not so) list of things I want to start/do/learn, and will probably try to find out in the next few days how to do at least one of those. Small steps. Originally, I have planned to get back into learning Lua today, but instead I played video games most of the time. There was a walk to IKEA, though, and the weather was very nice.

You know, the best thing about working out regularly again is the way I feel. I haven't really realised how bad I felt most of the days, physically. After one week of consistently not sitting on my butt the whole day, I feel better than the two years before, where I only moved sporadically. I have an adjustable desk at work, but it's not really the same.

Hope you all had a great start into the new week. :ballz: (<--- is it just me or is that one kinda lewd?)


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Sólveig good to see that you're still around, then. I got VA-11 Hall-A because of you, but only read it for a short time before I got distracted. I still have it on my harddrive, so maybe I should fire it up again.

@NancyTree :flowers: thank you, and good to see that you're still here! I saw your photos from that party in the barn :LOL:

Day 5
  • Vitality Day 19
  • 90 Days of Action Day 9
  • Easy Cardio Day 15
  • Easy Arms Day 15
  • Easy Core Day 15
  • Glutes of Steel Day 16
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 4

I took up my knitting needles again after a long hiatus and finished a sock I had started months ago. Felt pretty nice. I also cleaned out a (very tiny) corner in our "office" (let's face it, it's only called office because there are PCs in it, nobody does any work here) and threw out a lot of old documents. I want to throw out a lot of stuff, but it's hard. I also want to get rid of a lot of stuff by giving them to people or selling them, but that's even harder. Anyone in need of hundreds of manga, books, PC and video games or a couple of guitars? There's also so much old electronics, I have no idea what to do with all of this :smash:
The regret of hoarding so much stuff over the years is real...

Be as it may, I hope you all had as nice a day as I had. :chilling:


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,651
Oh I know that struggle, I'm in that too. I have a lot of memories attached to stuff, which also makes it hard. Or that the replacement doesn't work much easier and I might regret throwing the old away. Or books that I got from friends, for birthdays or graduation, and don't like the books much but don't want to throw it away.
@NancyTree :flowers: thank you, and good to see that you're still here! I saw your photos from that party in the barn :LOL:
:D yes that was fun!


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@NancyTree the good thing is that most of my books and mangas have been in boxes for ages. Some I never took out after moving twenty years ago, so I'm not particularly attached to them. Finding people to give them too is more of a problem. But some things are hard to let go. I have so many games for old video game consoles that I would sell for small money to people who want to play them, but I'm afraid that I put them on sale for, no idea, 5 Euro, someone buys them and puts them on ebay for 50 or some such. I'd rather they go to someone who wants to play them with his/her kids or whatever. And then there are so many things you can't easily buy any more... Yes, it's not easy :expecting:

Day 6
  • Vitality Day 20 and 21
  • Easy Cardio Day 16
  • Easy Arms Day 16
  • Easy Core Day 16
  • Glutes of Steel Day 17
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 5 (1:20 minutes)
  • 90 Days of Action Day 10 (balance and coordination was great fun)

I have bought my first smartphone this January, to stay in touch with my husband when I'm at work. While I don't use it for much else, I wonder if it would be a handy tool to help me in my quest to get things done and build habits. There seem to be so many small programmes for it, but on the other hand, I'm not sure if I really want to track my days, activities, or whatever I want to track with a smartphone. I've never liked the idea of having one, but thinking about it, it also seems like a kind of waste to have bought it, pay for the service every month, and then it just chills around in my backpack most of the day. I've never bothered with integrating electronics in my attempts to get some routine in my day, but using a notebook or a calendar only works for a day, at most. It seems like the only habit I can reliably build and sustain is working out and practising vocabulary (restarted learning Chinese this year, for the fourth time. Woohoo).
I'll think about it. I think about a lot these days. Nothing new there :LOL:

Hope you all had a splendid day. We had much sunshine, and much cold :massage:


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
Welcome Back :hoppy::hoppy::hoppy:

(my cute bouncy cats or whatever they were I liked to post at the end aren't in the smileys any more :cry:
Yeah, some of my favorites are gone too. Oh well.

Sorry it took me a while. Been a busy bee... outside the Hive and the new hive makes it harder for me to keep track of everyone.

I'm so glad you're back :hophop:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Gandhalfit heyyy, you're here, too! So happy to see you! :hereforyou: How's it going? I hope everything's all right on your end, or at least as much as possible. I've been thinking of you over the past years whenever I read something about your country. Which is surprisingly green, judging from the photos from your hikes.

Day 7
  • Vitality Day 22, 23 and 24
  • 90 Days of Action Day 11
  • Easy Cardio Day 17
  • Easy Arms Day 17
  • Easy Core Day 17
  • Glutes of Steel Day 18
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 6

I am puzzling over the reasons for me wanting to do something, but not wanting to actually start doing it. I understand procrastinating when it comes to doing things I don't want to do (doing laundry comes to mind), but procrastinating when it comes to something I'd like to do? I don't know about that. I'm not even sure if I'd call it procrastinating, just... doing nothing.
I've tried baiting myself with a reward. As in "do x fo y days/until y and you can buy z". For example, I want to learn to play the bass. I have bought my first one twenty years ago and maybe played it ten times over that time. When I found my internship at the end of my schooling in 2021, I rewarded myself with a better, but reasonably priced bass. I played that more often, even followed a course over some time, but not for long. Now I somehow had the weird desire for a 5 string bass (I don't know why) so I told myself: Buy a book, take the bass, work through the book and practise 90 out of 100 days and you can get that bass". I think I made it to day 15 or so. Maybe I didn't want that 5 string bass enough.
On the other hand, I tried to set other rewards, but ended up with "well, you're an adult person earning your own money (finally!) so you can buy whatever you want whenever you want (within reason, of course), why should you attach strings to that?". And just like that, my flimsy house of cards of motivation gets blown out the window. With TNT.
So, rewards don't work. At least for me.
Yes, I'm "thinking out loud" what the heck my problem is. Maybe at one point I'll figure it out and finally start doing the things I want to do.

I had a nice and chill day, nonetheless.

Have a nice day/evening/night everyone :drink:


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
I don't know about other procrastinations but for the music practicing side I've had my share... I play the piano since I was a child (I can't do cool jazz stuff but I'm pretty good with a score). When I went to university I had an electrical one with me that stayed with me from 2008 to 2016 then I got my own real piano... And all that time I didn't practice regularly. I only started being regular again last year, because in my case I need a teacher to be held accountable for playing. Like a child would. And also because I often get stuck with the scores I play on my own and can't progress if I don't get help. Also, having someone to talk to and share my very specific love of that instrument and the classical music you can play on it is weirdly important to me and helps with my mental health somehow.
In my opinion, practicing an instrument is organized in the same section as work. You can love it, but you maybe wouldn't go every day and do long hours if there wasn't a salary and people holding you accountable for your hours... It takes a lot of discipline, even if you're rewarded with pleasure.
I don't know if any of this is of any help to you, at least you're not alone in loving something and having a hard time getting back to it. 😉


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah hey, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences on this. Some of that rings true, especially the accountability part. I'm still at the very beginning of my bass journey (after all those years...) and it feels frustrating to still have to learn and practise techniques before I can go on to the cool stuff. Or maybe that's just me. I always feel like I need a detailed step-by-step plan when learning something, but instruments aren't like this, are they?

@oneironaut thanks! I still remember you, too, and your adventures with running in boots. Hope you are doing all right, good to see you! :)

Day 8
  • Vitality Day 25
  • 90 Days of Action Day 12
  • Easy Cardio Day 18
  • Easy Arms Day 18
  • Easy Core Day 18
  • Glutes of Steel Day 19
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 7 (20 seconds)

I also took tons of manga out of cardboard boxes and carried them over to the living room, to build tall stacks against the wall, which was kind of exhausting. Maybe that counts as working out, too. I'm making a list at the moment and despite already having a huge pile, I still miss a few. It's fascinating how much stuff one can collect in nearly 40 years of life. I wonder how it'll feel when I'll have parted with most of it.
I tried writing again last night, managed around 500 words and then didn't feel it any more. I don't know why, but it's hard to get back into it. Part of me just wants to let go, to stop trying so much because right now it's frustrating but not fun. But another part of me can't stop thinking about it, remembers all that fun I had years ago, all those hours poured into words, all those unfinished stories... It's a complicated kind of feeling.
I also need to write again to fold more little lucky stars. I used to fold one star for ever 100 words I wrote and I still have so many paper strips and so many stars to fold... Maybe someone remembers my blurry photo of folded stars from years back. I should snap a new one, they... multiplied :LOL:

I wish you all an awesome weekend :party: (this weekend's drink is a nice glass of Barelegs whisky. Yep, I haven't sworn off the malted spirits).


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Well there are methods with step by step plans for music, but not all of them are good... It also depends on the instrument and your musical background. My dad self taught himself to play the guitar (the only instrument he could afford at the time) with a book. But for the clarinette and the saxophone, he had to have lessons with a teacher to learn how to breathe correctly to produce sounds.
Good luck on your journey to awesome-music playing :happy:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah thank you, I'll give my best. As soon as I start, that is ;) I hope you'll have much fun with your piano-playing, too. It's a great instrument.

Day 9
  • Easy Cardio Day 19
  • Easy Arms Day 19
  • Easy Core Day 19
  • Glutes of Steel Day 20
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 8

To be honest, I didn't feel it today and spent a part of the day in a bad mood, so I skipped the programmes. Wasn't bad, my shoulders needed a bit rest, anyway.

Good news: I did some good writing last night, at 850 words.
Bad news: I tried to charter a course for practising the bass again, caught a low mood, apparently, and lost all desire for it
Good news: I shut down the computer and lay down for an hour. Nosedive into depression successfully stopped!
Even more good news: I made mantou (Chinese steamed buns) today, filled with anko (red bean paste) my husband made yesterday. Our oven is still broken, had been for so many years now, and at this point I can't be bothered to replace it. We hadn't any baked goods since then. So, for the first time today, I "baked" something in a bamboo steamer on our electric wok. Behold:
That's half of what I made. They turned out surprisngly well, with an interesting texture. And because they taste fresh the best, we ate them all in one day. :gotcookie:
I'm not good at photographing stuff, truth be told. All the photos I shoot at work for data sheets and the like I heavily edit afterwards :LOL:

For now, I'll try to make the writing stick, and if that goes well, I tackle the bass problem.

Have a great night/day, everyone :kizz:


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 957
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
That's actually a very decent food porn pic. Well done they sound good and look good.
Getting away from the computer to avoid even more depression is great. I always get glued to the computer just trying to find something interesting to do and end up wasting half the day which makes me feel worse.
I hope your oven will make it.


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Gandhalfit thank you so much :flowers:
I still have to experiment with the filling. The bean paste just was a thin layer pushed up by the thick dough on the bottom. But still, very tasty.
I have found out at one point that when I get in my mood I just browse more, try even harder to find out how to do something or start best, and it only gets me more depressed. It's only recently that I finally realised that just getting away from it and taking a short nap is a pretty surefire way of resetting my mood. Although sometimes it's not that easy to take my eyes from the screen. I know that feel of wasting the day with browsing.
My oven will never make it. I mean, I could have it repaired, because only the lower heat is broken, but I'm scared that if we have a working oven again we'll make pizza and cake and gratins all the time again and will balloon up like that kid eating that weird bubblegum in the Willy Wonka movie :boned:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Silent Wolf thanks! Good to see you again, you're still running as much as ever, as far I could glean from your thread :hello:

@Montserrat thank you, I hope a bit that whatever musings I produce might help someone, too. If I find some hack or trick, of course. Or maybe someone has an idea that would help me, and then help someone else too, you get the idea :LOL: Darebee is a great community, I'm glad that you've found it!

@Anek thank you, they were tasty, and I have to try them again, experimenting more with the anko.

@Tileenah thanks! Are you interested in the recipe for mantou, for anko, or for both? They were both from German websites, so I could either link to them and you can translate them if needed, or I could translate the basics of the recipe(s) myself. Your pick.

Day 10
  • 90 Days of Action Day 13 (on Level 1, I just wanted it to get done and it was late)
  • Vitality Day 26
  • Easy Cardio Day 20
  • Easy Arms Day 20
  • Easy Core Day 20
  • Glutes of Steel Day 21
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 9 (1:30)

I did some writing last night, again, and clocked out at nearly 1.200 words. I daresay it's promising. I'll try tonight, too, hoping for the best. I'm cautiously optimistic, as the piece I started basically flows by itself, without me needing to plan anything ahead. Hadn't been like this in a while.
And I finally got my husband to cut my hair today after having pestered him for months. "Just the tips, please." "Yeah, yeah". Welp, almost 10 cm are gone now. Summer coat!

And to reactivate an old tradition of my old thread again, and because I'm in the process of compiling a list of favourite music, here's the song of the day, for all my friends out there in Idaho: The Divine Comedy - Idaho.
(Disclaimer: I don't have any friends in Idaho. I don't even know any one from Idaho. But it seems like a cool state to live in. Ten times cooler than the state of Utah, according to the song)

I wish you all a great start into the new week :earz:


Well-known member
Posts: 1,356
As most musicians (but also translatable to every other hobby) you seem to suffer from EDD (Equipment Desire Disorder). It is not treatable, but you can learn to live with it.

One of the ways you already mentioned is a reward system for consistent practice. Another one, but the most risky, is to satisfy your desire with looking at the "what's new" section of your favourite equipment store...

Long story short, try to resist for some time, if the desire lasts, it's most likely real, if not, it's the hope to get better/more consistent with new equipment. Where all in this togheter, stay strong.

(Written by the owner of too many guitars and one bass)


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@HellYeah is that the dreaded GAS I often read of on thomann? If yes, I already have it :sad: Thankfully, I'm not an impulsive buyer, but I like to look through used guitars and basses and sometimes through shops for cool basses/guitars. My last bass I bought as a reward for finding the internship. Currently, I have four basses and two electric guitars. When last I was on Darebee, I tried to learn the guitar, and just like the bass, I started, and stopped, and started again... At least I can play scales at 200bpm on the guitar. I think that's what I practised the most. Playing scales with a metronome, as fast and precisely as I could... Thanks for your advice, stay strong, too. Btw, want to buy some guitars/basses? :LOL:

@Tileenah alright, here's the recipe for the mantou and here's the one for Anko (we made Koshi-an). If you have trouble getting buy with your rusty German, just send me a message and I'll gladly translate what you need. No worries, my French is barely existent :LOL:

Day 11
  • Vitality Day 27
  • Easy Cardio Day 21
  • Easy Arms Day 21
  • Easy Core Day 21
  • Glutes of Steel Day 22
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 10
  • 90 Days of Action Day 14

I'm at peace with myself at the moment. Writing goes well, if I make it to seven days in a row, I'll start worrying about the bass. For now, I'm just happy that I can write without having to force myself. Maybe my return to the Hive has something to do with this? The last time I wrote well was when I was active here, too. Weird.
But I suppose this is what I'll try for now. Tackle one thing I want to do and failed until now, try to make it work and stick, and when it goes well, I tackle the next one. Well, I say this now. Let's see how much this plan will hold when it makes contact with reality, aka work, starting on Wednesday again.

Today's song is Muse - The Small Print, live from Earl's Court in 2004. I have listened to this concert hundred of times and will never get tired of it. Yes, I'm still huge on Muse. They had a new album last year, and it is glorious. I only hate the length of it. When I leave the house in the morning for work and start it, walk 12 minutes to my workplace, and listen to the rest on the 12 minutes back home, I NEVER can listen to the last song of the album, and it's frustrating. I'm glad that my biggest problems are fairly insignificant :giveup:

Hope you all had a fantastic start in the week :flowerz: (<--- that's another weird one. Looks like a gigolo or something)


Well-known member
Posts: 1,356
Thanks for your advice, stay strong, too. Btw, want to buy some guitars/basses? :LOL:
Oh, I'll try to resist, but it can't hurt to see a few pictures of your collection 😁

G.A.S. is, I guess, the "official" terminology:
(sorry, not in english...)

Last edited:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@HellYeah interesting articles, hadn't thought it warrented studies and research :eyes: I think I could get off my butt and snap a few photos of the instruments we have standing around and post them now and then. We need to photograph a lot of them, anyway, and it would be a nice start, I suppose. Snap one here, one there, and at one point we'll have a collection :LOL:
@NancyTree he's already waiting too long and the ladies are ignoring him, it seems :LOL:
@Tileenah great that you understood most of it! And thanks for the congrats! It's going pretty well so far. And once again, if you'd ask me to speak French, you'd probably be offended hearing me :confused:

Day 12
  • Vitality Day 28, 29 and 30 (COMPLETE)
  • Easy Cardio Day 22
  • Easy Arms Day 22
  • Easy Core Day 22
  • Glutes of Steel Day 23
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 11 (40 secs)
  • 90 Days of Action Day 15

And there is the first badge. Not that Vitality feels like a big achievement at this point, but it got me up from my chair during the day, so there's that. I'll probably start Foundation Light tomorrow. Although the old version isn't available any more and the current one looks quite easy. Ah, well.

The song of today is OGRE YOU ASSHOLE - フェリー (Ferry) from the Space Dandy soundtrack. Despite the... uhm... interesting name of the band it's actually a quite mellow, melancholic intrumental track. I like the tracks they used from them for the soundtrack a lot, because they have a very interesting mood fitting the episodes they appear in extremely well. It's still my favourite anime. Many people dismiss it as a stupid comedy focused on boobies (also the name of a restaurant chain in the universe) it's actually quite mature and sometimes outright sad. This song appears in the episode "A World Without Sadness, Baby" in which Dandy finds himself on a planet where no one can die. It's a beautifully melancholic episode, with great art direction. Can recommend.

Hope you all had a great day, it's back to work for me tomorrow :corner:


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Have a nice day at work!
And congrats on vitality! :applause:you finished that fast!

I am never offended to hear someone trying to speak a foreign language, especially french which is hard. I have a soft spot for accents (even very strong ones). But I may be one of those overeager people that you can't practice french around because I'll try to talk to you in your own language if I know a bit of it even if I'm very bad at it. Even if I have nothing to say which can cause interesting scenarios 😂