@Scohui heyyy, of course I remember you!
I also remember you posting pics of your arms
How are you doing? Arms doing well? Are you still doing your degree? It was CompSci, wasn't it? Great to see you're still around!
Day 2
- Foundation Light Day 14 and 15 (no Internet after that, so no challenges and no check-in post)
Day 3
- Foundation Light Day 16, 17 and 18
- The Guardian Day 2 (200 Goblins were punched)
- Splits in 30 Days Day 2
- Core Control Day 2
- Wall Push-Ups Day 2
- Easy Abs Day 2
- Posture Day 2
It's the weekend, and it's going to be a longer one! And thankfully, I'm in a much better place, mind-wise, than last weekend. I'm very positive that this one is going to be better. I want to start writing again tonight. I'm also to 99% recovered from my cold.
Now that I've put 90 Days of Action on hold for now, I haven't decided on another Level 3 programme yet. I thought Hero's Journey, but not entirely sure. Maybe Bootcamp, that one looks interesting, too. Should be a longer one, while I'm still catching up with the Level 1 and 2 programmes. Maybe I'll have a decision tomorrow.
I want to learn Russian again
I'm still switching languages every couple of months. Mostly between Chinese and Russian, my two main languages. Sometimes I pick up Spanish, Italian, Japanese or Korean AGAIN! I have no idea how often I've learnt Hangeul over the past years. Or the Kana. Cyrillic, though, I'll never forget. Russian and Chinese always gets a bit more each time, because I don't really forget everything I've learnt before, but going like this it'll take decades until I get to a satisfying level. Ah, who cares. I don't.
I wish you all a very nice weekend, enjoy it as best as you can, I certainly will
<---- tonight's drink is peanutbutter liquor. Yes, I have a bottle, and yes, it tastes weird. But good.