There's Always Tomorrow, Baby


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah, @HellYeah, @Gandhalfit, @TheLibrarian, @Montserrat, @Fremen, @Haleth, @Sólveig and @Anek thank you! :flowers:

@Tileenah yes, I think French is super hard to pronounce. From all the languages tried to learn so far I had the most trouble with it. I probably put the most nasally speaking Frenchman/woman to shame with my horrible nasal pronunciaton. I'm sorry :sorry:

Day 13
  • Foundation Light Day 1 and 2
  • 90 Days of Action Day 16
  • Easy Cardio Day 23
  • Easy Arms Day 23
  • Easy Core Day 23
  • Glutes of Steel Day 24
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 12

I've finished playing Shining Force II today. It was a great game to get up after each battle to do a workout. Would be great to find something similar, but I'm afraid I have to get off my chair by myself now. Time to look at the clock again when sitting in front of the PC. Years ago I used to get up every 25 minutes for 5 minutes exercise, but, like so many things, lost that habit over the past two years.
Writing is still successful, so for now, my notes on finding and retaining motivation will be put on hold until probably next week or so, when I try to start again with the bass. I really wonder if Darebee is magically to blame for my sudden writing streak :worry:
Really, feels good to be back.
It was raining all day long, with a bit of thunder in the distance, so the light in the flat was abysmal, too dark to make decent photos of instruments. One of these days, I should make an effort to buy real light sources. For some reason, we sit mostly in a dimly lit room and the light from the ceiling is flickering all the time whenever it gets flipped on. Swooky.

I've downloaded a new Vocaloid album a few days ago and have heard it every evening since then. I'm still not sure what to think about it, because it's pretty weird, but one song somehow got stuck in my head. So, the song of the day is KIKUO - Oishii Tamashii. It's a bit video gamey, glitch, electronic, I don't know exactly how to describe it. I love the Vocaloid scene. There's so much good or weird music to be found, although there's also a lot of outright bad stuff.

Hope you all had a wonderful day :hero:


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Congrats on all the writing! :pompom:
I wouldn't bother about the strong accent... My dad has the worst english accent I know, and whenever we went to england or had english people over he was the one they understood the most because his accent is so french (like the one they would do to mock us on TV shows...)... So that puts pronunciation in a perspective to actually being understood 😅
If you want to train after fights I would recommend the latest god of war (if you haven't already played it). But you would probably have to train every 5 minutes so the timing would be wrong 😂


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah thank you! Accents are a wonderful thing. I used to love Final Fantasy XII because a lot of the characters in the English localisation had different accents, and it gave the game so much atmosphere. It taught me that it's not such a bad thing, having an accent, but maybe a sign of identity and heritage. I remember when I went to England for the first time that we were told not to speak German in public, because it could incite the English to violence hearing the langauge of their hated enemy, but I had nothing but good experiences over there. Weird.
I remember playing God of War (the original one) on the PS2, but I'm not sure if I'd like the gameplay nowadays. I'm a quieter person now :teatime::LOL:

@Silent Wolf thanks! :flowers:

Day 14
  • Foundation Light Day 3 and 4
  • Easy Cardio Day 24
  • 90 Days of Action Day 17
  • Easy Arms Day 24
  • Easy Core Day 24
  • Glutes of Steel Day 25
  • Leg Day Everyday Day 13 (40 secs)

Good day at work. Found out I get actually things done when I write them down and make a plan of action. Managed to do two out of three tasks. I would probably be faster if I wouldn't push pixels around at 1200% zoom in the range of 0.001 mm. No one probably checks my prints at that detail, but I can't help myself :bored:

Today's song is a bit of a classic, and a great performance: Queen & David Bowie & Annie Lennox - Under Pressure, performed live at the Freddy Mercury Tribute 1992. This is one of the videos I watch every now and then, not only for Bowie's mint green suit, but also for the amazing atmosphere. Annie Lennox's make up is nothing to sneeze at, either.

Hope you all had a magnificient day :twirl:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@NancyTree and @Whirly thank you both! And glad to see you again, @Whirly, I still remember you, too!

Ha, I haven't even made it to Day 15 before my streak broke again (so close...) but I got sick on Friday and technically still am. Well, I'm on the mend, thankfully, today was the first day since I returned from work on Friday that I haven't slept most of the time. It's also the first day I finally switched on the PC again. It was nothing big, just a cold, not even a bad one, but somehow very exhausting. Right now my nose is clogged but aside from that, I'm mostly fine and only need to rebuild strength.

I'm thinking about how to continue with my programmes. I'll probably just finish the challenges that are already close to the end, because they weren't that hard anyway and I don't need to build up to where I was last. I'll restart Foundation Light, but I don't know yet what to do about 90 Days of Action. Maybe I'll just do another programme for now and return later for a fresh start.

No updates today, because I still didn't do anything. But I'm back and will hopefully be able to start working out tomorrow again.

I hope you all did well, had a nice weekend, a good start in the week and a wonderful day! :drink:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Gandhalfit, @Sólveig, @Whirly, @Tileenah, @Montserrat and @Fremen thank you all so much :tu: the cold is already halfway out the door, on its way to the other side of the universe :LOL: The symptoms themselves were pretty mild as far as my experiences with the common cold go, but, well, unusually exhausting. But I could taste cheese today, so I know I'm almost back to my old self again!

Day 1
  • Easy Cardio Day 25
  • Easy Arms Day 25
  • Easy Core Day 25

Yeah, it was an easy day. I started slow. But it will go better from today on.

Hope you all had a beautiful day :flowers:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
Slogging on!

Day 2
  • EotD 80 Leg Balance Swings w/ EC
  • Foundation Light Day 1
  • Easy Cardio Day 26
  • Easy Arms Day 26
  • Easy Core Day 26
  • Glutes of Steel Day 26

Nose still is clogged now and then, otherwise, it's getting better every day. Today was the seventh day of being sick, so, tomorrow everything should be fine and dandy, because colds always last seven days and not a single one longer, because that's the law. :move:

I broke my Anki repetition streak and now the debt is real. I've racked up over 400 cards and honestly, I can't be bothered to work through all of them. It will probably take more than an hour. I'm going to acquire my vocabulary by reading and playing video games from now on. Back in the old days, I haven't learnt English words with spaced repetition either. It's a bit weird, if you think about it: Most of us ESLs (English Second Language-rs) learnt English mostly by immersion out of necessity, and suddenly, when you want to learn another language, you should work through textbooks, grammar books, vocabulary cards for months/years/reincarnation cycles depending on who you ask, before you can FINALLY read/watch/consume native content. Why, though? No one did it like that when learning English. But suddenly, the collective language learning community whips out pitchforks and torches and screams bloody murder when you say "I know 100 words, I will now go and immerse myself in [language] and have fun". What gives? :gotq:
On that note, I feel a bit stupid, because my husband basically learnt Japanese by reading one (1) grammar guide and starting to read manga in Japanese with a screen reader and a vocabulary plug-in. And now he translates manga himself. And I sit here and say "nooooo, I can't just read a comic in Chinese, I first have to work through this HSK Anki deck and learn my 3000 words".
This ends now. No more textbooks, no more grammar books, no more Anki.

Song of the day is クリスタルKITSUNE - TAXI, a high energetic vaporwave future funk track I love to listen to when I feel low on energy but need to do some cardio. It's also great when laying on the floor in proximity to the subwoofer, because ump-ump-ump-ump-ump.

Hope you all had a splendid day :watermelon:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
Laws have been broken. I am appalled and disgusted. My nose is still clogged, despite today being day 8 of being sick. Preposterous. The only silver lightning is that my nose today was slightly less clogged.

Day 3
  • EotD 60 secs Elbow Strikes w/ EC
  • Foundation Light Day 2,3 and 4
  • Easy Cardio Day 27
  • Easy Arms Day 27
  • Easy Core Day 27
  • Glutes of Steel Day 27

I don't smell anything, but at least I can taste. Weird, but true. Tomorrow I will make some bastardised Mousse au Chocolat and Pizzabuns. I have no idea how the latter will turn out, but tomorrow, I'll know more.

I'm going to be a bit cultured for the weekend, with today's "song" being the Opera "Maria and Draco" from Final Fantasy VI, from the Distant Worlds album. It's really an opera. With singers and an orchestra and such. I think it's 16 minutes long. I also think it's worth it.

I wish you all a wonderful and relaxing weekend :party: (<--- today's drink is the humble chocolate milk)


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Gandhalfit and @Tileenah thank you! :flowers: The mousse was very tasty, as always, and the pizza buns had a bit of a funky texture because of the steaming, but were tasty, too. Will definitely make them again.

Day 4
  • Foundation Light Day 5,6 and 7
  • Easy Cardio Day 28
  • Easy Arms Day 28
  • Easy Core Day 28
  • Glutes of Steel Day 28

I think my nose is getting better, but I'm not really sure. Don't smell anything, still.

It's already a bit late, so I'll keep the post short today.

Hope you all had a very nice Saturday :jacks:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
My nose is getting better, but for the whole day I had the taste of old lemon cake in my mouth. Like having eaten a piece of cake and not drunk anything after for an hour. Not very pleasant.

Day 5
  • Foundation Light Day 8
  • Easy Cardio Day 29
  • Easy Arms Day 29
  • Easy Core Day 29
  • Glutes of Steel Day 29
Day 6
  • Foundation Light Day 9 and 10
  • Easy Cardio Day 30 (COMPLETE)
  • Easy Arms Day 30 (COMPLETE)
  • Easy Core Day 30 (COMPLETE)
  • Glutes of Steel Day 30 (COMPLETE)

I have spent the weekend in a state of "I have nothing to do and feel like doing nothing" depression. It's a weird phenomenon I suffer from periodically since I got my life in order and found work. Back in my lazy days of NEETdom I had so much to do over the day, so much fun, and so much energy. Since I've started to work, I haven't really done something with passion or with great fun. It's not that I don't have time. I have a lot of time after work, but... *shrugs*. During my NEET days I spent most of the day writing, or even playing a game, or doing other fun stuffs. And now, if I don't have a game to play, I mostly waste the day away. Sometimes I get a bit of writing going (my week-long streak crumbled down when I got sick and I haven't got back to it yet) but there are many days when I just don't know what to do with myself. There are things I technically want to do/learn, but I don't find the tolerance for frustration to actually get started, or keep at it for longer than 20 minutes. And on some days, it gets so bad that I get into a real funk and lie around the whole day, being depressed. I haven't found a remedy for that, yet. At least I put new strings on my bass over the weekend, but I'm not convinced it was the right decision.
Honestly, at that point the thing I look forwards the most to is my glass of whisky on Friday and Saturday night. I have finally "got my life in order" and feel like a bigger failure than before, mostly because I don't have fun any more.
But I refuse to give up. At one point, I'll find the solution and things will go uphill again. At least everything else is golden, so it's not all bad.
Today was better, by the way. My boss has a Labrador, and while she's one of the most stupid dogs I've ever met, I love to cuddle and pet her for hours.

Hope you all had a good start into the week, mine certainly was better than the weekend itself :gogogo:


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Congrats on easy cardio, easy arms, easy core and glutes of steel! :fireworks:
I've been experiencing what you describe in your post for years now. If I'm proud of my productivity for a few days and feel like I have a ton of energy, I know that at some point I'll be helpless on the couch, depressed and leaving my husband to take care of everything, including the children. I think this is the way I process fatigue, some kind of neurological one because it's not dependant of how I slept or how well rested my body feels. When I worked I used to feel like that every weekend and I had a pit in my stomach going back to work, even if I liked my job...
:hug: if you ever find a solution, make sure to tell me 😅


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah, @Fremen, @Gandhalfit, @Haleth, @Sólveig, @TheLibrarian, @Anek, @Mianevem, @Montserrat, @Julian4077 and @NancyTree :thanks: It's cool that Darebee now also offers badges for challenges :LOL:

@NancyTree I'm almost over the cold, nose is getting better and I finally start to smell things again! This one was stubborn!
@Tileenah I'm sorry to read that you know that particular kind of depression. I feel like it's such a mean one. I had some kind of depression before, that one was beatable with logic and reason and never came back, but this one is sneaky and I haven't found the specific reason for it yet. I'll keep searching, though.

Day 1 (again)
  • Foundation Light Day 11, 12 and 13
  • The Guardian Day 1
  • Splits in 30 Days Day 1
  • Core Control Day 1
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 1
  • Easy Abs Day 1
  • Posture Day 1

Yesterday was another bad day, but today was pretty good. I'm doing the Splits challenge again, already did that one years ago and it did wonders for the inner sides of my thighs. My problem zones: thighs and upper arms. Three years ago I did a cut and had visible abs, but my thighs still looked like cottage cheese (and my boobs were mostly gone...). Cursed fat distribution. I can look lean and trim on my torso, but legs and arms look... weird. I need to lose some fat again, but with that other issue on my plate it's a bit difficult to have good eating habits at the moment. Well, one thing at a time. I need to fix my mind first.
Good news today were that cheese prices are getting lower, finally. Next up, quark, milk and yoghurt, please. I've crossed so many things from my list of things to eat, I feel like all I'm eating nowadays is lentils and pancakes. It's not even that I can't affort the rising prices, but I don't want to. And judging from how often quark gets tossed into the "reduced because close to expiring" box in the dozens, others think the same.

Hope you all had a very nice day :flowers:


Active member
Mercenary from Portugal
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 37
"Boy will I be causing trouble today! A reeeaaaalll ruckus!"
I am probably late to this sort of response but I just casually checked on the Hive and holy crap!!! Niho!! Idk if you remember me (and that's alright if it's the case) but I am so happy to hear from you again :D


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Scohui heyyy, of course I remember you! :party: I also remember you posting pics of your arms :LOL: How are you doing? Arms doing well? Are you still doing your degree? It was CompSci, wasn't it? Great to see you're still around!

Day 2
  • Foundation Light Day 14 and 15 (no Internet after that, so no challenges and no check-in post)
Day 3
  • Foundation Light Day 16, 17 and 18
  • The Guardian Day 2 (200 Goblins were punched)
  • Splits in 30 Days Day 2
  • Core Control Day 2
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 2
  • Easy Abs Day 2
  • Posture Day 2

It's the weekend, and it's going to be a longer one! And thankfully, I'm in a much better place, mind-wise, than last weekend. I'm very positive that this one is going to be better. I want to start writing again tonight. I'm also to 99% recovered from my cold.
Now that I've put 90 Days of Action on hold for now, I haven't decided on another Level 3 programme yet. I thought Hero's Journey, but not entirely sure. Maybe Bootcamp, that one looks interesting, too. Should be a longer one, while I'm still catching up with the Level 1 and 2 programmes. Maybe I'll have a decision tomorrow.
I want to learn Russian again :type: I'm still switching languages every couple of months. Mostly between Chinese and Russian, my two main languages. Sometimes I pick up Spanish, Italian, Japanese or Korean AGAIN! I have no idea how often I've learnt Hangeul over the past years. Or the Kana. Cyrillic, though, I'll never forget. Russian and Chinese always gets a bit more each time, because I don't really forget everything I've learnt before, but going like this it'll take decades until I get to a satisfying level. Ah, who cares. I don't.

I wish you all a very nice weekend, enjoy it as best as you can, I certainly will :party: <---- tonight's drink is peanutbutter liquor. Yes, I have a bottle, and yes, it tastes weird. But good.


Active member
Mercenary from Portugal
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 37
"Boy will I be causing trouble today! A reeeaaaalll ruckus!"
@Scohui heyyy, of course I remember you! :party: I also remember you posting pics of your arms :LOL: How are you doing? Arms doing well? Are you still doing your degree? It was CompSci, wasn't it? Great to see you're still around!
Aaaaaaaa that's right I did share those pictures! Ngl I had forgotten it myself but I guess it makes sense, my arms didn't really get better from that point since I had a period I wasn't doing as much exercise :vsad: I kept doing my degree for most of the time but I have recently dropped out of the masters in favor of working a job. The thesis work was just being way too much for me and my mental health was at an all time low, and even though some people especially my parents say it was a terrible decision to drop out when all I "had to do" was my thesis, I have been doing much better and working actually feels fulfilling (I'm also working at a gaming company so that's a bigger plus). Now I have been getting back into exercising which my job actually helps with because there's an in-office gym and I can just be there by myself. I am glad you are doing better as well. I wish you luck in getting your writing done!


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Scohui it makes me happy to read that your work feels fulfilling. I know that feel. I dropped out of uni after almost 14 years with nothing to show for my efforts and I didn't even get to the point I had to do a thesis, but I saw how much work that can be. People often underestimate the work going into those and say "you've studied for years, now it's only writing a few pages of words, why stop now?". Because at some point it just doesn't work any more. Especially if your mental health doesn't play nice.
Really, I'm glad that it seems like it's going good for you. And your nice arms will come back! I lost much of my progress, too, but we just have to get back on the horse, right? :gogogo:
And now I will start to write :LOL:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah that is very nice, but I know next to nothing in all of those languages :LOL: I can read and know a lot of Russian words, I can read and know a lot of Chinese words, I can (sometimes) read Hangeul and thanks to watching anime and listening to my husband's Visual Novels I understand a bit of Japanese to get the gist of some scenes, but that's it. If I would stick to one language I would probably make more progress and can read better, but I'm too fickle for this.


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah thank you kindly :ss: But it's really mostly me having fun learning words, I absolutely suck at grammar and thus always have trouble making the jump to actually reading. Funny thing: I have no problems learning Chinese words using Chinese characters, but every time I try to learn Japanese words utilising Kanji, I fail hard because they don't always get read the same. That's always the point when I stop learning Japanese again. You probably know that feeling.

Day 4
  • Foundation Light Day 20, 21, 22 and 23
  • The Guardian Day 3
  • Splits Day 3
  • Core Control Day 3
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 3
  • Easy Abs Day 3
  • Posture Day 3

Today was time for my annual playthrough of Papers, Please. Which is a surprisingly good game to cram a couple of workouts in, or to do challenges. Play a day, do a challenge, play another, do a challenge, etc. I'll probably do a couple of playthroughs before I have to look for another game.
I also re-started my writing yesterday, so, great success. Wrote 600 words and then stopped, because I reached 8,000 and I always like to work in steps of 1,000. When I've reached 10,000 in that story, I want to try to revisit my other stories and see if I can continue them. I miss my characters from the other stories.
I also think I'm 100% recovered now. This weekend is off to a good start, so here's hoping :welcome:

Hope you all had a spiffing Saturday! :cheekz:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Scohui bureaucratic German soul that I am I find controlling papers very relaxing :LOL:
@Tileenah thank you very much! :flowers:

Day 5
  • Hero's Journey Day 1
  • Foundation Light Day 24
  • The Guardian Day 4
  • Splits Day 4
  • Core Control Day 4
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 4
  • Easy Abs Day 4
  • Posture Day 4

A most excellent day! There was knitting, reading, making another round of Mantou and eating them in one go, hacking together a new Startpage for my browser with horrible CSS, fiddling around in Godot (game engine) and not figuring out why my code doesn't work (I copied it from the textbook, why doesn't it work?), finally starting Hero's Journey and having a long talk with my father over the phone.
Yes, it was a very good day and will spend the rest of the evening writing and folding Lucky Stars. I'm very content :drink:
And no work tomorrow!

I wish you all a great start into the new week :kizz:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Anek that it was, and today was another great one :dance:

Day 6
  • Foundation Light Day 25
  • Hero's Journey Day 2 (Chose Option B, lots of High Knees!)
  • The Guardian Day 5
  • Splits Day 5
  • Core Control Day 5
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 5
  • Easy Abs Day 5
  • Posture Day 5

I started writing down my achievements of the day, so that I don't have an excuse to say at the end of the day "what a sucky day, I got nothing done".
So, Today's Achievements: 6

A couple posts ago I mentioned that I have guitars and basses to sell and that I could post my collection. So, I thought I could now and then take a photo of what I have.
I start with my baby, my Jackson JS3Q Spectra IV (not for sale):
With fresh strings!

Hope you all had a very nice Monday :jacks:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269

Day 7:
  • Splits Day 6
  • The Guardian Day 6
  • Core Control Day 6
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 6
  • Easy Abs Day 6
  • Hero's Journey Day 3 (I chose Hammer, starting with 6 kg dumbbells)
  • Foundation Light Day 26 and 27
  • Posture Day 6

I returned to one of my old stories yesterday and wrote 800 words :worried: This is amazing, and I'm very happy about it.
I forgot to log achievements today, heh.
I got a "soft" salary raise and have to work 5 hours less per month for the same money. Maybe I'll only work four days a week then.
My husband installed Rocksmith on his PC and it also works with my bass, so that might be an interesting thing to look into to practise more. It's fun. I installed it on my old system, it works, but I couldn't get the Audio Interface to work today. Maybe tomorrow after a reboot. If it'll work, I hope it makes me take up the bass more often and regularly. If not, I have to fight with my husband over his PC :LOL:

The days so far have been kind for me, here's hoping it'l last some time.

Hope this Tuesday has been kind to you all, too. If not, I'll now bless your Wednesday.:wand:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
@Tileenah thanks! More free time is always appreciated!

Day 8
  • Splits Day 7
  • The Guardian Day 7
  • Core Control Day 7
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 7
  • Easy Abs Day 7
  • Hero's Journey Day 4
  • Foundation Light Day 28, 29 and 30 (COMPLETE)
  • Posture Day 7

I got Rocksmith up and running and fiddled around with the bass for over 45 minutes. I think that's the longest I ever had him in my hands in one go. I usually scoff a bit at gamified (gna, had to look this word up) methods to learn stuff, but if it works, I guess it works. At this point, I take everything I can. Hysteria, here I come! Nah, this will probably take some time, but it's a big milestone. If I'll ever succeed at one clean and precise playthrough, I'll.... do something. No idea yet, what exactly. Breaking into Chris Wolstenholme's house and seranading him with my bass to wake him up or something.
Aside from this, great day, once again.

Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday, it's almost the end of the week! :standby: