There's Always Tomorrow, Baby


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Julian4077, @NancyTree, @Tileenah, @Fremen, @HellYeah, @Sólveig, @Anek, @TheLibrarian and @Haleth thank you! :thanks:
@HellYeah glad that I could be of service :ohyes: I think Hysteria has one of those basslines that look deceptively easy, but have fun playing that straight and precisely for the almost 4 minutes the song takes. Chris Wolstenholme is said to have fantastic endurance when playing bass and strong fingers. Let me know when you've aced the challenge!

Day 9
  • Splits Day 8
  • Core Control Day 8
  • The Guardian Day 8
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 8
  • Easy Abs Day 8
  • Hero's Journey Day 5 (I chose to adopt the Dragon and christened him Rüdiger)
  • Baseline Day 1 and 2
  • Posture Day 8
  • More Bass!

Right-o. I noticed that I've been ignoring the Darebee... uuh... wellness...(?) challenges. Mostly because... uhm... who knows. I don't. But maybe they wouldn't hurt. Looking through the level 1 challenges, there are the Daily Hugs and the Mediation Challege to choose from. I already drink water first thing in the morning, so that wouldn't be much of a challenge. Hugging myself... eeeeeeeh, no, not really. So I'm going to try the Meditation challenge from tomorrow on. But if anyone has done the Daily Hug challenge and want to report positive effects, please feel free to do so, I'll gladly let myself e convinced.
Other thing: Nutrition. I already mentioned that I could lose some fat. Currently, as of today, I sit at 55 kg, more or less distributed over 1 metre and 63 centimetres. That's not much, but all I have. I want to get down to 50-52 (or until I think I have a good base). Calorie counting would be my weapon of choice, but the last three times over the last year weren't really all that successful. I guess my biggest problem right now is that I could eat all the time. I tried OMAD to reset, but that worked for two days tops. New plan: I have a good breakfast as soon as I sit down at my desk at work around 10. When I get home at around 15 I have a bit of chocolate with my coffee. At around 20 I have my main meal. Aside from that, nada. Fluid calories like milk in my coffee I'll ignore for now. I 've started on 1st May and so far was moderately successful. I'll try to get like this through May, and if I have established that, I'm going to reduce my calorie intake for breakfast in June. The plan is to play the long game.
Another good day.

Hope you all had a terrific Thursday (ha ha, I had to look up what day it is today in English...) :amused:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271

Day 10
  • Splits Day 9
  • Core Control Day 9
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 9
  • Easy Abs Day 9
  • Hero's Journey Day 6 (again, with 6kg dumbbells)
  • Meditation Day 1
  • Baseline Day 3
  • The Guardian Day 3
  • Posture Day 3
  • Even Moar Bass!

I had the bass in my hand (and even played it!) for almost an hour today. Which is pretty awesome. Have some problems with hammer-ons and pull-offs, and slides, but today was the first day I tried my hand at them. Practised a lot of Blur's Song 2, the first time I played a different tuning than standard.
Gosh, this week had been perfect for me. Great breather after my last crash. With a bit of luck, it will stay like this for a while *crosses fingers*. I don't have high standards, I just want to do something. And currently, my days are filled with playing, working out, fiddling around with the bass and writing. I'm happy.

Forgot a bit about the song of the day. I'm a bit obsessed with the Fuck Buttons at the moment, who mostly make instrumental electronic psychedelic music. So, today's song is Fuck Buttons - Flight Of The Feathered Serpent, which is splendid background music for doing march steps. Had it on play during the Guardian challenge. 150 march steps per minute! And with 9:30 minutes of length it was perfect for today.

I wish you all a most wonderful weekend, my friends! :party:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah thanks! :worried:

Day 11
  • Core Control Day 10
  • The Guardian Day 10 + punching 100 Goblins
  • Splits Day 10
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 10
  • Easy Abs Day 10
  • Hero's Journey Day 7 on Lvl 1 (I was hungry and got dizzy, also, High Knees...)
  • Baseline Day 4
  • Posture Day 10
  • Guess what? More Bass!

I finally bought a rice cooker. I have thought about it for years and because we cooked a lot of rice over the past weeks, I decided it would be time. It arrived today and looks like a shy police roboter. I was surprised how much different (and better!) it tastes in comparison to rice cooked in a sauce pan. So fluffy and sweet, and you don't have to stand next to the sauce pan to watch it. And best of all: You can bake cake in it! Finally, I can have cake again! It's been years since I last baked cake. I'll probably won't try it out in the next days, but I really can't wait. Cake!

And because of all that bass, the song for today is Sakurano Mimito - Hyper Bass. Well, it's not the plucking-type bass instrument, but the wump wump wump kind of bass, but bass, nonetheless. Reminds me, I have a CD from 1993 from Techmaster P.E.B. that came with a warning that the bass could damage your hardware. Yep, that bass goes deep.

Hope you all had a super Saturday! :pose:


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Yay to more bass! You're acing this! :worried:
And also yay to new rice cooker that makes fluffy rice and can bake cake! (I have no idea how you could go for years without baking cake... When I was a student I saved up to buy a mini-oven so I could bake cakes and cookies because I couldn't see myself not baking those even for three years 😅)


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah thank you kindly, you are always so motivating :flowers:
I actually was thinking lately about buying a mini-oven, but now with the rice cooker I don't need to, hopefully. Should we move this year, or the next, or whenever, we'll probably get a working oven again :LOL: Before our oven broke, I was baking a lot. Fresh bread every week, cookies, muffins, cakes.... No wonder my husband lost 40 kg after it broke o_O

Day 12
  • Splits Day 11
  • Core Control Day 11
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 11
  • Easy Abs Day 11
  • Hero's Journey Day 8
  • Baseline Day 5
  • some Bass (I tried to set up the bridge pick-up because it was a bit high, but now the bass gives noise during the game, and it's irritating. I might have to set it a bit higher, again, to lower the input during the game. That could be the reason. Hopefully.)

I somehow didn't find the time for The Guardian. Will probably do both days tomorrow. First week with new eating plan went well, aside from a few sunflower seeds now and then or a piece of Salami after a glass of whisky I mostly stuck to it. Here's to the next week.
I also finished socks for my husband today and had to realise the cuff of the second sock is shorter than the one of the first one. I have no idea how that happened :q:
I have to be more careful with the second pair. Knitting socks for my husband always makes me wonder why so many women want their men to be huge. Don't they know that tall men have big feet? Like, really big? And now imagine knitting socks for those feet, it takes FOREVER! But it's also fun.

Song for today is Interpol - Evil. Because I spent most of my bass time today practising that song. It has a cool bassline, in Drop D, and it's available in Rocksmith. I wish they had Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down, but I take what I can get. Yesterday I practised With Or Without You by U2 a lot, that was testing my endurance. Fun fact: I was a huge U2 fan in my teenage fans. Nowadays, I look at my CDs and am mostly embarrassed. Heh.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I wish you all a splendid start into the new week! :heyhi:
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Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
Ooooh fresh bread... And muffins... And cookies.... And cakes! All right I'm hungry now. You can probably hear my stomach rumble all the way to germany!
Congrats to sticking to meal plan! That's no small feat!
And also on finishing huge socks :D You know, not all women knit socks for their husbands (I absolutely don't know how to knit and don't have the patience to learn...) but then again, I have a rather tiny husband and we have the same shoe-size (very convenient sometimes, though I borrow his shoes a lot more than he borrows mine... Such a wonder... :imp:)
Yay to bass again! :worried:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah that's what was rumbling today! I was already wondering :LOL:
Of course I know that knitting socks isn't that go-to hobby of most women. But after knitting hats, gloves, scarves and whatever, all that's left is socks, because that's what you always need. Socks. Lots of socks. I wish I had the same shoe-size like my husband, or more likely, the other way around (would look ridiculous on him, though) because finding shoes in his size is a monumental effort.
And thanks for all your encouragements!

Day 13
  • Core Control Day 12
  • The Guardian Day 11 and 12
  • Splits Day 12
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 12
  • Easy Abs Day 12
  • no bass today, I took up the e-guitar for once and realised again why I gave up years ago: chords :giveup: maybe the magic of gaming will help me overcome my dislike of them. After twenty minutes of the first few seconds of Blitzkrieg Bop I'm still not wholly convinced... But, time flew, I had the guitar in hand for around an hour until my ringfinger had no strength any more

We made a pancake in the rice cooker today. Sure, it's not a pancake when you make it in a rice cooker, but, my gosh, that thing is a miracle. Prepare batter, grease the pot, pour batter in pot, choose cake program, close lid, start, do whatever for the next 30 minutes until you have...

It was a fluffy treat around four centimetres in height with a crispy underside. Very tasty, with slightly less fat compared to frying five pancakes in a pan, and using less energy than the stove top. Next time, we'll throw cherries or something on top after half the time.

The song of the day is The Divine Comedy - The Pop Singer's Fear Of The Pollen Count. One of those songs that (almost) gets me dancing and (almost) singing along when I wait at the traffic lights for green. Incredibly catchy. I still love Neil Hannon. One of the best musicians in the world, in my humble opinion.

Hope you all had a magnificient Monday! :excited:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
Thanks, @Tileenah and @Anek! Tomorrow, we're actually cooking rice in it again :LOL:

@Gandhalfit thank you! :flowers:

Day 14
  • The Guardian Day 13
  • Splits Day 13
  • Core Control Day 13
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 13
  • Easy Abs Day 13
  • Hero's Journey Day 9 (chose option A)
  • Baseline Day 6 on Lvl 1 (I forgot how boring Baseline is...)
  • Back to the Bass (no more noise after lowering the pick-up again. Pracisted "I'm so lonesome I could cry" because it was very easy, and the first two parts of Supermassive Black Hole, which wasn't easy. But, hey, Muse!)

I need to mow the lawn but it's raining all the time. At least we have a lot of lovely dandelions growing. Last year, we had clover in the back part of the garden, with lots of bees and bumblebees. I wanted to let that part of the lawn grow, but nooooo, the lady from upstairs mowed it all down. No more bees. No more happiness. No more lies. No more Rage Against The Machine.

I tried to show my husband how Toto - Hold the Line sounds. Apparently singing "Hold the line.... doo doo daa daa" doesn't cut it. But then again, according to him, me singing should be banned worldwide because it's legit torture.

Song of the day is Muse - Supermassive Black Hole Live From Wembley Stadium. And holy damn, this song is sexy. When that song came out, some people likened it to Britney Spears, which Matt Bellamy found very amusing. He also said every singer should record at least one song using falsetto. The Kaos Pad action in the middle of the song is awesome, too. That guitar must be friggin' heavy!

Unrelated, but I want a fretless 5-sting bass. I won't get one, though.

Hope you all had a terrific Tuesday! :move:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271

Day 15
  • Splits Day 14
  • Wall Push-Ups Day 14
  • Easy Abs Day 14
  • The Guardian Day 14 + 50 Goblins punched
  • Core Control Day 14
  • Bass (I started my challenges extra early so I could play early, then I played too much and forgot about Hero's Journey and Baseline :p Good sign, tho. I want to play moar bass. I also figured I should set my eyes on one song and practise that thoroughly. One song that isn't super-duper easy

It's raining so much, everything's green outside and I can't mow the lawn. I mean, it's kind of nice, but if this goes on I'd have to please my case to the new landlord before he wants to hire a janitor we have to pay for, after all. Not that we're not the only tenants in this house or something...

Rice cooker had some action today again, this time red rice. Tasted much better than the one time we cooked that in a sauce pan. I have no idea what that magic is.

Song of the day is The Strokes - Last Nite. I'm currently in the process of learning the bass of this song without exactly knowing why, but it's pretty cool. Not the one I wanted to learn initially, but I forgot which one that was. Now that I watched the video, I saw that Franz Ferdinand's Take Me Out came after, and remembered that this was the one... Well, I'm going to stick with The Strokes for now, see how far I come. Playing Rocksmith to learn songs is great and all, but tomorrow I'll unplug from the computer and into the amp to practise technique for a while. To be honest, I never had much fun practising the bass, despite liking the instrument, but over the past days I enjoyed it immensely.

Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday! :makeway:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Anek oh yes! Every time I come home and look over the pavement in my street I have the feeling there's more dandelions every day sprouting from the joints. It's crazy, but also beautiful. Everything's so green outside, my way to work takes me along a river with trees, and on the other side is a natural rock wall, also with shrubs and trees, and it's green, green, green. Very nice after hours staring at a screen.

Day 16
  • Made With Love on Level 1 (token workout done ten minutes ago because I forgot about the rest)
  • Bass (totally not the reason for me forgetting about the workout)

After a long hiatus of not reading, I've returned to the printed word for entertainment around a year ago. Many years ago, I liked dark and super emotional fantasy books (Robin Hobb, anyone?) but nowadays I'm not much in the mood for that any more. I read a bit of this and that, but still mostly stick to fantasy and it's sub-genres, just a bit... lighter. I kind of like Urban Fantasy, because the idea is pretty cool and a bit World of Darkness-esque. Years ago I read the Anita Blake novels until book 12, at which point it mostly read like low quality porn. No biggie, I don't hold grudges.
But now I'm reading an Urban Fantasy novel where Character A likes Character B. So far, so good. Character B doesn't seem to mind Character A, but I wouldn't say there is much of an emotional connection. Then, around page 70 or so, suddenly *wham*... sex. No reason, no build-up, I don't even know why. And afterwards, big feelings. Wut? Why? There wasn't anything indicating that. How come?
This wasn't the first time I read a book where the characters just got squished together at one point into a romance, because the author meant them to be together and at one point it probably was time to get started, without any hint of building sympathies or feelings. I don't get it. Is that a problem with modern books? Do I just read the wrong ones? I don't know.
And I also don't know why I wrote about that here. Probably to rant. Because that's something that makes me angry. Authors not treating their characters like persons, but more like tools to get their agenda across (agenda being their idea of what should happen). Gna.
No idea if I'm going to finish that book. I'm halfway through and don't really care for the characters and the plot.

Song of the day is The Verve - Noise Epic. Cool bass, underrated song, I like it.

Hope you all had a grand Thursday! :noming:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271

Day 17
  • Stronger Legs on Level 1
  • Rest & Rec
  • Bass

Yep, I didn't do my standard programme today, either. Somehow, I was quite tired today, and, uhm... not in the mood. Happens. Tomorrow, I'll get back to it.

I also ditched my book from yesterday's rant and started another one today. Seems much better already. The heroine is more grounded and the first chapter was enjoyably slow. Here's hoping.

Still raining, still no mowing of the lawn. There's a forget-me-not growing from the joints of the pavement in front of our house. I love forget-me-nots.

Today's song is The Killers - Mr. Brightside. A classic. Although Brandon Flowers looked like an arrogant bastard during the Hot Fuss era (and was one). I liked his moustachioed look of the Sam's Town era much more. He also mellowed down a lot. I first had Bling (Confessions of a King) in mind, but somehow, the version of that and of Mr Brightside sound different on Youtube than they do on the albums. Very weird.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend! :party:
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Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
Today's song is The Killers - Mr. Brightside. A classic...
I prefer the Emil Bulls version of this song, but that's just me...

Edit: okay, that sounds weird.... what I wanted to say is, this is a good song, but I prefer the Emil Bulls version, which is something I really cannot explain...
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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Not sure if you were around when we had the Three Mages and a Margarita craze here? If you don't know them, and like urban fantasy with a cool heroine, I would very much recommend them. There's 8 in the main series plus three spin offs of 4 books each.


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
The Nevernight Chronicle Series, simply spectacular, I devoured it.
Robin Hobb is really good, I have all her books but I haven't finished reading them yet, I had picked them up after the first killer trilogy, I'm still waiting to be in the mood and now I'm mulling over whether to try to read them in English.
Mercy Thompson Series it's beautiful especially for the first books, then it gets lost a bit in everything always happens to me maybe because of me.
Kate Daniels Series another interesting series for setting and non-sweet heroine.
I'm finishing up the Mercy Thompson Series in English and mulling over which urban fantasy series to try to always read in English.
I like a modern but a little strange setting like Urban Fantasy but it's really hard not to fall into the worst romance novel and I have the utmost respect for romance novels, also because my partner writes them :p
I wanted to be helpful :LOL:


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Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@lpf that's... a bit more rock/punk than I would have expected. The original is a bit more glam-rock, I give you that, so it all comes down to taste. Emil Bulls isn't mine, but it was an interesting version, nonetheless. Heh, I wouldn't even mind if you'd not like the original, but I'm always happy to be pointed to different versions/interpretations of songs I like.

@Anek that was before my time now and after my time then :LOL: They seem like a short read, so I might give them a try. As long as the relationships are believable and there isn't suddenly sex, I'm game.

@Fremen ha! I started reading the first Mercy Thompson book a couple of days ago! So far I like it a lot! Very good recommendation :LOL: I'll put your other two recs on my list. The Kate Daniels series was actually in another recommendation thread, but I have ignored them for now. I'll give them a try, many thanks! And I like Romance novels, but I hate it when the characters are getting into each other because they have to, it's a romance novel, dammit! and no other reason.

I haven't been around the past days, but I still did something every day. I don't write everything down here, I have my calendar for that, I only note today.

Day... (I'm counting on my fingers right now and it's harder than it should be)... 23, I think.
  • Goblin Mode on Level 3 without breaks

I have to re-evaluate my workout plan. I feel it got a bit too much, in matters of time, not matters of what I can do. I'm now at 2 or more hours playing the bass, and between that, my writing that's going great at the moment, and a couple of minor things, I find it difficult to cram all five challenges and two programs into the day. Especially because The Guardian and Splits take forever. Hero's Journey, too. Baseline is as boring as I remembered it to be, and with all those thoughts floating around the other things just fell off the waggon. I'll do some easy days until I figure out how to restart and build a schedule around the other things.
Honestly, at the moment I don't want to cut back on the bass. I have struggled for so long with practising it, the fact that I don't really want to put it away after an hour or so is just too great. I'm playing a lot of early Johnny Cash songs, and it's a blast. I have an unhealthy liking for old country music, considering that I'm as European as one can get.

Anyway, yesterday we finally mowed the lawn. And because the grass and flowers were already knee-high (well, my low to the ground knee high) the mower couldn't really just mow comfortably, so I had to guide it a bit like a wild tiger, jumping into the grass to cut off the heads of all those pretty buttercups with a loud *vroom vroom vroom* and the blossoms and leafs and grass were spraying everywhere, it was as fascinating as it was gruesome. And kind of fun. And a good workout. Now the lawn looks like someone hacked it down with a dull machete, but at least it's short now. It was the best I could do.

Hope you all had a nice and chill Thursday, it was a holiday over here and we had a super tasty apple pie out of the rice cooker :noming:


Active member
Mercenary from Portugal
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 35
"Boy will I be causing trouble today! A reeeaaaalll ruckus!"
Yeah idk how long your workout was taking with 2 programs and all that but to me I find the sweet spot is about 30 minutes for a daily sesh.

But it's awesome that you're being able to take the time to do the things you enjoy doing!


Well-known member
Witcher from Kent
Posts: 199
"True Failure is Never Attempting"
Very blate welcome back and massive congrats on Vitality :D

bump automata GIF


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Tileenah thank you! I'm pretty happy, myself :happy:
@Scohui thanks, and yes, juggling all those challenges and programmes wasn't so hard as long as I didn't have anything else to do. But now, it kind of is. I'll just adapt and improve :LOL:
@BlackButler thanks, and great to see you again, too! :party:
@Anek awesome, they go on the list, ha! Thanks for the recommendation. For the record: I don't have anything against sex scenes, far from it, I just don't like when they jump you from a dark side street and slam you to the pavement because you didn't expect them. I want to see the attraction between two people grow and understand why they suddenly get the hots for each other. Otherwise, I would just read smut.

Day 24
  • Baseline Day 9, 10 and 11

For now, I'll just grind the Baseline programme to be done with it while pondering where to go from here. Come June I might have to juggle time slots again, or maybe not, I don't know yet. If everything goes well, my husband will start a job on the 1st and it's something we'll have to work around and see how to organise our free time. We're currently waiting for the contract in the mail. If we're satisfied with the terms, he's going to accept next week. And then we'll have the same job description, with the exception that his company is almost 50 times bigger than mine. But, yay!

My song of today is Hotei - Bambina. This is a pretty fun rock/rockabilly song I horribly fail to play on the bass. Hotei is most known for his track "Battle Without Honour or Humanity" in the West (maybe some of you know that from the film Kill Bill), but in Japan he's actually a superstar whose been active since the 1980s.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend, I'm sure you've earnt it! :party:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@guibo94 thanks! :party:
I would say there's a huge gap between me leaving off and picking up, but I wasn't here during that time so nobody had seen it :LOL:
If you're ever in the mood to start a new check-in thread in the new Hive, I'll be over with a beer, promise.

Day 25
  • Baseline Day 12 and 13 (lazy...)

Maybe I'll do Shadebound when I'm done with Baseline. Not sure yet. I'm thinking not enough about my workout plans, but too much about other things. Nothing of it really important. But who cares, thinking about unimportant things is just an indication that there's nothing bad going on in my life :move:

Saturday's song is The Cardigans - My Favourite Game. It's been years since I've seen this video and the ending made me laugh. Some day, if I'll ever need to buy a car, I probably buy an old and used one that is built like a tank, a Volvo, or a Saab. Something not-computerised. I once had a small accident in my mother's Opel Astra. I basically bumped against a parking small truck with 10 km/h, and it sounded like aluminium foil being crumpled. I thought it wasn't that bad and drove to a side street to assess the damage and Holy Whatever, the hood had a 40 cm long ridge in it, with cables peeking out the front. The next time, I want a car that wrecks modern cars when I bump against them. KKND style. (nah, not really).

Anyway, hope you all had a splendid Saturday :chilling:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Montserrat :party:

Day 26
  • Baseline Day 14 and 15 (still lazy...)

I have been playing practising the bass ~2 hours a day, every day for two weeks now. I bought my first bass over twenty years ago. And still, I think I never practised as much in all those years as I did in the last two weeks. Not only that, I made progress. Just by having fun, holding it in my hands every day and practising songs. My fingers can spread wider, got stronger, and are more dexterous. I can play for over one hour standing without pain, although even 30 minutes were hell during the first couple days. Callouses on my fingers are forming. I hate playing with a pick and currently can't imagine using anything but my fingers. There are still techniques I avoid, like hammer-ons and pull-offs. But I have fun, and I see progress.
And I think it's slowly getting time where I have to think what I want to do with the instrument in the long run. What kind of music I want to play. What kind of sound I'm looking for. There's time, of course, but I'm wondering.

Same with working out. I'm messing around at the moment, but I should think about what I want to achieve. The Nihopaloa-age old wish for "looking good naked" of course. I want to be reasonably strong and look the part. I want to go into my 40s with a body that keeps me healthy and active. I'd say I'm not weak, I have no problems lifting ~20kg into a shelf above my head at work. I can walk for hours. But it irks me that I don't look that part. So, I need to start prioritising. Which, probably, means full-body workout with focus on arms and legs. And cutting body-fat, again. But that is secondary at the moment, because it's not important for me working out. As with the bass, I have to think about this. There's also motivation and time I need to factor in. I'll think about it.

The song of the day is one of my favourite shoegaze/vocaloid songs, 36g - this is (not) a love song. I love shoegaze, especially of the Japanese variety, but I never got the hang of the western classics, like My Bloody Valentine. There are a couple of songs/albums of western artists I like, for example The Autumns, but the bulk of my favourites are Japanese. Reminds me of the "Which country has the best--" -"Japan!"-meme :LOL:

Anyway, I hope you all had a terrific weekend and I wish you all a great start into the new week! :foodie:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
Our two days of spring are over, summer's here, and it suckerpunched me with gusto I'm not ready yet, I'm still recovering from last year's summer :choke:

Day 27
  • Baseline Day 16 on Lvl 1 (token effort)

My gosh, Baseline is a boring programme. 12 Forward Bends? Why? And all this arm wriggling and waving and wobbling, every day...
Well, at least I walked a lot today. In the heat. And I forgot my hat. I hate summer and want winter back.

80s time! Today's song is Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot. I'm a sucker for 80s music. We will never have such cool guitars and synthesisers again. Or such cool hairstyles. Or aerobic videos. Or neon leotards. Sometimes I think if you'd tell someone from the 80s how the 2020s look, he would be thoroughly disappointed. I'm still waiting for my hoverboard. Ah, well...

Hope you all had a marvellous Monday! :kill:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
Hmm hmm hmm...

I didn't do anything today aside from four pull-ups in my work place's toilet stall. But they were good pull-ups, slow and with good form. Does that sound sad? Does it sound like a workout? They weren't consecutive pull-ups. I'm undecided. But because I did nothing else today aside from lazing around and playing bass I count this as a non-workout day. Streak's broken, whoop-dee-doo.

But, eventful day. My husband signed his contract today and will start work on the 1st June. I am very proud of him. Since he graduated from school he wasn't employed or anything, for around 15 years. Huge gap in his resumee. Then he convinced his job coach that he's well-suited for the same training I did in 2021, found a company that gave him the benefit of the doubt and took him in for an 8-week internship, and despite them telling him they can't hire him afterwards... he got hired today. I am very proud of him.
Eight years ago the sheer notion of talking to people, never mind work for real, got us into shivering fits and panic attacks. And now, look at us. We can talk to people, we learnt something real and useful, we have work and soon we're going to do taxes. It took us a long time, but we clawed our way out of a deep deep hole and arrived at a point where I would call us proper adults. At least on the outside. Inside, we're far from being adults, but who really is, anyway.

Song of the day is Queen - Don't Stop Me Now. A friend of mine always said he would like this to be played at his funeral, but I think it's also great to listen to when no one has died. I think Queen songs are hard to play on the bass. But that's just me.

Hope you all had a spiffing Tuesday, my friends :toohot:


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Different doesn't mean wrong ;)
We grew up with people telling us there was only one way to do things and that way clearly wasn't for us.
Then we realized that the people who told us weren't happy.
In short, we had to invent from scratch a different way of doing things to be happy.
Different doesn't mean wrong :LOL:


Definitely something one can be proud of, a way filled with learning, making choices, building up experiences, lessons learned - here and there - and working hard to finally be able to reap the results of it in the end! Congrats. :cheer:

And on another note: I am quite happy to read that there is at least one other human being out there that also does pull-ups in the toilet stall of the working place. I am not alone anymore. :LOL:


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 271
@Runamok, @Tileenah, @NancyTree, @Anek and @TheLibrarian thank you all so very much :thanks: The last five years were a very valuable lesson in "it's never too late to get on the horse".

@Fremen you are very right, my friend. Different doesn't mean wrong at all. Wise words, as always :party:

@Froud oh yes, I never paid much attention to Queen's bass, until now. I manage to play We Will Rock You today :LOL: Other songs are still pretty hard, though.

@TheLibrarian you are not alone! Toilet stall pull-ups are a very valid exercise. As are push-ups in the work kitchen when waiting for the water to boil. No, I'm not doing that, absolutely not :eyes:

Uhm, now to the shameful part (kinda): I haven't worked out the past couple of days. Well, I stood a lot, I walked a lot, I did the pull-ups and the push-ups, but nothing organised.
I... had other things to do....
(playing bass)

I haven't been this obsessed with something in a very, very, very long time, honestly. I dream about it, I go home and can't wait to continue playing, I don't want to stop. I'll... just enjoy it for a few days longer.
Long weekend, so I'll try to incorporate some proper exercise again.

My song of today is Pixies - Where Is My Mind. Probably like so many I first heard it during the last scene and ending credits of Fight Club and it stuck with me ever since. It's a lot of fun to play on the bass, even without a pick. Which I still don't use, by the way, and never will. Nev0r! *shakes fist at her pick collection*

Have a wonderful weekend, every one! :party: