Let's see if this one sticks


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
Over the years I've had various periods of steady exercise between long periods of basically nothing. I walked a marathon once (when I was 18), did Nintendo RingFit for a while, walked/jogged every morning at one point, etc. Lately I've realized I want to be healthier and stronger. My partner sent me a link to this site and it looks like something I can do! So I started today.

Universal Warmup
TEN Day 1

Maybe I looked too out of shape, my dog was so happy to see that I was alive afterwards! Or maybe he just thought I was having fun without him.


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
Universal Warmup
TEN Day 3

I can barely raise my arms now, good thing I can rest them on my desk for work! My dog is now bored by my workouts, but I'm still doing them! I hope tomorrow doesn't use deltoids or quads, but I'm afraid to look ahead! 🫣


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
TEN Day 4

Still feeling the legs from day 2, and I had to go really slow for today because apparently working around the back issues I've had for a long long time has made my abs super weak. I need to get them stronger to support my back! So it's a good thing, but will take some working up to. Luckily my dog came in right at the end to encourage me and then get some pets and hugs as soon as 10 min. was done.


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
TEN Day 5

At least I could complete this one! My dog came and checked on me, but saw that I was fine and just went to look out the window instead. I enjoyed getting warmed up enough with this one to do some stretching afterwards, as flexibility has never been my specialty.

Here's my dog Bruno



from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
Skipped a day as I was unable to get to sleep for quite a while the night before.

Today, TEN Day 6

My core, probably especially my back, needs some supplemental work for sure. I've been babying my back for so long that I've lost the muscle tone I should have there. I also gave blood yesterday, so the aerobic part of this one was probably a little tougher than it otherwise would have been. But overall this was a good one, a nice mix of muscles!

Bruno was sleeping on the guest bed in the room I exercise in, so I woke him up this morning. He seemed to think this workout was a little concerning and a little exciting and went and got his own (headless legless chicken) toy to shake vigorously.


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
Very late night on Friday, so I slept in and recovered over the weekend. Makes me feel old!

Still was having trouble motivating myself to get out of bed today, but eventually I did and at least did a 5 minute yoga!

Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll get out of bed and do TEN day 7!

This morning even Bruno came in and looked at me and then flopped down to take a nap.


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
I'm back!

Did TEN Day 9. Had to modify some of the exercises and took it slow for my back, but glad to have gotten back into the swing of things. Since my back was good and warmed up after that, I did some of these as well: https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/BWBirdDog

Bruno decided to lick my face and try and bite my hair while I was on the floor, so that was an interesting added distraction!


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
TEN Day 10!

Great workout! These exercises are perfect for my back! I do need to work on stretching out my wrists to help with these, but I really enjoyed today. Not that it was all easy!

Bruno slept through this one in the other room, but he might be feeling a little extra tired from getting a vaccine over the weekend. Poor guy.

I think I've fully "recovered" from giving blood, too. Seems like that did have an effect for a few days.


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
TEN Day 11!

Still a good aerobic workout. Bruno was asleep under the covers in my bed, so he didn't come out to check on me chew on my hands until the alarm went off to say I was done. It's been really dry here, so sudden deep breathing feels a little weird.


from California
Pronouns: She, He, They
Posts: 15
I'm back!

Had some knee pain and promptly got sick, so it took me a bit to get back into the routine. But here I am!

TEN Day 12

I'm definitely going to go through this program again once I finish. I can't really do all of the reps for the full 10 minutes. I do the best I can, and I'm sure I'll improve by the next time I get to each day!

Bruno has been very tired since his beach day earlier this week, so he slept in.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 664
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday GIF by Vincent Winter