I want to learn how to run


New member
Kunoichi from Argentina
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2
So.. Exercise was never my strong suit. I always dreaded gym class at school and after it, didn't bother to continue exercising. Somehow, over the years, this changed. First came pilates... Then some Darebee challenges... In 2020 started doing yoga... So now I must face the reality: I actually enjoy this.

Three months ago I did the most clichee thing ever... Got heartbroken and signed up in a gym. I have been training since then 5 times a week. Only broke streak two times when I was too sick to even get out of bed.

Last Sunday a friend of mine suggested to go running. So I guess I have a new goal now.

I have been browsing the running programs, and the "8 weeks to 5K program" seems to be the best suit (I have NEVER runned in my life, except to chase a bus) so I'm torn between that or just doing in and see how I feel.

Anyways, I hope this is the start of something new. Hopefully I will end this year feeling like I'm "a runnner".

-russian twists x20 + crunches x20 + reverse crunches x20 (3 SETS)
-shoulder press 15 kg (15x3)
-chest press 15 kg (15x3)
-pec deck machine 20 kg (15x3)
-lateral raises 4 kg (15x3) --> new rep number achieved today!
-anterior raises 4 kg (15x3) --> new rep number achieved today!
-overhead triceps extensions 4 kg (15x3) --> new rep number archieved today!

I'm open to suggestions and advice on the running thing!
If you run: how did you start?


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 674
"So sleepy!"
Welcome to the Hive!

I'm not much of a runner now, but what experience I've had with it shows that the more of it you do (and to start with, doesn't have to be much), the better you get. It's like with the gym workouts - if you increase your distance/time each time, you'll also get better.


Well-known member
Berserker Posts: 159
Welcome! The couch to 5k program is quite good! A very gentle gradation from walking to jogging/running minutes at a time! I'm planning on doing this one once my knee has recovered from my surgery.

If you can already run/jog for two minutes at a time, the Eight Weeks to 5k program at Darebee is good too! Darebee also has a similar challenge if you're already able to run for one-minute at a time, and you only want to commit to one month instead of two.

Good luck to you! Running is great!


Well-known member
None from Canada
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Posts: 93
"very tired but still going"
I don't know if you're interested in such or if it's in budget, but I run regularly using Zombies Run. The story is motivation enough for me to keep at it. They have an option of unlocking an episode a week for free (though not marvel move), so even if you don't want to pay for it, it could come in useful.


New member
Kunoichi from Argentina
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your advice.

Welcome! The couch to 5k program is quite good! A very gentle gradation from walking to jogging/running minutes at a time! I'm planning on doing this one once my knee has recovered from my surgery.

If you can already run/jog for two minutes at a time, the Eight Weeks to 5k program at Darebee is good too! Darebee also has a similar challenge if you're already able to run for one-minute at a time, and you only want to commit to one month instead of two.

Good luck to you! Running is great!

The C25K looks awesome, I will try it.

I am currently training lower body 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Sat) and upper body 2 times a week (Tue, Fri) with resting days con Thursday and Sunday... I was thinking to combine the 3 day running program with my upper body days and on Sunday.

-plank 20 sec + knee-to-elbow crunches x20 + 16 lunges (3 SETS)
-hamstring curl 20 kg 15x3
-outer thigh 53.5 kg 15x3
-glute kickback (machine) 10 kg 12x3
-reverse lunges 4 kg 24x3
-squats 6 kg 12x3
-elliptical: Crossramp #12 Resistance #2 (20 min)