Neophilic Workout Log


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
30 NOV 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer
Squats with resistance band around knees - 15
Lateral steps with resistance band around ankles - 10/side
C-walks with resistance band around ankles - 10 forward / 10 back

Dumbbell RDL - 2x25#, 15
Sumo squat - 16kg KB, 15
dumbbell pull over with leg raise - 1x20#, 10

Single leg RDL to reverse lunge - 2x20#, 8/side
TRX ab rollout - 10
Reverse lung to high knee up - 2x20#, 10/side

Weighted hip bridge/thrust - 2x25#, 12
Frogger burpbee - 8

03 - 15 December - business trip in Europe. I brought gear to workout, but didn't. Shared too many delicious beers in the evenings with my co-workers which was great fun. I did go on an unexpected indoor skiing trip on 09 December. One of my coworkers invited me. I haven't been skiing in a long time, it took a while (and a few falls) to get used to it again.


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
18 DEC 2023 (MON)


+ 10 snowballs dodged. 22 sent!!!


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
21 DEC 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer: 12 days of Fitmas
1. Dumbbell squat: 2 x 25#
2. Jumping jacks
3. Leg lifts
4. squat to overhead press: 2 x 20#
5. Bent over dumbbell row: 2 x 25#
6. Lateral lunges: 2 x 20# (6/side)
7. Forward lunges: 2 x 20# (7/side)
8. Reverse lunges: 2 x 20# (8/side)
9. Skater jumps (9/side)
10. Squat jump
11. Double deadbug
12. Banded pull aparts

(1), (2, 1), (3, 2, 1)...(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)


23 DEC 2023 (SAT)
1703363267745.png1703363285990.png1.5 mile Fall Out Boy run



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
28 DEC 2023 (THU) - workout with trainer

Set 1Set 2Set 3
KB suitcase march (26 Kg)20 sec/side40 sec/side30 sec/side
Isometric split squat with Tidal tank chop (25#)30 sec/side40 sec/side20 sec/side
TRX single arm row w/rotation30 sec/side15 sec/sidex
1,2, 3 step Heisman hold25 sec10 secx
side plank hip drop40 sec/side10 sec/sidex
Weight hold dead bug (2 x 25# above head, legs only movement)20 sec40 sec30 sec
Side plank with single arm resistance band row30 sec/side40 sec/side20 sec/side
TRX single arm row w/rotation30 sec/side15 sec/sidex
1,2, 3 step Heisman hold25 sec10 secx
Hip drop40 sec/side10 sec/sidex



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
30 DEC 2023 (SAT)

Warm up - Peloton 10 min full body strength w/u

Turkish getups with Tidal tank:

1 set:
(2) full motion getups

2 sets:
Then broke it to partials
(5) prone to weight shift
(5) side bend to ½ kneel
(5) kneel to stand

New toy from Christmas - Tidal Tank Sphere

The water sloshing adds a lot of instability to the getups.

Post workout stretching



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
got behind on the graphics for these.

02 JAN 2024 (TUE)
10 min warm up
45 min treadmill bootcamp

03 JAN 2024 (WED)
20 min yoga flow

04 JAN 2024 (THU) - workout with trainer
Banded SL Bridge: X10/side
½ Kneeling Hip Flexor stretch: X30 sec/side
Walkout to Superman back to feet and stand: X5

Sumo RDL: X8
Half Kneeling rotational lift: X8/side
SA RDL: X8/side

SL RDL: X8/side
Power Swings: X10
Elevated SL Bridge: X15 seconds/side

Suitcase March: 20 sec/side
Pullover Crunch:X10
Goblet Curtsy Lunge: X8/side

07 JAN 2024 (SUN)
10 min warmup
30 min HIIT treadmill bootcamp

08 JAN 2024 (MON)
5 min warmup
30 min endurance row

09 JAN 2024 (TUE)
5 min warmup
30 min row bootcamp


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
11 JAN 2024 (THU) - workout with trainer
Dumbbell chest press (2x 35#): 75 / 55 / 45 / 25 sec
Burpees: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 sec

Neutral grip deadlift (2 x 40#): 85 / 65 / 45 / 25 sec
Box jump: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 sec

Barbell hip thrust/bridge (2x 25#): 30 / 30 sec
shoulders elevated glute bridge (body weight): 30 / 30 sec
single leg shoulders elevated glute bridge: 20 / 20 sec

13 JAN 2024 (SAT) - boot camp
10 Min full body warm up

7 min jog, run
3 min run, sprint

Single arm dumbbell row (30#)
Single are curls (20#)

5 min run, sprints

DB split squat (2x 30#)
split squat jump (bw)
goblet squats (I did bw)

5 min run, sprints

Hollow rocks
forearm plank hold

5 min run, sprints

Cooldown, stretch


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
14 JAN 2024 (SUN)
Peloton: 30 min Grounded Yoga Flow (DENIS MORTON) - Fri 4/7/23 @ 11:00 AM
I am really glad I started doing more of these. Denis is a really good instructor - even as a virtual class, he gives a lot of good cues and alternatives.
I started off tight, not doing the moves very well, but it got better by the end.

15 JAN 2024 (MON)
warmup - 6 mins - chest, shoulders, quads, hams, some walkout/planks with rotation



+ band assisted pullups: 8, 6, 6, 7
Filled to about 25#
I had been looking for a good workout to extensively use my tidal tank...and I found it! Though, I used a regular med ball for the climbers and push-ups. The water sloshing around adds a lot of dynamics to these exercises. The hardest was the side-to-side chops.

Finished off this workout with a ~ 1 mile treadmill "hike".

Full workout

Hike portion (min :50 to :68 above)

Last edited:


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
18 JAN 2024 (THU) - workout with trainer -- theme: 1 1/2's
1.5 single leg bridge: 10/side
1.5 banded clam shells: 10/side
thoracic rotations (hands/knees) - elbow to elbow, then elbow to ceiling: 5/side
90-90 windshield wiper to lift

1.5 squats with dumbbells - 2x35#: 10
1.5 squats (no weight) to jump: 5
1.5 push ups: 10

1.5 Bulgarian split squat (rear foot elevated) - 2x20#: 10/side
1.5 Bulgarian split squat (rear foot elevated), no weight with jump: 5/side
lateral plank walk: 10/side

1.5 sumo squat - 2x20#: 10
1.5 sumo squat, no weight with jump: 5
1.5 superman: 10

20 JAN 2024 (SAT)
10 min warmup

3x, 2 min rest between
Dumbbell getups - 20#: 4, 3, 3

RDLs on Teracore - 2x20# (set 1, 2, 3), then 2x25# (set 4)
Tidal tank kneeling chops (knee on teracore): 10/side
TRX rows: 10


Cool down & stretch (8 mins)


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
23 JAN 2023 (TUE)

+ band assisted pullups: 6, 6, 6, 6
side-to-side chops: done with 10# slam ball vs 25# slam ball in rounds 1-4.
pushups were on my knees today rounds 2, 3, 4

I really liked doing this workout last time (and still do), but today it seemed way harder. I had to back off weight and/or reps to finish it. Looking forward to my next rematch with this one in a week or so.

25 JAN 2024 (THU) - workout with trainer --- theme "negatives"
Neg: 3 sec
hold: 1 sec
return: < 1 sec

KB Goblet squat - 24 KG: 8 reps
TRX row: 8 reps
Pushups: 8 reps

DB RDL - 2x50#: 8 reps
bent over reverse fly - 2x10: 8
leg raises with yoga block between thighs: 8

DB lateral lunge - 2x20#: 8
Bent over row (neutral grip) - 2x20#: 8
TRX chest press: 8

27 JAN 2024 (SAT)
5 min warm up

Step up w/knee raise and arm curl - 2x20#: 8/leg
Band assisted pull ups: 8
DB Squat to overhead press - 2x20#: 10
Push ups: 10

Peloton - 10 min Core Strength (LOGAN ALDRIDGE) [Tue 1/9/24 @ 5:30 PM]



Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
03 FEB 2024 (SAT) - Trainer’s weekly workout

4 MIN warmup

Offset goblet squat - 16kg: 8/side
Leg lifts with arm bar kettle bell - 16kg: 8/side

KB deadlift with hand release, neutral grip85 sec
2x 16 kg
75 sec
2x 16 kg
65 sec
2x 24 kg
45 sec
2x 24 kg
Ski jumps20 sec25 sec30 sec35 sec

KG sumo squat - 24kg, 28kg, 28kg, 28kg: 16
Terra-core foot elevated glute bridges: 16

3x: 30 sec work / 15 sec rest
Skater jumps
Broad jumps




Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 135
Thank you @Fremen and @graoumia!

My workout log is terribly out of date. I will write about it soon. The short version is I was having shoulder problems, went to physical therapy for 3 months with only small improvement, got an MRI and found two tendons torn. Surgery in June and rehab on-going. My workouts have been pretty boring for a while. Hope that can change soon.