

Posts: 15
"But Iron - Cold Iron - is master of them all"
What is your job? How long have you been doing it? Does it help your fitness? If you don't enjoy your work, what would your ideal profession look like? What are your hobbies other than fitness? This is a general work/hobby discussion.

I'll go first. I work in a state campground. It's a good mix of office work and working manually. I just make sure I'm up early enough to workout before my commute. I've been at this job for going on two years. It's by far my favorite I've had. Outside work, I blacksmith, a bit of carpentry, a bit of plinking. Here's a draw knife I've been working on.


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Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 297
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
okay.... I work in IT... not that "did you try to turn it off and on again" part.... my job is watching, installing, houskeeping, petting and pampering servers and server farms...
which doesn't really help my fitness as it is sitting at a desk the whole day.... but I love this job... I mean, this is nothing I would tell my boss, but I really enjoy my work.
especially, as I can do it from home.... I love working in home office, I can arrange my work time, so it fits with my daily life.
I am doing this for almost 22 years now. Before I started working in IT, I worked as a bartender in part time to have some money for studying and living...
which ended up in working as a bartender and living but forgetting to study... I also loived working as a bartender, as it helped me a lot to develop personally...
being a more or less introvert person, having to talk to others and getting out of your box/comfort zone was really a good experience.

okay... so outside work and outside my personal fitness stuff, I help to train two handball youth teams... which is a lot of fun.
I also like to take pictures of little Lego people, or nature, or things like that, or Lego combined with nature and other things...

(edit: some typos)
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Well-known member
Berserker from Bavaria
Posts: 71
@Hammerhand nice thread topic. Regarding work: i'm a software developer. So my work is absolutely sedentary. Now i can also work mainly from home, which reduces any "unnecessary" movement further. All in all i would say i have real great options to shape my work/life balance while working from home. But one should really take use of the freed up time (no commuting) to get in some workouts. So, having said this, my work is definitely not helping me to get in enough movement.
Main hobbies at the moment are cycling and hang gliding. Some years ago dancing and hiking would also be in this list. And of course working out, bodyweight and/or with dumbbells, pull-up bar, high parallettes etc. But due to a shoulder injury this is very reduced at the moment.
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Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I'm a gunsmith and have a small shop. It's what I've learnt, but I also worked in gastronomy for many years before I returned to my original work again. It's been my dream job since I was a teenager and I still enjoy it a lot. I wouldn't say it helps me with fitness, but seeing that I don't sit around at work it's not too bad, either. I also do hunting work during the seasons.

My hobbies mostly are being outdoors, languages and music. I play the bass and fiddle around with e-guitars, mostly abusing them as controllers for playing aroudn with various effects. I can't really play them and have tried learning a few times but somehow never went through with it. I bought a used synthesiser that arrived two days ago and try to get into them, but they're insanely complicated and at the moment I just fiddle around with the knobs and buttons and try to figure out what is doing what.

Ratio Tile

Active member
Jedi from Poland
Posts: 30
I'm a translator. Work-from-home, sedentary lifestyle, so I started working out to counter that.

As for hobbies, I'm at a stage when I really want to do everything. I'm into photography, I try to get back to cooking at home, I'm learning to play keyboard to make my own music, and in the future I'd like to learn one more language. In the past I also used to learn how to code, but dropped it. Now I would like to get back to that as well. Oh, and I love to write fiction. I wrote two novels that are now lost somewhere in the Wattpad's oblivion.


Fae Posts: 9
Started in IT (front end web programmer) and ended that after 8 years. Six months of administrative work, a short unemployment break due to a lower back hernia and then started as actress in an interactive experience game (prison escape). Picked up the costume management and some IT tasks for that same company but at this moment work for them is reaaaaaally slow with Ukrainian refugees taking up a lot of temporary living space in our empty prisons so less working space for our games. (totally ok, of course, they need it more than we do).
Started as a trauma-actress back in November 2021 and still doing that. Trying to do that full time but there's just not enough shifts. It's partly physical work but mainly 'lying around being wounded'. Shivering from cold is a big part of it though, that involves muscles, right? ;-)
Also, most of my shifts I plan in a town that's 25,5 km from my home town and then I take the (non electric) bike to work; 1:10 hours of cycling one way trip at 20-25 km/hour with quite some luggage. This replaces my workout on work days. On my free days I do about an hour of Darebee workouts and a bit of hometraining with 1 episode of whatever I'm following at that moment.

Hobbies include (amateur) musical, which can be physical workout with the dancing and fight scenes but can also consist of a lot of sitting/standing nearly still. And two hours a week of dancing (hip hop and high heels).
At home I have a standing desk, so not much 'sitting behind the computer'. :)

My ideal job would be more acting (trauma, training and entertainment - no TV) for a better fee (it is quite underpaid), because it is a lot of fun to do and very varied.


New member
Posts: 3
I'm in early childhood education. It  can be quite physical, if you choose to make it so--hefting them kids around and chasing them around the playground--but it doesn't have to be, and lately I've been choosing more sedentary ways of doing my job. One of the reasons I'm here is I felt some struggle getting off the floor, and there is a lot of sitting on the floor in this job. It has its benefits, though no, I don't really love it. I want to get into a job that's more outdoors and involves fewer feelings charts. (Don't worry, I'm a good teacher, all my kids love me to pieces.)

For hobbies, I've been trying out a lot of little artistic things I never did before. My ADHD brain always wants to chase the rabbits but I never let it, because I knew I wouldn't "stick with it", but I'm trying not to live that way anymore. Why deny myself joy, just because it doesn't last forever? I write. Got into whittling, made a spoon, as is traditional, and now I want to carve some little animals... Took a wood turning class, made a bowl. Got into Islamic geometric art, made some paintings. Painted some tshirts. In decent weather, I spend a lot of time outdoors, learning to identify the things around me, God bless inaturalist! This week I'm on vacation somewhere warm and I've been learning to identify various birds.

Trauma acting sounds really cool! And I honestly didn't know gunsmithing was a thing, I guess I thought guns were all just... Born in factories, haha.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
I'm a college student on disability. I earn some pocket change doing online stuff. I took this semester off due to health issues, but I'm so looking forward to going back in a few weeks!

My hobbies are playing video games, reading, watching YouTube, hiking, bowling, and playing air hockey. I also really love table tennis, but I no longer have easy access to one :(

I should get back into whittling - I've only whittled one thing so far. A fox that looks suspiciously like a pig! I believe I made it in February or so.

I'm also rediscovering my love for heavy metal. So many good songs...


Fae Posts: 9
@Maladignia Looks like an interesting career path. I guess no day is the same.

Why no TV tho? Are you not interested in fame & fortune? :LOL:
I have no experience in TV acting but my guess is that it is actually a LOT of just waiting around, redoing things way too many times to get it just right (boooooring :p) still not getting paid a lot unless you are a Big Star and I feel I do not have the looks for it. I think that having an eye prosthetic and thus asymmetric eyes does not really help in the close-up emotional stuff on screen. Too much detail and scrutiny.
For trauma acting it works quite well; when they have to check pupil reflexes this is a very good test to see if they are actually looking instead of just making a quick show of shining a light in your face. :p So there it's a plus. :-D And for the Prison Escape acting we incorporated it into my role (guard lost an eye to an inmate uprising), so that was cool too.

And while I do like to shine on stage and receive applause with our amateur club, I do not crave 'famous person' status. I like my privacy. ;-)


Active member
from Ohio USA
Posts: 34
What is your job? How long have you been doing it? Does it help your fitness? If you don't enjoy your work, what would your ideal profession look like? What are your hobbies other than fitness? This is a general work/hobby discussion.

I'll go first. I work in a state campground. It's a good mix of office work and working manually. I just make sure I'm up early enough to workout before my commute. I've been at this job for going on two years. It's by far my favorite I've had. Outside work, I blacksmith, a bit of carpentry, a bit of plinking. Here's a draw knife I've been working on.
I've been working in call centers for over 20 years, answering calls sitting at a desk all day. My current job allows me to work from home most days of the week, so I can get on my treadmill as soon as I clock out. When I'm in the office, I have a standing desk, so I will use that to get some movement in. Otherwise, I will walk to get my lunch out. It's not much at this time, but it's a start.


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
I have a job interview on Monday. Very nervous! I keep panicking about needing to buy professional pants for the interview before remembering it's a video interview. Crazy how I've panicked about this 20 times and just keep forgetting I don't need to worry about that right now!! Lol.

The position is to be a behavioral health technician :)


Active member
from Ohio USA
Posts: 34
I have a job interview on Monday. Very nervous! I keep panicking about needing to buy professional pants for the interview before remembering it's a video interview. Crazy how I've panicked about this 20 times and just keep forgetting I don't need to worry about that right now!! Lol.

The position is to be a behavioral health technician :)
Sometimes dressing the part puts a person in the frame of mind to interview for the position wanted. Just some "food for thought".


Well-known member
Ranger from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 118
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
I'm an office worker, sit at a desk, answer switchboard. It and the pandemic is why I reached 210 lbs, it's real easy to get into a sitting habit.

As for hobbies, they are also sitting things. I'm really into fibre arts: Knitting, crocheting, sewing, bobbin lace, tablet weaving, spinning. If it's got yarn, fabric, or the stuff to make them, then I've probably tried it and/or have a project on the go.


Honeybee from Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 13
I work at a library! It's similar to retail energy level wise: Lots of standing, carrying light loads, lots of walking around because it's a big library. It's usually nothing intense but it keeps me moving!

A lot of my hobbies are very sedentary. I like to read (big shock, the librarian likes to read!), play video games with my girlfriend. I play D&D on the weekends with a group of friends online, and I write about that sometimes. I've been dabbling a bit with plants since moving into a place with a yard and my little lavender plant is doing fantastic. The poppies I'm growing from seed seem to be coming up alright! We'll see how they do. :please:


Active member
from Ohio USA
Posts: 34
I'm an office worker, sit at a desk, answer switchboard. It and the pandemic is why I reached 210 lbs, it's real easy to get into a sitting habit.

As for hobbies, they are also sitting things. I'm really into fibre arts: Knitting, crocheting, sewing, bobbin lace, tablet weaving, spinning. If it's got yarn, fabric, or the stuff to make them, then I've probably tried it and/or have a project on the go.
I am also an cubicle farm office worker/call center. I sit all day tethered to a computer and phone, but do my best to stand up regularly and move around as best I can. I also have a Varidesk (my computer monitors, phone, and keyboard on a moveable platform). It helps me a great deal because I can't sit or stand all day. I have a treadmill at home, so I am getting into using that throughout the week, every week. I also have a 14.5 year old dog that wants walks multiple times a day (even though they are short walks because she can't handle heat or cold very well these days).


from Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 20
"Warming up the engine"
Another software engineer here :hello: Started as - and still is - a hobby of mine, and choosing it as a career a 3 decades ago was the best decision ever :D
A few months ago, I would have answered "computer games" as my next favorite .... but focus changed, more physical, less computer .... dumbbells exclude keyboards, as my avatar puts it :loveu:


Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
Hi there. did you get the position? Just curious :)
I am an accountant. Like Math thus chose this occupation. Soon consider opening my own shop that is why study such programs like Priceva at the moment.

I never saw your reply! I did technically get the position, but my manager kept saying "You'll start next week" for...Months. I eventually applied for other jobs, got several offers, but eventually chose to be a direct support professional.

Now, I work with adults who have autism and severe behavioral problems. I help them do basic chores, take them on outings, and be sure they're staying safe! It's a stressful job depending on the day, but overall, I like it.


Bard from Maryland
Pronouns: they/them
Posts: 23
"I just needed to get that off my chest"
I work for in before- and after-school childcare for elementary students (kindergarten to fifth grade, so ranging from roughly 5-11 years old). Basically, I walk to the local elementary school every morning, do my thing, and then head home until I have to go back for aftercare, arriving about half an hour before school ends to set up. Our group consists of about 100 kids on an average afternoon.
The company I work for, which has this same program at a bunch of schools around the county, puts a lot of emphasis on playing with the kids as opposed to just supervising. I think this is a valiant goal—it makes the kids feel special, and it certainly makes my role in this a lot more fun—even though it can be difficult to strike the right balance. Sometimes, my ADHD brain gets so caught up in leading a game for one big group of kids on the field that I don’t notice another kid crying on the playground.
Still, I think I’m pretty good at most aspects of my job. A lot of the kids apparently think of me as “the artsy counselor,” and it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy when a child comes up to me with a handful of construction paper and asks me if I can help them with a craft, or a whole crowd of kids wants me to show them how to make an origami dog, or something of that nature. Lately, a bunch of kids have come to me in the mornings requesting that I draw something specific, which is fun—until I end up with a whole queue of kids to whom I’ve promised drawings and can’t nearly finish them all before morning care is over. I need to find a better way of handling this so I don’t disappoint anyone.
I’m rambling.
With regards to fitness… well, it’s nowhere near the level of deliberate training, but being “it” in a huge game of freeze tag every other weekday certainly helps, lol.


New member
Heroine Posts: 4
I work as a nurse on a psychiatric ward, mainly with patient suffering from depression. I‚m also studying part-time in my first semester for a Bachelor's degree in nursing. The work is very demanding but also very enjoyable. Unfortunately, there is often little time for hobbies. But when I do have time, I like to paint, read and go hiking.


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
My work is my hobby, and my hobby is my work? I'm a homemaker. Half of my kids are public school, and half are homeschool. I babysit my friend's kids so she can earn her degree. I'm a homesteader, soon to be an official farm in January, and I craft when I have the time, mostly crocheted baskets and essential oil bead bracelets. When I'm not doing that, I'm networking with local small businesses. It's my dream to run a nonprofit that connects communities to local businesses through service and charity. So, my hobby is working towards that end. However, due to occasional physical setbacks, I spend a lot of my time firmly planted upon my butt... or back... Whatever position is most comfortable, really. Finally, my greatest passion of all: FOOD! I'm a foodie... Changing my diet drastically has turned my greatest passion into a massive challenge, but I love challenges! :ss:

I'd say health and fitness more positively impact my work than my work positively impacts my health and fitness, though... Since I'm prone to spasms, it doesn't take much for me to fall out of commission...


Posts: 5
Well, another IT here! I am a QA (by day) and cyber security engineer (the rest of the time). Have awful lot of time sitting and staring at the screen especially with the home office.
I also do a lot of teaching during the weekends. I teach penetration testing and do trainings in that field.

bloody dunmeri

Well-known member
Spartan from Samara, Russia
Posts: 196
"Pick your guts from the floor (c) Goliath by Architects"
Currently I'm a project manager at team Support at one of the Russian online-schools (like SkillShare).
My hobby and biggest passion in life, apart from training, is cross stitching! Wish I could stitch all day all night but unfortunately it's not possible :D

So, I sit a lot and I literally have to workout otherwise I get too depressed, like it happened this November. But I'm coming back to training, and I've got it :cool: If you're interested in my [comeback] journey — check my check-in thread :D


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Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 164
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
I'm an aquarist - I take care of marine fish and invertebrates at a public aquarium! I've been in the industry (aka, at one aquarium or another, either as a volunteer or paid staff) for nearly 18 years, and I LOVE it. And it's very physical - lifting and carrying (a box of salt mix weighs 55 lb/25 kg :curlz:), climbing ladders and platforms, bending to reach inside tanks, and lots and lots of walking.

That's probably why most of my hobbies are sedentary :LOL:: reading, sewing and crafting, video games, and baking!


Bard from Europe
Posts: 16
I work as a tax accountant. Before, I used to work as a KYC analyst. And before that, throughout college, I taught French in a small language school.

I mostly work from home, where I have a standing desk which I occasionally use, but that is compensated by the fact I have a very short attention span and will walk around every 10-15 minutes (but I do work a lot when I finally get in the zone).

My hobbies include reading, arrow crosswords, reading/listening/watching anything about history and geopolitics, crochet & sewing, lifting weights, walking, photography, etc. I also used to enjoy taking online classes and running, but I guess I've grown a bit tired of it for now.

Juan Martin

from California
Pronouns: he, him
Posts: 7
Trading in crypto is like riding a rollercoaster—it’s exhilarating, unpredictable, and sometimes downright stressful. That’s why I turned to trading bots, and has been a revelation. What makes this platform so unique is the level of customization it offers. You don’t have to stick to one-size-fits-all strategies; instead, you can tweak the bot to match your trading style, whether you're looking for quick profits or long-term gains. also prioritizes security, which was a huge relief for me as I wanted to be sure my investments were safe while the bot worked its magic. One of my favorite features is how responsive the bot is to market conditions, acting faster than I could ever react manually. It’s like having a super-quick assistant who never sleeps 😊 allowing me to step away from the screen and focus on other aspects of life. Since using, I’ve seen my profits grow consistently, and I honestly don’t miss the old days of constant market monitoring. If you want to try out automated trading for yourself, check out — you won’t regret it.
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