Recovery, says it all


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Posts: 200
Thanks, @MadamMeow

It was an active rest day on Vitality, stretching. I followed this by not walking today, just being active around the house. Unfortunately I think I broke my oven.

Sunday Sept. 29
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 12, no levels - done


The figs are ripening. It was a cold August so they are late this year. I turned this batch into jam today. However, the bowl is full again.


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Posts: 200
Monday was a beautiful fall day. It started out a little cool in the morning but was comfortably warm by afternoon. My partner and I got out for an adventure day. We went troll hunting. Ate lunch at a new-to-us vegetarian restaurant in a small rural town. Then, stopped to see a cool waterfall. Wonderful day! I logged 3.7 km of walking.

Monday Sept. 30
- PT exercises: 3x (goal 3x) - done
- Vitality: Day 14, level 2 - done


Meet Jacob Two Trees. He is the first of five trolls by the Danish artist Thomas Dambo hidden in the woods around the area, that I have visited. As part of my recovery I intend to visit all five.
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from PNW
Posts: 200
@MadamMeow there is a Dambo troll in Hainesport, New Jersey.

I'm now 4 weeks post surgery. Generally feeling good and pain free. I might have over done it a little yesterday. My new right hip felt sore when I got out of bed this morning. Moving around seems to have helped. I went for a short, purposeful walk of 1 km.

Tuesday October 1
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 15, level 3 - done
- Walk: 1 km


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Posts: 200
It was a warm sunny day today. I enjoyed my afternoon walk even though it was tiring. I was more productive today then I have for some time completing a couple tasks that I really did not want to do. One was fixing leaky plumbing under my kitchen sink. I managed to contort into the cabinet and extract myself without any discomfort. The effort probably added to feeling tired while out walking.

Monday October 7
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 21, no levels - done
- Walk: 1.6 km, 25 mins


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Posts: 200
I am now 5 weeks post surgery. I have no pain or discomfort in the hip. Today in Vitality it was side jacks, a movement that I could not do before the hip repair. It's a good movement to work on to better my lateral movement.

Tuesday October 8
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 22, level 3 - done
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins


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Posts: 200
Started the day with a short list of tasks to do around the house. Top priority was to replace the batteries in my 20 year old cordless lawnmower. After a long search, I finally picked up the new batteries yesterday. This is the second time I have replaced the batteries in this machine. It went pretty easily as I had done it before. The hard part was getting up and down of my knees. Mowers are kind of low to the ground and i had no way to lift it up. It was a definite leg workout. I tested that it worked, put it all back together and plugged it in to charge. I also crawled under the kitchen sink to tighten a hose connection that seemed to be dripping, and replaced the lightbulb above the front door. I did not get out for a walk. Instead I took the sting trimmer and cut down the weeds along the roadway in front of the house. Now the string trimmer isn't working.

So, lots of practical activity, and the minimum purposeful activity.

Thursday October 10
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 24, no levels - done
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins


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Posts: 200
I have been busy with stuff around home. I missed one day of exercise and have not maintained my journal. I can say that I have become board with the PT exercises. I will replace those in the coming week.

Friday October 11
- PT exercises: 1x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 25, - no
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins

Saturday October 12
- PT exercises: 0x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 26, no levels - done
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins

Sunday October 13
- PT exercises: 0x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 25, level 1 - done
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins

Monday October 14
- PT exercises: 1x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 27, no levels - done
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins
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Posts: 200
Tuesday was 6 weeks post surgery. Wednesday I saw my doctor and was cleared to go on with my life with few restrictions. Although, I think the handbook says not to do a bridge until 8 weeks. The big, life changing restriction is to stop running. Okay, it's been five years since I've ran. It was a big part of my life before the medical issues came up in 2020. I came to Darebee as a runner. Is how I maintained my cardio to stay in shape to hike long distances, climb mountains. Running was a major stress reliever in my everyday life. I really miss it. I will miss the simplicity of it, a pair of running shoes and appropriate clothing for the weather. I could start from my front door, or drive into the hills and run trails. I will probably go back to cycling for cardio.

Tuesday October 15
- PT exercises: x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 27 - no
- Walk: 0 km, 0 mins

Wednesday October 16
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 27, level 3 - done
- Walk: 0.25 km, 0 mins

Distractions continue to get in the way of my program. I had a slow start Tuesday morning and did not get in my exercise before it was time to go deal with other stuff. I made it up on Wednesday completing Day 27 at level 3. I went out for a walk, but was too tired to get very far at all. I give myself credit for putting on the shoes and giving it a try. My running friends and I called them out the door runs.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,088
"Striving to be the change."
@Obsinosterous I am sorry about the running ban.
I hope you will be able to find joy and stress release and simplicity in your transition to cycling.
Do you have a setup for cycling indoors during inclement weather?
(I'm a runner too and have always been willing to bear harsher weather in my running gear than on a bike. Though I think your winters are not as harsh as mine, which would extend the safe cycling season.)


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Posts: 200
Thank you @Laura Rainbow Dragon. I'm just looking back and going through a short mourning period before moving forward again. My true passion is hiking and climbing. I started running to better my cardio fitness so I could hike further and faster. The joy I got from running was an unexpected extra benefit. The doctor's restriction is intended for me to get more miles from my new hip joints. I'm good with that. I don't have an indoors setup. It was on my mind but I have not done anything about it. The weather here is not as harsh in terms of ice and snow. Instead it is very, very rainy, riding in the rain is no fun and leads to a lot of road hazards. I enjoyed running in the rain. Walking and cycling in the rain are not so much fun.
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from PNW
Posts: 200
I need to catch my log up with my actions. I continue to be very busy pushed by outside forces. However, I managed to continue daily progress and did finish Vitality on Saturday.

Thursday October 17
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 28, level 2 - done

Friday October 18
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 29, level 3 - done

Saturday October 19
- PT exercises: 2x (goal 3x) -
- Vitality: Day 30, no levels - done. :completed:


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Posts: 200
Thank you for the support, @Laura Rainbow Dragon, @Anek, @MadamMeow.

Since I'm not on any sort of streak, I chose to take the day off. Tomorrow I will start a new program, maybe recently updated Foundation Light, or maybe the new 30 Days of Cardio Light. I also want to change up my PT and start the routine I was doing after the first hip surgery. I'll figure it out for Monday.


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Posts: 200
I had an appointment with my cardiologist this morning. It went as well as any cardiologist visit can go, no change to my meds. Early this year I underwent a bunch of tests to determine why my heart doesn't work quite right. They were inconclusive.

I started Foundation Light as my new daily program. I might pair it with 30 Days of Cardio Light as morning and evening workouts. I will do Cardio Light on days I don't get out to walk or cycle. I rolled out my yoga mat today putting in about 10 minutes of light stretching. I even got down on hands and knees to do some stretching. While I was down there I held a plank, probably about 30 seconds.

Monday, October 21
- Yoga: 10 minutes
- Foundation Light: Day 1, level 3 - done
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Well-known member
from PNW
Posts: 200
Today I made up for my laziness on Monday. I completed Day 1 of Cardio Light even though I also went for a substantial walk. Dinner was taking a lot longer to cook then expected. I was hungry and looking for something to do to distract myself.

Tuesday, October 22
- Yoga: 10 minutes
- Foundation Light: Day 1, level 3 - done
- 30 Days of Cardio - Light: Day 1, level 1 - done
- Walking - yes, 1.2 km


Meet Bruun Idun, troll number two in my troll hunting series. This one is located in a park close to the home of an uncle of mine. He was free and joined us for the hunt. It was a sunny day and we sat on the sea shore talking.