Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
I hear the most interesting excuses why someone's child isn't at school: It's his birthday so we're playing hooky. I brought his sisters but didn't realize he wasn't in the car until we got here, so I'll just let him stay home. We're going to (nearest large town an hour away) to go grocery shopping. My child has a dentist/doctor appointment (10 minutes away from school, and it takes ALL DAY???) We're going on a trip (even though you just had two weeks off...). It's snowing/raining/too hot. I don't want them to ride in the school vehicle with X, because X is sick and the last time they rode with X, my child was sick for a week. My alarm didn't go off. I needed air in my tire. We were up really late last night and we're tired. There's school today?? :cantcope:

14 Jan workout:
:x: took a rest day

15 Jan workout:
:star: PT exercises - 15 min
:star: SOMA 40+ round #3, day 21
:star: Better Core Challenge day 4

Asian stir fry for dinner. Enjoy your evening bees, no excuses!! ;)

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
It's been challenging to exercise this week. Yesterday after work I went to civilization for groceries (we call it 'big shopping' up here cuz it's an hour's drive each way and takes all day). So I went 'big shopping' and did a few errands. By the time I got home and put everything away I was beat. I just haven't had the energy lately that I used to. Anyway I had hummus+carrots+pita chips for supper and fell asleep watching Deadliest Catch. Now I'll have to figure out where I left off. :zzz:

I did get my medical test results back yesterday. Let's just say there will be more testing and waiting and probably treatments/procedures down the line. I haven't told anyone else yet (except you Bees) until I know more but from what I understand the prognosis is usually good. I am a very private person by nature and introverted. So I'll continue to stuff everything-which is unhealthy I know-until I have to share the news; however I'm very grateful that I can share this in the Hive. Prayers & positive vibes are appreciated.

Work was very busy and everyone was tired. Thank goodness for a 3 day weekend! woo hoo!

17 Jan workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 22
:star:Better Core Challenge day 5

Have a lovely evening bees :love:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
:thanks:@Anek @TopNotch @NancyTree @CODawn @Mamatigerj @Laura Rainbow Dragon You guys are the best. I'm doing ok about everything, it's the Not Knowing that I struggle with.
My fav day today, Saturday. Ran some errands, did some chores, and booked a soak at a geothermal pool in Iceland next month. So stoked for this trip!!!!! :twirl:

18 Jan workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 23
:star:Better Core Challenge day 6

The fog finally disappeared and Pixie took a sun bath. Have a wonderful rest of your day bees. :heart:


Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@CODawn @MadamMeow Going to Iceland has been on my bucket list for a very long time. I did a lot of traveling when I was younger and without family responsibilities. Now I shoot for a big trip every other year if I can.

:crawl:Today I did not want to do anything. But I did. I did not want to get out of bed. I did not want to attend a meeting. I did not want to finish laundry. I did not want to exercise. But I did. For me there's a fine line between listening to my body and pushing to get all my tasks done. I always have more to do than is possible on every given day. But I have been challenged to ask myself, "What does my best look like today?", and being content with not checking off all those tasks on my list.

19 January workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 24
:star:Better Core Challenge day 7

Now I am going to make some lentil & potato soup for dinner. I do not want to, but I know I will be glad I did. Have a nice evening bees! :foodie:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Sunday's lentil soup was extremely good! I will definitely make it again but for now there are LOTS of leftovers. I don't mind leftovers. I usually take them to work for lunch the next day...and the next day...and the next get the idea.

Monday was a holiday here in the US and a beautiful but cold sunny day so my workout was doing yardwork. Like I-should-have-taken-care-of-this-two-months-ago yardwork. Raking frozen leaves over frozen ground was challenging but it felt good to be outdoors and my yard looks much better. :cape:

21 Jan workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 25
:star:Better Core Challenge day 8

Have a warm & cozy evening bees. :softz:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@Anek If you are ever in my neighborhood I will make you some!

Today we had our monthly potluck at work. It's a good thing/bad thing.
The good things are: I don't have to make my lunch that day; I get to eat yummy and (usually) healthy food; it makes the office smell terrific; we come up with different themes and I get to try new things; more staff hang out over lunch and chat (which sometimes is also a bad thing).
The bad things are: the same people consistently don't contribute anything yet eat the most amount of food (and take home leftovers!); I am one of the last scheduled lunches and by the time it's my turn many of the dishes are gone; (I still have had plenty to eat but it's annoying); I and the other office co-worker usually get stuck putting everything out and cleaning everything up. I don't usually mind, but today I was feeling grumpy and tired. The small staff break room is one door away from my desk and it was crowded and loud.

*deep breath*
Potluck rant over, thanks for reading. :LOL:

22 Jan workout:
:star: PT exercises - 15 min
:star: SOMA 40+ round #3, day 26
:star: Better Core Challenge day 9

I think for the next potluck I'll make this:
Perfection salad.png

or maybe this:

Tuna Jello Pie.png

Whaddya think? 😂


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 431
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16"
I have heard that Americans put sweet things like marshmallows in salads. You're telling me it's true?
Not all of us do. I think it’s more the southern states ( like South Carolina) and the west coast (California ). Though we do make fruit salads that are sweet but usually healthy. I’m on the east coast- New Jersey actually.


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 1,800
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Those recipes are from the 60s or 70s, whenever Jell-O was in a revolutionary phase. I assure you we do not eat THAT stuff in particular now. LOL

EDIT: That being said, I hope you do make that the next time and hide one of the dishes you want for yourself! lol

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
After work today my mom and I put together a metal trellis for our wisteria. The old wooden trellis is literally falling apart. We got two and in the summer we'll have a purple tunnel of wisteria flowers. For those unfamiliar with wisteria, here's a picture:
Ours won't look quite this grand but you get the idea. The bees love this stuff.

23 Jan workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 27
:star:Better Core Challenge day 10

Happy evening bees.....

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Catching up today. Friday's workout went down the drain as I had to deal with a malfunctioning refrigerator. Just what I wanted to do...not! It is so very difficult to find anyone willing to service appliances in my remote town. It seems to be working ok now but am keeping my repair appointment in two weeks just in case. Hoping it'll last until then.

25 Jan workout:
Vitamin D workout (hiking in the sun!)

26 Jan workout:
Vitamin D workout (more hiking in the sun!)

27 Jan workout:
:star: PT exercises - 15 min
:star: SOMA 40+ round #3, day 28
:star: Better Core Challenge day 11

A month ago I had a diagnostic procedure done. Two weeks ago I received the results but my doctor still hasn't seen the report. Today I discovered that my doctor is currently out of the country and won't be able to discuss my results for another three weeks! I am trying to be patient. But I'd really like to know What Happens Next? Googling all the medical terminology probably wasn't helpful. :confused:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
It's been a crazy week and it's only Wednesday! :yawn:Yesterday I went to Civilization for a work-related training. It was a very long day and I got home late feeling exhausted, hungry and unmotivated, and my daughter wanted to have a looooooooonnng conversation with me. So no workout. (She's ok, btw, in case you were wondering. I'm very thankful that we can have long conversations).
Today the repair company had a cancellation and came to check out my fridge! The guy was really helpful, checked everything and found nothing wrong. :eyes: If something does go wrong within 90 days he'll come back for free. So I had to cough up a lot of $$ for the service call (remember he drove all the way from Civilization), but I feel it was worth it for my peace of mind. Oh well.

29 Jan workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 29
:star:Better Core Challenge day 12
Tamales for supper tonight, muy bueno comida para mi! :eager:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Today I drove back to Civilization for another work-related class which was very helpful. I also finished my latest audiobook on the way home; Generation Z Unfiltered . It's was really eye-opening, interesting and applicable to more than just the Gen Z'ers. Should help me relate to some of our students and my own Gen Z kid. My brain hurts though. :dizzy-face:

My drive to and from Civilization takes about an hour each way and is on a narrow, winding two-lane mountain highway. There are a few passing lanes along the way but inevitably you're gonna get stuck behind a big truck or a slowpoke or an RV eventually. So I came up with a little song which describes my drive home today (imagine a Reggae beat):

The Subaru is goin' up da hill
The Subaru is goin' up da hill
He don't go very fast
When he climb da mountain
The Subaru is goin' up da hill

Running Late Traffic Jam GIF by Barbara Pozzi

Can you tell my brain is fried??? :tears:

30 Jan workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #3, day 30 :completed: -again!
:star:Better Core Challenge day 13

Thanks for listening. Have a great evening!

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@NancyTree @Mamatigerj @Anek @WSMC1 @TopNotch @Fremen @CODawn @Laura Rainbow Dragon @Syrius :thanks:

I gave up yesterday.

But that was yesterday and I'm back! :LOL: Yesterday I left work early to drive my mom to an appointment in Civilization. That's three trips there this week! If I'm not careful, I'll become...civilized! Honestly, though, by the time I got Mom home and settled, I had nothing left. So other than cooking fantastic blackened tilapia with mango salsa, I gave myself permission to take a night off of everything I didn't feel like doing. I also went to bed at 9:30pm and slept for 10 hours. Guess I needed it.

New month, so what program to do? I think I'm going for one more round of SOMA 40+. In the meantime I'll scout some other programs for March.

1 February workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #4, day 1
:star:Better Core Challenge day 14

Have a great evening bees. :yaaay:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@MadamMeow Thank you!

I didn't sleep well last night and got up feeling very grumpy. It took most of the morning to shake the grumpiness off. But it's difficult to be grumpy on my most favorite holiday of the year--Groundhog Day!!

Groundhog Day Holiday GIF by Nebraska Humane Society

Looks like we'll have 6 more weeks of winter according to our most famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil. But he only has an accuracy rating of about 39%. :oops: I could flip a coin and do better. Anyway, it's raining today with S-N-O-W in the forecast woo hoo!!! Maybe, just maybe, we'll get a snow day this week.

2 Feb workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #4, day 2
:star:Better Core Challenge day 15

I'm cooking up a big Sunday supper including roasted parsnips, carrots, garlic and potatoes. It smells amazing. Have a great evening bees! :excited:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 950
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
The groundhog was right! It is snowing as I type this, yay!:snowball: It will probably melt soon but it's very pretty. And I get to try out all my new winter gear. :happy:

4 Feb workout:
:star:PT exercises - 15 min
:star:SOMA 40+ round #4, day 3
:star:Better Core Challenge day 16

In the spirit of Bees sharing cat pictures, here's Pixie and Ginger doing what they do best. Not the most flattering pose for Pixie but she has gotten a bit chonky. And yes, Ginger always looks grumpy! 😾

pixie n ginger.jpg

Have a beautiful evening bees!