Reset at Level One


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Friday, 24 January Wins: 95 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 9,725/8,520
:x: 10m of writing - no, but I've set myself up to have time tomorrow.

First Things:
0550, I needed the little extra
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 6

30 Days of Change 18 Part 1:
> P (Denis) - 5m Warm Up Ride
> P (Sam) - 20m Tabata Ride
> P (Christine) - 5m Cool Down Ride
> P (Cody) - 5m Post Ride Stretch
The Walk Episode 3 was completed again (third time) and I got the missing scan. I did cheese it slightly by using my bike "steps".

Throughout the afternoon: (in no particular order):kcoffee:
Strive lvl 3 - mixed in-between the others, which is why I didn't put any of it in order. :dkitty:
Kick Master 4
Standing Abs 17
Everest 12
30 Days of Change 18 Part 2
Express Tone 1 lvl 3 - 5lbs
The Walk Episode 4 100%

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 16

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I got all the chores done today. Yay for chore day!
:x: Some ball foot rolling - it seems to have disappeared again... I wonder if Erebus stole it.
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Lots of cleaning today. I'm starting to get my house back to the way it was before we did windows. :move:

Skipped down to 30DoC 18 because I was really itching for a bike ride, so I decided to make it count. I aim to get through 30DoC 16 tomorrow. Added Express Tone on an ADHD fueled whim and because I really do need to get some strength training going. I got to remember to start Everest earlier in the day. I also recognize that I may end up only doing Everest on the weekends. But it's not going to stop me from trying to do them during the week. :tuzki-hero:

Overall, feeling pretty good about today. I overate a little, but considering I am down 7.7 lbs from the first of the year, I think I am doing all right. Also considering that this is the first time I have actually lost weight since COVID...

... Yeah, about that. M and I had a realization that we went low gluten, if not gluten free, during COVID. We were doing the Isagenix shake diet (minus cleanse days), and I had gotten down from 230 to 180. Then we started to come back to eating normal meals, albeit smaller than they used to be and much more balanced, but I just regained it all and more. So, we may have already run this gluten free experiment already, without knowing that we were doing it. :dance:

Anyway, pretty sure that gluten free is here to stay. And in talking to my dad over Christmas, he is gluten intolerant and so is at least one of my cousins on his side of the family. Mom says I've also unknowingly convinced my sister to try this gluten free thing too, since she is also having issues with weight and I am actually getting results. The things I learn by talking to my family is just astounding sometimes. :break:

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Yeah, Erebus is an adorable boy when he isn't busy being a menace.
Saturday, 25 January Wins: 96 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 7k+/8,770
:x: 10m of writing - nope, just couldn't.

First Things:
0450, getting better at this
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 7
Everest 13

Then, I found myself with a tension headache, possibly migraine. Today, I couldn't tell. Until early evening, then it receded to a just a persistent ache in my head.

Out & About lvl 3 - throughout the afternoon, just trying to get some movement and steps - started feeling better just after this
I Showed Up lvl 3 + EC
Micro Walk
Spotlight lvl 3 + EC
Kick Master 5 all in one go
Standing Abs 18
The Walk Episode 5 100%

Shelved for today:
30 Days of Change 16
Express Tone 2

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I got a decent amount of stitching done this morning.
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Well, like I mentioned above, got sucked into the deep, dark of a bad headache this morning. I had to rearrange some plans and I did some impulsive, ADHD things - like move M's desk back to where it should be and rewiring our desk Ethernet cables with cables that are the proper length. But hey, it needed to be done and it helped me feel like I accomplished something today.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Sunday, 26 January Wins: 97 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 3k+/8,740
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
0630, but I needed it. I had a hard time sleeping last night
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 8

Better Sleep - the beeps were kinda quiet, so I missed the transition to pose 4, which sucked because I can't really do pose 3 very well and I haven't figured out how to modify it to make it better, so I spent a whole minute in the pose.

Shelved for today:
Everest 14
Kick Master 6
Standing Abs 19
30 Days of Change 16
Express Tone 2

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I listened to my body
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:?: Evening Foot stretches

Today, I needed a recovery day. I am not upset with myself over this, I did push a lot this week. I took the day to relax and regroup to start fresh tomorrow. I did still have a lingering migraine today as well, but I think I'll sleep it off the rest of the way tonight. :zzz:

I was also supposed to have D&D this afternoon, but the DM wasn't feeling good either, so she cancelled the session. I am sad she doesn't feel good :vibes::love:, but I also don't like to play when I have a migraine, so I am glad that I won't miss the intro to the next arc. :phew:

In other news, Erebus continued to be a sweet boy today and Orion is definitely feeling better because he was the one picking the fights with Erebus. I'm glad that the medicine is working. I can't recall if I mentioned it, but the poor old boy has an ear infection. And it has not been very fun to have to squirt various liquids into his little ears. However, it is definitely working, so YAY! :pose:

Alright, I'm going to go claim some TV time with my stitching now and get to bed soon. :hheart:

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,097
"Striving to be the change."
Better Sleep - the beeps were kinda quiet, so I missed the transition to pose 4, which sucked because I can't really do pose 3 very well and I haven't figured out how to modify it to make it better, so I spent a whole minute in the pose.
YWA has a video on Rabbit Pose. (I haven't watched it. But Adriene is generally good at pose tutorials and providing modifications.)



Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
YWA has a video on Rabbit Pose. (I haven't watched it. But Adriene is generally good at pose tutorials and providing modifications.)

Thank you, I'll take a look at this!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Monday, 27 January Wins: 98 days
:x: Journal
Steps: 14,452/7,760
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 9

ALL THE WALKING :tired::crawl:
The Walk Episode 6 - missed one scan, will redo tomorrow
The Walk Challenge 2 - got it all

Shelved for today:
Everest 14
Kick Master 6
Standing Abs 19
30 Days of Change 16
Express Tone 2

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I faced all the troubles of the day with a good mood and optimism.
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

On this day, work was absolutely crazy. I had a day in the field and it was just one fire after another. But in the end, everything came together and I am happy with the end result. But I was tuckered out by the time I got home. I could barely eat dinner and shower.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Tuesday, 28 January Wins: 99 days
:v: Journal
Steps: 7k+/8,430
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:x: Morning Foot stretches - ran out of time this morning
:x: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 10

Morning Walk - P (Kirsten) - 15m 2010s Walk
Afternoon Walk - P (Jon) - 20m Power Walk
The Walk Episode 6 100%

Shelved for today:
Everest 14
Kick Master 6
Standing Abs 19
30 Days of Change 16
Express Tone 2

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I used my knowledge of my job well today
:v: Some ball foot rolling
:v: Evening Foot stretches

Honestly, I don't think I am going to get anything else done. I am sore all over and I didn't sleep well. I am glad I got the walks in. They helped break up the day and helped to center me. Also, helped with pushing my foot. I am doing great in that department and power walking went very well today!!! Also, I am sure that woman monthly nonsense doesn't help either. I think I've done enough to ensure a decent night sleep, so that I can come back refreshed for a fresh start tomorrow. (And I'll try to get caught up on logs tomorrow)

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Sonoran Desert
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1,339
"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."
Wednesday, 29 January Wins: 100 days :shine:
:v: Journal
Steps: 11k+/8,360
:x: 10m of writing

First Things:
:v: First Thing Water ==mm==
:v: Morning Foot stretches
:v: Foot rolly thingy
Daily hug 11

Perserverance lvl 3
P (Susie) - 20m Power Walk
The Walk Episode 7 100%

1 set Walking to Mordor
1:15/0:45 calf raise hold
1 set Walking to Mordor
2:00 elbow plank hold
1 set Walking to Mordor lvl 1
2:00 side plank holds (1m each side - 0:10 of full, then 0:50 at knees)
1 set Walking to Mordor lvl 2
2:00 squat hold
1 set Walking to Mordor lvl 3
2:00 raised arm hold
Kick Master 6
Standing Abs 19
2:00 super man hold => 30 Days of Change 16 :v:
The Walk Episode 8 100%

Shelved for today:
Everest 14
Express Tone 2 - ah no, that's enough squats for today

Last Things:
==mm== Counting Victories - I survived the day and got a proper workout in!
:x: Some ball foot rolling
:x: Evening Foot stretches

Alright, that was a bit better. It was very nice to get a full workout in. I was also trying to make sure that I finished up my second episode of The Walk, which is why I opted for Walking to Mordor over Express Tone today. I won't make promises about tomorrow, but I hope to hit Express Tone tomorrow.

Had an encounter with some gluten by accident today because I ate some licorice and didn't even think to read the ingredients before I consumed it. I bloated up some and got a headache shortly afterwards. So, still thinking gluten intolerance might really be a thing. Had to uninvite myself from the Indian frybread that my coworkers have decided to try to make tomorrow because it's made with flour. But, that's okay. I got myself some gluten free licorice coming in the mail (mostly because I didn't want to go to a store and get sad if there wasn't any there), so I'll get to have a good treat when that comes in. I have also recently obtained some Bob's Mill 1 to 1 Gluten Free flour to try making treats with. I am supposed to be able to just replace normal flour in recipes with it, so I'm going to give my favorite cookies a go here soon.

:sendinglove: Keep on being awesome and I'll catch you next time!
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Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 300
"i aint there yet, but im healin - cari fletcher"
Had an encounter with some gluten by accident today because I ate some licorice and didn't even think to read the ingredients before I consumed it.
I've learned that pretty much any candy with a certain texture contains wheat like 99% of the time. Softer candies with a gel-like texture (gummy worms, jelly beans, etc) might or might not be safe, but candy with a firmer texture (licorice, sour sticks, twizzlers, nibs, etc) nearly always have wheat starch in them. (It's a bit hard to describe via text.)

It's a good rule of thumb - I can genuinely guess if a candy is glutinous just by looking at it. Once or twice I've been wrong and very pleasantly surprised, but it makes life a little easier when you know what to expect.


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 300
"i aint there yet, but im healin - cari fletcher"
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