spark becomes a flame, flame becomes a fire ✨🕯️🔥


Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
  1. 4x400m running
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 30 - back & biceps 🎉

2022-12-15: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 27 - leg day (repeat)

Just finished another round of IRONBORN and I can't vouch for it enough (eighth round). It's really helped me avoid injuries while running and I feel amazing.

Working on 1000 miles (1610km) of running for 2022 and only have ~28km left. Pretty excited and I am on track to hit my new goal a little early. After hitting 1000km I remember wondering if I'd manage the same in miles before the year ended; it seemed like a distant stretch goal at the time and here I am.

Registered for my first marathon in Oct 2023 and am excited to have a training goal next year.

My old thread was titled "A dreamer's journey to reconnect to the body." That journey was a success thanks to everyone's support and DAREBEE. Here's to a new chapter of life with a fresh check in thread.


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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
  1. 12.75km run
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 28 - ab work (repeat)
  3. 2.5km walk

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Feels awesome and I really missed everyone.

Doing pretty well today. Expect to spend most of the day in the car tomorrow so tried to keep my legs moving all day today.

The 2 repeat days I do on IRONBORN are because I do 4 workouts a week and it ends on what would normally be a Tuesday for me:
  • Monday: Shoulders, chest, triceps (Day 29)
  • Tuesday: Back & biceps (Day 30)
  • Thursday: Leg Day (Day 27 repeat)
  • Friday: Ab work (Day 28 repeat)
This way I get one rotation every week and can more easily fit it into my schedule.

My run schedule now is:
  • Sunday: long run (~23km lately)
  • Tuesday: run (7-12km)
  • Wednesday: 4x400m intervals (5-6km with warmup and cool down)
  • Friday: run (7-12km)
I get Saturdays off completely. Been pretty disciplined about running in the morning and doing strength training during lunch when I can work from home.

Objective self audit: really need to focus on sleep hygiene.

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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-12-17: Chillin' like a villain

2022-12-18: 23km run + post run stretching

I surpassed 1000 miles (1610km) in 2022 today! 🎉

Running 1000 miles became my stretch goal once I hit 1000km this year and I managed to just barely make it thanks to fewer injuries (thanks IRONBORN), very slow ramp up, and stubborn consistency. I made the meat robot attached to my mind, which I can only escape in my dreams, run 1000 miles. 🥩🤖

"When you feel life ain't worth living you've got to stand up and
Take a look around, look up way to the sky
And when your deepest thoughts are broken
Keep on dreamin' boy, 'cause when you stop dreamin' it's time to die"

Keep on dreamin' 💜
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-12-19: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 1 - shoulders, chest & triceps
2022-12-20: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 2 - back & biceps

Day 1:
  • 29 shoulder/chest press
  • 19 lat raise & one arm tricep extension
Day 2:
  • 34 alt bicep curls
  • 29 upright rows
  • 138 deadlift (barbell)
  • 39 shrugs
  • 39 bent over rows
  • 24 bent over flys

Thank you everyone! :ss:
I skipped a run this morning. :eyes: It's the first run I've skipped in a while and the main reason is poor sleep hygiene. I'll give myself a pass but it was uncomfortable that I made an excuse the next scheduled run after meeting my arbitrary 1000 miles goal.

This is my ninth round of IRONBORN and tonight I bumped up my weights; progressive overload feels magical when looked at over the long run.

It's been great catching up on everyone's story and I'm glad I've wandered my way back here.

"After years of waiting
Nothing came
As your life flashed before your eyes
You realize

I'm a reasonable man
Get off, get off, get off my case
I'm a reasonable man
Get off my case, get off my case"

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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-12-21: 4x400m intervals

Back on track with running this morning (literally 🥁) with my structured repeats. I have a track near me that's about 1km away on foot so it's a perfect warmup just to jog over. It's way too late so I'll leave it at that for today. 💜

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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-12-22: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 3 - leg day
  1. 7.5km run
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 4 - ab work
Day 3:
  • 39*2 squats
  • 39 forward lunges, side lunges, calf raises
Day 4:
  • 29 ab twists

The run this morning was in heavy rain and about 57F so it felt nice. Weather was abnormally warm but the icy weather just arrived tonight. Made a huge increase in weight on leg day this week and my glutes are feeling it.

It's really interesting how often I think about the hive while exercising now that I'm writing here again. I'll dream up ideas for my posts while running, imagine various bees running along with me, or just look forward to updating everyone.

I am quite stressed about the holidays, visiting family, travel, and other end of year responsibilities but seem to be coping well enough so far.

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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-12-24: Rest
2022-12-25: 24km run in "Feels like 7F/-13.9C"
2022-12-26: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 5 - shoulders, chest & triceps
  1. 8km run
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 6 - back & biceps
2022-12-28: 4x400 running intervals
2022-12-29: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 7 - leg day
Day 5:
  • 29 Arnold
  • 19 lat raises
  • 44 tricep
Day 6:
  • 29 biceps
  • 39 bent over row
  • 39 farmer walk
Day 7:
  • 39 squats, lunges, reverse lunge step-ups, calf raises

I think I've survived the holidays this year which is a relief. Just returned from a fulfilling but somewhat stressful visit with the family and happy to be back in my usual routines.

My 24km run was the coldest, most difficult, and most beautiful run I've ever accomplished. I ran (on road) along the lake that I grew up near and used some cold gear that I've never needed before. The cold was mostly from wind chill so I brought a balaclava, much thicker gloves than usual, and used shoes that were suede so that they'd block the wind (in addition to my more usual cold gear). By the very end of the run my balaclava was frozen solid (but still effective), my gloves were wet from sweat and froze, and my squeeze water bottle full of grape juice froze shut (so I had to unscrew the lid). The entire run was a flood of memories from growing up and a long reckoning with my younger self. I'm happy with where my life is right now.

It's crazy how much difficulty stress can add to working out. Felt weaker and hesitant all week but the workouts made me feel better afterward.

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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
Do you know who created the AI? I doubt if an AI can develop art skills by itself, mustn't it being programmed with an arty side? (I actually have no clue about how AI works 😅)
It's a neural network which is modeled to behave and learn like a human brain that is then trained with labeled images from the internet. The images used to train the neural network will impact the results. This article captures the high level idea well enough and has links to learn more about the author (David Holz):

You can even ask it to generate artwork in a particular artist's style and it's often extremely accurate. Kinda scary but also fascinating.


Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-01-02: Skipped my shoulders/chest/tricep workout 😲
  1. 7.5km run
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 9 - shoulders, chest & triceps
  1. 4x400m repeats
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 10 - back & biceps
Day 9:
  • 29 shoulder/chest press
  • 19 lat raises
  • 31.5 front raises
Day 10:
  • 31.5 curls, upright rows
  • 138 deadlift
  • 41.5 shrugs
  • 31.5 renegade rows

Didn't realize Monday was a holiday so I got up for work and had a pleasant surprise (I was still home when I figured it out). That surprise derailed my routine and I skipped my workout but I'm back on track again as of tonight (usually don't squeeze in strength work on intervals day).

Have to deal with contractors in and out of my apartment unit for the next two weeks which is frustrating as heck but I'll survive. Worried folks may not respect my masking policy but it's literally my home so I will be assertive if not.

Intervals this morning felt pretty strong which was almost a surprise. I think I'm finally getting my post-long-run recovery down a bit better.

For anyone on discord, I've finally revived hive-bot which can embed workouts, facilitate virtual daredice, and post updates from the main page in the #darebee-updates channel. The bot was completely re-implemented and uses discord's fancy new "slash commands" which are much easier to use.

Beam me up! 🛸
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2023-01-05: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 11 - leg day 🦿
Day 11:
  • 31.5 Squats, lunges, single leg deadlifts, and calf raises

I had to drop my weight a bit tonight because I am still feeling the deadlifts from yesterday. Excited to run tomorrow morning, I may go for 10k if I can get out the door soon enough.

Does anyone else do shrugs at the top of their calf raises? 🤷

Here are another few images created by artificial intelligence (Midjourney) with my prompts (I 💜 purple):


"running between dimensions purple tint interdimensional cosmos"


"person running on a road made of stardust with supernovas and purple stardust"


"dark elf levitating in dimly lit cave with purple energy in their hand"
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
  1. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 12 - ab work
  2. 13km run
Day 12:
  • 31.5 ab twist

My back was feeling strange this morning so I slept in and ran in the evening. It snowed this afternoon but it was foggy and crisp with the full moon directly overhead tonight. The street lamps cast visible rays of light and away from them the diffused moonlight was bright enough to see well.


Here's a random sad song I added to my running playlist tonight (spotify://feather run 10k):
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-01-07: Rest party
2022-01-08: 26.5km run 🍌🍇🍒

Had my longest run ever tonight (26.5km). Fueled with a huge banana before starting and brought a mix of 300ml tart cherry juice + 600ml grape juice. Feel pretty decent though I still need to stretch (update: finished stretching). Pretty exciting to be hitting distances like this for weekly long runs.

Playlist: spotify://Autumnal Equinox Run with God 21k

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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-01-09: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 13 - shoulders, chest & triceps

Day 13:
  • 31.5 arnold press
  • 21.5 lat raises
  • 44 tricep extensions

Had quite a bit of trouble focusing today after the super long run which meant I was unproductive and anxious. I think it has to do with massive efforts depleting glycogen which the brain also needs. I've been focusing on fueling for my long runs for a couple months and am planning to try tailwind as I approach marathon distances. People that run ultras talk about needing to train your gut and I think I've got mine tuned to digest simple sugars while running now. It will be interesting to see if a more expensive/fancier fuel source will impact how I feel the next day.

Looking forward to my run in the morning. If I get moving quickly enough I may do 10k otherwise it'll probably be ~7k.

I guess people that train for marathons don't often run the full marathon distance before the actual race but I love pushing my weekly mileage and long run distances with or without a race. My marathon isn't until October but I want to run at least 42k in one shot on my own before race day. I think 30k is my next milestone then how hard can it be to add another 12k on top. 😆

I love shoulder day and was able to toss an extra 2.5lb on each side today for Arnold presses and lat raises.



Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
  1. 12.5k run
  2. DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 14 - back & biceps
Day 14:
  • alt bicep curls: 31.5
  • upright rows: 29
  • deadlifts: 138
  • shrugs: 41.5
  • bent over rows: 39
  • bent over flys: 24

Run felt great this morning. I think my legs are feeling sturdier than they ever have (in terms of knees/ankles/injury prevention). Don't want to jinx it but stretching after every run and cross training with weights seems to be my perfect recipe.

Oh, I got new running socks (saucony) and they felt nice this morning. I got no-show and quarter socks and am using the quarter socks first since it's winter.


I have intervals tomorrow morning and it might be a rude awakening as I postponed my back & biceps workout until 21:00 :oops:

Here's the song that the title of my thread comes from:

"Spark becomes a flame
Flame becomes a fire
Light the way or warm
this Home we occupy

Spark becomes a flame
Flame becomes a fire
Forge a blade to Slay the stranger
Take whatever we desire"
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Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-01-11: 4x400m with a total of 7.5k

Postponed my intervals until evening and decided to run in the streets rather than try to sneak onto the track at the nearby school after dark. Running fast in the street at night feels amazing. I was in a pretty anxious head space all day and sometimes it makes for really great runs.

When I was young I had a lucid dream where I was rollerblading down the street near my childhood home and started to fly. I could use the roofs of houses as ramps as I flew/skated around. This memory comes up pretty often when I'm running at night but it was extra visceral tonight at all-out interval paces.

Garmin is encouraging bad behavior by giving me a cool badge for running at night lol:

I sorta forgot about this playlist because I haven't done a 10 mile run in a while but I used it for tonight's run anyway (@OJJJEM a few tunes in here reminded me of you): spotify://From the ashes 10mi



Well-known member
Alchemist from Astral Sea
Posts: 91
"Are you dreaming?"
2022-01-12: DAREBEE IRONBORN: Day 15 - leg day

Day 15:
  • 31.5 squats, lunges, side lunges, calf raises

Hoping to break the pattern of evening workouts but had a nice productive day today.

Ordered myself a heavy duty adjustable lifting bench but it will take a while to arrive as the company appears to take a week to get things shipped. Excited to do decline sit-ups and a wider variety of exercises with my dumbbells.

Tonight was leg day if that even makes sense :cheeky: