About 3-4 days, max... You'd have to peel mid-week... Also, it looks like you're already aware if you peel them the night before, but it starts losing its structure the moment it's cut, and over time it becomes a soggy wet mess.
Thank you for the info
im gonna have to do it daily i assume. no one really likes a soggy wet mess.
About a more relevant topic
Since i am trying to eat as clean as possible with few cheat meals in between, İ cant eat the food given at my workplace cause i have no idea about macro numbers on the meals prepared or what sort of oils/margarines they are using.
Not sure if it counts but thats why i batch cook my meals for the whole day early in the morning in week days while also getting ready for work. İT is a great convenience to take out your meals anywhere and anytime you want.
Since i dont have a rice cooker i put some boiled water on the rice for it to wait for 10-15 minutes to soften them up a bit, while im taking a shower.
( i Boil eggs for breakfast and my 4th meal during my shower too )
After the shower and dressing up , İ put the rice on low heat in a rice pot, as rice keeps cooking i grill zuccini's and my daily meat (its turkey for now) in a pan. during which i weigh my oatmeal and banana's for my breakfast, and chop my daily veggies for my meals (cucumbers red and green peppers as well).
İ cook the zuccini's and meats after i weight them so its easier to portions in a lunch box ( got a decent product with 3 containers with the same size also comes with a case with thermal insulation which keeps them warm for the day tho ofcourse there are some heat losses).
Since my 5th meal is too high on volume i leave it in my fridge, been eating it cold but gonna try microwaving it tomorrow
The whole process of me waking up to leaving the house usually takes around 80-90 minutes. (shower, cooking daily meals having my breakfast)
Which should go lower as i practice the routine a bit more.
İF there is anyone else working a 9-5 like me would be glad to hear what sort of routine you have and hope this helps someone out it's not optimized but it keeps me floating for now ^^