Bring The Noise


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
suppose we'll have to start picking it up here then.


Universal Warm-up

Jab + Cross x 100
Side Kicks x 100

Zen Yoga

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: no



Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack
x 100

- Wide Grip Push-ups x25 x15 x10:
- Glutes Bridge x30 x20 x10

20 - 15 - 10:
- Dips
- Leg Raises

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x20 x15 x 10

Freestyle Shadowboxing x 3 rounds @ 1:30 each
Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Upper Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes


Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:29:57

Push-ups x35 x15 x10

Side Quest - Level III EC

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes

~ slight improvement on the running. Which is a plus, though sleep wasn't too great last night.



Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Diamond Push-ups x20 x15 x10
- Bulgarian Split Squats(per leg) x15 x15 x10

- Dips x20 x15 x10
- Flutter Kicks x50 x50 x50

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x20 x15 x 10

Tabata Shadowboxing x 1 ( bounce on the 10 second rests)
- Jab+ Cross
- Jab + Cross + Hook
- Jab + Cross + Hook + Uppercut
- Jab + Jab + Cross
- Jab + Jab + Hook
- Jab + Jab + Uppercut
- Hooks
- Uppercuts

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + Upper Cut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes

~ Feeling quite loaded with DOMS today


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
New Check-In - New Drumming video, what else to wish for. I missed your drumming sessions, made my day. :makeway:
thanks @TheLibrarian :D
Thought it would be fitting to at least start off the new check-in with some drums

It's been a bit bumpy this side, with things outside of training,
not to mention our country being plagued with daily power outages.
But we make do for now.


Universal Warm-up

Push-ups x40 x10 x10

Pro Boxer - Level III EC

Side Kicks
x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope...

~ Sore and stiff, yet slowly but surely gaining ground on the push-ups


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

Superset: x30 x20 x10
- Push-ups
- Squats

- Dips x20 x15 x10
- Sit-ups x30 x20 x15

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x20 x15 x 10

Freestyle Shadowboxing x 3 rounds @ 1:30 each

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Upper Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope

~ these power cuts are really getting annoying this week.
Plus side, my body has been sore for pretty much this entire week!


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

6K Run

Jab + Cross x 100
Turning Kicks x 100

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: practice pad drills



Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:30:31

Push-ups x40 x20 x10

Side Quest - Level III EC

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes

~ slightly sluggish from the weekend, but will just have to grind it out.
New Week, rise-n-grind


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Decline Push-ups x25 x20 x15
- Glutes Bridge x30 x25 x20

- Dips x20 x15 x10
- V-ups x25 x20 x15

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Tabata Shadowboxing x 1 ( bounce on the 10 second rests)
- Jab+ Cross
- Jab + Cross + Hook
- Jab + Cross + Hook + Uppercut
- Jab + Jab + Cross
- Jab + Jab + Hook
- Jab + Jab + Uppercut
- Hooks
- Uppercuts

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: practice pad

~ Training was quite a labour today...or at least, it felt that way, while I was in it.
But I do feel like I'm actually making some strength gainz.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:30:08

Push-ups x45 x25 x10

Eye Of The Tiger - Level III EC

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One-handed Vertical Cut + Upper Cut
-- One-handed Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope

~ slight improvement on the push-ups chase.
Though the grinder reps start roundabout 33 already.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Wide Push-ups x30 x25 x20
- Lunges x30 x30 x20

- Dips x20 x20 x15
- Leg Raises x25 x20 x15

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Tabata Shadowboxing x 1 ( bounce on the 10 second rests)
- Jab
- Jab + Cross
- Jab + Jab + Cross
- Jab + Hook
- Jab + Jab + Hook
- Jab + Uppercut
- Jab + Jab + Uppercut
- Jab + Cross + Hook + Uppercut

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes

~ damn, feeling quite knackered getting out of bed today,
and then this morning's training session felt like it took quite a bit out of me.
I've come to notice that wide grip push-ups seems to hit some of my weak points,
but that's at least gaining strength.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

9K Run

Jab + Cross x 100
Turning Kicks x 100

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Monstober 2022:
Day 1 - Queen Tera
01 - Queen Tera.jpg

~ my running buddy and I figured we'd see how far we'd get with today's run, got to 9Km
Guess we could've gone for 10, but had to make our way home.
Taking on another challenge this month, Monstober 2022
It's gonna be really hard, but figured now's a good a time as any to stretch creative muscles some more.
(probably to my own detriment).



Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Diamond Push-ups x25 x20 x15
- Bulgarian Split Squats(per leg) x20 x20 x15

- Dips x26 x20 x10
- Flutter Kicks x60 x60 x60

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
- Day 2 - Ahool

02 - Ahool.jpg

- Day 3 - Bushyasta
03 - Bushyasta.jpg

~ Not a good start to the Monday, way too late out of bed, though I awoke being pestered by allergies.
Headache, and congestion.
So it could have gone better, but oh well, still showed up in spite of that.
Monstober is getting hard already.




Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:30:45

Push-ups x50 x20 x10

The Final Bell - level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: practice pad
Day 4 - Akuma

04 - Akuma.jpg

~ another sluggish start, allergies still not to great,though an improvement of yesterday.
Time to pick up the pace a little with the 5k.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Push-ups x35 x20 x10
- Squats(per leg) x35 x20 x10

- Dips x25 x20 x10
- Sit-ups x30 x25 x20

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + One Handed Upper Cut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day5 - Chthon
05 - Chthon.jpg

~ man, these constant power outages is really hampering my drumming. Suppose the plus side is Monstober is moving along, though it's
really challenging me.
Oh and the strength gainz with push-ups is real.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jacks x 100

Push-ups x50 x20 x10

He Who Fights With Monsters - level I EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: practice pad
Day 6 - Leshy
06 - Leshy.jpg

~ No running today, due to ongoing power outages which were early morning today, so not gonna take
that chance running in the pitch black.
Just kept it nice and short with today's training session as a bit of an active rest I suppose.
Push-ups are coming along. Grinder reps start at 35 now.
Some drumming practice pad is also always a nice way just to stay warm I guess.
Monstober is forcing quite the stretch...


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
Congrats on your progress! 👍 Loving the drawings, very inspiring :)
thank you!
yeah Monstober has been really challenging, but I think it's at least keeping my creative muscles stimulated , since I'm currently not able to
get behind the drumkit as much as I would like:D


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Decline Push-ups x25 x20 x15
- Glutes bridge x40 x30 x20

- Dips x20 x15 x10
- V-ups x25 x20 x15

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Upper Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 7 - Bal-Bal
07 - Bal-Bal.jpg

~ not feeling so much into it, when I woke up this morning. Spirit flame burning a little on the low side,
but still managed to show up and do what was needed.
Think so far, with monstober, Bal-Bal qualifies as my most grotesque creation yet!



Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
since I have so little artistic talent myself!
hah, says the one who makes knitted/crochet goblins and dragons! :grab:
but thanks @aku-chan . The challenge has been as much fun as it has been demanding!


Universal Warm-up

10K Run

Everyday Stretch
Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Monstober 2022:
Day 8 - Toyol
08 - Toyol.jpg

~ tired...:bored:


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Wide Grip Push-ups x25 x20 x15
- Lunges x30 x30 x20

- Dips x25 x20 x15
- Leg Raises x25 x20 x15

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Jab + Cross x 100
Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Upper Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 9 - Hyosube

09 - Hyosube.jpg

Day 10 - Vecna
10 - Vecna.jpg

~ Seems my wide grip push-ups feels has most certainly improved. There be some gainz!
Was a bit of bust with my drumming this passed weekend however, with other things going on.
Oh well, creative output is at least still being funneled to monstober, since I can do that in the dead
of the night, without waking the neighbours.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:28:42

Push-ups x50 x25 x15

Side Quest - level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 11 - Black Phillip
11 - Black Phillip.jpg

~ finally some improvement with the running, though having said that;
the conditions this morning weren't too great. Had to battle some wind, but we made it work.

Black Phillip from the rather disturbing 'The VVITCH' movie, was an odd experience to have to
put on paper like that while thinking back about the role it had in the film.
As I was finishing up the colours, my wife mentioned to me that if she has nightmares tonight,
its my fault for drawing it.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Diamond Push-ups x30 x25 x20
- Bulgarian Split Squats(per leg) x20 x20 x15

- Dips x20 x15 x10
- Flutter Kicks x60 x60 x60

- Tucked L-sit hold x 10 seconds, x 10 seconds , x10 seconds
- Towel pull-up supermen x25 x20 x 15

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40
Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + One Handed Uppercut
-- One Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: Practice pad
Day 12 - Kludde

12 - Kludde.jpg

~ Seems my diamond push-ups are creeping closer to the level of my regular push-ups.
Guess that's some gainz there. Though my arms and chest were screaming with the last 5 reps.
Kludde was a pretty fun one to do for monstober.
Next one looks set to be the hardest one yet.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:27:55

Push-ups x50 x25 x20

The Final Bell - Level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 13 - Poreskoro
13 - Poreskoro.jpg

~ some more improvement on the running. Much better conditions this morning.
Though the tarmac was a little slick from drizzle last night.
Seems my current running shoes don't handle that too well. Felt like I didn't have any grip at all in a few spots.

Monstober; initially had no idea how to approach the concept of Poreskoro at all.
Bird body, 4 dog heads, 4 cat heads and a snake for a tail...seriously?
Fortunately something appeared.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

3 rounds:
- Push-ups x 30
- Squats x 25
- Sit-ups x 20
- Dips x 15
- Towel Pull-up Superman x 10

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40
Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: Practice pad
Day 14 - Manticore
14 - Manticore.jpg

~ oh man, it started late yesterday, but seems to have continued to today.
Woke up this morning just feeling out of it. Spirit flame burning quite low again. Guess it's been a little more on the demanding side, with regards to other things.
managed to grind it out with this morning's training session.

Got in some decent practice pad time, and conjured up a manticore too.
Had bit of trouble finding a pose that made sense to me for this one.
Scraped quite a few ideas, until finally settling on the current one.



Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
:vibes: …here's some vibes for good spirit.
thanks @mavie !


Universal Warm-up

Unwind yoga

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 15 - Hell Priest

15 - Hell Priest.jpg

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

3 rounds:
- Decline Push-ups x 20
- Glutes Bridge x 30
- V-ups x 20
- Dips x 15
- Towel Pull-up Superman x 10

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 16 - Abaasy

16 - Abaasy.jpg
Day 17 - Orobas
17 - Orobas.jpg

~ not too great a weekend. Had some miserable weather, and the thunderstorm that broke out, in the early
hours of the morning, actually woke us up.
Was a little bit of sluggish start, with this morning's training, but still managed to get it going.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:29:05

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

The Eye Of The Tiger - Level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 50 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes!
Day 18 - Sopona

18 - Sopona.jpg

~ allergies acting up today. Guess with this wonky weather conditions we've been having,
it's expected. Some push-up gainz though.
Also felt good to finally get behind the drumkit again.


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 515
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
@Beat_Samurai Look forward to your drawings everyday brother! :worried:


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I also want to tell you that I'm enjoying seeing your monsters :)


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
thanks @Fremen , @Froud .
Happy to know you're finding it entertaining! :D


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

3 rounds:
- Wide Grip Push-ups x 30
- Lunges x 40
- Leg raises x 20
- Dips x 15
- Towel Pull-up Superman x 10

Jab + Cross x 100
Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + One Handed Upper cut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes!
unravel - Tokyo Ghoul OP 1

Day 19 - Al Ana

19 - Al Ana.jpg

~ Little bit of a slow start this morning.
Initially that little demon was trying to dissuade from getting after it with
this morning's training session.
Happy to see that my wide grip push-ups game, has improved quite a bit.

Finally managed to churn out something behind the drum kit again!
Figured Tokyo Ghoul would be fitting for 'spooky season'!


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
Long overdue one, @TheLibrarian


Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:28:18

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Side Quest - Level III

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes! ( sweaty session )
Day 20 - Agrat Bat Mahlat
20 - Agrat Bat Mahlat.jpg

~ This morning's run seems to have also been quite the sweat inducer.
Though we have been experiencing some rather humid weather conditions for
the last couple of days. Not too great for the allergies though.
Can feel I'm not quite 100%, but at least managing.



Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

3 rounds:
- Diamond Push-ups x 30
- Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 per leg
- Flutter Kicks x 60
- Dips x 15
- Towel Pull-up Superman x 15

Jab + Cross x 100
Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 20 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Upper Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 21 - Shui gui
21 - Shui gui.jpg

~ little demon was pestering me again, to just stay in bed and sleep this morning,
but managed to grind through it and ended up having a pretty decent training session.
That is, if I'm puffing after the first round already!

I think I need to touch base with some pistol squats again.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

14.5K trail run

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 22 - Balačko
22 - Balachko.jpg

~ actually ended up getting a teensy bit lost in the mountains with the trail run.
Took a wrong turn. :D


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

2 rounds:
- Pseudo Push-ups x 10
- Jump Squats x 10
- Dips x 10
- Diamond Push-ups x 10
- Jumping Lunges x 20
- Leg raises x 10
- Pike Push-ups x 10
- Sumo Squats x 10
- Dips x 10
- Power Push-ups x 10
- Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 per leg
- Tucked hollow body crunches x 10
- Decline Push-ups x 10
- Deep Squats x 10
- Boat Folds x 10

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 23 -Agares
23 - Agares.jpg

Day 24 - Ördög
24 - Ordog.jpg

~ seems my shins are still quite sore from Saturday's excursion.
This morning's training session had me puffing a little though.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:28:48

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Pro Boxer - Level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 25 - Amikiri
25 - Amikiri.jpg

~ feeling a bit on the beat up side today.
The run was felt rather laboured. Either way, ended up being pretty good at the end.
Final stretch of Monstober this week.
Amikiri was a fun change of pace, since the last couple who were demons.



Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

2 rounds:
- Towel grip pull-up superman x 15
- Wide Grip Push-ups x 10
- Diamond Push-ups x 10
- Plank x 10 seconds
- Push-ups plank x 10 seconds
- Elbow plank x 30 seconds
- Superman hold x 30 seconds
- Dips x 10
- Deep Squat x 10
- Sumo Squat x 10
- Lunges x 20
- Jump Squat x 10

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + One Handed Uppercut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes!
Day 26 -Popobawa
26 - Popobawa.jpg

~ woke up feeling quite out of it today.
Think I need to look at getting in better sleep.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:29:30

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Side Quest - Level III

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 27 - Tokoloshe
27 - Tokoloshe.jpg
~ had to battle a rather unpleasant and gusty head wind, during this morning's run. Thus the increase in time again.
Had me in a bit of a coughing fit, when I got back.
Push-ups seem to be gradually levelling up; grinder reps only starting at 40 today.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62
"Grinder reps" -- I'll borrow that expression :LOL:
The motto when it comes to push-ups, @Mianevem :D


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

2 rounds:
30 seconds each:

- Pseudo Push-ups
- Dips
- Jump Squat
- Towel Pull-up Superman
- Diamond Push-ups
- Russian Twist
- Lunges

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes!
Day 28 - Dagon

28 - Dagon.jpg

~ had to make it a little sweet and short this morning, since my wife had to leave
home earlier.
Training session had me puffing though.
Monstober; Testing the waters a little by working on actually putting
the creatures/characters in a space/scene.
I'm thinking of perhaps tackling that after Monstober is over.
Will see how it goes.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

11K run

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 29 - Alkonost

29 - Alkonost.jpg
~ picked up the pace a little with the longer run this morning.
My body felt it.


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

3 rounds:
20 seconds each:
- Power Push-ups
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Jumping Lunges
- Diamond Push-ups

Jab + Cross x 40
Hooks x 40
Uppercuts x 40

Turning Kicks x 100

Jumping Jacks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Day 30 - SCP-939
30 - SCP-939.jpg
Day 31 - Kakamora
31 - Kakamora.jpg

~ and with that Monstober comes to a close.
It's been a tremendous learning experience.
Need to figure out how I can maintain this habit, going forward, but something that will also force me to grow.
I've also come to realize the fact that I had to check-in here, also pretty much forced me in that I had to get
a monster done every day.
So applying the mindset of daily fitness training to artistic endeavors certainly has a positive effect.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

Dungeon Crawler - Level III EC

Side Kicks x 100
Squat Hero - Day 1(advanced)

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: Rough sketching ideas

~ first of November didn't start out too great, but still managed a few things at least.
Figured I'd tackle Squat Hero challenge for the month



Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Diamond Push-ups 4 sets x10
- Dips 4 sets x 20
- Pike Push-ups 4 sets x 8
- Jump Squats 4 sets x 10
- Push-ups with rotation 4 sets x 12
- Plank 4 sets x 30 seconds

Turning Kicks x 100
Squats Hero - Day 2(advanced)

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Cross Cut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes
Drawing: sketched


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:28:08

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Eye Of The Tiger - level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Squat Hero: Day 3(advanced)

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: practice pad
Drawing: sketched

~ managed to pick it up again with running today, since I missed out on Tuesday.
Feeling a bit on the beat up side again.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

- Towel Pull-ups Superman x 20
- Wide Grip Push-ups x20
- Diamond Push-ups x 20
- Plank x 20 seconds
- Push-ups plank x 20 seconds
- Elbow Plank x 30 seconds
- Superman Hold x 30 seconds
- Dips x 20
- Deep Squats x 20
- Sumo Squats x 20
- Lunges x 20
- Jump Squats x 20

Turning Kicks x 100
Squats Hero - Day 4(advanced)

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: sketched

~ battery a little on the low side today. Probably due to lack of proper sleep last night


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up
Squat Hero - Day 5(advanced)

Backup & Restore

Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: nope

~ family things and car trouble...


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

Push-ups Demolition
- Elbow Push-ups 4 sets x 5
- Sphinx Push-ups 4 set x 6
- Knuckle Push-ups 4 sets x 8
- Diamond Push-ups 4 sets x10
- Uneven Push-ups 4 sets x 12
- Wide grip Push-ups 4 sets x 14

Squat Hero:
- Day 6 (advanced)
- Day 7 (advanced)

Jab + Cross x 50
Hooks x 50
Uppercuts x 50

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: nope

~ I seem to have fallen off the horse with my creative endeavors... will have to make a point at rectifying that asap.
Training wise, this morning's push-ups session had me feeling the pump real good.
Even though by the time I got to the uneven push-ups, my upper body was screaming.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:30:40

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Pro Boxer - level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 20 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Squat Hero: Day 8(advanced)

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: sketched

~ My upper body is feeling quite knackered when I got out of bed this morning.
So it felt only right to punish it with some more push-ups!


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

2 rounds:
- Pseudo Push-ups x 10
- Jump Squats x 10
- Dips x 10
- Diamond Push-ups x 10
- Jumping Lunges x 20
- Leg raises x 10
- Pike Push-ups x 10
- Sumo Squats x 10
- Sphinx Push-ups x 10
- Power Push-ups x 10
- Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 per leg
- Tucked hollow body crunches x 10
- Decline Push-ups x 10
- Deep Squats x 10
- Boat Folds x 10

Squat Hero: Day 9(advanced)

Jab + Cross x 50
Hooks x 50
Uppercuts x 50

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:
- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + One Handed Uppercut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: Practice pad( learning some new techniques)
Drawing: sketched

~ feeling pretty loaded with DOMS all over, but it's all good.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:28:13

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Side Quest - Level III EC

Side Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Squat Hero: Day 10(advanced)

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: practice pad
Drawing: nope

~ This week has been a bit on the taxing side, outside of training.
Lots of frustrations, but guess we'll have to roll with the punches.
Training wise, things are at least moving along not too bad.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

4 rounds:
- Resistance band bicep curls x 15
- Pike Push-ups x 10
- Bulgarian Split Squats x 14 per leg
- Push-ups x 15
- Leg raises x 15

Squat Hero: Day 11(advanced)

Bounce x 50
Jab + Cross x 50
Bounce x 50
Hooks x 50
Bounce x 50
Uppercuts x 50
Bounce x 50

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:
- Katana Warm-up

- 30 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercuts
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: Practice pad
Drawing: sketched


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

10K Trail Run

Squat Hero
- Day 12(advanced)

Everyday Stretch
x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: Sketched

~ Nice and easy trail run at the lake.


Universal Warm-up

Jumping Jack x 100

Push-ups Blitz
- Push-ups 4 sets x 10
- Wide Grip Push-ups 4 set x 10
- Decline Push-ups 4 sets x 10
- Diamond Push-ups 4 sets x10

Squat Hero:
- Day 13 (advanced)
- Day 14 (advanced)

Bounce x 50
Jab + Cross x 50
Bounce x 50
Hooks x 50
Bounce x 50
Uppercuts x 50
Bounce x 50

Turning Kicks x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Uppercut
-- Vertical Cut + Thrust

Everyday Stretch
Meditation x 5 minutes
Drumming: nope
Drawing: sketched

~ Woke up with a bit of tightness in my upperback this morning.
Not too great... will have to make sure to stretch out regularly today.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:35:32

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

Pro Boxer - Level III EC

Side Kicks
x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Uppercuts

Squat Hero: Day 15(advanced)

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes
Drawing: sketched

~ Took it a little easier with the run today, since an old running buddy rejoined again.



Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

The Reckoning - Level III EC

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- One Handed Cross Cut + One Handed Uppercut
-- One Handed Vertical Cut + One Handed Thrust

Squat Hero: Day 16(advanced)

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes
Drawing: nope

~ The reckoning provided a decent sweat with this morning's training session.


Well-known member
Samurai Posts: 62

Universal Warm-up

5K Run
- 00:27:45

Push-ups x50 x30 x20

The Final Bell - level III EC

Side Kicks
x 100

Katana Work:

- Katana Warm-up

- 40 cuts of each:
-- Vertical Cuts
-- Horizontal Cuts
-- Cross Cuts
-- Vertical Cut + Cross Cut
-- Uppercuts

Squat Hero: Day 17(advanced)

Everyday Stretch

x 5 minutes
Drumming: yes
Drawing: sketched

~ so sleepy today... think earlier to bed is in order tonight.