@Lady Celerity I always have this saying in my head "a man -and I guess a woman, too- should be able to be alone with his/her thoughts once in a while". Have the feeling, though, that many people are a bit afraid of that. And sometimes it feels like thinking is uncomfortable, so maybe it's not bad to let someone else do the thinking once in a while and... I suppose you get where I'm going with this.
@Sif_Shepard absolutely. Sometimes, being bored feels like luxury.
@Nanna Io I think that's pretty cool, emphasising the importance of being bored. It only gets a bit uncomfortable if you're bored for too long.
@Gandhalfit oh yes, self-reflection is super important, but can be kind of uncomfortable. But still, very helpful.
Have to admit, I somehow forgot about posting yesterday after a couple of threads and just wandered off at one point. No idea why. Standing desk makes it too easy, I guess. You just move around while typing away, and then you move a bit too far away, and somehow you don't get back, and then you're on the other side of the room, etc. At one point you wander by the PC again, realise it's still running and just shut it down without checking what you were doing last. Might be a me-thing. Idk.
Day 5 of the challenges were done yesterday.
Day 6 today.
I also realised I thought 300 burpees were enough for the ornament and already claimed it two days ago, but it was 400. In my defence, I did full burpees, but still felt bad so did the remaining 100 today. Still within the time limit, so all's good.
It's supposed to get warm over here tomorrow. I want those negative degrees finally, please. And some snow. But no... 15°C tomorrow, which probably amounts to 10°C. Thanks for nothing, I guess.