Fat, no self confidence, not in good health, lazy... I'm looking for help.


New member
Posts: 2

After a title like this, you kinda understand where I stand.
Yes, I stand behing a pc all day, well sit, not standing actually.

I'm looking for a program to make me liking sport again.
I used to do several activities when I was young, from Judo to fitness until I was 20.
I'm now 37, 110kg for 181cm, and if I do nothing, diseases will wait for me...
Tho I'm scared because even if i have phobia of diseases, I have no will to kick myself in the ass to do sport.

I'm not looking for any strenght or muscle gain, just loosing weight, and being in good health. Too late for good shape.

So here are the 2 things i'm looking for here if you can help me:
- a program, not too challenging, because i'm a fucking quitter...
- how do you guys keep motivation ? Even early death from disease is not motivating me...

I'm living alone, and have no friend near to practice something. So it's kinda all by myself to stay motivated.
And I prefer way more doing exercises at home, i'm very incomfortable at gym clubs.

I'm really looking for help, and I thank you by advance of every advice you can give me
Thank you

(Sorry for my poor english)


Well-known member
Posts: 46
Hello and welcome to the hive!
So first of all if you want to lose weight you need a calories deficit, 15%
Also try to be active, if you are at home you may walk for a minute every one hour
You may see the reboot program a level 2 program , I thing that it is ok to try, level 1 programs may be very easy for your age but that is you that will chose


New member
Posts: 2
Hello and welcome to the hive!
So first of all if you want to lose weight you need a calories deficit, 15%
Also try to be active, if you are at home you may walk for a minute every one hour
You may see the reboot program a level 2 program , I thing that it is ok to try, level 1 programs may be very easy for your age but that is you that will chose
Thank you very much for your answer.

I already tried this one a bit, but this is something I can't do every hour, because I know I will miss a lot.

How many reps should I do within the day to make it efficient a little ?


Well-known member
from Margareten
Posts: 103
Welcome to the Hive @Nav
First of all: It's never too late for good shape.
The Standing Desk is more for doing some additional stuff in the office. You should think of finding ~30 minutes a day to work out at home.
If possible integrate it into your schedule at a fixed time. Morning, evening. Whatever works for you. Best before a meal, not after.
Read the manual. Lots of helpful stuff there. Videos!
Like @avatar mentioned, pick a program. Finding the right program is a bit trial and error in the beginning. Difficulty 2 & cardio is a good start. Start the workout with a warm-up. If you feel a bit underwhelmed do the Exercise of the Day. Then the prog. The programs have active rest days, so you can do your thing everyday. Feel free to take a day or two off if you need it, but don't forget to come back ;)

And here we are with the motivation. The more you make it a part of your life and not something you have to do, because you do not want to die young, the better. Try to keep the same hours. Keep a workout log (= Excel-Sheet, Google-Sheets or whatever is hip with you young people nowadays. Mine go back to pen and paper times.)
Open a check-in thread here in this community and let us know of your progress. You might not have a gym-buddy, but hey, you have us.
At one point you are doing it because you've done it yesterday and you will do it tomorrow. Then you moved from motivation to discipline.
Take it easy in the beginning. Give your body time to get used to the new regime. Results take time as well. Months, years. Whatever your targets are. BTW: Excercise can only help with your weight-loss, but the calories deficit thing is real.
Check out the Guides-section on this very site. Lots of useful stuff there as well.

Good luck and all the best
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Well-known member
Hunter from Alexandria, Egypt
Posts: 55
Welcome to Darebee.

As you stated your goal to lose fat and strengthen your core.

You need to look for cardio programs with subtitle "High burn & streamline" and add-on programs with title core or abs
Do not forget to start filter by difficulty 1 and so on.

For example you can start with Baseline program and "Back And Core" program.

Note add-on programs are designed in away will not affect other programs you are doing

The sign of success is when you start to complaining. Conitune post here until you feel good and workouts becoming daily habit.

Think of it as a project,
1) create a plan
2) start very small
3) do it daily
4) never think, look at your plan and do it
5) keep post your progression
6) get advices from others (who will give only positive feedback)
7) trust of God

In Darebee, start with programs that you can do it, even it is very easy for you, challenge yourself

Hope this help!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Well-known member
Bard from Canada
Posts: 1,788
"Striving to be the change."
Welcome to the Hive, @Nav !

You've received lots of great advice from other Bees already! But I will add my voice to the choir preaching: choose a Program. DAREBEE Programs are a great place to start because they take the guesswork out of deciding what workout to do each day. Trying to decide what workout to do takes time and mental energy and it is an obstacle to working out that you do not need, especially when you're first getting started. With a DAREBEE Program you can be assured you are following a structured and well-tested regime, without having to do the work of figuring all that out for yourself.

As for doing extras like Standing Desk, any amount of extra activity you can add into your day is good. Set a timer when you're at your desk, stand up whenever it goes off, and do a set of the workout. If the constraints of your work prevent you from taking a break at that exact moment, do it when you can. Or simply skip that set, reset your timer, and do it the next time the timer goes off. You can also take shorter breaks, just doing one exercise in each break, if that fits with your day better. You don't need to do a set amount of sets to see benefits from adding in these types of activities to your day. Any amount is helpful.

Do you commute to work? If yes, can you walk or bike there? If you need to drive/take a bus, can you park a bit further away, or get off the bus at an earlier stop? If you work from home, can you pretend you have a commute and go for a walk around the block before starting work each day? When I worked in an office, I used to get up from my desk and walk into my colleagues' offices to talk to them, instead of paging them on the phone, and I took the stairs instead of riding the elevator most of the time. Little things like this, done consistently over time, add up.

I also second @Andi64 's suggestion to start your own Check-In Thread here in the DAREBEE Hive. The accountability of logging what you do each day will help you to stay on track, and other Bees will read your thread and cheer you on. You can also do the same for them, and gain motivation and ideas from reading what other Bees are doing.

You will see that many Bees find it helpful to track their exercise streak. Doing a little bit every day is better (a lot better!) than taking several days off and then trying to make up for it with one hard workout. When you workout every day, it becomes a habit. Fairly soon you don't need to find motivation to do it anymore. You just do it automatically, because that is what you do. Like brushing your teeth. (Sure, I can say I'm motivated to brush my teeth because I don't want them to fall out of my head. But the reality is I'm not thinking about that most days when I brush my teeth. I do it without thinking about it, because it's a long-ingrained habit.)