Fitness Quest: The Runes of NorthRoy🧙‍♂️


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
The humid, stinking breath of the gigantic Mok envelopes you as your group faces him in the final battle! (continued below)

BUT, all at once, as though taking on a life of their own, everyone's runes begin to vibrate and glow. They float from satchels, pockets, and hands into the air forming a shining cluster of no less than 141 runes! Mok (only 100 HP btw) raises his mighty club threatening certain doom to the group, when - a brilliant FLASH! A beautiful (yet horrible) rune beam blasts a gigantic hole through Mok's torso killing him instantly! His lifeless body slowly crashes to the ground, nearly crushing our adventurers and threatening to take the whole dungeon down with it.

A great rumbling slowly dies down as the adventurers stand, mouths agape, in awe of what just happened. It was no less than the epic result of their dedication and hard work that saved them from tasting the giant club of Mok. The barbarian bird was the first to speak:

"Um. Well. That was anti-climactic."

The designer of the dungeon leered through his helmet, being overly sensitive to criticism.

"I mean... I expected... ya know. A fight! Ya know?"

"Yeah, well," the Guardian said, pacing anxiously, "I didn't expect y'all would wanna clear every bloody chamber in the dungeon!"

The adventurers glanced at each other awkwardly.

"We did it" the Sorceress said, smiling proudly. Schatten and Ombra were clawing at each other playfully, reminding the group of the new friends they'd made and the battles they'd shared.

The NorthRoy dungeon had been vanquished. Cleansed of evil. Yet the end was not as they expected. Perhaps this was not the end? The adventurers dusted themselves off, proud of their many victories, and walked together, out of the dungeon and into the open, fresh air. The sun was rising on a new day and, maybe, a new kingdom of NorthRoy.

The End

Thank you for playing!!! ❤❤❤😀


  • Your username has been abbreviated on the map
  • Find your start location
  • Pick any chamber connected to it. Find it's number in the table above to discover what foe you'll be engaging in exercise, ahem, battle!
  • Post in this thread after the fight. I will update the map at least once every 24 hours to reflect your victories
  • Move freely between cleared chambers (each will be marked with your username) and engage any connected chamber
  • Players cannot move through chambers whose foe has not been defeated
  • Earn 1 rune for defeating easy-medium foes, earn 2 runes for hard foes, and earn 5 runes for OGRES (highly unadvisable!)
  • Spend 4 runes to ZAP! any easy-hard foe instantly (do not need to be adjacent to chamber). Spend 6 runes to ZAP! an OGRE
  • Once all 9 OGRES are defeated, players will instantly begin battling the Dungeon Boss to finish the game
Good luck adventurer!
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Question: Can we team up to defeat an Ogre (or other monster) via exercise? I can do all of the exercises in the OGRE workout except for the first two, and I can almost do the first exercise. (I currently still need to let go of my foot to get my knee back up off the ground. But I'm working on it. I'll get to full shrimp squats one day!) On a good day I can just about do a kneeling cross tricep extension. So I'm certain there are some brave Bees out there who can do full ones. If I took on a monster and couldn't quite chop off all of its limbs, could a friend help me, and vice versa?


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Question: Can we team up to defeat an Ogre (or other monster) via exercise? I can do all of the exercises in the OGRE workout except for the first two, and I can almost do the first exercise. (I currently still need to let go of my foot to get my knee back up off the ground. But I'm working on it. I'll get to full shrimp squats one day!) On a good day I can just about do a kneeling cross tricep extension. So I'm certain there are some brave Bees out there who can do full ones. If I took on a monster and couldn't quite chop off all of its limbs, could a friend help me, and vice versa?
If this kind of bee-cooperation could occur thanks to this game, I'll all for it! :LOL: So yes!


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Update: I've amended the player cap to 6. I think this is the ideal cap, and will make gameplay and tracking easier and simpler. 2 spaces left!


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
@chickadee @Laura Rainbow Dragon @TopNotch @Anek The game has launched! :) Refer to the original post for the full map and chamber index.

I'm re-posting the original game description here if anyone wants to reference it, as I ran into a 20,000 character limit, lol:

Hello brave adventurer!

What is this?
This is an experimental, forum-based game that started Friday, January 20th 7AM PST. Players advance through a dungeon-like gameboard via following official Darebee workouts! The game is not turn-based and players can participate at their own pace.

Who is this game best suited for?
Anyone who wants to exercise and have fun doing it! Maybe you're looking to fit a 2nd workout into your day? Around 75% of the workouts (ahem), battles within the game are "suitable for beginners" and could serve as a primary, or secondary workout (sample). The other 25% are more difficult (sample). Players generally get to choose what level of difficulty they want their workout to be based on the path they follow on the map.

Ok, how does it work?
Once the game launches (Friday, January 20th 7AM PST), this post will be updated with a map of the dungeon showing the location of players. Players then choose any chamber adjacent to their start location, find the chamber's corresponding # in a table, and find out what workout they'll be performing (ahem), monster they'll be battling! Once the workout is completed (at any level of difficulty) players post their victory in this thread and that chamber is now cleared. From there, a player can continue to advance into any chamber adjacent to a cleared chamber in their vicinity. The map will be updated at least once every 24 hours to reflect the previous day's victories! Players also earn runes for defeating monsters.

Wait, what are runes?
I'm glad you asked! NorthRoy dungeon has attracted many evil monsters due to these mysterious, powerful stones. Spend 4 runes to ZAP! any monster anywhere (player does not have to be adjacent to chamber) and clear that chamber instantly*. Maybe clear a nasty obstacle for a friend?

Defeating easy-medium difficulty monsters via workout earns you 1 rune**
Defeating hard difficulty monsters via workout earn you 2 runes**

*Defeating monsters via runes does not earn you any runes.
**Players are responsible for keeping track of their rune count.

Oh by the way - OGRES require 6 runes to defeat, and should be your primary target to spend your runes on (learn why below).

What's the deal with OGRES?
They're the 9 guardians that must be destroyed to unlock the Dungeon Boss.

Can I defeat an OGRE with exercise?
What are you insane?! I don't have time for this...

No really, can I?
Technically yes, but you'd have to perform the OGRE workout. I ask you - can you perform a single cross tricep extension? I rest my case. Allow me to quote the workout description... "You have been warned!". But, if you somehow achieve it, your reward for defeating an OGRE via exercise is 3 runes.

How do we WIN the game?
Once all 9 OGRES have been defeated all players will immediately begin battling the Dungeon Boss (will also be an official Darebee workout). Any unspent runes will be immediately spent reducing the Boss' hit points by 1 per rune. Once the Dungeon Boss is defeated the game is won!

OK I want to play!
Yay! And thank you for reading this far! After careful thought, I think this game will best accommodate 6 players (no longer 12). The first 6 users to reply to this thread with the words "I'M IN!" will be registered. It's perfectly fine for players to play at their own pace, no pressure! For the record, I will be playing too and intend to defeat a monster every 2 or 3 days.

What if only like 2 people are interested?
Gulp! I guess we've got a lot of exercise ahead of us. I'll be playing and I'm committed to seeing this through :)

And feel free to ask me to clarify anything in this thread!

Adventurers who have answered the call:
Laura Rainbow Dragon

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
You are bravely traversing the dark and dank Dungeon of NorthRoy when you notice an almost imperceptible brightening of the chamber you are in. Looking up you see a tiny flame, rainbowed in hue, dancing in the air in front of you. The flame speaks with no audible words, a message channeled directly into your mind:

"Greetings noble friends who brave the Forbidden Dungeon of NorthRoy with me, the Rainbow Dragon. I am sending you this message via magical dragon's breath lest bellowing my victory throughout the dungeon should awaken some monster we have not yet prepared sufficiently to slay. I am pleased to report to you all that I have slain a Goblin. You should all now find chamber #84 freely passable. I eagerly await the day when we all shall have cleared enough demons from this dungeon to meet one another face-to-face and do battle together. Until then: stay strong, my friends!"

No sooner have the last words of the Rainbow Dragon's message entered your mind than the tiny flame winks out of existence, leaving you in darkness once more, but hopefully heartened by this news of your friend's victory.


Barbarian Posts: 20
It’s no surprise to find spiders in a cave; however, it is surprising to find so many of them streaming out of an adjoining chamber. They’re hungry. They’re hairy. Their legs number in the thousands.

Simplest solution? Issue a thunderous roar to awaken the nearest bats in the cave. As the bats feast, a little ball of light announces itself cheerily. Well, now two champions of glory have made themselves known… in their own ways.

(Chamber 1 cleared!)

Runes: 1


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
I shook my shield. A cascade of filth, left by the downed ghoul, rained upon the cold, dusty cobblestones underfoot. I turned to the south and entered an even darker chamber(#11). Whatever villain haunting these walls shunned the light. Suddenly, an ice-cold wind! Slice! Slash! A pair of cobalt eyes passed through me in a flurry of attacks, finding their mark on my neck and calves. A Dark Elf!

My wounds barely bled, but the Elf's accursed toxins acted quickly - shortening my breath and weakening my muscles. I grounded myself in a defensive position (as Guardian's are apt to do) and squared off as the Elf wound-up his wiry limbs for the next assault - a jumping attack!

I heaved my head out of his path but my weighted-stance made my legs easy pickings for his dipped claws. Gah! The toxins continued to accrue in my blood stream. My shield and sword took on the weight of boulders. I lurched, gasping for breath. Somehow in the dark, I found a grin on the elf's face. I returned to my defensive stance, but it was time for a change.

Upon the hint of a dash towards me - I heaved my shield aside and, with a two-handed grip, heaved my sword upwards, cleaving the cruel thing nearly in two! It's thin body crashed off it's course into a pile of cobwebs and bones. It gurgled, then went silent.

I rescued my shield from the shadows, knelt with head bowed in gratitude, and waited for my blood to be renewed.

Rune count: 💎💎💎
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Another tiny rainbow flame dances into the chamber where you toil, and the voice of the dragon speaks in your mind:

"My friends, I am heartened by the news of your prowess in this monstrous dungeon. I myself have defeated two more monsters and cleared two more chambers towards our common goal.

"Entering chamber #83 I encountered a Gargoyle. 'How does one defeat a monster made of stone?' I asked myself. I knew not how our magnificent Wonder Bunny had accomplished the feat, so I had to think on how I, a dragon, might slay the beast. Answer: With my breath of fire, of course! I reduced that winged rock to a molten pile of slag and then pressed on further into the dungeon.

"In the next chamber I encountered a Phantom. Phantoms, having no substance, are not combustible. They are, however, vulnerable to more subtle weapons with capacity to reach into the ether, such as my cooling breath which carries poison in the wind. With this I made short work of that Phantom and cleared chamber #82

"Stay strong, friends!"

The dragon's message ends, and the rainbow flame winks out.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Two rainbow flame missives in the same day!

"I know not what strange pet of Hades was lurking in chamber #103. I went berserker on the beast, lashing out with fang and claw, and beating the creature with my mighty tail. I am the Enforcer of clear passage through chamber #103.

"Stay strong, my friends."


Barbarian Posts: 20
A quick exploration of the chamber on the left proved to have but one zombie, only alive (undead, rather) because the spiders had considered it too unappetizing. With chamber 2 cleared, it was time for more exploring. Chamber 14 contained another of the lamentable creatures. Thus, with a second zombie dispatched, the Barbarian explored to the right, only to find a dead end. Nothing there but a roost for bats and a chest full of metal and jewel-encrusted trinkets… not a single useful thing in it! The Barbarian was undeterred by the disappointing surprise, though, for the scent of blood and magic — the scent of battle — had begun to trickle through the otherwise stagnant air. The Barbarian patted the three runes safely tucked away and smiled.

More challenges awaited. Good.

Runes: 3


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
I have always accepted that I am a weapon that is pointed in a particular direction by others. It has never bothered me. If something is effective, you use it to its best purpose. I chose this life with my eyes open, knowing full well what would be asked - no, demanded of me. Knowing that I was one of the few who had stood to this challenge, to reap the benefits and, yes, should I fall, accept the damage. This mission was daunting in the full, but taken bit by bit, or rather, chamber by chamber, I was confident that I and my comrades would prevail.
Having cleared some chambers already, I pressed forward, into Chamber #168. A Phantom. These were fast so I had to be faster. Light on the balls of my feet I ran, chasing it down and punching hard until it was no more. Breathing heavily, I retraced my steps through safe chambers, recovering myself, until I entered Chamber #153. I could smell it before I saw it - a Goblin! The blood was still pumping through my limbs, adrenaline still flowing from the previous battle. It was fast and agile, this goblin, jumping and twisting, but it hadn't met me before.
Again I back-tracked, wanting to ensure I had cleared all around me. A moment's rest to catch my breath before I entered Chamber #141. Hah! Another Zombie. I hefted my trusty bokken and goaded the lumbering undead creature. "Come on, we've done this dance before," I said, and as it came toward me, I raced around it, confusing it, and smashed the bokken into it again and again. It flailed at me but I ducked before repeating the previous manoeuvre. Eventually, it fell to my repeated blows and the chamber was clear of threat.
Suddenly I realised that there was one chamber behind me that I had not cleared. A surprise attack from the rear was an unwelcome thing. Although I was tiring now, I could not leave that one chamber. Chamber #169. A blast of flame shot over my head as my reflexes kicked in, my body becoming aware of the danger before my brain could signal it further, and I squatted down. The thing about a Gargoyle is that not only are they slow, but they are also horribly vain. When I showed the beast that I could attain a rock-like stillness greater than its own, its fury became incandescent and its own fire consumed it in a mighty explosion. Patting out the flames on my clothes, I dragged my weary body back to a less smoky cleared chamber to rest and prepare for further battle.
Rune collected: 4
Total Runes: 8


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
My staff feels heavy in my sweaty hand. My magic powers are depleted, and I need some time to recover and brew a restorative potion. I'm lucky these monsters I encountered didn't hit my bag of supplies. As I sit back against the wall of the dungeon, the glowing tip of my staff touches it and lines of text appear briefly, shining gold. As they run off along the wall I manage to catch their meaning "Fellow comrades, chambers 50, 75, and 88 have been cleared of gargoyles, goblins, and phantoms. May we meet soon, fair fortune be yours!" Ok, so now my staff talks for me... I must have screwed up one of the runes carved on it, I knew that scalpel wasn't sharp... Oh well, at least it's polite.

Total runes: 4


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
As I arose, the clamor of distant battles echoed into my emptied chamber. Ah, good-hunting comrades!

I turned to the west and thought I saw a flash of cobalt fade into darkness. Did I imagine it? Illusions seem to multiply in the swirling dust of this old dungeon.

I proceeded into chamber #9 and became enveloped in a thin mist. What's this? A silhouette of a maiden! The figure gestured slowly, as if to feign weakness. But this Guardian was not born yesterday.

"Poor Lady! Your Hero has arrived!" I made no effort to hide my sarcasm. Nor did I lower my sword or shield. The thing noticed.

It's scream knocked me off my feet! A female Dark Elf! The fire ringing it's angry eyes burned like vengeance. The previous elf must have been next-of-kin. Hesitation in this fight could spell certain death.

I wrung myself up to face her head on; but the faint mist had materialized as a steely scarf binding my limbs like a web! I could not move! The evil maiden inched closer like a spider certain of it's prey. Her eyes flamed as she drew a horribly edged dagger from it's oily scabbard. My own hand, shielded from view, drew my own.

Why do elves dwell on the inevitability of their prey? Is it their natural immortality that swells their pride and inflates their confidence? I do not know. But the moment she took to enjoy delivering the killing blow was all I needed - freeing my hand from it's tangled gauntlet I plunged solid steel into her belly! She gasped, her eyes flashed dark, and I fell to the floor as her elven scarf burst into nothing.
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Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Another glowing ember, rainbowed in hue, enters the chamber where you toil, deep within the Forbidden Dungeon of NorthRoy. In your mind, the dragon speaks:

"What manner of madness are these Dark Elves? I encountered one in chamber #117. So dark was the creature, I could scarcely see it, even with the chamber full lit by the light of my fiery breath! The creature was fast too, flitting about, first this way, then that, dodging to evade my blows. I had to bring the full might of my dragon body to bear against the imp, balancing on one mighty leg as I lashed out with the other, beating my giant wings across the full space of the chamber, and lashing with my tail too. It was an interesting fighting style for me, I can tell you, but in the end a successful one. The elf has been dispatched and chamber #117 cleared.

"I next moved into chamber #130. I there encountered a wee tiny spider. One might think a creature as magnificent as myself would make short work of an arachnid, and I can report that I did dispatch the creature in short order, although it did give me challenge. That spider was small, but mighty, and fast on its many feet. I chased it about the room, stomping and stomping, drawing on the power of the fiery furnace in my core until I was successful in crushing the creature beneath my taloned foot.

"Tired now, I moved into chamber #131. I wished to secure for myself a location surrounded by spaces I had already cleared, hoping that the obvious aftermath of the battle victories I secured in those chambers might dissuade other monsters from venturing too close to my midnight lair while I rest. So I once again entered a berserker trance to clear the chamber of any and all enemy combatants and Enforce for myself a bit of solitude. Here I shall rest tonight and recharge my strength to rejoin the battle on the morrow.

"Stay strong, my friends, et merci, petite louve pour tes bons voeux."


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Ha! I love the smell of a dead goblin before breakfast! This one thought it'd surprise me as I rested. But my staff woke me up (by banging on my head, I might add, bloody thing) and in no time at all I had made short work of that slimy creature. Next time I'll check the chamber I select for my rest *before* the creature within has time to sneak up on me... Anyways, chamber 51 is now free.

Total: 5 runes


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
No rest for the weary when there are so many ghouls and monsters to clear from this dungeon.
I let Fortune choose my path, and She led me into Chamber #140 where I confronted another Phantom. I had the measure of these things now and made short work of it. Fickle Fortune, no doubt seeing with what ease I had dispatched that creature, sent me to Chamber #161 to confront one I'd not met before - a Dark Elf. One should never underestimate the combat skills of a Ranger, and this foul fiend swiftly met its end. My quiet confidence infuriated Madame Fortune, and she hurled me into Chamber #160 where I confronted another Sand Snake. These are no easy conquest, but my dexterity and martial skills did not fail me. Although it was a long and arduous fight, the chamber was finally cleared of its foul inhabitant. Fortune relented marginally, but before she let me rest, she led me to one final battle. Chamber #167, another Gargoyle. "I have met your kind before," I told it, tensing my core for the coming encounter. "You should never underestimate us," it rasped. "I didn't think that was possible," I replied. It narrowed its eyes in anger and shot out a tongue of flame but I was ready for it. Finally, overcome by my unfailing ability to beat it at its own game (minus, of course, the flame-throwing), it too erupted into flames and disappeared into a pile of ash.
Runes collected: 5
Total runes: 13


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
I slipped into chamber #7. It was a large atrium, bordered with thick candles burning dimly. The floor slanted downwards towards the center where cobblestones became more angular and refined, gripping an alter. It's sides, adorned with stone carvings, seemed to ooze. A shrunken corpse with it's hands folded crowned the structure. I could hear nothing, nor see anything in the chamber move. Just the flickering of candles. Had this room been cleared?

I approached the alter and studied the corpse. A dead Dark Elf. It's head was still adorned with an ivory circlet, decorated with silver. Common for elven seers. Also worth a pretty penny. I put aside my sword and shield in order to plunder it, but as I reached for it the corpse's mouth twitched - and suddenly a CRUNCHING sound and a wind at my back! I turned to behold a tower of bones and rubble cock it's limbs for a strike! THOOM! My body flew into a wall and landed in a mess of soft, melted wax.

A crisp laugh filled the chamber. This seer was not dead. And he was piloting a golem! It shifted towards me, absorbing debris and old wax to form lumbering legs. Twelve paces away my sword and shield leaned against the alter, where the Dark Elf remained. Drat.

The golem was powerful but slow, I nimbly maneuvered in a circular path in order to reach my weaponry - but seers aren't stupid. The golem paused, took 4 large paces backward and equipped itself with my sword and shield. Double drat!

As the seer remained in his mummified condition, I maneuvered towards the largest collection of candles in the chamber as the golem rushed after me. Skipping up a pile of rubble, I pretended to trip. The golem pounced forward. Pivoting, I kicked under a dozen or so tall candles whose hot pools of wax poured into the golems path, softening his wax legs and causing him to tumble. I scurried to the alter with nothing but my bare hands, gripped the Elf's shocked head and twisted with all my might! A sonic shout flew about the room disturbing everything in a quake as the golem collapsed and the elf twitched dead. Actually dead this time.

Rune count: 💎💎💎💎💎


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Chamber 64 was a surprise. Instead of the monsters I'd encountered until now, a big black fluffy cat was crouching inside. I stared at him. He stared at me. We circled each other. I approached, he retreated. He advanced, I stepped to the side. Surreptitiously I cast a calming spell, and as his glossy fur was lit by the glow of my spell, he meowed and sat down, looking at me with still suspicious eyes. A long session of sniffing and food offers brought him to a state of almost friendliness. I know cats are opportunistic, but this one seems like he was just waiting for someone to come along and take him out of this damp and dark dungeon. Besides, every sorceress needs a familiar, and I think a black panther will do very nicely, thank you very much.

Total runes: 7

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Another tiny rainbow flame arrives in your chamber and speaks directly into your mind:

"Re-energized after my night's rest, I awoke bright and early this morning to re-join the fight. I had heard a mighty Ranger toiling in the chambers to my south during the night, and though I long to meet up with my friends in this cursed dungeon, I know there is work yet to be done before we all join in the final battle together. So I headed north into chamber #72. Their I encountered another of those wretched Little Spiders. My fiery furnace burns bright from putting an end to that persistent little critter, but put an end to it I did. Then I moved on.

"Immediately to the west of chamber #72 I encountered a Goblin in chamber #71. That little imp taunted me--a dragon!--snorting and cackling and contorting its face into the most grotesque of expressions. So I made short shrift of it and continued my westward journey.

"In chamber #70 I once again became the Enforcer of all things bright and colourful, entering my berserker trance to rid the space of all dark demons therein. Pleased with my morning's labours, I took a moment then to enjoy my victories.

"That moment was short-lived. In the silence of the newly-cleared chamber I heard the most hideous of noises emanating from the chamber to my north. The noise was deep as thunder, yet punctuated with wet, slapping, slurping sounds, smacks, and pops. What creature could possibly make such a racket?

"I knew I could not pause for rest with such a creature so nearby. So I gathered my strength and courage, primed my furnace for another fight, and inched my way forward into chamber #57. And there I saw it: my first OGRE!

"The beast was hideous indeed, it was HUGE, and it was eating. I did not want to become that Ogre's next meal, I can tell you that. A little magic was definitely in order. So I scratched behind my left ear and pried loose some of the runes I had tucked underneath my scales, runes I have been collecting throughout this dungeon. One, two, three... six runes I cast at that Ogre!

"The runes hit the ground like so many pebbles and skittered to a stop at the Ogre's feet. The beast looked up. It stared right at me! It's eyes glowed green, then red, then drew all light into themselves, transforming into pits of the deepest black. The Ogre opened its mouth. Its teeth, sharp and jagged, dripped blood from the unfortunate meal I had just interrupted. The beast's halitosis was so intense, I fell backward, my vision darkening at the edges as consciousness slipped away. At least I would not be awake to experience my demise, I thought.

"The beast lunged--

"--and the chamber erupted into a blinding flash of blue light. The runes, at long last, had activated, sending piercing blades of light right through the monster.

"The Ogre disintegrated into a pile of dust. The blue light faded from the chamber, and the now-carbonized Ogre's putrid halitosis stench evaporated too. I took in a deep breath and steadied my stomachs, my nerves, and my vision. It worked! The magical runes had worked! And I was still alive! I had survived my first encounter with an Ogre."
"Once I felt fully myself again I got to my feet and continued on my journey, heading west again along a long, narrow tunnel towards chamber #68. I was not halfway to the chamber when I heard it again: that sound which will forevermore be imprinted on my memory, the smacking of lips, slurping of tongue, and gnashing of teeth characteristic of a feasting Ogre. Just my luck to encounter another so soon! But I was ready for it this time, and I was not going to make the same mistakes twice. I scratched behind my right ear and pried loose my N-95 mask. (Yes, they make them big enough for dragons! Respiratory infections are a pretty serious problem for those of us who breathe fire and brimstone.) With my mask firmly in place to protect me from the halitosis stench, I crept closer to the Ogre's chamber.

"Closer, but not too close. As soon as I was able to verify that chamber #68 did indeed contain another Ogre, I pried loose six more runes and tossed them into the room. Then I beat a hasty retreat."
"One... Two... Three... As before, the chamber filled with blinding blue light, and I heard a tremendous "ZAP!" like a peal of blue lightning.

"Carefully I inched forward into the chamber to verify that this Ogre had also been turned to ash. I breathed a deep sigh of relief. So far, so good. Except... Is that...? I don't need to ask the question. I know that it is. Another Ogre is eating some poor unfortunate creature in the chamber immediately adjacent to this one. And I haven't enough runes left to take it out. Quietly, I creep back into the tunnel which connects chambers #57 and #68. I am deeply within enemy territory now, my friends, but I trust that a tunnel bookended by chambers which were so recently the lairs of Ogres will afford me some safety for the night.

"Stay strong, my friends, stay vigilant, and maybe keep a mask handy, just in case!"


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
A quick look at chamber 92 showed me another of those gargoyles. Its skin is too hard for the teeth of my familiar (still haven't found a good name for him) so I cast a chilling spell and froze it into place. A small tick with my finger and poufff! It crashed into a pile of rubble. "Onwards, my friends!" appeared on the wall when my staff touched it. The sounds of disappearing monsters echoed in the dungeons. My comrades are hard at work! I even heard the unmistakable sounds of dying ogres! What fiery and courageous fellow explorers I have! I so look forward to meeting them!


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
To the north of me, I heard the sounds of fierce battle and it heartened my soul. With renewed spirit, I forged ahead, into chamber #143. A Goblin stood before me, but not for long. Wiping goblin-fragments from my clothes, I edged my way into chamber #142. This was a Dragon Knight and I struck at him again and again, careful to remember what my teachers had drilled into me - with knife hand, always tuck in the thumbs! But this fiend knew my weakness and mocked me, jeering as I laboured through the final move necessary to end this creature. The sweat dripped from my brow as my abs strained, but finally, with an infuriated howl, the knight was vanquished. Having conquered such a formidable foe again heartened me, and the Zombie I confronted in chamber #139 didn't even know what had hit it. Me! I took a moment, contemplating my path, and finally entered chamber #150. Hah, yet another Gargoyle but my blood was up, my spirit unquenched, my body strong, and before long, another chamber was cleared of its gruesome tenant.
Runes collected: 5
Total runes: 18


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
On a side note, @JohnStrong I really appreciate all the work you've done here but I must confess that I'm getting a little tired of doing the same workouts. Today I found that I would have had to have done two of the same without some very careful consideration of my route. Which made me think of something.
I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind if I changed a few workouts. Alternated, perhaps, between one or two for the same beastie. I tried to find workouts that were similar either in name or exercises.
Encountering a Goblin, I would do, as an alternative, Harbinger or Mostly Sane - they are similar sorts of workouts. Or Imp which is what @Laura Rainbow Dragon just called one!
Zombie = Reanimator (level 3, not 2, but the name!), or Leviathan
Gargoyle = Stealth Mode (isometrics)
Phantom = Shadow (totally the name)
Dark Elf = Dark Fae or Greywalker or Fight Back
Little Spider = Shapeshifter or Winx
Rogue Warrior = Rogue Assassin
Just a suggestion...


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
Howls and drums! The dungeon's heart began a dull beat that I could feel in my toes. The center had been breached! Good hunting!

I stormed southwards through chamber #23 vanquishing a phantom with two mighty slashes before it could even react. I didn't want to miss all the fun!


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
ooo IMP! How did I miss this one? :happy:

@TopNotch Thanks for your feedback. Yes, I can understand where you're coming from and by all means change things up if it's not working for you. My only hope with this experiment was to add some extra fun and adventure to exercise; whatever exercise that is is up to you! :) With the frequency with which chambers are being engaged, I can see now the smaller pool of monsters can be quite repetitive! I think your suggestions are great. I was actually sitting on some other workouts for a future adventure, but I see no reason to not share them now to help spice things up. @Anek @Laura Rainbow Dragon @chickadee Some substitution ideas for easy monsters if you're about to fight your 8th zombie :happy:

*I'll re-post these below index.
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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Oohhhh a Zombie! These are mean, but I have just the right spell for it! Chamber 86 is clear. As I proceed deeper into the dungeon to chamber 76, the worst kind of enemy for a sorceress appears: an inquisitor! Death to the monsters! I have no pity for it, and I use my most painful spell to destroy its worthless existence. I also ask my familiar, whom I have named Schatten, to pee on its corpse, and Schatten happily provides. Aahh, this is satisfaction!
After this, the Phantom of chamber 89 is easy peasy, and I collect another rune. My bag now contains 12 of them and it's getting heavy!
But wait! What hides in chamber 87? An Orc! No, this is a foe beyond me, and I use 4 runes to destroy it. Now my bag is lighter, and my passage is clear. Win win!
Schatten and I make a comfortable nest in one of the cleared chambers, and snuggle down for a well earned rest. "Goodnight fellow fighters! Proceed with a brave heart!" appears on the wall, and off the words run towards the distant sounds of battle.

Total runes: 8


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
I barged into chamber #22 and found a large Sand Snake coiled within it's pit! It was a hard battle, and I was squeezed within an inch of my life more than once. I even lost a few bits of armor to the serpent's vicious maw. But not a single of it's fangs drew my blood. Eventually I pinned it's jaw open with my shield and, with my sword arm freed, cut it to bits.

Rune count: 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
A rainbow flame creeps into the chamber where you toil, barely perceptible. Is it dimmer than the previous messengers? But no! You have scarcely had time to form this thought when the flame brightens an the dragon speaks once again into your mind:

"Fear not, my friends. I am tired from a good day's battle, but I remain well. Today I travelled first east, back past the dust pile of the first Ogre, and then north into chamber #48. There I encountered a Dragon Knigth! Hah! I am certain you have heard of these fools! Pompous louts who fancy they can tame a dragon! But I bare my belly for no man's sword, nor woman's neither. I toyed with the fool for a bit, lunging at him here, striking him there, but then I relented and put him out of his misery. Chamber #48 is cleared!

"After that I ventured west into chamber #47. Therein I found nothing but a Phantom. Fired up from my recent battle with the knight, I scarcely had to puff on the wraith to send it scurrying back to the nether regions from whence it came.

"To the south of chamber #47 I heard another Ogre ravenously tearing through a meal. I have not yet replenished my rune supply sufficiently to face the creature, so I headed north instead. Through the tunnel leading north from chamber #47 I spotted our good Guardian comrade putting a Sand Snake to rest. He appeared the have the situation well in hand, so I veered east into chamber #38. Therein I encountered a Black Panther, dark as night.

"The Panther and I circled one another, each wary to have met such a formidable foe. I lack our Sorceress friend's ability for taming these creatures, and yet I was loathe to kill it. The Panther was beautiful. And what if our Sorceress should want to add it to her pride? So I breathed just enough brimstone onto the beast to put it into a deep sleep. A Sorceress's staff might awaken it, if she so chose. If not, well, it won't bother us in its current state, and I was able to retrieve the runes it had been guarding.

"By this point I had six runes in my collection again. Enough to go back for that Ogre in chamber #56. But no. It is best to keep some of these magical stones on hand for what contingencies may lie ahead. And our Guardian friend did say he was up for some fun. So I left the Ogre for him to deal with and continued east into chamber #39.

"Chamber #39 was home to a giant Sand Snake. Serpents are the kin of dragons. And so many of their species are endangered these days. I could not kill my cousin. And yet I knew I must drive it from this dungeon lest it sink its venomous fangs into one of my comrades.

"'No problem,' thought I. 'I will trap the snake beneath my talons, then fling it from the dungeon, let it land in a nice safe sand dune somewhere where it can hunt voles to its heart's content and leave my friends alone.'

"But the Sand Snake proved to be a tricksy creature. I danced and danced about that chamber and yet could not catch it. In the end I was forced to get down on my belly--no small feat with my legs tired from trying to pin the snake--and greet it face-to-face. Staring into my cousin's eyes, I mesmerized him into a deep trance, then escorted him out of the dungeon to a secret location where he will neither bother nor be bothered. Another good day's work, I do declare.

"Stay strong my friends."

The rainbow flame winks out.


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Onwards, ever onwards!
Chamber #158, and I encountered another Goblin. I feared, perhaps, employing the same tactics that I had used with such success in my earlier encounters with these demons. Who knew if they had any sort of Hive Mind and were therefore prepared for my attack? In order to defeat this foe, I acted mostly sane and when it thought it had the measure of me, I finished it! Buoyed by my victory, I stepped rashly into the next chamber, #148. A low growl vibrated through the dank air, and the hairs on the back of my neck rose. Cat! I thought. As the soft feet of the black panther padded toward me, I could see sparks where the claws struck the cobblestones. It lashed out at me, its tail lashing like a whip, its ears back, teeth bared. I moved quickly, keeping out of its reach while I scrabbled frantically in my scrip. Every good Ranger knows that a scrip is not for what you bring with you but for what you find along the way, and a few corridors back, growing up through a crack in the stonework, was a small plant that smelt vaguely familiar. I had plucked for leaves and now was trying to reach them. This would only work if the beast is male, I knew and finally, after what seemed a wearying age which left my body aching, I threw some leaves towards the animal. Instantly its attention moved from me to the leaves and it rolled blissfully onto them. Was that - a rolling growl (panthers being unable to purr)? "Good boy," I said, giving it a quick pat as I passed through the chamber. The panther ignored me; that catnip was far more attractive.
In chamber #147, there was another zombie. Continuing my policy of confusion, I changed my tactics on this reanimated foe. It was hard work, harder than I had expected, but at least it fell and the chamber was clear.
Bloodied now and weary, I strode on still-determined legs toward the next chamber, #135. Curiously, beside the door were carved words which read:
Warrior. In this chamber is a Foe greater than any you have yet encountered. You may feel you are strong enough, powerful enough, fast enough to best it, but rest assured, foolish one, having crossed through to this place, you are worn and this challenge may well be beyond you. Your only hope, should you wish to avoid a gruesome end, is to fill the niches below with the ends of others to engender the end of this Ogre!
Below these words were six small niches.
The ends of others? I wondered. A thought struck me and I rummaged in my scrip once again. Dusting off gargoyle ash (it might come in handy some time) from a handful of runes I had collected after defeating each of the monsters I had so far encountered, I selected six, returning the others to my scrip, and carefully placed one in a niche. It glowed slightly and I heard a soft hum. With each additional rune, the glow became brighter, the hum louder. Finally, with the insertion of the sixth and final rune, I had to throw my arm up to protect my eyes from the blinding flash of light, and I was temporarily deafened by a loud
and it was all over - the chamber was cleared. Enheartened by this victory, I felt I had the capacity within me to confront one more foe before I rested. Unfortunately, chamber #124 held an Enforcer. I had not encountered one before. I fought, punch, kicked. It was a hard-won victory but a victory nevertheless. The sweat made streaks in the blood on my face and my clothes were dark with it as I made my way through this chamber to the next.
At chamber #123, as at an earlier one, was again the message on the wall and the six niches. I pulled out another six runes (damn this gargoyle ash!), and another blinding flash and deafening
but another Ogre gone.

Runes collected: 6
Runes deployed: 12
Total runes: 12


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Commando from Alberta
Posts: 582
"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
I readied myself for what looked like another phantom's lair - but a sudden, familiar, colorful flash!
Indeed it had been a phantom's home, but upon meeting their very first rainbow dragon, the phantom had been undone by her magical breath instantly.

I saluted the grand colleague for all her victories, helping to cleanse this lair of all it's darkness.

I heard a deep grunting and shift of movement southwards and readied my runes for ignition. Chamber #56 burned bright with torch light, but when I entered I was enveloped in a gigantic shadow. An Ogre peered down from his dinner table with an Orc's leg in it's mouth.

"That's your LAST MEAL GIANT!" I declared.
It's only reply was a confused burp.

I released the runes from my palm in a fiery arc! Their innocent size exploded into long arcs of fiery blue lightning tearing through the Ogre instantly.

Rune count: 💎💎

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 2,057
"Striving to be the change."
Another rainbow flame messenger arrives in your chamber, and the Rainbow Dragon speaks into your mind:

"I awoke this morning to the most horrible stench of rotting flesh. 'Perhaps we should be clearing out the remains of the Ogres' last suppers when we incinerate them,' I thought. But further investigation yielded not table scraps but a walking undead creature in chamber #37.

"Zombies do not normally carry such a stench. The zombie virus that re-animates these corpses significantly slows the rate of decomposition such that the undead tend to desiccate before they rot. But this one must have fallen into a well or underground river or some such. The creature stank to high Olympus! Holding my breath, I whipped around the chamber and pierced the Zombie clean through its skull with the pointy end of my mighty tail. Then I nailed the corpse to the wall of the chamber--both as a warning to any other monsters which might otherwise try to pass this way, and as an attempt to dry the thing out and hopefully lessen the smell.

"With the Zombie dispatched I decided some house-cleaning was definitely in order. So I made my way back to the east end of this cursed dungeon, taking out the Little Spider in chamber #58, the Dark Elf in chamber #62, the Goblin in chamber #59, the Gargoyle in chamber #60, the Phantom in chamber #63, and another Zombie (this one thankfully quite dried out and scentless) in chamber #61. Another fine day's work, and several more shiny runes tucked beneath my scales for future adventures.

"Stay strong, my friends. I can feel the momentum of our many conquests rising, and the tide of battle turning in our favour."

The flame winks out.


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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,695
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Good morning! How about destroying some Gargoyles today, to start the day in the appropriate manner? Chamber 96 is free, and Schatten is still hungry. Ha! Idea! We'll go ahead, take out the Ogre in the next chamber, and Schatten can feast on its corpse, or on the rest of the meal that this very rude Ogre is eating so noisily, no manners!
So with a well-aimed throw I land six runes in chamber 90 and ZAP! The Ogre is no more.

Onwards my friends! I am inspired by your brave deeds!

Total runes: 4


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Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,875
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Far away to the north of me, I heard the sounds of fierce battle and knew I was not alone in this great endeavour to clear these dungeons. But this southern district was mine, and I would not refuse the task.
Hefting my trusty bokken, I headed into chamber #138 to confront a Zombie. I had confused the last one I had met by using different tactics, and this time I decided again to change them. Let me be unpredictable. The Zombie could not adapt as quickly as I. Chamber #137 led me to another Gargoyle and again, I returned to earlier tactics which proved this creatures undoing. But chamber #136 contained a new and greater foe, a Rogue Warrior. He was no fool. We faced each other with the respect due a formidable fighter. He must have known of my victories thus far, and I have never before underestimated any Warrior. That was a fortunate thing. He pushed me to the very edge of my limits but finally I overcame him, forcing him to yield. His surrender was total and he lost himself into another world and I need have no further fear of him. I stepped back to clear some chambers I had missed, chamber #149 wherein I confronted my second Dark Elf. Weary now, I stumbled into the final chamber, #159, where another gargoyle faced me. Fearing that it could somehow have learnt about the earlier battle I had had with one of its kind, I changed my mode of battle, choosing stealth over open confrontation.
I had done fine work today. One corner of this dungeon was cleared, but there were more monsters and ghouls waiting for me, for us all.

Runes collected: 6
Total runes: 18