Fitter for 40


New member
from Southern New Hampshire
Posts: 3
"Working through Baseline"
Baseline (Level 1): Day 26
Consecutive Exercise Days: 13

I am happy to report that I am nearing the end of the Baseline program. Today is day 26. I'm actually pretty proud that I've made it this far.

It's time to start thinking about what to do next. I would like to do at least one more program before I think about switching to a plan I have to figure out myself. I was thinking of trying Reboot, to get some cardio going or possibly Foundation... But many of the programs drop down to low numbers of reps to start and I want to continue to move forward. If anyone has any advice on the progression of programs, it would be greatly appreciated.

I'm on my way to being able to "see it" after 4 weeks. I've chosen the 15th of the month as my "picture day" to take progress pictures. I'm not ready to share them here yet, but at least I have them to reflect on. I am also using my Renpho smart scale to track progress like weight, Body Fat%, Metabolic Age, etc. I weigh myself Monday mornings.

I'm still thinking about SMART goals, but here are some of the general ones...

  • Get my wedding rings to fit again
  • Get firmly out of plus-size clothing
  • Weight Loss, get under 200 lbs. (This is long-term and will be broken down)
  • Body Fat %: 30-35% (another long-term goal)


Well-known member
Commando from Alberta
Posts: 471
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates"
Welcome @Jackie.W :) Sounds like you're off to a great start. I'm pretty new so I'm unsure of what to recommend for next steps; I recently completed the Foundation program and definitely found if I'd opted for Level 3 on most days it would have made for pretty intense exercise! As an aside, I was intending to start Hero's Journey in the near future, but decided today that I'm going to take it slow and follow another beginner-intermediate program to help strengthen my back/core. I'd rather work up to challenges, unless of course I'm getting bored. Anyway, you know best what you're ready for 💪