From runner to mother to runner again


Fae from Maine USA
Posts: 5
name: DustyQOTF
Age: 38
What i do: Run, knitt, read
How did I get my name? My name is a nickname given in 97 by some local djs in 03 they added QOTF which actually means Queen of the Formalin since i was in college to be a Vet i found during my A&P lab that i was sensitive to Formalin aka Formaldehyde not fun spending 3 weeks with a lab once a week with a headache.
I did cross country and martial arts in middle and high school. I am now a mom of 2 my daughter is turning 13 and my son is 6. i also just finished doing a 100 mile challenge in September for Stop Soldier Suicide a program near and dear to me as a military brat turned wife.


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,380
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
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