Buff Dudes Bodyweight Plan Phase 3 Day A
So it's been almost a month of not working out, it's either been sickness or extra work on my sister's house as she prepares to move in, plus just general exhaustion from my new job and side work that helps pay the bills. Just a lot dragging me down, but I feel like I'm getting my arms around everything a bit better now.
I'm saying it's "Day A" of the workout because I'm modifying the plan quite a bit. This current phase is meant to be a separate muscle group each day (legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms) but since I haven't worked out in so long I didn't want to strain any muscle too much. So I'm taking one or two exercises from each day and combining them into a single workout - I think this will be a more balanced approach that will also end up making each workout quicker. Almost all of the exercises get done, just in a different order.