Goal + Action = Reality


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from USA
Posts: 282
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14"
Happy New Year!
New Year Celebration GIF by sylterinselliebe


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,176
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water - I'm just going to try to stick with this every day.
Power Pose Day 22
Bed on Time Day 19
Multiplank Day 3
Jump-rope - looks like I'm going to have to drop this for a little while. I think it was just too much to start with. Yesterday the lower back was grumbling but I paid it little attention; today it was shrieking, so I did a deadhang and some spinal twists and that eased things up. Right now, it feels pretty okay, but I think all that bouncing was a bit too much. I'd like to do rebounding because it's said to have health benefits, but I think I have to start off really small so the back gets used to things. Here's me, actually listening to my body!
Walkabout Day 3 - realised that it's really easy to walk even for a minute or two on my little treadmill, so while dinner was cooking, that's what I did today. Walk - stir - walk - suddenly remember I'd forgotten to add the peas, so add the peas - walk - and so on. Not for very long, all up, but enough.
Wall-Sit Day 3
Ninja Day 3
Standing Abs Day 1 - I can delay gratification and wait until the month begins. :angel:
Zero Hero Day 1 - well, this programme has changed, hasn't it? Don't yet know how much, I haven't peeked (very far). It's a whole new programme.
So tell me, what were you doing when the aliens invaded? Me, oh I was just taking out the rubbish...
PD - 51 minutes
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Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,176
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 23
Bed on Time Day 20
Multiplank Day 4 - I do enjoy side planks. That's an okay thing, right?
Walkabout Day 4
Wall-Sit Day 4
Ninja Day 4
Standing Abs Day 2
Zero Hero Day 2

Realised yesterday that I didn't have a calendar for this year. Not that I really need one, but sometimes I jot down when something happens so I like to have one. This time of year, every shopping centre has a pop-up stall selling calendars so I went out to my local. Of course, now all calendars are on sale, so, being one whole day without a calendar meant that I spent only $7 rather than $25! Every calendar there was going for $7. I was seriously tempted by one that gave 365 kittens - a kitten a day! - but I feared I'd get over-kittened, so I went another Walking Dead calendar. Also got myself a diary - the sort that has one page for a week (3 lines per day), and on the left side is a wilderness nature picture. One of the best things about a diary like this is when I've finished with it, I can tear out the best pictures and stick them up. I intend to use this diary to track my creative work - words or time, on what, brain drain or chapter, stuff like that - so I get a clearer idea of how I'm working.

It's been interesting reading other people's goals for this year. I haven't set any yet, not really, and I'm not sure I will. There are things I'd like to do, but are they goals? Do I want to do them that much? If I don't really, but I set them as goals anyway, chances are I won't achieve them and then I'll disappoint myself. Goals have to be something I really want to achieve. I suppose, though, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a second tier of things I'd like to achieve or have a go at this year... ;)

One thing I'll try to do is comment more on people's posts. It's a difficult thing for me to do, primarily because I'm rarely sure if the poster really wants an opinion or is just having a rant. And then, I'm pretty blunt and so I might unintentionally insult. So hey, for those of you reading this, if I ever comment on one of your posts, remember that I don't mean to insult! It's just TN trying to be social. :cool:


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,176
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Dang it! Now I feel I ought to go back and get that darned kitten calendar. :kittens:

First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 24
Bed on Time Day 21
Multiplank Day 5
Walkabout Day 5
Wall-Sit Day 5
Ninja Day 5
Standing Abs Day 3
Zero Hero Day 3
PD - 40 minutes

This morning I decided to go for a little slow trot on the treadmill (22 minutes, 1 episode of season 9 ZR). I go through these strange running phases. I'm not a good runner but I can kind of run (lurch, shuffle - whatever, I'm sure I'm faster than the zombies. Except perhaps the ones in Zombieland because those ones were fast, weren't they?) and sometimes I want to prove that to myself.
Later this afternoon, I got back on the treadmill and walked. I was trying to do what Garmin told me, but it's so hard to keep to a particular speed. First I was over and then I was under... Still, another episode, another 22 minutes.

Finished a puzzle today - the first one of the year! Normally I don't do portrait-oriented puzzles because they're awkward, but who could resist this beauty?

Late this afternoon/early this evening, the whole world took on a lovely yellow colour. Not the scary one associated with bushfires and such, fortunately, but a golden one associated with sundown. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the white netting over the greenhouse shows how everything turned yellowish.


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 2,176
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 25
Bed on Time Day 22
Multiplank Day 6
Walkabout Day 6
Wall-Sit Day 6
Ninja Day 6
Standing Abs Day 4
Zero Hero Day 4
PD - 30 minutes

I believe that it is important, occasionally, to share things that we learn. And I've recently learnt something which I present, perhaps as a cautionary tale.
If you have moved your dumbbells in order to relocate other items in your house, either move said dumbbells back or else ensure that they are neatly tucked away somewhere. If you fail to do this, please refrain from kicking a dumbbell with your second small toe by accident. Ensure that if you do this, you do it by deliberate! That way, when said small toe breaks, you can say "Aha, I did that deliberately to test a hypothesis. Yes, it appears I was totally correct. Solid block of metal being forcibly struck by a small and fragile piece of human will result in absolutely no damage to said solid block of metal (otherwise known as a dumbbell - which curiously enough is a slang term for a stupid person. Coincidence? I think not.)." This way, you appear considered and wise. Doing it by accident, on the other hand, just makes you look a bit of a prat...


Well-known member
Warrior from Germany
Posts: 140
First Thing Water
Power Pose Day 25
Bed on Time Day 22
Multiplank Day 6
Walkabout Day 6
Wall-Sit Day 6
Ninja Day 6
Standing Abs Day 4
Zero Hero Day 4
PD - 30 minutes

I believe that it is important, occasionally, to share things that we learn. And I've recently learnt something which I present, perhaps as a cautionary tale.
If you have moved your dumbbells in order to relocate other items in your house, either move said dumbbells back or else ensure that they are neatly tucked away somewhere. If you fail to do this, please refrain from kicking a dumbbell with your second small toe by accident. Ensure that if you do this, you do it by deliberate! That way, when said small toe breaks, you can say "Aha, I did that deliberately to test a hypothesis. Yes, it appears I was totally correct. Solid block of metal being forcibly struck by a small and fragile piece of human will result in absolutely no damage to said solid block of metal (otherwise known as a dumbbell - which curiously enough is a slang term for a stupid person. Coincidence? I think not.)." This way, you appear considered and wise. Doing it by accident, on the other hand, just makes you look a bit of a prat...
Don't mean to laugh at you breaking the toe, but the way this Was written is hilarious to me.