Hold the Flame


Well-known member
Shieldmaiden from Germany
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 514
Prreviously Nanna Io - Old thread: https://www.community.darebee.com/threads/keeping-momentum.339

This thread should have been called Moulded by Water but as swimming is off the table for the moment that will be for a future name change. :ss:

Ok so now to explaining this new thread business, the following is a talk about spirituality rather than fitness and rather weird so if you are not interested feel free to skip to the fitness part below.

A couple of years ago, I dabbled in the world of witchcraft and paganism. No, I don't actually believe that crystals will heal me and unlike many who jumped on this bandwagon I don't cast spells trying to improve my life. What appeals to me is the ritualistic aspect of this practice. Something which I have noticed has helped me keep consistency in the past. This was also confirmed by my psychologist an year back and is apparently explained in a book called The Sacred an the Profane: The Nature of Religion Basically people need rituals to close cycles and they are, even if we do not realise it, a central part of our life.

I also realised that spiritually speaking, I connect much more to animism than a theistic religion or buddhism, which is a path I had tried to follow in the past. There is one exception though, I have found myself drawn to the figure of Brigid, a Goddes in Irish Paganism turned Saint following Catholic influence in Ireland.

I don't want to say I venerate her, that is not the point, but I appreciate what she stands for, a bit like I would look up to what Lagertha from Vikings stands for. I like that she has many aspects including healing, poetry and the forge - especially the last one appeals to me as challenging traditional gender roles. There is also a mother aspect which once again, appeals to me in contrast to other aspects. I also see her as a symbol for adaptation to the times, moving from a Pagan figure to a Catholic one as times changed (and a new religion was forced upon the population, but she managed to remain).

I am still a very pragmatic, down-to-earth person despite what I may have written above but a spiritual practice is something I have realised I need, and I want to link the fitness journey to it. I namely want to link my fitness practice to the forge aspect of Brigid, by forging my body if you want.

So... after writing this I realise this is a very unusual post for this site. I hope I did not scare anyone away with this and the rest of the thread will be much more conventional I promise. Unless someone is curious, I do not plan to share my spiritual practice but just keep it to the fitness part. I just wanted to explain what the hell happened to my account and share my change in the way I look at my fitness journey. The only exception may be Imbolc where I may do a short celebratory post.

I welcome questions on all this so do not hesitate!

Back to exercising:

I am currently on Vitality due to an injury while doing Fit December, I will do this until Sunday and then see if I do another week or if I keep it as a warm-up while adding a L2 program to it.

The keyword of this year is consistency, I have come to realise that my body does not bounce back as it used to and I really need to have a consistent practice and ideally move a bit every day - and what better than DAREBEE for that!

As mentioned in my old thread, I am not sure I will be able to connect again before the new year. I have a very intense two weeks coming up with Christmas and moving to a new country. :cry:

I will try to start updating regularly in the new year but it is not excluded that this thread will remain sporadic as the old one. I just have too many things on my plate.

So, in case I don't manage to check in before, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New year, and a period of Holiday and Rest!
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Well-known member
Shieldmaiden from Germany
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 514
Oooops I just realised I forgot to link my old thread and username. It is done now!

I am moving (back) to Germany! I was actually in the south of France up until now but I have been to Bretagne a few times and love it.

yeah I come from Christianity too and I think part of what draws me is that fact that she was incorporate into Christianity as well as a Saint. :LOL: But then again, I tend to be drawn to all figures which mix traditional and non-traditional gender roles. Strangely enough I have only found female figured that do that and no male figure. :(


Well-known member
Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,565
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
The figure of the Goddess Brigit who later became a saint with the advance of Christianity in Ireland is really very interesting, especially her changing and remaining at the same time.
I never celebrated the cycles of life until I met my partner who taught me.
I have learned that it is important to celebrate what has ended in order to welcome what is to come.
I really like to give a symbolic meaning to what I do, it allows me to participate with all of myself.
In short: welcome back and enjoy your new hero's journey :)


Well-known member
Shieldmaiden from Germany
Pronouns: She/They
Posts: 514
Thank you all for the warm welcomes! As foreseen, I was not able to post the days following my new thread creation, what I was not expecting is to take so long to come back.

The rythm in Germany is very different than what I was used to in France - people come and leaver early here rather than sticking to 9 to 5 or arrive late and leave late. Not being a morning person, this had some impacts on my circadian rythm. I am also working very long hours so that I can get on top of things quickly, so the little time I have left when I am not sleeping I spend keeping in touch with my boyfriend.

And exercising :)

I am really blessed with my boyfriend, and how he just won't let me make excuses to not exercise. I am now 20 days in and have been doing two prgrams in parallel - Vitality at L2 and Square 1 at L3. I finished Vitality two days ago, and replaced it with LIIT.

I am also walking a LOT more due to taking the train and, since I live in the countryside and I have load of time on the weekends, I try to go on a walk

I am also veeeeryz loosely tracking my food in Cronometer. I did it back in September when I went on an almost vegan diet (vegetarian, but I cannot eat milk products so it alwazs ends up being almost vegan) to ensure my nutrient intake was well-balanced. I liked the app and so I decided to do it again for a month, but honestly, since I am not weighing everything and mostly just logging similar foods (especially for lunch, as I eat at my company's canteen), I may continue doing it since the stats are really, really interesting.

So to recap, here has been my program up until now:

Vitality L2 + Square 1 L3: 7th of January - 25th of January
LIIT L3 + Square 1 L3: 26th of January - current.

I do hope to be able to check in more frequently, even if it is just on the other threads. I cannot say it enough but the darebee community is amazing and I always enjoy coming back here.


Well-known member
Alchemist from France
Posts: 2,150
Bravo for Vitality!
And grins for work times. I'm a morning person, and indeed there can be some disconnect with other coworkers, specially a few ones who do are night owls... I try to respect their schedule - it aien't my business when they work as long as their work is done ; hopefully they reciprocate but that's ... not quite always the fact.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 1,031
"I just work here."
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Party GIF