Martin was never really gone


from luxembourg
Posts: 6
Hi everybody,
I was a member of the hive a while ago but neglected to re-establish my account once the hive got revamped ... what, two years ago??
anyway, i was never really a goner. I kept checking in and peeking... anonymously ;-)

now, yesterday, I saw this wonderful new program Extreme HIIT and instantly fell in love. I did day one today and had to call it a day after set 3... okay, that makes it a level one, but that's fine! :-) hooray.

i never stopped exercising although i didn't always use darebee as my preferred resource... hey, I'm back :-)

i had a prostate cancer operation 6 weeks ago - but started exercising again three weeks ago - what modern medicine can do is amazing, isn't it? they used that DaVinci robot on me for that OP... an amazing piece of technology... ( to be easily found on the web with google)

today, i was out running (it was more of a quick walk, ok) for the first time after the OP and that felt so good ... wow ....
i think the guy who operated upon me deserves my personal Nobel prize :-)

cheers, everybody!
Martin aka Martik


from luxembourg
Posts: 6
Day 2 of Extreme HIIT ... this time, 5 sets, level 2, yay ;-)

cheers, Martik
P.S. a very loud shout out to Neila and the whole team behind this Program. This torture implement seems to be ideally fitted to my taste for a (not so ) little self-inflicted ordeal ... Juuust when I think "naw, I stop, I can't do this", the timer sounds and the next exercise is up ... it continues burning and it hurts but it huts just a little bit differently and that makes it possible to continue. Nice.

Must be my Karma. I probably had something to do with holy cow desecration in India in a former life, or something like that....
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