On the Hero's Journey


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
Welcome to the Training Log for Quarkmage.

After struggling with routine neck and back issues following the birth of my oldest daughter I had a renewed interest in improving my strength and flexibility. I soon came to realize that my ongoing fitness journey would be less about improving myself in the short term and more about being able to keep up with my daughters as they grow and develop over the longer term. Starting in 2016, Darebee became the foundation of my fitness journey and helped me to maintain consistency in my routines and steadily build strength, stamina and flexibility and incorporate vigorous exercise into my daily life. I have really enjoyed working through the programs, finding favorite workouts and engaging in special workouts/quests/events. Darebee has allowed me to workout consistently with essentially no workout related injuries or setbacks. I loved early on when programs like Hero's Journey really kicked me into shape hard, and achievements like 5 minute elbow plank, 100 burpees in a row, and extended streaks of daily workouts helped pushed me further to conquer those tough challenges. Fun and exciting RPG-like programs have really kept workouts exciting, engaging and stimulating physically and mentally. Thanks to Darebee and The Hive for keeping me healthy and happy.

I grew up in southern California, playing soccer, tennis, skateboarding and bodyboarding.
The moniker Quarkmage came during some of my studies in nuclear chemistry and physics and the idea of making magic from elementary particles; I have stuck with it for what is now about 25 years - whoa.
After college I had about a 10 year period of minimal exercise and less than ideal health habits.
I broke back into a more active lifestyle by rediscovering tennis, my love for bike riding, and irregular use of a traditional gym. I was periodically hampered by minor injuries and setbacks from tennis (shoulder, elbow) and the gym (neck tweaks, unbalanced routines). Around the same time I also rediscovered a love for pinball, found and broke into the competitive scene and started training and competing, even playing in world championship tournaments. What fun! I returned to graduate school during this phase and relied on tennis, pinball and cycling to help manage stress and find some positive outlets for my energy and creativity after facing some personal challenges.
Fatherhood was then the next great era of my life where parenting and family life started to take over my marginal time and space in the best possible way. Darebee has allowed me to consistently and efficiently engage in challenging workouts and programs from home or work, allowing me to make the most of my precious time.

What now?
Let's find out together!


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
oral surgery, ouch. meds and watching recorded tour de france.
3 hours fruit picking
3 hours dancing at STS9 show at Quarry at UCSC
overdid it a bit, hopefully no real damage done
framers market and housekeeping
standing desk at work all day. feeling it, need to rest and recover more before resuming exercise routine.


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
Lagging on posting my workout journal. looks like i lost 2 weeks.
lots of bike riding to and from work, which is just the best.
soccer practice and games. hosted slumber party, fully recovered after a week.
been doing way to much snacking after dinner. i have to recapture end of day workout routine, maybe little green/herbal tea and stave off (totally) unnecessary munching.
Hope everyone in the hive is doing well.


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
Still biking to/from work 2-3 days/week while it stays dry.
currently doing 30 day program composed of the following challenges:
Step Up, Push-up ladder, 2-minute multiplank, The Miner, Kicks and Punches, Epic Abs, Boxer, Balance.
good mix of stuff, and get to take credit for some challenges (must admit, more enticing with icon on the profile. did many of these on previous platform version, going to reclaim them now).
also trying little jogging 1 day week, ~30 minutes, and Hardgainer workout 1-2 days/week.
looking forward to starting Fit XMas as well!


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
Secret Santa ‘23 gift for Quarkmage workout completed. Thank you Santa for the fun story (reminded me of getting caught up in the theme of a good pinball game) and awesome full body workout. Wishing all the Bees peace, love, happiness and good health. Keep up the great efforts. You are totally worth it!!!!!
Happy holidays.


Well-known member
Druid from Santa Cruz, California
Posts: 76
"on the hero s journey"
Still no convincing idea as to who my secret santa was, but they certainly included all of my favorite exercises (planks, push-ups, jumping lunges, climbers and more!).
Thanks for the effort on the story and weaving a great exercise into the tale. I have always really enjoyed the story-based programs like carbon and dust, age of pandora, pathfinder.
I suppose I should make at least a guess. Person is certainly creative with great writing talent and flare for fun adventures... @Sólveig perhaps (who appears to be a huge burpee champion!!!!) It has been amazing to learn a little more about a few of the Bees from reading the check-in threads.

I also performed the gift i gave. without spilling too many beans (i love beans by the way), i created an accessible workout flow based on a few key exercises that seemed to be the recipient's go-tos. while on the surface might be a little on the low intensity side, like any Darebee workout, it is always flexible, and you can always do more sets, up the intensity, skip the rest, etc. With a range of postures and motions, mostly standing, it was a nice baseline workout taking about 20 minutes to complete, but leaving many options open for more and to push it.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 1,807
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Still no convincing idea as to who my secret santa was, but they certainly included all of my favorite exercises (planks, push-ups, jumping lunges, climbers and more!).
Thanks for the effort on the story and weaving a great exercise into the tale. I have always really enjoyed the story-based programs like carbon and dust, age of pandora, pathfinder.
I suppose I should make at least a guess. Person is certainly creative with great writing talent and flare for fun adventures... @Sólveig perhaps (who appears to be a huge burpee champion!!!!) It has been amazing to learn a little more about a few of the Bees from reading the check-in threads.

I also performed the gift i gave. without spilling too many beans (i love beans by the way), i created an accessible workout flow based on a few key exercises that seemed to be the recipient's go-tos. while on the surface might be a little on the low intensity side, like any Darebee workout, it is always flexible, and you can always do more sets, up the intensity, skip the rest, etc. With a range of postures and motions, mostly standing, it was a nice baseline workout taking about 20 minutes to complete, but leaving many options open for more and to push it.

Those are lovely words, however I can't accept them because it wasn't me! I am a Burpee fan, though...

Late congrats on your challenges, by the way! :fireworks: :star: :star: