Onwards and, well, onwards!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 515
"I sing and I know things"
My parent's also had a week or so of fatigue with no other symptoms a while back, so it's probably just some virus going around.
I thought I was taking it easy, but apparently not easy enough, so my digestive system also became very upset (it seems to be the first thing that goes when you exhaust yourself).
I'm beginning to feel al little better again though =)
That might be because I am finally resting even more xD

May 28

May 29

May 30

Hey at least I spent a decent amount of time outside ^^


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 515
"I sing and I know things"
Hehe, funny you should say that @graoumia , I may have fallen down the stairs yesterday :amused:
I am okay, I managed to catch myself, just have a lot of pain from my muscles being upset and my shoulders not being quite where they ought to be.
Which is of course throwing off all the muscles down my arms and back and into my neck and jaw.
Can't pull or push with my left arm for now, will have to wait until my physio has the time to sort it all out again :muahaha:
So yeah, May 31, June 1, June 2: Walking (I agree @CODawn :lovely: )
June 3... falling down the stairs and doing some squats :p
June 4: Walking. I was meant to help someone move house but I was only capable of moral support and fixing the vacuum cleaner xD


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 515
"I sing and I know things"
Thank you :sendlove: @graoumia and @MadamMeow
I just realised that most people would not call my current state 'okay', but honestly I am thrilled my shoulders held me at all. They have always been one of my loosest and least stable joint, (as in, if I relax the muscles you can pull my arm out of the socket) but I think all the upper body work I did with Darebee this year has really saved me from worse.

So I really do consider myself okay, comparatively speaking. Except for some movements, my pain is in the normal range. The unpleasant side of normal for sure, but it's manageable. And my partner has been keeping me supplied in cuddles and food, so all things considered, I am okay :chuckle:

And many thanks to Darebee :heart:


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 515
"I sing and I know things"

June 5-7
June 8
Epic Legs day 1
June 9
Epic Legs
day 2 and 4

I am beginning to have a little more energy, which is nice and long-awaited ^^
Took a long walk on the 7th which wiped me out, and so didn't walk on Saturday to rest up for a little fair yesterday :)


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 515
"I sing and I know things"
June 12
Walking to the physio and back. That was a very necessary appointment!
I had done a bunch of sewing beforehand, and was absolutely exhausted afterwards so just rested for the rest of the day, made some nice dinner, and then rested some more ^^
Watched The Devil Wears Prada for the first time!


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 515
"I sing and I know things"
Hullo, friends!
I was on holiday with very little internet connection, so I figured I should focus on the holiday bit instead of stressing about updating my log :imp:

I didn't write down what I did each day though, so I will just have to summarise:
June 13-23
Walking on most days, squats and mobility work on the days with little walking.
I also moved a bunch of short oak beams (1,5-2m) into a shed by squatting one side up and squatting it back down on the other side.
Basically a tyre flip but gently :p
That was hard work but also fun, I even taught my mum how to do it with good form!

June 24
Walking to the farm shop and back
Ab Pyramid
I think we ended up with 43 of those during the stream.

June 25
Walking about 2 hours, I woke up early (for me) and decided to take a nice long walk before it got too hot. Still passed 25C before I got home :')
Ab Pyramid in the morning and evening.

It's going to be very hot for a few more days, so I am not committing to any kind of workout programmes yet, I just want to survive the heat relatively intact.

While on my walk today I picked a whole lot of nettle seeds.
However I had forgotten to bring any gloves, and my fingers are only now starting to feel kinda normal again. nettles are weird! But tasty!