Rejoining the Game


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
It's bittersweet to see the old Hive gone but it's a good opportunity for a fresh start after a bit of an extended absence.

JUNE 23 2023
Hero's Journey: Day 1 - Level 1

Hero's Journey: Day 2 - Level 1
Planet Fitness: Legs (Hip Thrust, Hip Adduction, Leg Curl, Romanian Dead Lift)
Exercise of the Day: 60 Second Side Plank Hold


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
Hero's Journey: Day 3 - Armory
Magic Ring: 3 sets of 20 second plank, elbow plank, side plank
Bow and Arrow: 30 minutes of interval running. 3mph-7mph and incline 1-15 for 30 minutes total.

For this playthrough I decided to pick up two items; the bow and the ring. My last playthrough (which ended up being unfinished) was with the ribbon.





Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112

Hero's Journey: Day 5 - Journey Through the Woods Level 0.5
I found a dragons egg, which I will care for diligently.

I did 5 sets of everything except I didn't do any side lunges. I kept falling over, which reminds me how long it's been since I practiced yoga asanas. I'll probably start adding that in soon along with pranayamas.

edited to add Neck Stretching
edited to add Zen Yoga & Meditation Day 1
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
Hero's Journey Level 1: Day 6 - Blocked Path
Hero's Journey: Weapons Practice - Bow and Arrow, Magic Ring

5 Sets of Pushups to Failure: 5, 8, 3, 2, 3 = 21 Total
5 Minutes of Elbow Plank over 5 Sets: 53s, 1min 7s, 1min, 1min 30s, 30s
Interval Running: Ended up going 1.6 miles

edited to add Zen Yoga & Meditation Day 2
meditation was done in savasana and then I did some other stretching
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
nada :(
some unstructured stretching and movement throughout the day

some unstructured stretching and movement throughout the day

hoping to get back on track, may re-evaluate jumping right back in with hero's challenge. I've been struggling to keep up with level 1 and it feels like I'm doing more of a 'story mode' with it. I was so close to finishing it on level 1/2 last time I attempted it and I figured since I've lost a lot of weight since then that it would be easier... I thought wrong. I may just continue on with level 0.5/1 and see how I end up doing. Or I will trade it out for one of the other RPG programs that is a little easier. I really want to make my way through all of them!


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
1 Minute Yoga Day 3
Zero Hero: Day 1 Level 3

After falling through the broken bridge for what felt like forever, I awoke not a hero, but a zero. :P I think I'll do Zero Hero and then re-attempt Hero's Journey later.
(I'm keeping the dragon, though)

Much more to come for today hopefully, but I wanted to get this log started with what I've done so far. :)


Well-known member
Druid from TLV
Pronouns: You there
Posts: 950
"Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being... it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Vetinari/Pratchett"
I've quit hero's journey twice so far. Don't worry, do what you feel is best for you.


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112

30 Days of Yoga - Day 1

Planet Fitness: Push Day
Chest Press: Set 1 40lbs x10 reps, Set 2 55lbs x6 reps​
Seated Shoulder Press: Set 1 50lbs x6 reps, Set 2 40lbs x8 reps​
Chest Fly: Set 1 40lbs x12 reps, Set 2 50lbs x15 reps​
Lateral Raises: Set 1 25lbs x8 reps, Set 2 25lbs x8 reps​
Triceps Extension: Set 1 50lbs x11 reps, Set 2 65lbs x6​
Seated Triceps Press: Set 1 85lbs x8 reps, 100lbs x6 reps​
Epic Core Challenge - Day 3

Zen - Day 8
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112

Planet Fitness: PULL DAY

Rear Delt Reverse Fly: 35lbs x12, 40lbs x10​
Iso-Lateral Row: 70lbs x8, 70lbs x8​
Hammer Curl (Dumbbell): 30lbs x 9, 30lbs x10 (15lbs per arm)​
Seated Cable Row: 55lbs x8, 70lbs x 8​
Preacher Curl: 40lbs x9, 40lbs x9​
Exercise of the Day 60 Seconds Arm Scissors
Epic Core - Day 4
Zen - Day 9
30 Days of Yoga - Day 2
1-Minute Yoga - Day 4

RPG Program:
Zero Hero - Day 2
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112

Epic Core - Day 6
Zen - Day 11 (TBD - will add link once complete)
30 Days of Yoga - Day 4
1-Minute Yoga - Day 6

RPG Program:
Zero Hero - Day 4 @ Level 1

Planet Fitness: LEGS
Calf Extension: 130lbs x14, 160lbs x11​
Hip Thrust (Barbell): 110lbs x10, 110lbs x12​
Romanian Deadlift (Barbell): 70lbs x8, 110lbs x5, 90lbs x6​
Hip Adduction: 130lbs x13, 135lbs x13​
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
How are you liking the yoga? Seems like a good way to stretch and warmup/cooldown but I'm not very patient with it :giveup:. Maybe the 1-minute yoga is a good introduction?
I wasn't very patient with yoga in the beginning, either! It took a long time for me to get comfortable with the 'stillness' that yoga brings. I would experiment with different styles of yoga and see if there's stuff that you like doing and follow the path that takes you down. :) I love yoga now, though, and it's an integral part of my routine. It's especially helped with rest and recovery after heavier weightlifting sessions.


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112

A Salad A Day - Day 1 of 30

Daily Push Ups - Day 2 of 30
5x3, 1x5, 1x10 (sets x reps)​
Epic Core Challenge - Day 8 of 30

Zen - Day 13 of 30
1-Minute Yoga - Day 8 of 30
30 Days of Yoga - Day 6 of 30
Unbound - Day 1 of 30

RPG Program:
Zero Hero - Day 6 of 30 at Level 1

Today's Zero Hero has me reminiscing on when I did Tae Kwon Do. I got my black belt but I unfortunately haven't practiced in... 16 or so years... ah
I am nowhere near as fit as I was when I did that but I'm closer to that now than I have been in a long time.
May be something to think about...

(edited because I realized I had my pushups recorded backwards. I did five sets of 3, not 3 sets of 5)
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
JULY 12 WEDNESDAY (streak: 9)

A Salad A Day - Day 3 of 30

Daily Push Ups - Day 4 of 30
30 Knee pushups, I did three or four at a time until I got to 30​
Epic Core Challenge - Day 10 of 30

Zen - Day 15 of 30 supta matsyendrasana made me ... emotional :sadness:
Halfway thoughts: really liking this program so far. It's definitely making me zen (except for today, maybe :p)​
1-Minute Yoga - Day 10 of 30 clapsed hands uttanasana.. wow I needed that stretch
30 Days of Yoga - Day 8 of 30 face still damp from last supta matsyendrasana... well, if it must come out then it must come out. who doesn't love a good cry?

Undecided on whether I'll be doing Unbound or RPG Program today. We'll see.
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
JULY 19 WEDNESDAY (streak: 16)

A Salad A Day - Day 10 of 30

1-Minute Yoga - Day 16 of 30

RPG Program:
Zero Hero - Day 11 of 30 at Level 1

Daily Push Ups - Day 7 of 30, Knee Push Ups

[possibly more to come for today... hopefully]

Earlier I asked myself to not stop doing yoga... and that's what pushed me to do todays... was hoping that after I started I would feel more into it... didn't happen for today. But, I did them.

Zen - Day 19 of 30
30 Days of Yoga - Day 10 of 30

Epic Core Challenge - Day 13 of 30... done begrudgingly for both the past and future versions of me... you're welcome
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
JULY 20 THURSDAY (streak: 17)

A Salad A Day - Day 11 of 30

1-Minute Yoga - Day 17 of 30

RPG Program:
Zero Hero - Day 12 of 30 at Level 1

Daily Push Ups - Day 8 of 30
Epic Core Challenge - Day 14 of 30

30 Days of Yoga - Day 11 of 30 salamba sarvangasana... not a chance I was getting into this pose... instead of doing a variation I went right into savasana where I stayed and completed Zen Day 20, with 20 minutes of meditation
Zen - Day 20 of 30


Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
JULY 22 SATURDAY (streak: 19)

PLANET FITNESS DAY after an.. unintentional break
Leg Day
Leg Curl: 90lbs x9, 95lbs x9 (weight pr)​
Leg Press: 205lbs x13, 210lbs x10​
Calf Extension: 160lbs x11, 160 x13​
Leg Extension: 115lbs x11, 115lbs x11 (weight pr)​

1-Minute Yoga - Day 19 of 30

Daily Push Ups - Day 10 of 30
about 20 full pushups and the rest knee pushups​
Epic Core Challenge - Day 16 of 30

30 Days of Yoga - Day 13 of 30
Zen - Day 22 of 30

A Salad A Day - Day 13 of 30
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
went for a drive and decided to go to the gym

23rd cont.

PF: Push 3 to 5 minutes rest between sets. each set to failure
Chest Press: 40lbs x13, 45lbs x14​
Shoulder Press: 40lbs x8, 40lbs x8​
Chest Fly: 40lbs x10, 40lbs, x10​
Lateral Raise: 25lbs x7, 25lbs x7​
Triceps Extension: 50lbs x12, 40lbs x10​
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Well-known member
Fae from Alaska
Posts: 112
ok.... the heat and my uterus are conspiring to take me out and keep me weak. they're winning... for now

will have to regroup and figure out where I'm at with programs/challenges. I have half a mind to scratch it all and start over, at least the challenges. I will probably pick up Zen and 30DOY from where I was, but the challenges I think I will restart. not sure of anything.

I went with my partner to the gym the last two days because I felt OK.

JULY 29 SATURDAY streak: 1
Planet Fitness: Legs 3 to 5 minutes rest between sets. each set to failure
Calf Extension: 145lbs x10
Hip Thrust: 110lbs x8, 110lbs x11
Hip Adduction: 115lbs x11
Barbell Squat: 70lbs x3

definitely was not feeling as good as I thought I was for this day so I only did one set for the majority...

JULY 30 SUNDAY streak: 2
Planet Fitness: Push 3 to 5 minutes rest between sets. each set to failure
Chest Press: 55lbs x12, 65lbs x5 (highest weight record), 50lbs x10
Seated Shoulder Press: 50lbs x8, 55lbs x6 (highest weight record)
Chest Fly: 60lbs x9, 60lbs x9
Triceps Extension: 55lbs x11, 65lbs x6
Seated Triceps Press: 100lbs x10, 105lbs x9

was feeling strong and full of fury for this day. pheww I really was on 0% battery life the last weekish. I know I made it to work each day but the rest is a blur of sweat and Owwwwww