Resolutions 2023


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,994
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I'm fine with the first two :p
I choose:
1) Being happy
2) Reading more (in english)
Even though I haven't made any big New Year's resolutions this year, I would choose these two. The only thing I promised myself actually is to learn to read books in English :)


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from germany
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Posts: 658
Basically i am dragging the same goals through the years and hope to achieve them THIS time. The business goal is rather new but necessary after three shitty years due to worldwide and personal health issues. Let's see how external hurdles and internal sabotaging skills are doing this year. 🙄

So, i still aim to…
- reach normal weight
- be able to do proper push-ups
- run at all, then run 5K
- improve my business, aka get more clients and earn more money (there is some plan and numbers behind this)
- socialize more
- travel

I can tell after the first week of the year: There's room to improve but i am still positive.

Ratio Tile

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Jedi from Poland
Posts: 30
Read at least 5 books this year.

It may not be much, but it's still 5 times more than I read in previous years. I used to love books as a kid, but in my adult life I developed a reading OCD, which basically ruined my leisure reading.

So I'm taking small steps to improve it. Gonna incorporate it into my own ERP therapy.


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Paladin from Texas, USA
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Posts: 164
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
So, so many! But I want them all done NOW. I have to convince myself I have all year to reach my goals, and remember to track my progress :LOL:

1) Read 275 books this year, 50 of them nonfiction
2) Three Darebee programs and 4 challenges
3) Make one skirt a month in different styles and fabrics to practice my sewing
4) learn to make biscuits that don't taste like glue :sus:
5) at least two 'no spend ' days a week to save money to buy my own house

Whew! But I have all year, and a shiny new productivity journal to document the journey - let's do this! :yas:


Well-known member
Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 164
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
Yeah, it's a lot :LOL:. I read all the time. Like, ALL the time. During every meal, to relax after work and before bed, while I'm waiting for a tank to drain or tea to brew. ALL the time. I also read pretty fast - lots of practice.

Mostly, though, it's because I Do Not Finish books often and easily. If I'm not really into a book by the time I've finished 10%, I put it down and move on. And it's easy to read a whole book when you're into it, you know?:whaa:


Well-known member
Paladin Posts: 107
improving mental health
focusing on spiritual things
improving physical health
workouts I would love to do all throughout the year are
farmer in d morning up,up & up in the evening with 100 squats in small enclosement like bathroom, after bath for 6 months or throughout the year
use to have faith in the just trying to stay sane workout till
mostly sane came,keep up the good work


Well-known member
Paladin Posts: 107
Lol,it's like you are spying on me.anyways got into an accident with some bunch of crazy dude, smoking is their workout and booze is their whey/creatine,if they are ever DC/marvel characters,it would be venom,with all those black lungs
I remember when cigs and booze was number one.


Well-known member
Paladin Posts: 107
Quitting, starting, or continuing?
Me,kinda addicted to wiz khalifa weed farm (app) guess no one noticed bits in most of this games,it's feels like am literally smoking,got some new strain that booze and cigarrillo, probably would have been higher than a mofo if it landed on plot 1-3,so I won't call that quitting


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Physical improvement is a constant goal for me. So it doesn't make sense to make it a resolution.

I didn't actually formally make any resolutions (I never do), but since I'm seeing the list, I'm thinking reading more is a good one.

In fact, I'm thinking of replacing almost all entertainment with reading.

I already am. For the past month. Reading four hours or more depending on the day. (Sounds a lot, but I'm unemployed rn.)

I've been running through an average of three to four books a week.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Germany
Posts: 315
"Building good habits"
I'm on a quarterly planning cycle for my business, so I roll that into my personal goals as well. I get to play this game 4 times a year! Hooray!

I always start with a "utopia", an imagined future life, and roll out the steps I'll need to take to get there. This time around, after almost three years of dealing with family stuff, relocating twice, and growing up a whole bunch, my overall goal is to "glow up". And since that's not a one-and-done type of goal, it's mostly broken down into daily habits, plus some projects I want to check off as I go.

A week or two into it, and it sure is weird to have the focus back on myself rather than on external goals. But it's going fairly well, I think.


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Sending my brother a card for his birthday. Really. This year, for sure.
I'm back and can report that I completed my resolution. I send my brother a card for his birthday. Actually, it was twenty cards. Because I haven't sent him a card the last twenty birhtdays. But I had collected all of them. And this year, I mailed them all.