Shed, Shred and Body Recomposition


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Thank You @Tileenah @BetaCorvi

Day 1: Saturday, 1 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
122 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 1/30
30 Days of Strength - Day 1/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 1/30

30X Push-Ups
1 minute Hollow Hold
1 minute Plank
10 minutes Thighs workout

Well, Day 1 is always the easy part. And its weekend, it is warmer, I am calm and healthy today. This day has been going great so far. I am going to enjoy a glass of red wine today, and make homemade Gnocci (only potato, a little flour, nutmeg - no egg, so it is a more fluffy version).

So, I decided to not do Challenges. Rather do the "additional" exercises depending on how I feel each day. I don't have a Pull-Up bar, but I have a sort of pipe in the garage, which is sturdy enough to use, or I can go to a playground nearby (about 7 houses from where I live), and also I will do "Back & Biceps" on the Pull-up bar days .... since I might not be able to do more than 1 or 2 Pull-ups. I then (if I do Back & Biceps workout) I will not add the Additional exercises, except try to do the Push-Ups daily. The Push-Ups feel important to me.

I also decided to do 30x Push-Ups daily. Something I have learnt over the years is that too much too quickly isn't always good for me. Since I am not always consistent. So maybe start with 30, next month 50, then 75, then 100 ... or something like that. I will see how that goes. I can always increase it within the month, but I think 30x is reasonable.

That is the idea. I didn't struggle much today. I will go with the flow daily. So far, so good.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 2: Sunday, 2 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
123 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 2/30
30 Days of Strength - Day 2/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 2/30

Back & Biceps - 5kg

Well, I don't know if today was an epic fail or an epic win. I skipped all my additional exercises (the Push-ups which I wanted to do) but for a good reason ... I wanted to do pull-ups so badly that it took me hours to do 4.


I woke up with a terrible headache, which was sinus related. I decided to do MoY since it was Poses. It would not do any harm. I also did Power-Up despite wanting to keep it as a Post-workout. I also did Strength Part I shortly after. I just felt I wanted to do the "easier" exericises early. And I am VERY glad I did. I then started my morning, and finished everything, and did Part II of Strength. So my part II consisted of the alternative or additional Back & Biceps workout, to help me with my upper body strength ... I used 5kg dumbbells, and it wasn't as easy as I thought. Deadlifts, shoulder press, alt bicep curls and so on ... It was a nice workout, to be honest. I enjoyed it despite the slight headache I still had.

Well, and then it came to the To failure pull-ups. 3x sets. Oh, it wasn't 3 sets, and it wasn't 3 tries ... maybe 30.... 40... or more "sets" or tries.

I have done "a" (singular or maybe one or two - take note!!) pull-ups years ago... but I was then at my fitness peak compared to the past 3 or 4 years which my strength seemed to be going downhill!!!

I actually tried in the garage, the pole there, no luck. I just felt my arms would break off. Then I tried a table. No luck, still too high. Then I took 2 benches, and I put a metal pole between them. No luck. So I tried something similar but lower with wood, just thicker than a broomstick, and that was lower and easier to grip. I managed to do 4 pull-ups altogether ... but well, that was probably 4 hours later, since I had to wait for my arms or body to get some strength back, since all the trying just made my arms and upper body hurt and become sore. I don't know how I did it later with my "sore" arms. Yeah .... I would call this both an Epic fail, since this pull-ups is not for me ... yet. But I also want to call it an Epic Win purely because I didn't give up until I found a way to do them ... even if it wasn't even proper pull-ups. It was like the lowest of low pull-ups. It WAS a weird Pull-up.
As much as I was looking forward to this Strength program, I now dread the next Pull-up day.

Well... the positives that came out of today was: I know I didn't give up. I know I gave more than I had to - to proof to myself I could do it. My health, despite the headache/sinus this morning, is good - so I had no reason to stop, and yeah, doing it, felt good. I think I have the confidence to do 30 Days of Strength this month, although this program was probably not meant for someone like me to do. The program itself is fun.

I just wish there was an alternative for the pull-ups - for instance my Back & Biceps workout with the dumbbells instead of the 4 hours I spent on trying to do the pull-ups.

The back of my shoulders .... I don't know what that area is called, like sides behind my back and under my arms, even my chest, and on whole upper arm is burning and sore. Mmmh. This was quite something. At least I know for next time to do "tiny" pull-ups. LOL

Actually it was a row and not even a pull-up .... but please ignore that. I will just call it a pull-up to feel better about myself!! Otherwise I will have zero confidence left.

Thank you @Fremen (sorry, your message came up only now for me - I am not sure if the issue is on my side!)
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Rogue Posts: 420
@Tileenah Thank you. I knew it would be an impossible task, and yet I imagined being better at this!! Wishful thinking!!! :muahaha:

Day 3: Monday, 3 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
124 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 3/30
30 Days of Strength - Day 3/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 3/30

Day 4: Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
125 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 4/30
30 Days of Strength - Day 4/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 4/30

There is some things you NEVER read about when women talk about their weight loss journey (or weight gain). Bra size changes!!! I actually bought a bra one cup size smaller today, since I know before the end of the month, that bra will fit me like a glove due to the Strength program, the push-ups and pull-ups (LOL... rows) which I am currently doing. I am currently at an awkward "in-between 2 dress sizes weight". And it seems it goes the same for bra/cup sizes. It is a nightmare to buy anything other than sports bra's!!

Anyway. So yesterday was difficult.

My issue with this was: 12, 40 or 84 push-ups. So, I decided to go with Level II. I feel my limit is 30 to 50 daily. I am not ready for more. My shoulders still burn. It is really harder on my body than I expected. Of course it should happen, but I didn't expect it. I probably could have pushed myself to do an extra set or two, but I am not sure with these arm/shoulder burn, what to do. Rest or push my body more!?

Today was an easier exercise day, and I also didn't have much time so I didn't do additional push-ups or exercises today. I wasn't home for most of the day.

I will work a little harder tomorrow.

I felt the past 2 days I was more stressed, and more frustrated. Not because of the program... just in general my mood. Like everything life throws at me feels like its a challenge. It just felt "harder" to deal with the choices I had to make daily.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Thank you @Mamatigerj


I decided to stop 30 Days of Strength, and replace it with HIIT Advanced.

I'm not quitting because I dislike the program. Actually I REALLY want to do it, but under the circumstances, I won't benefit from the program if I can't do a single pull-up! My main goal isn't the badge (although that is nice to get)... it is to lose those last few kilos (priority #1). I've enjoyed HIIT Advanced before.

I probably won't do additional push-ups since the program have more than enough push-ups.

I will still do More of Yoga (poses AM, meditaion PM) and Power Up (post workout).

Day 5: Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
126 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 5/30
30 Days of Strength - Day 5/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 5/30

Day 6: Thursday, 6 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
127 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 6/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 1/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 6/30

Well, I FELT HIIT Advanced to its full extent. And it is a killer. 5 Sets was enough ... but I just had to finish all 7. The last 2 I took longer breaks between the sets. I was going to start it yesterday, but then at the last minute I decided to do 1 more day of Strength before I quit the program. I really loved the Strength program, but like I said, I wasn't going to benefit from it! HIIT Adv is a monster for me. There was a stage where I loved the "faster" paced programs more than slower programs. And right now, I miss the slower programs. This one is very hard suddenly. But I know after 30 days I will be happy I changed to the HIIT program.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 7: Friday, 7 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
128 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 7/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 2/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 7/30

This morning I woke up sore and just not feeling at my peak. I even got emotional later today. So, I won't classify today as a very good day nor was it too bad. Fortunately, I feel slightly better towards the evening. HIIT Adv was shorter, like a 14 minute workout (excluding my breaks) so it was closer to half an hour in total, but it was difficult as I felt terrible earlier. At least I did my workout. That is all that matters. I might go to bed early. I won't classify myself as being sick. Just ... maybe hormonal? I am not sure.

I want to add Back & Biceps workout tomorrow, so I hope the weekend will be great.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 8: Saturday, 8 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
129 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 8/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 3/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 8/30

Yesterday afternoon I realized I didn't take my folic acid for 4 days.

Well, all I can say is that when I woke up this morning I was feeling the opposite than I felt yesterday, although I stayed in bed until well after 8am - it is very cold and rainy day here. 11-6C today and 13-2C tomorrow. This is indeed the coldest and longest winter my city had this year.

At 8:45 AM I started my exercises. MoY was Yoga poses. I enjoyed it as usual. But there was one awkward movement today which felt ... odd. I wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly. Then HIIT was 7 minutes non stop, and I struggled, although I felt good. High knees, March steps, Climbers and Slow Climbers. I was tempted to stop at level II (5 minutes) but I tried my best to do the whole 7 minutes. Phew ... it was hard to keep my pace, but my last 2 sets was so much slower. Afterwards I did Power-Up too - which was just arm stretches or exercises. So basically my arms, legs and everything was working today. It was short, and a quick workout. I was definitely warm after exericising!!

I might still do some dumbbell exercises later, and maybe more Yoga or stretching. But it will be at 16 PM when we have a 2 hour power failure coming up.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 9: Sunday, 9 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
130 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 9/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 4/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 9/30

I haven't done yoga yet, since it is 20 minutes meditation for today. Since we have a power failure at 22 PM I will do it before going to bed.

Yesterday I did additional Back & Biceps (5kg). Today, I didn't do anything additional. I just felt too cold and lazy. It was only 13C today, and 2C tonight. I watched mostly series and just tried to stay warm.

HIIT Advanced was 21 minutes (without the breaks) and it was hectic again. The push-ups and shoulder taps was the hardest. HIIT Advanced reminded me of Jillian Michaels workouts ... one exercise standing, the next a floor exercise, then up, then down - I really dread that, since it takes so much more energy to stand up when you are on the floor!! Yeah... you can't be lazy with those! Especially if you are timed. I actually prefer reps than timed exercises, so I can rather complete them at my own pace. But of course I do get it - and it works.

Not all workouts are meant to be fun and enjoyable. Otherwise everyone would have had perfect bodies!! What effort you put into your workout, is what you will get out of them ... so I won't complain about HIIT Advanced. I just wish I had more endurance and stamina, and was even fitter. I might be slower than in the past. And I find hard to "adapt" to HIIT Advanced. I think this month will really be a difficult one to complete this program. I feel weaker than I was 2 and 3 years ago. This keeps coming to mind: I don't feel "strong", I feel "weaker". It does makes me feel a little negative at times. Although I do my best not to listen to that inner voice. I don't want to say its an age thing, because many women is at their peak in their 40s. I admire women like that. But personally, I feel I have somewhat deteriorated ... but I won't give up. I want to become fit this year, so I just have to suck it up, and continue. Mind over matter, right!?



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Rogue Posts: 420
NOTICE: I realized my printed version of HIIT Advanced is often different than the current version. I have printed out many of the older programs, when they were released. So there is differences. I am not going to cross check this daily. Since I have a printed version, and often like using paper in the morning, instead of a cellphone or laptop, I will just continue with what is infront of me.

Day 10: Monday, 10 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
131 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 10/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 5/30 (older version*)
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 10/30

Day 11: Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
132 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 11/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 6/30 (older version*)
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 11/30

So, on Monday there was an abundance of burpees. I noticed I made a mistake with Sunday's exercises. I understood I had to do a jump squat after each set ... not after each exercise. So whoops 35 jump squats too little .... I decided to put in a little more effort into today's exercises. I added 5 jump squats after each set, so hopefully my maths was correct. Although I have done this program before, it was so long ago. It feels as if it is a completely new program to me!! My laziness has been a little less the past 2 days.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 12: Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
133 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 12/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 7/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 12/30

Day 13: Thursday, 13 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
134 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 13/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 8/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 13/30

Day 14: Friday, 14 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
135 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 14/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 9 & 10/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 14/30

This week went great so far. Today I did feel fine, but for some reason I was crying when I woke up. Crying in my sleep? And my eyes felt puffy most of the day. It was a little odd. But besides that all was fine! I actually did an additional day of HIIT Advanced. I am not sure if I can finish this program this month still ... I want to try.

We have an abundance of long power failures up to 3 times daily again - between 2.5 to 4.5 hours each. Next one is 20 PM to 22h30 PM. I don't know what to do tonight. Did my exercises, did every single chore, don't want to read with my eyes bothering me... I do feel tired tonight.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 15: Saturday, 15 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
136 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 15/30 - not done yet.
HIIT Advanced - Day 11 & 12/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 15/30

I do regret doing an extra day of HIIT Advanced slightly .... but there was a 4 and a half hour power failure from 10 am to just after 14 pm. I actually stayed in bed until 9 am. I thought it would be better to be lazy and then to do extra exercise to make up for my excessive "staying in bed".
My body might disagree a little bit with both. I am not used to it. Then again this is something that don't happen often.

I also had an extravagant day with food. French toast made with a panini. It was extra soft and creamy. I had a homemade hamburger with a juicy beef and bacon patti, with cheese and a huge thick battered onion ring, and lettice mixed with pink sauce (worchestershire sauce, mayo and tomato sauce, and a little bit plain yogurt - there might have been a hint of brandy in the sauce!) .... and I even had orange sauce cake (a microwave white cake with an orange sauce I poured over it). All 3 was amazing. Also had an energy drink - grape flavour, strong black coffee, white wine and a glass of sherry for the cold afternoon. I might regret all the gluten I had. Or not. LOL

Yeah ... extra sleep, extra exercise, extra food, extra drinks. What is there not to like about this day. It felt like an extravagant luxury holiday!!

Next up: a warm shower, a face mask and my 25 minutes meditation (during a 2 hour power failure). Then watching a series or movie for an hour or two, and then sleep.
This is a good day.


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from CentralTX, USA
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Yeah ... extra sleep, extra exercise, extra food, extra drinks. What is there not to like about this day. It felt like an extravagant luxury holiday!!

Next up: a warm shower, a face mask and my 25 minutes meditation (during a 2 hour power failure). Then watching a series or movie for an hour or two, and then sleep.
Sounds like a lovely day!


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 16: Sunday, 16 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
137 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 16/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 13/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 15/30

Day 17: Monday, 17 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
138 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 17/30
HIIT Advanced - Day 14 & 15/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 17/30

Day 18: Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
139 Days

More of Yoga (Poses AM, Meditation PM) - Day 18/30 - not done yet.
HIIT Advanced - Day 16 & 17/30
Power-Up (Post workout) - Day 18/30

It is Mandela Day today. It is cold and rainy here. I decided to spend my 67 minutes pampering my parents. And I also did an extra day of HIIT Advanced. I would like to do 1 more double day of the program, so they are all in sync with the date.

I am still enjoying my exercises. I do find it difficult to workout early mornings when it is so cold, but it is still better for me to finish early.

There is a slight relief with the power failures today and tomorrow, but sadly my internet is at snail pace. I hope this will get better later today.

For 4 nights a cat has been waking me at night and early mornings meowing. 1 am, 3:10 am, 5:40 am and 6:25 am. Black and white little ball of terror! His meow is on a very annoying pitch. Deeper, but sort of out of tune. And very, very loud. What could this be? Boredom? Calling other cats? Early mating season (which usually start late August - September month here)? Hunger? I don't know. Where he meow's is on the outside of a gate, near my bedroom window. And he (or she) is skittish, so I assume he is either making this is territory, or boredom. I haven't seen his nemesis, a Ginger male (the "tyre sniffer"), around our garden since winter started. Gosh, maybe with the rain, the "Hoarse Meower" won't come tonight!


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Rogue Posts: 420
3rd time trying to post this message. It keeps having issues... 3rd time lucky?

Well, there is bad news and there is more bad news, maybe even worse news, and there is good news. And maybe more good news.

#1. I have no home internet. #2. I will have to wait 2 to 3 months (if lucky) to get fiber.... because my city is struggling to go from ADSL to fiber with the power failures. Seems they delay is horrific. #3. Financially I can't pay my current internet for an additional 90 days (which is dead), and get new internet, and to be able to pay the connection fee and pay twice the fee when they connect you.... so that is like a few thousand... in my country that is like at least 3 months of food! (Not only eating just rice and noodles, but also no gourmet foods... just average meals.) Anyway...

The #4. I am still exercising. #5. I still have my phone (with very limited Wi-Fi), and although it sucks posting from my cellphone... I can maybe update occasionally just to say I'm still okay.

So yeah ... even if I don't post daily or weekly, I will still continue with my Darebee workouts, until the circumstances are back to normal. I might even exercise more... because there won't be movies, series, YouTube, Google... (no watching videos). Sigh. It's horrific. But not the end of the world yet.

I will be back.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Good news... good news... and good news. And something scary but okay.

1. I'm still exercising.
2. Because I've been with my ISP for roughly 17 years, they say I can have fibre as soon as the 3rd or 5th of next month, with zero extra costs. Give or take a few days.
3. Zero extra costs for getting Fibre installed. I just have to stay with my ISP for 12 months.


Then there was something else....
I had a little gardening accident and had a little trauma to my neck. I have no pain or issue with my neck. I only have 2 red bloodshot eyes because my fall caused some strangulation for a minute or more. I have no idea how long I was struggling to become untangled. It felt like seconds, but it might have been a few minutes. I was losing consciousness. My eyes looks scary and my face was covered with small red dots this morning. My face is quite puffy too. But I have no pain, and no issue exercising. I think I had quite a near death experience if my mom wasn't there to ... ummm untangle me. Lol 😆 I think I would have died peacefully at least. But I'm happy to be alive.

I don't feel anything after this accident. But my stomach is a little tight and sore. I have little appetite. It could be a little stress... but it's nothing. I'm 100% okay.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Well, I did finish my programs HIIT Advanced (repeat), More of Yoga (repeat) and Power Up.

I'm still limited to log on here with my cellphone.

The good thing is that the fibre will be installed tomorrow. It might take another day or so to be online... if all goes well. I am beyond scared of a botched job, or that the WiFi wouldn't be good at our house... or some disasterous issue... I am beyond scared. I couldn't sleep last night. I am super stressed.

I haven't started a new program yet. With everything happening so quickly now (I only expected to hear from the fibre company after next week or later!!!), I have to clean behind cupboards, floors, carpets, furniture, around plugs... I have this issue... that strangers might think I'm dirty if they come do some installation and see dust or something on the floor. So I am deep cleaning around all possible areas they might work at. I am not sure what program to start. I'm too stressed to even think of that right now. This isn't just stressful, but financially this will initially cost a bit too. And if it's botched... and they have to come again.... God save me........

Needless to say, more red wine, more comfort food. I am bound to gain some weight again!


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Rogue Posts: 420
My fibre is up and running ....

I am still doing all my updates and running my antivirus and everything that needs a little TLC on my laptop.

My fear of the new Wi-Fi was: receive the router (via a courier this morning), plug in all the cables/cords (2x), power on, WhatsApp the ISP, activate. Wait less than 30 minutes. Put in the password. On. (repeat password on other devices too).
Excuse Me What GIF

And I was having sleepless nights over THAT!?

Over 17 years with the same ISP, and I have had zero issues with them before. So, yeah, why was I worried in the first place? Super strong signal all around the house, right into the back of the property without any signal booster. I am impressed.

I did start with Carbon and Dust (repeat) - did Day 1 and 2 so far, but I feel I did it so halfheatedly, that I might restart Day 1 officially tomorrow. This program is perfect for me. Tomorrow I will commit to it for 30 days, and include Yoga/ More of Yoga/ Zen or Unbound. I don't really know how to pick between these 4. They are like having 4 kids, and having to pick your favourite. It just isn't possible! I will probably throw a dice to decide between them!!!!!!

Things will be back to normal by tomorrow. What a relief!!

Ps. And this cost significantly less than I thought! They credited me for my old internet, and just ask a month in advance for fibre. No activation, no installation fees ... I just need to stay with my ISP for another 12 months to pay nothing extra. Epic Win!


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Rogue Posts: 420
So.... there has been several birds and burglars who has had a fixation on my bedroom window before .... this time it is a grey cat who like sitting there in the middle of the night - he isn't tame, and he has a very loud voice. It is probably officially mating season for this little dude. Anywhere from midnight to 6 am he meows the past few weeks. Last night it was at 3:45 am. Lovely. Yelling for him to stop doesn't help. I have to physically get up, switch off the sensor alarm pointing at the window, then poke my head out the window for him to run or stop meowing. He doesn't make it easy for me.
I decided I don't want a cat anymore. Cat mating season ruined it for me.
Grumpy Cat Annoyed Face GIF

I really want a German or Swiss Shepherd dog. Or a mix.

Day 1: Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
1 Day

Unbound - Day 1/30
Carbon and Dust - Chapter 1/30
30 Days of Yoga - (might do this PM)

Since I was up early (due to a spesific loud, grey fellow) I got up at 5am and did the first part of CAD, and then did the second part about 40 minutes later. I decided to do Unbound again - since it is a warm-up. I can also include the Yoga tonight. I will see how I feel. I think I will really enjoy repeating both these programs again.
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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 2: Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
2 Day

Unbound - Day 2/30
Carbon and Dust - Chapter 2/30
30 Days of Yoga - Day 2/30 (to do PM)

I did exercising early, and gardening a little later. The gardening did bring back some negative memories of the accident I had a while back. I seemed to avoid a part of the house where it happened. But otherwise the day went well, all was good. Today feels exactly like a Saturday - its Women's day for us this side of the world, I am not sure which other countries celebrate it today too. I had a barbecue after gardening. Had some beef sausage, sweet potato and an avocado salad. It seems the worse of winter is over. It is like 24C here today, and 27C tomorrow. I am sure we will have an early summer this year. Maybe a little warmer too. My back is slightly sore, but I am feeling good otherwise. Still happy with my decision of programs.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 3: Thursday, 10 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
3 Day

Unbound - Day 3/30
Carbon and Dust - Chapter 3/30
30 Days of Yoga - Day 3/30

Day 4: Friday, 11 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
4 Day

Unbound - Day 4/30
Carbon and Dust - Chapter 4/30
30 Days of Yoga - Day 4/30

I can't even pretend the last 2 days of CAD was easy. It was REALLY hard. We had some lovely hot weather - which will cool down again after tonight. And I think the combination of the sudden heat, and also my body was tired after Chapter 2 .... so it felt so difficult to do this program. My body was tired yesterday, but this morning I just didn't want to exercise. It was exceptionally difficult to get myself to even start... and then to do the dragon push-ups and climbers. I think if it was like 3 or 4 sets it would have been fine, but it was 7. Then there was burpees too.

I felt "broken" after my workout today!!!

I recall myself saying that I will enjoy doing CAD again. How quickly that thought esculated .... But I won't quit. I will continue. Maybe if I go to bed early, have a decent night of sleep, and the weather cools down again, I might feel a bit more positive about this program tomorrow again.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 5: Saturday, 12 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
5 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 5/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 5/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 5/30

The weather was mild today. It was 7 sets again, with High Knees and Jumping Lunges in between - I cursed at those Jumping Lunges a little bit. The High Knees was "okay". I wished it was only 5 sets. CAD "broke" me again. I just feel so lazy and tired right now. But not a bad tired, or a fatigued or unhealthy tired. More like a "I-have-hit-my-exercise-limit" tired. Once I get in some sleep, and wake up tomorrow morning, I will be fine again.

I am worried I might hit a "burn out" stage again and stop exercising completely. I struggle to get up in the mornings, and it takes a lot of effort to make my day productive. It might be the seasonal changes (weather related) that is taking its toll on me. These darn power failures is also non-stop.


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Rogue Posts: 420
Day 13: Sunday, 20 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
13 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 13/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 13/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 13/30

So far, I have kept on doing CAD. But I actually skipped CAD last Sunday and Monday. But did double days of Unbound and Yoga. I did double days of CAD on Tuesday and Wednesday, but skipped the add-ons. And on Thursday I did all of them again together again. I think I am doing "better" with my exercises again, I don't feel as fatigued anymore. Doing 2 days of CAD was also quite something else, but I think the little rest I added for 2 days, just doing stretches and Yoga sort of helped quite a bit. Today, wasn't so hard. It felt a little less compared to the other days.

The weather is quite windy outside, the sun is quite deceiving, since it is not pleasant outside at all. Tonight we might get rain, and the week ahead seems quite rainy too.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 14: Monday, 21 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
14 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 14/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 14/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 14/30

Today went well. The weather was cooler, and I was very cold earlier, so I didn't mind doing CAD - there was high knees, squats and also up and down planks. I did eat a little bit more too ... samp and beans (with some bacon, mushrooms and parsley). I actually ate a little earlier today, around 15 pm, and then did my Yoga afterwards. Unbound is still amazing like always!

I found 2 dogs that I REALLY like at 2 different shelters close to each other. My family completely disappove of both because they are huge, and too active males. Both is Shepherd crosses. Benjy is under 5 years old, and Bluey is under 2 years old. The dogs practically looks the same. Bluey could be a Shepsky - he is more Husky like in personality. I don't know how to pick which one I like more. I would have gotten both if I lived alone, to be honest. But my family don't approve of large male dogs. These 2 dogs is amazing for me. They both make fantastic hiking partners!

Photo 1 is Bluey, and Photo 2 is Benjy.

338409511_612027407461959_8526455599955538467_n.jpgbenjy (1).jpg


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
@Froud I have met Benjy. I haven't met Bluey, but have seen the vlogs the owner post. They are really similar in what I can tell. To be honest, if I was able to find a 1- 3 year old female that looked like them, I would be super happy! Simply because females might be slightly smaller, and easier for my family to approve of adopting. These dogs are really big. From September onwards, Spring starts here, with warmer weather I plan to visit both shelters more often. They are a good 40 minute drive, at least, from where I live. It is very unlikely both of these dogs (or actually either of them) will get adopted. Sad reality. I would even take them as fosters ... but my family is COMPLETELY against that - since they say they will be foster fails after 1 day!!!
Yeah ... that was my initial plan, to trick them into fostering and keeping the dogs. But my plan failed already! My family saw right through it!

Day 15: Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
15 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 15/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 15/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 15/30

Had to take some files to a client of my dad who live a bit away from town. It was quite a quick drive to there, but then the rain poured down heavily when I came back. It was hard to see where to drive. I also had to go do some shopping prior to that. So only got back home in the afternoon. I did my exercises at 18 PM, which was fine. I felt tired, but it was cold, so easier to do March steps and High knees - luckily it wasn't a harder workout! I do feel tired tonight. It rained a bit more tonight, but the wind was really scary. Around 47 km/h when I checked, and it got stronger after that. Seems the weather has passed now. I could go sleep peacefully now.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 16: Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
16 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 16/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 16/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 16/30

Day 17: Thursday, 24 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
17 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 17/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 17/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 17/30

Yesterday, CAD Part I was the hardest. Wide and Close grip Push-Ups, Plank hold, more Push-Ups.... And there was a Part II and more High Knees. Just when I thought today would (or might) be a little easier ... then there was Climbers. More Climbers. Shoulder taps. Wall-sit and even Push-Ups. And it wasn't done .... Push-up plank hold. And more Squats and backfists. I had lower back pain yesterday and today, so these 2 days was hard to complete. And I felt like I have reached my max again. But I am halfway through the program. I feel like I can finish this program. I don't recall how I got through this program before!?

I wanted to be stronger this year. But oddly, I feel weaker. Maybe it is because I am getting older? Maybe also after I went off Depo Provera, my body is still adapting to hormonal changes too. So maybe everything combined is making me feel weaker and slower. I really hope this will change as summer approach. I might have to change my exercises a little after CAD.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 18: Friday, 25 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
18 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 18/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 18/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 18/30

I just saw a Spotted Eagle Owl in the garden at 13 PM - its rainy and very windy. I assume he/she was disturbed by the strong wind. I took a photo and 2 short videos, one of the owl flying off. It is now the 3rd time seeing an owl during the day here.

It is icy here, and we have had some bursts of rain from time to time. Very strong wind that comes and goes. And there has been times it briefly got sunny between the "storms". The weather should have passed already.

CAD was one motherf...... of a workout. (Pardon my French). Let me do my maths.... and summarize today.

620 High Knees
14 Jump Squats
14 Push-ups
15 Burpees
30 Plank Rolls
30 Squats
30 Crunch Kicks
40 Sitting Twists

I decided to also add the 10 Minutes meditation (Yoga Program) right after the last exercises (instead of doing it at night before I sleep). I was okay with today.... maybe because it was a cold day, my energy levels was alright, and I didn't dread the exercises as they came. I also took enough breaks to do the exercises, so I feel fine.

The rain stopped, the sky is turning blue. And I think, I might reward myself with some hot chocolate and a movie tonight. And maybe have some baked potatoes for dinner. There is no power failures until 22 PM. I will probably be in bed by then.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
@Froud I have met Benjy. I haven't met Bluey, but have seen the vlogs the owner post. They are really similar in what I can tell. To be honest, if I was able to find a 1- 3 year old female that looked like them, I would be super happy! Simply because females might be slightly smaller, and easier for my family to approve of adopting. These dogs are really big. From September onwards, Spring starts here, with warmer weather I plan to visit both shelters more often. They are a good 40 minute drive, at least, from where I live. It is very unlikely both of these dogs (or actually either of them) will get adopted. Sad reality. I would even take them as fosters ... but my family is COMPLETELY against that - since they say they will be foster fails after 1 day!!!
Yeah ... that was my initial plan, to trick them into fostering and keeping the dogs. But my plan failed already! My family saw right through it!
That makes the the struggle even harsher!
Have you have some news?


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
@Froud .... My family don't want a large dog, nor a male dog. So it might take some time for them to accept that I won't back down on this. If it doesn't happen this year, I will keep on trying until I can have a dog (or dogs) again.

Today, one of these sancturies was at a mall near my house, with puppies. All I can do now is keep donating.

We have this epic dog park less than 2km from my house, which have a whole fenced off agility playground and everything that dogs would love. I really love seeing dogs doing agility courses.



Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 420
Day 19: Saturday, 26 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
19 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 19 &20/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 19 &20/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 19 & 20/30

Day 20: Sunday, 27 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
20 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 21 & 22/30
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 21 &22/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 21 & 22/30

Day 21: Monday, 28 August 2023

Consecutive days of exercise:
21 Day

AM - Unbound - Day 23 & 24/30 - STILL TO DO
AM - Carbon and Dust - Chapter 23 & 24/30
PM - 30 Days of Yoga - Day 23 & 24/30 - STILL TO DO

I did a little more of CAD ... and still want to try finish these programs by Sunday, if humanly possible. I regret not doing a little more before so I was able to finish the program by the 31st. But it can't be helped.

I felt fine the weekend, and all went well. Today was suddenly a hot day - but I got up extra early, to finish my exercises earlier before the heat came. Only after noon it got a little warmer. It isn't summer heat, yet. Luckily it is a very warm winters day. (There is a difference - mostly the tolerance level). I am quite tired right now. Actually very tired and sore all over. But it was worth it.

I saw the new programs LIIT and Extreme HIIT ... and I am wondering if I should do them next. Mmmmh.... Or should I add a different program after LIIT and before Extreme HIIT? We shall see.