Well-known member
This week has been awful. Time is getting shortened out every single day. If it isn't because I got busy, it's because of a powercut. If it isn't because of a powercut, it's because I got busy. And I tried to write last night, but it seems that I put all of my energy into doing the upcoming D&D session, and you know what? I'm glad I did. Not only I am more willing about getting out of my comfort zone when it comes to writing, but it also helped me to solve a matter of an old project that needs to be gotten out of my head and released as soon as possible. And it's going to be a learning experience too. I don't want to stop doing flash fiction because either I get a short, or it helps me to kickstart something, but I figured that I need to spend those 1500 words into a long-term project, even if it is a novellette. Vignettes, shorts, and flash fiction is fun and all, but I have to go back at the way it felt satisfying to end something in a month. You know, NaNoWriMo. It doesn't need to be 50K. 17.5K is alluring.
I also read Kafka's Metamorphosis during the powercut, which left me with way too many questions, and an eerie feeling about how similar it feels with my current situation. It's like we caretakers are the Samsa family, especially I felt a big connection with Grete, but then, if I turn things around, I am exactly like Gregor. It's just confusing, and... You know that time Joey said that, when books get too scary, he puts them on the freezer? It is a joke on a 90s sitcom, sure, but now I get it.
I don't know how I managed to go through that book either. It is heavy to read. But now I know why someone I knew liked Kafka so much. Not my type anyway. Paragraphs that take two pages in which there's nothing happening but magnificent descriptions, or narrators going on huge tangents are not my thing, which is why I am taking my time at reading Ringworld. It doesn't happen with Discworld, however, because number one, it is funny, and number two, the narrator is not wasting any time. I can't stress enough how much I hate purple prose.
Well then, there's another physical book I am reading now. I got a bag filled ot the brim with them, with a few books of fiction that I decided to go through. They ought to be donated, but I decided to read a couple of them before processing the donation. It's been a while since the last time I read some chivalry stuff. This one, according to the preface, is pretty much the first novel of its type, and it is already fun. Chapters are short, taking 4 pages at most. The format is something that I actually like. Chapters have the same size of a nanonovel. A nanonovel has around 350 to 500 words per chapter, and up to 20 chapters. I enjoyed writing in that format. It's short, it's quick, leaving unnecessary things out is amazing, and the story moves faster. Amadís de Gaula has no descriptions either, but I can't tell whether this is because the editor removed them (because they admitted to removing some stuff on the preface), or because the book came without any descriptions. Either way, it's a bold move to not have descriptions, and I like it more that way. It leaves more to the imagination.
I am certainly going to use Amadís de Gaula as inspiration for any TTRPG session. Everything plays in my head like regular D&D / Pathfinder, even though there's nothing mystical about it (as of yet). I already modified everything in my head so that not every knight is wearing armor, and the main character plays like a Rogue in my head. It is public domain, so I won't be surprised if I get inspired by it to make a fantasy story, or even an entire campaign (or solo campaign) with NPCs based on characters from the book. It's a good book to read during a powercut.
E: Wrong DD.
May 4th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 125
Morning Routine:
The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1102 - 1098 +EC
Night Routine:
Mani Salutation - 1 Set
Five Rites
Virasana Meditation
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories
Get to Bed on Time
Bootcamp: Day 3 - LVL III +No rest between sets
Bucket List:
100 Burpees +EC
WoD: Captain on Deck - LVL III +Megaset
DAREdice: 8 Sit-ups
1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
2-Minute Plank
Daily Walk
Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 8
Warrior Abs: Day 4
Lower Abs: Day 4 -1 Set
Bucket List:
Warrior Arms
Writing progress:
Nifty 350
Furious 500
Nightcap 200
News Column 900 Max
1500 Words Daily!
Reading progress:
Ringworld - 40%
The Colour of Magic - 48%
Art progress:
No sleight of hand, cardistry, or card magic
No math
No Python
I also read Kafka's Metamorphosis during the powercut, which left me with way too many questions, and an eerie feeling about how similar it feels with my current situation. It's like we caretakers are the Samsa family, especially I felt a big connection with Grete, but then, if I turn things around, I am exactly like Gregor. It's just confusing, and... You know that time Joey said that, when books get too scary, he puts them on the freezer? It is a joke on a 90s sitcom, sure, but now I get it.
I don't know how I managed to go through that book either. It is heavy to read. But now I know why someone I knew liked Kafka so much. Not my type anyway. Paragraphs that take two pages in which there's nothing happening but magnificent descriptions, or narrators going on huge tangents are not my thing, which is why I am taking my time at reading Ringworld. It doesn't happen with Discworld, however, because number one, it is funny, and number two, the narrator is not wasting any time. I can't stress enough how much I hate purple prose.
Well then, there's another physical book I am reading now. I got a bag filled ot the brim with them, with a few books of fiction that I decided to go through. They ought to be donated, but I decided to read a couple of them before processing the donation. It's been a while since the last time I read some chivalry stuff. This one, according to the preface, is pretty much the first novel of its type, and it is already fun. Chapters are short, taking 4 pages at most. The format is something that I actually like. Chapters have the same size of a nanonovel. A nanonovel has around 350 to 500 words per chapter, and up to 20 chapters. I enjoyed writing in that format. It's short, it's quick, leaving unnecessary things out is amazing, and the story moves faster. Amadís de Gaula has no descriptions either, but I can't tell whether this is because the editor removed them (because they admitted to removing some stuff on the preface), or because the book came without any descriptions. Either way, it's a bold move to not have descriptions, and I like it more that way. It leaves more to the imagination.
I am certainly going to use Amadís de Gaula as inspiration for any TTRPG session. Everything plays in my head like regular D&D / Pathfinder, even though there's nothing mystical about it (as of yet). I already modified everything in my head so that not every knight is wearing armor, and the main character plays like a Rogue in my head. It is public domain, so I won't be surprised if I get inspired by it to make a fantasy story, or even an entire campaign (or solo campaign) with NPCs based on characters from the book. It's a good book to read during a powercut.
E: Wrong DD.
May 4th, 2023
Kickboxing: Day 125
Morning Routine:
The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Elbow Plank Hold +EC
Count: 1102 - 1098 +EC
Night Routine:
Mani Salutation - 1 Set
Five Rites
Virasana Meditation
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories
Get to Bed on Time
Bootcamp: Day 3 - LVL III +No rest between sets
Bucket List:
100 Burpees +EC
WoD: Captain on Deck - LVL III +Megaset
DAREdice: 8 Sit-ups
1 minute Uttanasana w/Toe Reach
Hamstring Stretch - 1 minute each stretch (+1 minute per side)
2-Minute Plank
Daily Walk
Shuffle Dance! (#1, #2, #3, H.A.T.E.R.)
Belly Dance
Dancing Days: 8
Warrior Abs: Day 4
Lower Abs: Day 4 -1 Set
Bucket List:
Warrior Arms
Writing progress:
Nifty 350
Furious 500
Nightcap 200
News Column 900 Max
1500 Words Daily!
Reading progress:
Ringworld - 40%
The Colour of Magic - 48%
Art progress:
No sleight of hand, cardistry, or card magic
No math
No Python
Last edited: