Well, as I said before, I bought myself another week. I dismissed the class I had at the final hour because the teacher from the class before me didn't show up. Rather than having them to wait until the end of the morning, I was allowed by my supervisor to dismiss them. Told them to look for some stuff up, and that I'll evaluate them next week. Like I said, I'll be as helpful as I can with them, because I know some of them will fail no matter what.
I'm having some doubts. I think I went a bit overboard today with one class, but I redeemed myself from that quick. It's difficult enough to get them to participate, so I'll let them choose: either they practice for the exam next week, or they fail. I'll still be helpful, but my demeanor with them will me more strict than with the others.
Another class with troubles that made me roll very high on an Intimidation check. What's the best way to deal with two students that are constantly interrupting the class because they keep fighting between themselves? Forcing them to work together. Either they put their differences to the side and work with each other, or stop fighting and interrupting the class. Speaking of these kids, I'm actually earning their trust. Some of them already asked me if it's fine to have a boyfriend / girlfriend. I had to tell me that answer relies on your parents and not me, and one threw it back at me, asking if I had a girlfriend at his age. I told him that's something you won't know. With subjects like this, I prefer to let the parents deal with it, else I can get in deep troubles for that.
There's a kid in this year too that so many teachers seem to have trouble with, and today I figured out why: he seems to be lacking attention from home, therefore, he's compensating by looking for it at school, no matter whether it's good or bad. Fun thing: he's the most interested, driven, motivated, and disciplined student in my classes. He might not be the best, but he puts a lot of effort, and is always willing to do everything. I think the other teachers should lower their guards a bit and keep an eye on him.
Empathy does a lot of things. I might behave like Fletcher, but at least I do my best to understand these kids so that I can get the best of them. They can learn music if they put the effort on it, even if they're not very good at it. At worst, they should leave with music as a hobby that they're not good at, but they still find joy in doing so. I don't want them to be the very best musicians; this isn't a conservatory. All I want from them is to learn.
And if someone does as much as putting a finger on them,
mama teacher bear is coming for them.
November 23rd, 2022
Kickboxing: Day 93
Morning Routine:
The Right Side + 10 Decline Push-ups
Sól Salutation - LVL I +EC
Daily Dare: 60 Seconds Leg Raise Hold +EC
Count: 940 - 936 +EC
Night Routine:
Mani Salutation - 1 Set
Five Rites
Virasana Meditation
Daily Gratitude
Counting Victories
Get to Bed on Time
On hold
100 Burpees +EC
Rise & Shine
Daily Walk

Shuffle Dance! (
Hamstring Stretch (3 x 30 Seconds Forward Stretch + 30 Seconds Rest)
Power Punch: Day 23
Get to Bed on Time: Day 15
Writing progress:

Nifty 350

Furious 500

Nightcap 200
1500 Words Daily!
Reading progress:
Ringworld - 5%
The Colour of Magic
Art progress:
Rests. Rhythmic solfeggio. Rolling Dirty 20s on Intimidation checks.
Seems like no one does, lol
No sleight of hand, cardistry, or card magic
No math
No Python