Themed Weeks

Yes, the themed weeks are no longer officially part of the resource, I'm afraid (only the gods, or @neilarey , know if they'll be back some day. But stranger things have happened).

In the meantime, you may want to have a look at the collections. While not being quite the same, they may hold the same kind of appeal somewhat. They can allow to organize your training around a particular idea or focus, either for practical reasons, or simply to help you get into whatever mindset you need to make things more fun.

:kungfu: :jacks:


Well-known member
from Dallas, TX
Posts: 145
I completed 2-3 of the theme weeks too. I haven't earned that many badges, and I am proud of the ones I do have.

It was also neat on the old community site to see the badges under everyone's avatar. I know you can still see them by looking at a persons profile. I also recognize it might be intimidating for some users to see other users who have completed many, most, or even all. Personally, I found it motivating - something to work at and look forward to adding.

I know Daily Dare was changed to Exercise of the Day a while back. I think the reason was to make it less intimidating. I get it. I won't lie though, I was sad when it happened because I was closing in on the 100 DD+EC badge (it took me over a year of tracking). I think there were four badge flavors: 50 DD, 50 DD+EC, 100 DD, and 100 DD+EC. It was a nice way to advance one type of reward.

Oh well. Minor stuff in the big picture. Keeping the site online, the great content, and supportive community are the most important things to me.



Ninja from Marseille, France
Posts: 82
Yes, the themed weeks are no longer officially part of the resource, I'm afraid (only the gods, or @neilarey , know if they'll be back some day. But stranger things have happened).

In the meantime, you may want to have a look at the collections. While not being quite the same, they may hold the same kind of appeal somewhat. They can allow to organize your training around a particular idea or focus, either for practical reasons, or simply to help you get into whatever mindset you need to make things more fun.

:kungfu: :jacks: