Trillians training journey


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."

Rest day in preparation for the race.

Day 41 (Saturday)

Run a 8 km trail race, it was fun and better than expected

Day 42 (Sunday)

Went on a 8 km hike and helped taking down markings and cleaning up the course of the longer race.

Exercise of the day ✓
Workout of the day ✓
June challenge day 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 ✓


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Wow, I managed to forget to do a check in all week.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - went on a run, two regular practices, one hill/trail pratice

I have done few daily challenges, but I can't remember when.

Today - day 43

Exercise of the day ✓
Workout of the day ✓
June challenge day 23 + 24 + 25 ✓
Military fit plus day 5 ✓