Trillians training journey


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Darebee has been in my life for few years now, and I'm always coming back here. Because of lack of support system in last few months, I have been falling back in my inconsistent schedule. Considering the fact that consistency is key, I will try to work out every day, and check it in this thread.

Some general information about me:

female, working sedentary job and studying a lot, hiking a lot, actively running (joined running school, goal is to run long distance trail; longest run was 15 km few years ago), working on a large garden with a greenhouse, trying to fit a life in a busy schedule.

My goal is to do any type of workout every day.

I will try to do Workout of the day and Exercise of the day. If it's cardio workout, and I have been on a run that day, I'll skip it.

I've been making my way through Bootcamp program, I'm currently stuck on day 26 out of 60, so I'll try to continue that journey and report it in my daliy check in.

I'm sorry for my broken english since it's not my native language, also sorry for the long read, and hopefully I'll be in contact daily.

Thank you for reading 😊
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Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 1

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :v:
*modified push-ups (incline)
May challenge day 1 + day 2 + day 3 :v: :v: :v:

Running 13 minutes ( 2 min run, 45 sec walk ) + strength exercises + 7 minutes easy pace

Also, thank you for the warm welcome :heart:


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 2

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :v:
May challenge day 4 :v:
Bootcamp day 26 :v: / :x:
* no pushups because arms are weak

Running 13 minutes ( 2 min run, 45 sec walk ) + strength exercises + 300 m fast pace, 300 m easy pace


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 6

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :x:
May challenge day 8 :v:
Bootcamp day 29 :x:

* No cardio exercises because of running practice

Running 15 minutes ( 2 min run, 45 sec walk ) + strength exercises + 600 m fartlek


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 7

Running 15 minutes ( 2 min run, 45 sec walk ) + running drills + 600 m fartlek

Day 8

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :v:
May challenge day 8 + 9 :v:
Bootcamp day 29 :v:

Last 2 days were so busy, I hardly made it to running practice, and on Tuesday I had no time to exercise.

Next few days I'll double exercises, so I can catch up with my plan.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 9

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :x:
May challenge day 10 + 11 :v:
Bootcamp day 30 :v:

* No pushups because I'm weak

Running 15 minutes hill repetitions + hill running drills + 2 min cool down.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 12

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :x:
May challenge day 15:v:
Bootcamp day 33 :x:

*No cardio because running practice

Running 15 minutes ( 2 min run, 20 sec walk ) + strength exercises + running drills + 600 m fartlek


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 13

Exercise of the day :v:
Yesterday's exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :v:
Yesterday's workout of the day :v:
May challenge day 16 + 17 :v:
Bootcamp day 34 :v:

Running: warm up + hill repetitions (2 km) + cool down

Today was absolutely brutal but I'm feeling great. I just signed up for a short race this weekend, hopefully rain will stop in next few days.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 16

Exercise of the day :v:
Hips and glutes stretch :v:
May challenge day 20 :v:
Bootcamp day 36 :v:
Rolling on foam roller :v:

5 km easy walk

My first 5 km race is tomorrow, so today I took it easy, done some recovery exercises and stretches.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 17

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :v:
May challenge day 21:v:
Bootcamp day 38 :x:

Yesterday I skipped my darebee workouts because of the race. It went well, I managed to get a new PR on 5 km, but overall it could be better.

Calf muscle were giving me a hard time, and heat, humidity and full sun were not helping at all. Probably had a mild case of sunstroke. Next time I must remember to bring a hat and some sunscreen.

Can't wait for next race, and also would like to try my luck with trail running.

Also, thank you for your nice wishes 😊


Well-known member
Witcher from Kent
Posts: 199
"True Failure is Never Attempting"
Happy Well Done GIF by Top Talent


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Thank you all :heart:

Day 18

Exercise of the day :v:

It was a busy day with a lot of tasks around the house and in the garden, so I didn't have time to do my darebees, but I did manage to squeeze in "exercise of the day" before bedtime ❤️

Tomorrow I'm going on a little trip, so there will be very little time for exercise, but I will try to find some time. If not, I'll probably do a bigger workout session on Thursday.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 23 (Saturday)

Went on a 5 km run in the fields with boyfriend and accidentally run another PR.

(Sunday) - went on family party, had 0 time and energy for exercise

Day 24 (Monday)

Run: 15 min ( 2 min run + 15 sec walk ), strength exercises + 1 km fartlek

Since I'm still recovering from yesterday's party, today's darebees will be skipped. Tomorrow I'm also going on a little trip, so I probably won't have much time for my darebees.

Regular programming will continue on Wednesday hopefully 😊


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 25 (yesterday)

Short but steep hike in Soča valley, from parking lot to Soča spring.

Here are some pictures from the hike.

Day 26

Exercise of the day :v:
June challenge day 1 :v:
Boothcamp day 40 :v:

*no cardio because of running practice

Running: warm up + 20 minutes of running up and down a steep hill + running drills up a hill + cool down and stretching
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Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 30 (Monday)

Run: 15 min (non stop) + running drills + strength exercises + 8 min easy cool down

Yesterday was very hard and emotionally exhausting day, running helped with my gloomy mood, but I didn't have any energy left for my darebees.

Today I'll try to make up for it.

Also, I signed up for short 8km trail run and I'm eyeing another one for July. It is a little longer (15 km), but it has a lot of downhills, so it looks promising.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 31

Exercise of the day :v:
Workout of the day :v:
June challenge day 6 + 7 :v:

Boothcamp program is currently a little boring for me, maybe I'll switch it out for exclusively strength training program.


Active member
Heroine from Croatia
Posts: 36
"Training for long distance running, trying to squeeze in some strength exercises."
Day 32

Run: 12 min run (non stop) + running drills + 1 km fartlek

Day 33

Workout of the day :v:
Exercise of the day :v:
June challenge day 8 + 9 :v:
Military fit plus* day 1 :v:

* This program will be challenging, but I believe I'll manage to complete it.

8 km trail run/walk/hike

Practiced for the race next week, uphills are hard, downhills are in very bad condition so it is a little harder to gain momentum and speed. Also rain started pouring, so it gave me a free shower.

And my Garmin had some sort of bug and lead me the wrong way. But it was fun nonetheless.