What are you doing when you're bored?


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Well, look who's making a thread on what to do when you're bored at half past one in the night on a Saturday night. Me, that's who's posting. Because I'm bored and I have nothing to do.

We probably all have those times when we are bored out of our minds, or lazy, and our usual hobbies and passions just don't cut it. Or we're just not in the mood to engage in them right now. What then?
What are you doing when such a moment catches you flat-footed and you're not prepared?
Any strategies to get some motivation back?


Me, I browse image boards for new wallpapers to add to my collection, look for a language I want to learn without finding one, or browse games at Steam or GOG to look for something new. Rarely do I find anything, and in general I just stay bored until it's time for bed or someone releases me from my suffering by dragging me into some form of activity.

What about you?


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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
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"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
I admit that I rarely find myself in that type of mood, but when it strikes and there's no book to take away my mind, then I sit and stare outside like a lost dog, or sit and stare at nothing and just let my thoughts run free (and then I find myself surprised that a full hour has passed).
But usually there's always a book.


Well-known member
from Margareten
Posts: 103
I think the last time I was bored, I was sitting in a lecture at university. That was 40 years ago.
There is always a book to read, somebody to chat with (really, not online), a puzzle to solve, a movie to see and of course there is work.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
Sounds morbid, but I do like to watch true crime videos, and draw inspiration from them to write police procedural short fiction, like the writers from Law & Order do sometimes. Or go and watch Pawn Stars clips until I find an item that I like... probably start researching more the history about said item, no matter if it's fake or not. I like to be the weird person that likes to jump in with useless facts, and when I'm bored out of my mind is when I start collecting.


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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I usually go out to walk with my earphones. (Sucked into my imagination - into the book I'm writing).

I would plan to walk for 30 minutes and end up walking 90.

In this case "walking" is actually more like mindless pacing. Since I have very little recollection of my movements when I get home - obviously I was emotionally in my dreamworld and not really present.

I also tend to read (I want more of that in my life), or come onto the Hive.

These past days I found myself going to Sims3 more and more... I'm not sure if I like that or not. It engages me for hours... but then, sitting in front of a computer game for hours isn't the best thing. I've actually uninstalled it last week and - Lol! - reinstalled it this weekend. I think I just hadn't played it for so long that I binged on it a bit and now it seems the pull isn't quite so strong anymore.


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Mercenary from Germany
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Posts: 231
"I am the one thing in life I can control"
I really gotta find a flat in the city (hopefully monday. I have a room I can look at on monday), I am constantly bored. Right now I´m listening to a podcast about *drumroll please* potatoes. Friggin taters! What the heck is wrong with me? Normal people go out and party or something on a saturday and I´m sitting here listening to some dude telling me about potatoes. Help me...

Worst thing is, I know most things about potatoes already. I´m german, how could I not know about the history of potatoes? :D
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Paladin from Kansas City, KS
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Posts: 10
"Knocking the rust off."
Honestly when I have those spells I will dust off some old game (video or card game normally) that I haven't touched in ages and play those for a bit. Works best for me if it is a game I can play on muscle memory to start with, and then after a bit the brain remembers the nostalgia/frustration of it and it gets into it too.


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I'm in a bored moment right now, again. Sometimes it's just like that and I try to find something "cool" to do, whatever that means, but most of the time fail, and just wait until it passes. Like now.
I'd really like to play a game atm, but i have none that tickles my fancy. Maybe I give Baba Is You a whirl. Or I get back to learning French. Will see.


Well-known member
Rogue Posts: 293
"“I am, and always will be, the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.” (Eleventh Doctor)"
I have read somewhere on a german website, that being bored is sort of healthy... I have to research this...
hopefully I find an english version on this topic...

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 727
"..one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
I really gotta find a flat in the city (hopefully monday. I have a room I can look at on monday), I am constantly bored. Right now I´m listening to a podcast about *drumroll please* potatoes. Friggin taters! What the heck is wrong with me? Normal people go out and party or something on a saturday and I´m sitting here listening to some dude telling me about potatoes. Help me...

Worst thing is, I know most things about potatoes already. I´m german, how could I not know about the history of potatoes? :D

Such a versatile vegetable!

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 727
"..one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
I have read somewhere on a german website, that being bored is sort of healthy... I have to research this...
hopefully I find an english version on this topic...
I think you're right. I've read somewhere that when you are bored you are the most creative.


New member
Posts: 4
When I'm bored and it's warm outside, I usually take my bike, call my friends, and we ride with them late into the night. There's a romance in that - riding through the woods and roads and talking with friends. And if it's evening and I'm bored, I'm more likely to turn on my MacBook and play wmv on mac some movie. I can also cook something, it's quite a fascinating process, especially if you cook something for yourself for the first time.
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Juan Martin

from California
Pronouns: he, him
Posts: 6
When boredom strikes, I'm as lost as a sock in a washing machine! But hey, why not turn that downtime into productive time? Imagine the excitement of getting a one-off deep cleaning service by professional cleaners, giving your space a fresh makeover. Emop offers this with cashback up to £150, making boredom a thing of the past. Just like how a clutter-free home clears out the mental cobwebs, check out their services at Emop and wave goodbye to both boredom and mess!
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