Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Starting over with a new thread on the new site. I don't know if I'll move all of my old stuff over or not. Seems like a lot of work and I already spend lots of time on the computer at work. but I am happy to see that some of the emojis made it over :makeway:
Ok. So over the weekend I was up on the roof cleaning gutters and making some urgent minor repairs. It was a lot of exercise so I skipped my Darebee workout and rested on Sunday.

Today's workout:
-quick warm up
-50 push ups challenge, day 27 - not completed. I hurt something in my head? muscles. Sitting here with a pounding headache.
Workout over for today.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
I see some friends from the old platform. Hullo 'bees! I'm glad I had the opportunity to rename my thread. Not much time to poke around, but I'll figure things out eventually. Or not. :LOL:

The headache is mostly gone. I'm sure I strained something and last night I felt horrible; head pounding on both sides, heart doing flip flops, shaky, wth? It could have been partly due to low blood sugar, I didn't eat much yesterday before exercising.

The best thing to do besides ice is discontinue the push ups challenge for now. I was really struggling with it anyway. So I decided to just focus on one workout program with no add-ons except walking and/or yoga.

20 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: The Olympian, day 1

Done. Still challenging though.
Today there was the most awesome thunderstorm! Lightning, hail, pouring rain, schoolchildren running hither and yon. Pure joy.:hop:
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
The headache is mostly gone. I'm sure I strained something and last night I felt horrible; head pounding on both sides, heart doing flip flops, shaky, wth? It could have been partly due to low blood sugar, I didn't eat much yesterday before exercising.
I have an idea: you might have pulled or clamped your vagus nerve. It's a big nerve, running from your brain down to your waist or somewhere there, and if you do something to it along all that way, it can mess you up in various fun ways. Headache, heart rate, stomach, digestion... It's a weird thing. Lying completely flat on the floor, on your back, for some time and relax as much as possible can help.
Hope it passes quickly.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@lofivelcro - However, thanks for the info. I had to look up some info on the vagus nerve as I never heard of it before and didn't know I even possessed one. :happy: I am feeling better now.

It's been raining lots and things are beginning to seek dry ground, like this critter: :shock: I did a catch-and-release out into the garden where it can prey on bugs and small mammals.
wolf spider.jpg

21 Sept Workout:

:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD
:v: The Olympian, day 2 - did incline push ups instead of regular ones.

Have a wonderful evening!


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Glad you feel better now.
More people should know about the vagus nerve, imo. It's one of the biggest and most complex in the human body and can be responsible for a lot of ugly symptoms that can be easily treated, if one only knows where to look.

I hate spiders, btw :sus:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@NancyTree it was creepy, a big wolf spider and they can bite but non-venomous.
@lofivelcro I like spiders if they are outside. They do eat lots of bugs and other spiders. But not in the house. Never in the house! :shiver:

Last night I removed a small scorpion from the office wall...!!! I hate these more than spiders, they freak me out. We've had quite a few inside lately, not sure why. They do tend to move about more in the fall; combine that with construction on the property and lots of early rain and I guess they're more active. Maybe you're wondering what kind of insect hell do I live in??

Spent an exhausting day at work wrangling with government reimbursements for school meals. Too many agencies and waaaaaaayyyyy too many acronyms! Ended up with another throbbing headache.

22 Sept workout

:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD+ EC
:v: The Olympian, day 3

A big happy birthday to Bilbo & Frodo Baggins!

Today is also Hobbit Day !!


Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
F-R-I-D-A-Y-! The weather has warmed up again and I'm debating going on a hike this weekend or attacking my chores list. Hmmmm....
In the meantime:

23 Sept workout
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD+EC
:v: The Olympian, day 4 - upper body martial arts. So far I'm liking this program.

Have a marvelous weekend bees! :yes:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
The votes are in....hiking it is and some chores. :dancy: There is a planned power outage tomorrow so I decided to get chores done today and hike tomorrow while the power is out.

24 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD
:v: The Olympian, day 5 - whew!!

@Anek it's International Rabbit Day today!

Also, one of my favorites World Bollywood Day ! बहुत अच्छा !

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
I didn't go hiking yesterday. It was either spend some time with the teen or hike alone. So yesterday we had a fun time in town and ended up eating at a scrumptious little Thai restaurant. :soup:A hidden gem. Oh man, pad thai, sesame balls, curry..... I was already feeling bloated and then today someone at work baked cinnamon rolls and egg casserole....!! Did I mention the pumpkin cake? My willpower went right out the window. I really feel like I need a fast or veggie cleanse or something. :eatall: Too much rich food and way too much sugar.

26 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:x: EoD - instead of push up shoulder taps, I just did shoulder taps :v:
:v: The Olympian, day 6 - did knee push ups

I'm going to down some lemon water and make a salad now. :salad: I begin again. Again.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
It's Tuesday and guess what I'm making for dinner? Here's a hint: :taco: It was also especially crazy at school today. Normally it's a little chaotic in the office but today was over the top. Very thankful that part 2 of today's workout was 10 minutes of meditation. Ahhhh.

27 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD + EC
:v: The Olympian, day 7

Me at work today ---> :chat:
Me after tacos --->:float:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
28 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD :hero: superwoman hold
:v: The Olympian, day 8 - ooow 4 minutes backfists per arm + more.....:chopper:I'll be feeling it tomorrow...

There was a lovely sunrise this morning and brief unexpected rain. I love the smell of the earth after a rain, don't you?


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,685
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Yes! I love the smell of the earth after a rainstorm too, especially in spring. Not so much in autumn, but that's probably because it rains all the time :LOL:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Well I thought I logged yesterday but apparently not!

29 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD
:v: The Olympian, day 9 - lots of cardio!!

Today started out with a training at the county office. Frankly I'm not sure why I was included, most of it was way out of my current job description. It was interesting until they got into Fiscal Impacts of Collective Bargaining Agreements and I sort of zoned out a little. :giveup: At least it ended early and I went back to my office to discover my co-workers in a heightened state of stress. The kids were being very needy today for some reason so I did what I could. It seemed like a long week.

30 Sept workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD - side leg raises, yay
:v: The Olympian, day 10

Tomorrow I'll be helping an elderly parent and tackling yard work. What are your plans this weekend? :heyhi:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Yesterday was busy at home: yardwork, roof repairs, putting together a bed frame, etc. Not sure all of what I did but I was tired and sore today. I'm glad that today was an active rest day in my program!

2 Oct workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD + EC
:v: The Olympian, day 11

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone! :love:


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
You know what I found today in the corner of our house? A ukulele. And I had to think about you. How's it going? Still practising, or are you too busy at the moment?
Hope you'll enjoy the rest of your weekend, too. Mine's over, already :LOL:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@lofivelcro cool! are you playing it? Sadly, my ukulele has been neglected. I miss it. Someone local was selling a baritone ukulele and I was tempted.....

Did you know that today is World Habitat Day , National Techies Day , world architecture day and Virus Appreciation Day (I'll pass on this one). You're welcome. :LOL:

3 Oct workout:

:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD
:v: The Olympian, day 12 - punches, punches & more punches :chopper:

I have a fiendishly busy week coming up. Recently I was challenged to drop some responsibilities off of my list. This has been harder than I thought. Has anyone else done this? What goes? What stays? What do you say no to?


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I have played the ukulele occasionally in the past, but I don't like strumming and never developed the patience to practise fingerstyle. It's a great instrument if you know how to play it, and possibly can sing, but not really mine. But it's probably one of the most charming string instruments out there, together with the Banjo. Hearing someone play it just brings a smile to my face :) Hope you'll find the time again to play yours, makign music is a fantastic hobby.

And I appreciate viruses. They have an interesting complexity to them and I'm fascinated by their "way of living", if you want to call it so.

About responsibilities: I try to let go of those someone else can do as well, or better. Those that aren't really important to me and I can give away safely. I keep those I like, those onlyI can fulfil, and those that have to stay. Saying no is harder.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Insane day today & it's not over yet. One of the things I'm letting go of is allowing my schedule to get cram-packed with appointments and meetings. I read somewhere that if you want more margin in your life then add 50% more time to the things you have to do: if I think it will take me 30 minutes at the vet, add 15 more minutes. That way I plan for 45 minutes and don't feel rushed or pressured. I don't like living life careening from one thing to the next like a pinball. :panic:

The last thing I wanted to do when I got home today was workout, and it was a cardio day. But I did it. And I feel better. I always do. Never Give Up, Never Surrender!!

4 Oct Workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD
:v: The Olympian, day 13 whew!!

have a nice evening :lilbee:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@Anek Yes, cardio gets the grumpies out. Either that or chainsawing a hunk of wood. :LOL:

I said no yesterday. I said no to something good, something I wanted to do. But it was just One More Thing and this camel can't take any more straws. I disappointed someone but they will be ok. I also asked for help from someone I don't know very well but I knew they had the skill I lacked. I was surprised when she said yes and the project turned out soooo much better than I could have done. Simple things: saying no and asking for help. I am thankful that I am still learning and growing.

6 Oct Workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD + EC
:v: The Olympian, day 14

You are never too old and it's never too late. :nod:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
Hello! Ten days have passed, during which I moved my elderly mother into her new home, had several panic attacks, ate too many doughnuts and got sick. I feel better now. :) I took some short hikes over the weekend and realized I've missed being outdoors a lot. So I'll be doing my best to get outside, especially as the days get shorter.
Honestly, I don't like this new Darebee very much. It seems harder to stay connected to everyone. Any tips for staying connected are appreciated!

18 Oct workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD + EC
:v: The Olympian, day 16

Here's a nice bear romping through the woods behind my house. Happy Fall!



Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
I am sorry you went through harsh times, and I am glad you are feeling better now.
With regards to the new Hive, I must confess that the changes did not prevent me to connect to people but it is true that the notification module is a bit confusing. So I read through everything :)

Thank you for the bear!


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,318
Wow, that bear looks scary and cool at the same time!

Good to hear you feel better, hopefully that will continue.

As for staying connected: subscribe to threads you want to follow by clicking the 'watch' button at the top (weird word for subscribing), check the 'replies to a watched thread' in your preferences, and open the 'show all' alerts page (bottom of the menu when you click on the bell at the top), everything you didn't click on stays yellow, so you know what you didn't read yet. I checked off the option to get alerts for 'likes' of my posts (the option in preferences 'reacts to your message'), so my alerts page keeps easy to read. You can also automatically subscribe to a thread you post in, just check the 'automatically watch the content you interact with'.

It works pretty much the same as in the old forum, just has very confusing words.



Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Being outdoors can do wonders for your psyche. Glad it helped you after a hard week.
I still feel a bit lost in the new forum, but I just work through all the threads I put down on my cheatsheet, same as the last Hive. I don't have an idea how the alarms work here, too. Often, I don't even get them and only see that someone has mentioned me when I'm in the respective thread.

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@NancyTree thank you so much for your help! For me, this new platform is not very intuitive and I don't spend a ton of time messing around with it. I did run into problems when clicking on @Anek 's check in thread as well as @huma . Received an "oops! something's wrong" message on both. Weird.

@Froud @Anek @lofivelcro thanks for your support :)

Workouts have been a bit sporadic but things are calming down a bit (for now! ha!) so I'm trying to get back in rhythm.

21 Oct workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD+EC
:v: the Olympian, day 17


Here's another critter for your Friday: one of our little gray foxes. They are very busy, constantly patrolling the woods.
Enjoy your evening.


Well-known member
Valkyrie from The Netherlands
Posts: 2,318
I did run into problems when clicking on @Anek 's check in thread as well as @huma . Received an "oops! something's wrong" message on both. Weird.
I think that has to do with the link they both copied into the profile, I checked it and they used the full url, but in the new hive you must only use the part of the link  after the @neilarey posted an explanation here:

Lady Celerity

Well-known member
from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 788
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
@TopNotch @TheLibrarian :thanks: Though in my time zone it's not quite my birthday yet. I guess that means I get to celebrate for two days!

24 Oct Workout:
:v: quick warm up
:v: EoD - did modified burpees
:v: the Olympian, day 18

It was an active weekend for me. We had a windstorm that brought down massive amounts of pine needles. I have never seen the trees shed this many at once. Literally drifts of pine needles. Apparently this massive shed happens every 2-3 or 30 years depending on who you talk to. I'm gonna go with the 30 years because I don't remember ever seeing this before. So I spent Saturday blowing off the roof, cleaning the gutters, and raking pine needles. I filled up my trailer and barely touched most of the property. :crawl: The next day I was sore and tired so I went for a hike.

It's cooled off here, there's definitely been a change in the weather. Yesterday I made a pot of chicken noodle soup with extra garlic. :soup: I also roasted some garlic and spread it on a baguette. :bread: Sheer joy!