A Witch's Training Log


New member
Mage from Canada
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 4
Hi everyone! I am Witch, a 25 year old individual that's trying to lose weight and get fit in order to keep up with life. I want to live a long life.

For the past few months, I've been walking pretty regularly, however because of the smokey season I've been having asthma attacks going outside. Being able to walk to a store has been cut in half by the fact that I can't breathe outside! :cry: Thus, I'm going to start doing at home exercises and maybe incorporating the gym if my budget still allows it.:pose:

I'm currently going through a Lot offline, so I'm probably not going to be an example of consistent day after day of exercise. But I'm going to try my best.

  • Lost 20lbs (March -> June)


New member
Mage from Canada
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 4
Can't sleep so I'm creating a template!:pose:
Don't strive for perfection, strive for happiness.​
Did I consume <50g of sugar? Y/N​
Did I remember to check the nutrition labels at least once today? Y/N​
Did I drink a glass of water with each meal? Y/N​
What did I eat for breakfast?
What did I eat for lunch?
What did I eat for dinner?
Did I go for a walk today? Y/N. If Y, how long?
Did I do a home workout today? Y/N. If Y, which one?
Did I go to the gym today? Y/N. If Y, what did I do?
As the quote says, I'm not striving for perfection. I just want to be healthy and happy.​


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,912
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
I'm currently going through a Lot offline, so I'm probably not going to be an example of consistent day after day of exercise. But I'm going to try my best.
It's what we all do, reinforcing each other, welcome :)


New member
Mage from Canada
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 4
Don't strive for perfection, strive for happiness

Did I consume <50g of sugar? Maybe. Not entirely sure.
Did I remember to check the nutrition labels at least once today? Y. Saw that almonds were pretty fatty, so I'm going to refrain from snacking on them and just use them as garnish.
Did I drink a glass of water with each meal? Y.

What did I eat for breakfast? - 2 eggs, "tuna burgers that should've become burgers but i didn't put enough eggs in it I think"
What did I eat for lunch? - Potato Soup
What did I eat for dinner? - Tortellini, used leftover tuna burger to add meat einto it

Did I go for a walk today? Yes, I went for a 40 minute walk today.
Did I do a home workout today? N.
Did I go to the gym today? N.


Thank you for the welcome, everyone! Today was an okay day, I was a little down in the dumps but I made a few better decisions than I normally would've while depressed. Asked for chocolate when my mom went out for a walk and she came back with a Bunch, and despite that I still ate less than I usually would've.


New member
Mage from Canada
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 4
Hi everyone.

It has been a year and I've gone back and forth with exercises.

In 2023, it was a great year for walking regularly but I couldn't make it further than a mile without long breaks.

In 2024, however, I got sick for a full month and it messed up my health and fitness levels.

I am now 26 years old. I am roughly 400lbs. I am asthmatic, I have developed some thyroid issues, my diabetes is out of control, and my childhood anemia has returned with a vengeance.

I am here to announce that I'm very, very tired, and I'm going to get better despite that.

Weight Loss Goals as of 2024-06-30
- Lose 5lbs in July

Medium term:
- Lose 25lbs by the end of the year

Lose 50+lbs by this time next year.

Fitness Goals For 2024
- Be able to walk a mile
- Buy a swimsuit and go to the local pool