Back from the Dead 🧟‍♀️


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Week 13
Day 29 Athena's Playbook

day29 (2).jpg

So yeah, I skipped yesterday - physically exhausted after so much DIY this week (nearly done in that room tho - p much just gotta build furniture now! 🥳) also my knee is acting up again/still and I thought it best to rest it.

Had to downgrade today's exercises to march steps and step jacks because the bouncing around was not doing me any favours 🤕 guess it's looking like 12 weeks and not 8 to heal so maybe I'm not running next month after all (or skating - drat!!)

Also got 51 push ups today!! ✅

Edit: forgot to mention I did level 2 today to compensate for the downgraded exercises - and didn't really take rests - getting good at the cardio in spite of no running
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Week 14
Day 1:
Amazon Training Plan
farmer-workout (1).jpg

Inspired by two of my favorite "Farm Strong" character's (both weirdly called Pam - prizes if you can name them) I went with this Farmer workout today - also because my knee is real tender today (lots of kicks and squats and lunges yesterday and i found a stretch initially for my psoas but it put lateral force on my knee - which probably i need to do for physio as well as work that psoas to support it!)

Level 2 - 5kg dumbbells ✅
+ 2 min active rests: club juggling

Cardio is gonna be real tricky without using my legs too much tho 🤔
Gonna try some yoga for my casual days I think - energy and injury dependent as I get an option in this program
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Week 14
Day 3: Amazon Training Plan


I opted for an easy level cardio workout today to avoid jumping around on my gammy knee but I actually found that my shoulders got fatigued real fast so I ended up doing The Carlton instead of side jacks 😹
Excited The Oa GIF by NETFLIX

Did level 3 tho - and p much continued dancing on my rest intervals so ✅

Loads of errands yesterday and no sleep so I took the rest option - which was nice to have ngl


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Week 14
Day 5: Amazon Training Plan


Not feeling well at all today - just really burnt out I think, but to the point I'm getting flu like symptoms and I'm not sure if I'm actually coming down with something or just exhausted

Luckily I have next week off to rest and recuperate anyway.

Today was really just about showing up - just used 1kg weights which was p pointless but it was that or the 5kg and I really didn't feel up to that (need some 3s really) nonetheless, I showed up and that ticks the box for today

Also went for a walk yesterday for my casual day - just a wee donder down by the river like


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Week 15
Day 8: Amazon Training Plan


Getting back to full strength but being careful not to rush;

Lunges - unloaded (because gammy knees)
Lateral raises - 2kg plates
Bicep Curls - 2kg plates (impractical but..)
Renegade rows - 5kg dumbbells (the lift was easy enough but really uncomfortable - need to figure a better/padded grip)
Bridges - single 5kg dumbell (could have used more weight but working with what I've got here

Saved a bunch of money on my car insurance this year tho - so I might treat myself to some new weights! Could go gym ofc, but getting ready and actually going is an extra barrier to doing the thing - and I try to minimize those wherever possible
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Week 15
Day 12: Amazon Training Plan


Am back guys! It's been a rough week ngl - real cry baby hours! But moving around some heavy objects really helps - there's probably some really clever and insightful lesson to learn there.

Just 3 sets today and after the first round I just held one dumbbell for the side lunges - but I did a proper warmup and stretches after and I feel better.

Going for a walk in a little bit cos I have stuff to process and this workout has proving that moving helps a lot more than sitting with it! So that just seems smart - also missed my cardio this week so seems like a win win tbh


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Week 15
Day 14: Amazon Training Plan


Coyote today for Combat/Cardio (couldn't decide so I did both)

Just 3 sets, could have done more but it's still my R&R week and I didn't feel like pushing myself on a Sunday - also need to be mindful of my knee still - loading is getting p damn optimal but fatigue is were injuries happen!!

One more week of consistent training ✅


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Week 16
Day 15: Amazon Training Plan


No DnD or Pathfinder game last week so I was I need of nerding out so I went with Dungeon Raid today!!

I don't have a big zweihander (nor room to swing one in my wee flat - Bo staff woukd have done but..) but i do have a wooden chinese style broadsword and a kickpad - so i modified it to a sword and board style and added some wrist weights for authenticity

Got a p good blister coming in on my thumb from where my grip was getting tired - and those high knees with the weights were hellish!! The punches with weighted gauntlets were absolutely wicked tho!!
steven universe television GIF
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Week 16
Day 17: Amazon Training Plan


Cardio day today and as my knee is finally healing up and Zombies Run are doing a thing in August I thought I'd better get into practice with a running inspired workout

Hot dang was this one intense!? I did the first round with EC (1 min rest) but I soon thought better of that!! 🥵 I do level 2 tho (5 rounds) so that ain't nothing - think I'm going to have to come back to this one (or similar) over the coming weeks - I'm def stronger overall since I last did zombies run, so hopefully I'll be faster at least - but cardio is hardio and it needs work - fortunately should build a lot quicker than strength

So I guess I'll keep on with this plan till the 19th and then switch to the runner program while I do that - I'll still check in here tho don't worry! ✌️😺


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Week 16
Day 19: Amazon Training Plan

because-i-can-workout (1).jpg

Nice bit of dumbbells for strength training today - I had a mind to go for level 2 but my knee was kicking off a little bit on the side lunges (even tho I only used 1 dumbbell for that one) and it's pride tomorrow (wahoo!! 🥳🏳️‍🌈) so I'll be walking a lot and I will need knees for that!!

My plan is to log however many steps earns me a big greasy pepperoni pizza!! 🍕😋🚶
Saturday is cheat day anyway and I probably won't have time for a cooked breakfast as I usually do so it's probably fine regardless - but if I walk a bunch probably I can have some chips as well, maybe even some sides!? 😋


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Week 16
Day 20

Yeah nah, I am exhausted in all type of ways today - according to the mumbo jumbo on my watch my body battery drained to almost nothing yesterday and didn't start recharging again until 4am - it's was a really nice day - but it was a lot! I did 3x my normal step goal not to mention the stress of being around so many people all day

So I'm counting that as my cardio session for today, even though it was yesterday - because I really need to rest and recharge for the week ahead!! 😴

Northern Pride March 2024 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


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Week 17
Day 22: Amazon Training Plan


Back at the sword style workouts today
Just did level 1 but I zhuzh'd it up a bit by;

- using a baseball bat instead of my wooden training sword because it's a lil bit heavier and top loaded - so it feels heavier still

- practiced using my hips on the cuts, and took them slowly to practice form and avoid letting the momentum do all the work for me

- holding lil 1kg weights for all the rest of it, which is not much weight but I was surprised by how much it lit my shoulders up

I need to get me some outside space and a wood burning fire tbh - I'd love to get an IRL axe involved and get them killer Nicole Coenen arms!!? #iykyk 💪


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Week 17
Day 24: Amazon Training Plan


Cardi-yo!! This one was pretty fun tbh - I didn't want to do this one, I wanted to do Fire & Fury (or something like that) that has most punches bcos it's in my wheelhouse - but I chased myself because I'm in training for the zombies run challenge (starting Aug 19th anyone else in?) so I wanted to get my heart going and get light on my feet - which I thought would be a real challenge but it was fun and easy - so fun and easy I did level 2 and jogged up and down the hallway doing curls with my lil 1kg dumbbells on my rests (nae rest intervals on a run ykwim?)

Tremendously sweaty ngl (it is a very humid July tbf) hopefully I should be able to get these cardio workouts up to level 3 by the time the challenge starts (should be about 30 mins) and that's about how long I like to zombie run for - loads stronger this time too so hopefully can get 5k in that time now (used to be a slow grindy 45mins for that) def going for the chases this time - which oughta level up my fitness and speed too

Am excited!! 🧟😸

Edit: forgot to say I also did the EotD - 50 jumping jacks ✅
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Week 17
Day 26: Amazon Training Plan


I've had my eye on this workout for a while now and have always chickened out before with the excuse of gammy knees - well they're healing up nicely and ive been doing box step-ups for casual training to bulletproof them and well, im fresh out of excuses

Ngl, this one was challenging (ofc I included the optional crunches even tho I hate all that wriggling around on the floor - I do appreciate active rests and a challenge!)

Level 1 with 5kg dumbbells - which was harder than I thought it'd be but manageable - was really struggling on the last set of lateral raises tho

Came away feeling like "aw is that it?! I could do more" but no you physically can't, not without injury chill out 😂

I'll chuck the EotD on as well before I forget..


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Week 18
Day 29: Amazon Training Plan


So over the weekend I just went out walking - which does count as cardio even though I don't feel like it does - I had planned to do a darebee workout as well, but I just couldn't find the energy or motivation (these training plans are a double-edged sword sometimes!)

I still couldn't get myself in gear today, so eventually I argued myself down to doing an easy (level 2) workout just to tick that box - however once I got started I didn't feel like stopping, so I grabbed my 1kg dumbbells after the first 3 sets and did it up to level 3 (7 sets) with EC (1 min rests) so idek what level that is now 🤷

Also did the EotD - 30 lunge w/twist ✅

And my warm-up and stretches, which are probably the most important part and if I could only do those each day I'd be in much better shape - but they are the bits I want to do least - honestly ADHD is such an annoyance sometimes!!


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Week 18
Day 31: Amazon Training Plan


Good morning Angels!

Bit of dopamining today because I have lots of difficult jobs, and limited time and very little inspiration to do any of it! So I've leveled up the challenge rating a bit - this one is level 4 (wild to think a few months ago I felt worse after a level 2?!) and it was challenging and made me make goblin noises and swear - but I managed it with (mostly!) pretty good form I think

Just the 3 sets and no EC for today - levelling up is enough for now!

I also did the EotD (30sec one hand plank) ✅

In a bit of a quandary because it's the end of the month which usually means a new program - but that would be confusing because I'm doing the #ZombiesRun challenge thing but that doesn't start until the 19th - and I feel like I should switch to cardio to get in shape for that - but then id be training for training? Which seems excessive... 🤔


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Week 18
Day 33: Amazon Training Plan


Ok so things are getting complicated here I'm keeping on with the Amazon Training plan (cos I like it) until the 19th when I start the ZombiesRun challenge but ill be doing the Runners training plan on here for it - but I've also started doing this punches and kicks challenge because I wanna practice that stuff and also wanted a new thing to mark a new month?? I'm also doing Exercise of the Day now - we'll see how sustainable this is I guess..

So yeah, I did daily dumbbells today 4 sets (level 2) with 5kg dumbbells (just about EC) and my punches and the knee to elbows from EotD (knees weren't very high tho cos I'm busy and had to squeeze my workout in on my lunch - so I'm not dressed for it and these shorts don't give me a great range of motion)

Also going for a walk later because I want pizza but it's a silly amount of kcals - yeah.. this is too many things huh.. 🤔


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Week 19
Day 38: Amazon Training Plan

Hey all I'm back!

Fell off a bit over the last week though not quite as much as my absence might suggest - I only technically missed one session (Monday strength training) because I was absolutely potato'd tbqh - I did do a Sunday cardio but it was just a walk

Just lots of stressful and boring irl stuff sapping all my energy which lead to me neglecting my routine (which is where the energy comes from - cmon girl, you know this!!?) and yep crash and burn

But I'm came back and that's what's important!!

Didn't do great on this one - I always forget just how intense "high intensity" can be and I've no energy to spare atm - I do feel a lot better for having done it tho

PS - Sorry about the bold, it won't turn off 🤷


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Week 20
Day 43: Amazon Training Plan


Really been falling off the past week because I've been overwhelmed exhausted and demotivated - as things are settling down a bit for me now (albeit briefly) I'm going to try and think about a new reason for working out - something quantifiable!

Because I've reached my weight loss goal (more or less) and learned that exercise doesn't do all that much in that regard anyway (it's all about the macros!!) and some vague "it's good for your physical and mental health" isn't cutting it atm

So for this week, I'm just going to show up - minimum effort while I get my routine back on its rails and figure out my motivation (thanks for the vid this morning Darebee David, well timed!) because that's technically enough and psychologically it's plenty - I'm not quitting, I'm just shifting gears while I catch my breath!!


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Week 20
Day 45: Amazon Training Plan

Decided to go a run for today's cardio to get in practice for the ZRX challenge although I walked most of it - iirc that's the way to do it tho cos last time I was just jogging the whole time for months and never could get a run going - so i think just running intervals and gradually extending them is what to do - walking is p good cardio anyway so

Averaged about 10 min/km which is only marginally slower than jogging so I'll take it for a first day back 🧟‍♀️

Also absolutely must remember sun cream and a hat next time! I hate summer!! 🔥🥵


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Week 20
Day 47: Amazon Training Plan

Just back from my 2nd practice run and everything seems to be working properly now so that's great!

I've decided to make use of the training program in my watch alongside the zombie runs and did another 5 min run today, possibly slightly slower than the splits I did last time (say switching down from 4th gear to 3rd) because my quads and hip flexors have been real sore after that first one - I forgot how strenuous running can be when you're not used to it!!

I did my 5 min interval nonstop tho (last time I did 5 or 6 1 min intervals) so that's not too bad I feel - I couldn't have done that this time last year when I was doing the 5k training

And yeah just walked the rest of my 5k - except for a cheeky lil zombie chase towards the end which was exciting - all set to start the challenge on Monday

Also rejiggered my training plan a lil bit so I can run Mon/Wed/Fri and do a strength training on the weekend - so I don't have to go out when it's super busy - and can just do some weights in my PJs to work up an appetite for my big Saturday fry 😋


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Week 20
Day 48: Amazon Training Plan


Last day of this particular training program

Ready to start the Runner program/ZRX challenge on Monday - I'm doing run/walk/run thing from my watch with it but i might ditch it for consistent jogging cos im not really vibing with it so far tbh

This workout was actually remarkably easy with my 5kg dumbbells I guess it's time to level up - I tacked some press-ups on at the end same 8 reps 3 sets style which were not that easy - but I'm lifting like 100kg with those instead of 10kg so that's little wonder


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Week 21
Day 1: ZRX/Runner Training Plan


First Mission Complete!!

Trying to find my stride again after being off running for about 6 months - I want to cover 5k each time even if I’m walking (which tbf is getting me in to zone 2 after some running intervals) and I’m trying to run a little faster than I used to when I am running because jogging isn’t as good, hopefully by the end of this I can run for the whole distance - just 5 min sets atm tho with lots of recovery time

The thing says I evaded only 1 chase but I swear it was 2 - 3rd one def got me tho!!

Think I’ve finally got enough supplies to get my upgrade at least


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Week 21
Day Two: ZRX/Runner Training Program


Back at it with 2x 10 min easy jogs (wanted to keep gas in the tank for chases - of which I evaded both of 2 - I did realise you could still get them during radio mode eek!!
) with lots of walk in between

I've ditched the run/walk/run program from my watch for a different one - I just wasn't vibing with it - this one has me running for time, but I figure the zombie chases will do the work of building the fast twitch fibres I want to improve my speed - kinda over wrought running 3 different things at once but 🤷

Also note, I'm no longer counting rest days in my titles - because it's getting super confusing - I might just do the session number for that week because there's also a strength training on weekends so it won't even match up to episodes!

Also, I did cover over 5k in total, I just didn't start my tracker yet cos I was walking with my gf part way


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Week 21
Day 3: ZRX/Runner Training Program


Mission 3 completed - don't believe the hype with those stats tho - for some reason the GPS was a bit wonky and it didn't track properly

I did however (in accordance with my watch training app thingy) jog 15 mins without stopping, including a zombie chase and with a good bit of it being uphill a lil bit - walked the rest (except for zombie chases - was scared I'd have one coming up the big hill on the way back and was looking around for escape routes!)

Going pretty well for my first week back at it - just a strength training tomorrow now


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Week 21
Upperbody day: Upperbody Blast


Decided to do the same one as last week but add a few more reps (10 instead of the prescribed 8 per set) still wasn't especially strenuous - but that's what I wanted for today since it's hot and I'm tired and cba, which tbf 2 out of 3 of those are just my standard weekend mode so this is probably a good place to aim for for these workouts

Runs are going pretty good so far but I'm glad for the break - I'm also taking a break from the diet (sort of, still cracking but for maintenance instead of deficit) because my gf just moved in and moving is stressful (one less thing yknow) also as this is week 21 I figure I'm about due - back at it on Monday tho!!


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Week 22
Day 4: ZRX/Runner Training Program

Ok you can believe the hype on the pace for this run!

Still walked a lot of it but I did a 15 min run for my training on my watch and then ran 2 more 500m sections on the extra 2km I was walking out - and I upped my overall pace a lil bit to see what I could do, which resulted in some p hectic chases - all 3 of which I managed to evade tho!

Pretty please with that performance overall - and I got my 5k under 45:00 whilst I'm still walking, which means all I have to to is keep that pace up for the distance and that'll really improve my time!

Gained a bunch of weight on my maintenance week too - 0.5kg of it is muscle mass so I guess it's just my body responding to regular intense workouts again


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Week 22
Day 5: ZRX/Runner Training Program


I’m not quite sure what happened today - whether the app crashed or if I accidentally closed it idk
But whatever the reason the app didn’t record my run today - fortunately, I did record it on my watch so I’ve included that data for my actual stats - and reran the episode while I was in the bath so it counts towards the challenge.

I was feeling really burnt out yesterday and I’m very low energy again today - so I didn’t do much more than necessary for today - easy 15 min jog and walked the rest, save for a couple chases - I did still do the 5k (probably more like 6 or 7 tbh because i met up with my gf on her morning walk after and we went the scenic route back)

Im thinking I might do the Brunswick missions while we build IKEA furniture this arvo cos I figure they fit in here chronologically in the story, but they’re not really part of the challenge afaik??


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Week 22
Day 6: ZRX/Runner Training Program


Ngl today's run sucked!! Just so tired because of moving my gf in (so much IKEA!) and not getting a proper rest, and I just have no strength left in my muscles, my knees were feeling real weak (arms spaghetti) so I had to wear my supports and I just really didn't want to do it today - but as anyone who's be training a while knows - those are the workouts that matter the most - so I'm glad I did it, now that it's done.

Thankfully I only got one chase (though it was right after my 15 min run, and up a hill - which I was not thankful for, I did nonetheless escape tho!)

Another week complete though, save for a weekend strength training - gonna go real light for that I think - just tick that box and done - my body so needs rest!! 😫😴


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Week 23
Day 7: ZRX/Runner Training Program


I didn't manage a strength workout last week unfortunately, just no energy left in the tank!

But I've learned a lesson because last week I felt strong on the Monday and came out hot and did the most and burned out by weeks end - so today I decided to pace myself, nice and easy and only do the 30 mins required for the mission and only run the 15 mins expected of me from the training program in my watch

Training wise it was fine, I didn't have a tonne of energy (had potatoes last night instead of rice or pasta, which never helps) but it wasn't horrible at least - only got one chase today and it was down hill so that wasn't too challenging either.

Atmosphere wise however it was gorgeous!! It had rained in the night and it was all misty and gloomy and mysterious, and the petrichor was amazing! There's a tonne of Lavender and Rosemary outside of my building and the smell off that was absolutely intoxicating!!


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Week 23
Day 7: ZRX/Runner Training Program


Another run down and it's starting to get easier!!

Feeling really burnt out this morning and I wasn't going to go today - Id argued myself down to a stay at home cardio session but by the time I put on a sports bra it felt easier to put on pants and my running hat and just go than to look up a suitable workout and do a bunch of different things and break the routine

And it was all summery again, which I did not enjoy - too bright and too hot and too many people all of whole seemed very excited to be put in the sunshine and wanted to chat or at least make eye contact about it - and that just ain't the vibe for me cuz (#actuallyautistic)

But I did it! And it's getting easier! And summer will be over eventually and I can get some peace!!

And Sam had a couple good one liners this episode ("what a guy!" #TooSoon 😂)


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Week 23
Day 8: ZRX/Runner Training Program

Ok so after a week of only doing what was specifically required of me - I decided to push myself today to do what I want - well timed because I have a stressful day and a good run really helped

So I hit my 5k, and I got it under 45 mins (I think my second best time ever, even tho I’m still walking a lot of it - which shows I’m improving!)

I got 3 chases today too!! #brutal The first one was really badly timed - 10 mins in to my speeded up regular run - just as I had to cross the road (they gained 75m on me just for that!) and up a hill - I got the pace up, but I just couldn’t sustain it for long enough and they got me!!

And after my 30 min mission was up I continued on with radio mode and ran another 2x 500m sets to round it out - which felt p good tbh
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Week 23
Upperbody/Strength Day


Felt like mixing it up today and looked through so many different workouts before settling on one that's basically the same as the one I've been doing every week 🤷‍♀️

I used 5kg dumbbells with 2.5lb wrist weights (1 and a bit kg - think they're technically ankle weights but I wore them on my wrists so...) so that definitely makes EC

I did change it up a bit because I was really struggling with the lateral raises (tips to work on those welcome) so I dropped the wrist weights about half way through - and I switched the bent over raises for bent over rows instead

Altogether a decent challenge and glad to be back at the strength training this week 💪

I think Sunday is the better day for it - means I have a proper recovery day after my long run on Friday so


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Week 24
Mission 10 (I think)

Good run this morning - was super tired (real case of the Mondays) but once I got going it was good craic!

Nice and dreary here today tho not actively raining, so it was cool and quiet out and I managed to get my first 2k (the ones I'm actually running) down to just over 8:00 which means that by the end of this training period I expect to get my 5k down to 40 mins maybe less!?

Looking ahead to the end of the week in my training plan - I think I've to start running 20 min by Friday so I may have to adjust my pace again for that but I'm sure I'll get it back again in the following weeks

Lost about half a kilo this last week too - farewell muffin tops (mmmm muffin tops 🧁🤤 might need to look up some low fat sweet treats this week I feel - I'm getting cravey again)


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Week 25

So I think I missed a post last Friday but as I recall I was absolutely knackered afterwards and fell asleep - posting my scorecard as evidence that I did actually do it tho!!

I also did not do weekend wait training bcos just general exhaustion - got some really rotten news last week too so my MH was not doing great either so that didn't help - got a good rest tho and feeling a wee bit better now tho!

Today's run was messy! I went out late but ate as if I was going out early meaning I just had no energy - that coupled with bad pacing and an early chase meant I really didn't run my prescribed 15 mins today instead doing roughly 3x 2 min fast runs and 3 min recovery walks - the long chase near the beginning set that as what we're doing today so I figured I'd just keep on with it 🤷‍♀️ I did cover the full 5k today tho (walking most of it) just because it was nice out - super sunny but not actually that hot

My sciatica is playing up something fierce tho - so I'm thinking I might turn off chases for a while and just focus on my easier steady pace runs while I build my strength up again