

Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 2

Grateful to read some of your training logs this morning! Feeling super motivated

Last month I changed continents. All of my routines slipped away as we packed and prepared visas and said goodbye to friends and family. Now I'm in my new home, in a new country, and getting back to moving again with the little gear that fit in my suitcase. It feels great to be back! And frankly, it's nice to read English!

:v: 6-minute warm up (i.e. move like a maniac)
:v: Easy Run exploring the French countryside

:v: EotD - 10 raised leg push ups
:v: WotD - Protector + EC
:v: The Guardian D2 - modified for single leg calf raises
:v: 30 minute brisk walk

My protocols for overall well-being -- mind, body, community and financial fitness

:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Drink-free weekday
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated

Happy day to you all :peace::happy:
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Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 4

:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D1
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions

:v: EotD - 60 seconds scissor chops
:v: WotD - The Do Over with 2min dance breaks between sets
:v: The Guardian D4 - modified for single leg calf raises
:v: Foundation run (5m zone 1, 40m zone 2)

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Drink-free weekday
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: No sugar D1
:v: Stay hydrated

Happy Friday!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Hello @aku-chan !

Day 5

:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D2
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions

:v: EotD - Leg raises
:v: WotD - Sucker Punch
:v: The Guardian D5
:v: Brisk walk 1hr
:v: Hips and Glutes stretch

:v: Connect with friends/family
:x: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:x: No sugar - Completely missed today by mindlessly serving myself a soft drink...
:v: Stay hydrated

Today's food situation was a miss. We started painting the apartment and I hadn't planned my meals in advance. So I scarfed down chips and store bought hummus from the convenience store. Store bought hummus is nothing like the real thing. I'm not even sure what some of the ingredients were. In any case, it wasn't real food.

And I mindlessly served myself a soft drink without even thinking about my sugar challenge.

Still got a quick workout in, and pretty sure my arms will be sore tomorrow just from the painting!

Cheers everyone, have a lovely weekend!
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Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 6

:v: First thing water D1
:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D3
:v: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions

:v: EotD - Leg raises
:v: The Guardian D6
:v: Lactate threshold fun run 1hr (
5 min warm up in zone 1​
10 min zone 2​
1 min zone 4 + 1 min zone 2 repetitions​
Stairs at the train crossing​
5 min zone 1​
:v: Nearly finished painting!
:v: Sore muscles stretch

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated

Looking forward to some good sleeping after today!
Cheers everyone!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 7

:v: First thing water D2
:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D4
:x: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions

:v: EotD 60 seconds backfists
:v: The Guardian D7
:v: Grocery walk (20 minutes light, 20 minutes loaded)
:v: 45 min after dinner walk

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Alcohol-free weekday
:v: Stay hydrated

7 day streak! :move:All thanks to you Bees!

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Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
First post in a few days. I’m tapering since I have a big hike on Saturday, with elevations and altitudes higher than I am used to. Nothing too crazy for folks that are used to the alps, but having only recently arrived from a flat, sea-level city, this will be very exciting for me.

Day 9 / 90

:v: First thing water D4
:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D6
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

:v: Universal warm up
:v: EotD 50 Jumping jacks
:v: The Guardian D9

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Alcohol-free weekday
:v: Stay hydrated

Day 10 / 90

:v: First thing water D5
:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D7
:v: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

:v: The Guardian D10
:v: Walked 2 hours

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:x: Alcohol-free weekday
:v: Stay hydrated

Day 11 / 90

:v: First thing water D6
:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D8
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

:v: The Guardian D11
:v: Walked 2 hours

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Alcohol-free weekday
:v: Stay hydrated

Side note:

About a year ago I learned that I am very gluten intolerant. It has destroyed my gut and caused all sorts of other issues from going undiagnosed for so many years.

I cut gluten out immediately but I am still struggling with the after effects that eat into my quality of life. I’m tired of being that person allergic to everything and with a gut so sensitive that sometimes I don’t sleep for days at a time. I’m tired of being in pain. I’m tired of being afraid to eat.

It’s time to change.

I am embarking on a three month journey into healing my gut for good. Frankly, it might take a lot longer, but 3 months is short enough I can wrap my brain around it. And then I’ll see how I feel.

I’m listing out my plan here and will adapt it to my daily log so that I can keep track and stay accountable.

Here goes…
  • No gluten (no brainer)
  • No alcohol
  • 2 coffee max with an aim to be at 1 cup max by the end of the 3 months. — ridiculously gradual taper, don’t judge me :D
  • No processed food
  • No added sugar
  • No charcuterie
  • Gut-friendly vegetable oils only (avocado, olive, coconut, etc)
  • Sprout all grains before eating
  • Drink home made bone broth at least 5 days per week.
  • Eat 30+ plants per week
  • AG1
  • Licorice root
  • Shilajit
  • Marshmallow root
  • Diatomaceous earth (for one week only, during the second month.)

Many people recommend a 3 - 4 day bone broth fast to help the gut heal faster. I get weird when I don’t eat, and I don’t have much reserves. So I’ll stick with my general rule of only eating when the sun is up. On weekends, I’ll try breaking my fast an hour or two later than usual.

After typing it out it seems pretty reasonable. I can do this. I will do this. I am doing this.

*Rollercoaster of emotions*

… I am so excited to be committing to this! I am ready and willing to change. I am excited to feel healthy and have energy and sleep soundly at night. I am excited to cook good food without eliminating every ingredient — to eat kimchi and sauerkraut and tomatoes and pineapple and spinach. I can’t wait to eat spicy food til my eyes water and slow cook a roast til I can cut it with my fork. I want to brown tomatoes and roast peppers and pickle carrots and beets and eggplants and slather baba ghanoush on everything. And CITRUS. Lemons and limes and grapefruits and oranges and mandarins…

I know I can get there.
I can do this.
3 months is nothing.
Thank you universe for the ability to move into action.
And thank you bees for keeping me accountable.

Today is a beautiful day.

Happy vibes :welcome:


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 11 / 90

:v: First thing water D7
:v: Morning sun
:v: Meditation D9
:v: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

:v: The Guardian D12
:v: Pointe de Chalune hike (Completed in 4.5 hours with a few wrong turns, 1062 meters in elevation gain)
:v: Stretching

Perfect day for a hike! It was my first time going so high in altitude (2116m at the summit). Urgently need trail shoes.

Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 6.57.12 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 6.57.39 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 6.57.49 PM.png

:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: Gut-friendly foods only Day 2 / 90
:v: No alcohol Day 2 / 90



Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 13 / 90
Feeling the burn of yesterday's hike and feeling good. Slight burning on my right tibia, so I'll balance the running this week until the inflammation goes down.

Morning routine ☀️
:v: First thing water D8
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work-out 💪
:v: WotD Glow
:v: The Guardian D13
:v: EotD 60 Side to side chops
:v: Hip Flexors

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D10
:v: Counting Victories D1

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week - w1.D5 30 / 30
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:x: Home made bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D3
:v: No Sugar D3
:v: No Processed Foods D3
:v: No Junk Food D3

Have a good one!
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Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 14 / 90

Morning routine ☀️

:v: First thing water D9
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work-out 💪

:v: Universal Warm up
:v: The Guardian D14
:v: Brisk walk 1hr
:v: Iron Lowerbody Tendons
:v: Hip Flexors

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D11
:v: Counting Victories D2

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week - Resetting my week to align with the calendar - ww2.D1 13 / 30
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D4
:v: No Sugar D4
:v: No Processed Foods D4
:v: No Junk Food D4

Have a good one!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 15 / 90

Definitely feeling my shin splint today, I'm so bummed. I'll ice and cup it tonight, hopefully I will heal faster than I did last year

Morning routine ☀️
:v: First thing water D10
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Moved a ton of boxes
:v: The Guardian D15

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D12
:v: Counting Victories D3

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D2 13/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D5
:v: No Sugar D5
:v: No Processed Foods D5
:v: No Junk Food D5

Have a good one!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 16 / 90

My tibia is feeling a better after a long and uncomfortably painful massage. Inflammation is down. I was able to walk 30 minutes without pain. It started heating up near the end, tolerably.

I skipped my challenge to not push it. I'll take it up again tomorrow. Feeling positive!!

Morning routine ☀️
:v: First thing water D11
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Unpacked a ton of boxes
:x: The Guardian D16
:v: walk 30 minutes

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D13
:v: Counting Victories D4

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D3 17/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D6
:v: No Sugar D6
:v: No Processed Foods D6
:v: No Junk Food D6

On another note, we received the container we shipped for our move, and I'm realizing how much better life was without so much stuff. Having space, empty shelves, only enough clothes to last a week, a small rotation of dishes that all fit in the tiny dishwasher at the same time. It makes life so simple. There are a few things that I'm really grateful to find again, but I feel overwhelmed with a desire to get rid of most of what I unpacked. And this is the stuff I felt was important enough to ship! After living without it for 3 months, it suddenly seems trivial.

Still processing this new found freedom. I have a feeling it will lead to a large purge, one item at a time.

Cheers to new beginnings!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 17 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D12
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: EotD - 60 seconds of punches
:v: The Guardian D16

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D14
:v: Counting Victories D5

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D4 23/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D7
:v: No Sugar D7
:v: No Processed Foods D7
:v: No Junk Food D7


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Alright, reset a few challenges here. Went to a music festival over the weekend and decided to go with the flow and enjoy. it was worth it. Both for the letting loose and allowing myself to be on the same level as everyone else, and for the appreciation of the daily habits that I am instilling. I feel so much better when I eat right and don't drink.

Day 18 / 90 (Friday)

Morning routine ☀️
:v: First thing water D13
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: The Guardian D17
:v: Danced for 6 hours
:v: Walked for 2 hours

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:x: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D15
:v: Counting Victories D6

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D5 30/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:x: No Alcohol D0
:v: No Sugar D8
:x: No Processed Foods D0
:x: No Junk Food D0

Day 19 / 90 (Saturday)

Morning routine ☀️
:v: First thing water D14
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: The Guardian D18
:v: Danced for 8 hours
:v: Walked for 1 hour

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:x: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D16
:v: Counting Victories D7

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D6 30/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:x: Bone broth
:x: Supplements
:x: No Alcohol D0
:x: No Sugar D0
:x: No Processed Foods D0
:x: No Junk Food D0

Day 20 / 90 (Sunday)

Morning routine ☀️
:v: First thing water D15
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: The Guardian D19
:v: Walked for 1.5 hours

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:x: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D17
:v: Counting Victories D8

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D7 30/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:x: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:x: No Alcohol D0
:x: No Sugar D0
:x: No Processed Foods D0
:x: No Junk Food D0

Tomorrow is a fresh start!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 21 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D16
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: The Guardian D20
:v: Walked for 1.5 hours

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D18
:v: Counting Victories D9

Gut Health 🦠 Fresh start
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w1.D1 11/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D1
:v: No Sugar D1
:v: No Processed Foods D1
:v: No Junk Food D1

Cheers to new beginnings!
Have a beautiful day bees!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 26 / 90

Hello everyone! I haven't posted this week as it has been nuts at work, but I'm pleased that I've been able to maintain my streak and keep up with my challenges. I dropped the Guardian challenge early this week since my shin splint has been pretty bad, but as I work on it the sensations are evolving. I've now identified that my pelvic bone is misaligned, causing a lot of tension and compensation throughout my entire right side. I've booked an appointment with an osteopath and have adapted my workouts accordingly. It feels good to not panic, take it one day at a time, and take consistent action towards feeling better.

Since starting my gut routine, I'm also feeling so much more energetic and in a better mood overall. I feel like I've found my sense of humour again, after being too wound up for a decade. Everything is up -- focus, mood, motivation, libido -- I feel like I can take on the world. I've started a lot of things at the same time, so it's hard to say if any one thing is magic. But the combination is definitely a winner. And this is only week 1. I'm excited to know what life will be like after the full 90 days.

Cheers everyone! Have a lovely day :)

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D21
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:v: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Pelvic exercises
  • Reverse leg raises
  • Reverse standing leg raises
  • Hip hike
  • Clamshell
  • Hip adduction
:v: Tight hips
:v: Hips + Glutes Strength
:v: 5-minute gut smash -- WOW, this felt amazing. A full hour later and I'm still feeling super relaxed

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D23
:v: Counting Victories D14

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w1.D7 35/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D6
:v: No Sugar D6
:v: No Processed Foods D6
:v: No Junk Food D6


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 27 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water Challenge D22
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Easy core Challenge D2
:v: Square One D1
:v: Glutes of steel D1
:v: Hips + Glutes Stretch
:v: Daily walk Challenge D2

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation Challenge D24
:v: Counting Victories Challenge D15

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D1 17/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:x: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D7
:v: No Sugar D7
:v: No Processed Foods D7
:v: No Junk Food D7
Last edited:


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 28 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D23
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:x: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Easy core D3
:v: Square One D2
:v: Glutes of steel D3
:v: Daily walk D3

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D25
:v: Counting Victories D16

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D2 29/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D8
:v: No Sugar D8
:v: No Processed Foods D8
:v: No Junk Food D8


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 29 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D24
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Easy core D4
:v: Square One D3
:v: Glutes of steel D4
:v: Daily walk D4

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D26
:v: Counting Victories D17

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D3 32/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D9
:v: No Sugar D9
:v: No Processed Foods D9
:v: No Junk Food D9


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 30 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D25
:v: Morning sun
:v: Mobility
:v: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:v: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Easy core D5
:v: Square One D4
:v: Glutes of steel D5
:v: Tight hips
:v: Daily walk D5

General wellness 🧠
:v: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D27
:v: Counting Victories D18

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D4 32+/30 ...Stopped counting]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D10
:v: No Sugar D10
:v: No Processed Foods D10
:v: No Junk Food D10


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
After a terrible night of insomnia culminating in a whopping 2 hours of sleep, i woke up this morning with the worst charlie horse. It took over 15 minutes for the spasm to release. It wasn't a bad day by any means -- I didn't fret about getting things perfect, focused on easy tasks at work and got things done one at a time. My goal was not to get sucked in by an adrenaline kick and then be wrecked for the next few days. Hopefully tonight is a restful one; I could use a fresh start tomorrow!

Day 31 / 90

Morning routine
:v: First thing water D26
:v: Morning sun
:x: Mobility
:x: Journaling
:x: Track transactions
:x: Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
:v: Easy core D5
:v: Square One D5
:v: Glutes of steel D6
:v: Daily walk D6

General wellness 🧠
:x: Connect with friends/family
:v: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
:v: Stay hydrated
:v: 1-Minute Meditation D28
:v: Counting Victories D19

Gut Health 🦠
:v: Eat while the sun is up
:v: Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D5 30+/30]
:v: Sensible coffee intake
:v: Bone broth
:v: Supplements
:v: No Alcohol D11
:v: No Sugar D11
:v: No Processed Foods D11
:v: No Junk Food D11

Tonight's plan is rest and relaxation for some major down-regulating. Floor sits, stretching and ball/roller message while watching a movie. Then read and do a yoga nidra before bed. Should help.

Happy sleeping folks!


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
I need to find a way to make my morning routine more efficient. I love spending time on it, but sometimes it takes me half the day just to get ready for the day. So then I start skipping items. Maybe capping how much time I spend on each item? Will journalling then become automated and less effective? Anyone have solutions to this?

Day 32 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water D27
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions
⚬ Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
⚬ Easy core D6
⚬ Square One D6
⚬ Glutes of steel D7
⚬ Daily walk D7

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ 1-Minute Meditation D29
⚬ Counting Victories D20

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [w2.D6 30+/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D12
⚬ No Sugar D12
⚬ No Processed Foods D12
⚬ No Junk Food D12


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 33 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water D28
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions
⚬ Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
⚬ Dance party of one
Morning lower body stretch
⚬ Easy core D7
⚬ Square One D7
⚬ Glutes of steel D8
⚬ Daily walk D8
⚬ Run 45m

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ 1-Minute Meditation D30 :completed::pose:
⚬ Counting Victories D21

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D7 30+/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D13
⚬ No Sugar D13
⚬ No Processed Foods D13
⚬ No Junk Food D13


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Thanks @Fremen and @MadamMeow !
I will test different solutions and follow up with a post.

The sugar challenge is proving to be more difficult than anticipated. First slip up was due to buying the wrong can of beans. I had wanted plain, but picked up tomato flavoured with added sugar. I only noticed after opening the can and chose not to waste it. Second was giving my kombucha a taste before bottling. There was still quite a bit of sugar that hadn't yet been converted. Globally, I am making wiser choices and don't consider these slip ups bad enough to restart the challenge, but it is worth noting that sugar is insidious and difficult to avoid, even when eating really well.

Day 34 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water D29
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions
⚬ Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
Morning yoga flow
⚬ Square One D8
⚬ Daily walk D8
⚬ Easy core D9
⚬ Glutes of steel D9

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D21

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D1 13/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D14
⚬ No Sugar D14
⚬ No Processed Foods D14
⚬ No Junk Food D14


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 35 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water D30 :completed:
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions
⚬ Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D9
⚬ Daily walk D9
⚬ Easy core D10
⚬ Glutes of steel D10

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D22

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D2 22/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D15
⚬ No Sugar D15
⚬ No Processed Foods D15
⚬ No Junk Food D15


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 36 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions
⚬ Read 20 minutes

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D10
⚬ Daily walk D10
⚬ Easy core D11
⚬ Glutes of steel D11
⚬ Run 45 min

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D23

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D3 26/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D16
⚬ No Sugar D16
⚬ No Processed Foods D16
⚬ No Junk Food D16
Last edited:


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
So grateful. I've been dealing with a recurring injury for the past two years, have gone through physio, seen multiple osteopaths and sports massage therapists, even had an ergonomist analyze my work station -- basically went to the ends of the earth to find a solution. Now I'm wondering if all I needed was to take a step back and return to the basics. Slow it down and, one day at a time, create foundational strength through seemingly simple exercises. It has only been 37 days. I'm not out of the woods, but I feel a difference. I feel more stable. Less wobbly. I'm compensating less. And when I run, I feel like my body is better organized and I am activating the proper muscle groups. I feel more efficient.

I'm ready to take it up a notch. Added Avatar Upgrade to the mix and had a blast today.

Day 37 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D11
⚬ Easy core D12
⚬ Glutes of steel D12
⚬ The Miner D1
⚬ EotD - 50 Knee Strikes
⚬ Avatar Upgrade D1
⚬ Foundation Run || 5:00 in Zone 1, 30:00 in Zone 2

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D24
⚬ Daily walk D11

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D4 28/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D17
⚬ No Sugar D17
⚬ No Processed Foods D17
⚬ No Junk Food D17

Evening routine 🌙
⚬ Read


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
I'm exploring a link between my gut and healing my injury. If the body is the sum of its parts then it needs to be considered as a whole in order to achieve maximum potential. In healing my gut, I have more energy, focus and motivation, enabling me to consistently complete exercises with intent. I also sleep better, feel happier and am less stressed, allowing me to recover more fully from one day to the next. So, in healing my gut, I'm finally able to fully benefit from my workouts. What's more, exercising daily improves mood and focus and lowers cortisol, reducing stress on my gut and allowing it to heal faster.

Just a thought.

Day 38 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D12
⚬ Easy core D13
⚬ Glutes of steel D13
⚬ The Miner D2
⚬ Avatar Upgrade D2 - removed plank jump-ins after first set, they didn't agree with my shin
⚬ Grocery run 15m

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D25
⚬ Daily walk D12
⚬ Read

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D5 29/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D18
⚬ No Sugar D18
⚬ No Processed Foods D18
⚬ No Junk Food D18

Evening routine 🌙
⚬ Gut smash


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Forgot to post yesterday, here are both days

Day 39 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D13
⚬ Easy core D14
⚬ Glutes of steel D14
⚬ The Miner D3
⚬ Avatar Upgrade D3
⚬ Glutes + hip flexor strength (physio exercises) 45min

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D26
⚬ Daily walk D13
⚬ Read

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D6 30+/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D19
⚬ No Sugar D19
⚬ No Processed Foods D19
⚬ No Junk Food D19

Evening routine 🌙
⚬ Gut smash

Day 40 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D13
⚬ Easy core D15
Glutes of steel D14
⚬ The Miner D3
⚬ Avatar Upgrade D3

⚬ Hike 5hrs

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D27
⚬ Daily walk D14
⚬ Read

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D7 30+/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D20
⚬ No Sugar D20
⚬ No Processed Foods D20
⚬ No Junk Food D20

Evening routine 🌙
⚬ Gut smash


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Day 41 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D14
⚬ Easy core D16
⚬ Glutes of steel D15
⚬ The Miner D4
⚬ Avatar Upgrade D4
⚬ Bike 2h

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D28
⚬ Daily walk D15
⚬ Read

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D1 10/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
⚬ Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D21
⚬ No Sugar D21
⚬ No Processed Foods D21
⚬ No Junk Food D21

Evening routine 🌙
⚬ Gut smash


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
So sick. Could only manage easy core and a short walk and went back to bed.

Day 42 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
⚬ Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One
⚬ Easy core D17
⚬ Glutes of steel
⚬ The Miner
⚬ Avatar Upgrade

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D29
⚬ Daily walk D16
⚬ Read

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D2 12/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
Bone broth
⚬ Supplements

⚬ No Alcohol D22
⚬ No Sugar D22
⚬ No Processed Foods D22
⚬ No Junk Food D22

Evening routine 🌙
⚬ Gut smash


Well-known member
from Ville La Grand, France
Posts: 48
Still feeling under the weather, so I took it easy again today. Moving in the right direction, though. Can't wait to feeling like myself again

Day 43 / 90

Morning routine
⚬ First thing water
⚬ Morning sun
⚬ Mobility
⚬ Journaling
Track transactions

Work out 💪
⚬ Square One D15
⚬ Easy core D17
⚬ Glutes of steel D16
⚬ The Miner D5
⚬ Avatar Upgrade D5

General wellness 🧠
⚬ Connect with friends/family
⚬ Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.
⚬ Stay hydrated
⚬ Counting Victories D30 :v: done!
⚬ Daily walk D17
⚬ Read

Gut Health 🦠
⚬ Eat while the sun is up
⚬ Eat 30+ plants per week [D3 22/30]
⚬ Sensible coffee intake
Bone broth
⚬ Supplements
⚬ No Alcohol D23
⚬ No Sugar D23
⚬ No Processed Foods D23
⚬ No Junk Food D23