Here I Go Again (On My Own? Probably Not)


Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 9
Hi everyone. I fell off the face of the Earth for a little bit there, yeah. Life happens. Life sucks, sometimes. So, in the interim since I'm sure I last posted*, I changed jobs, I moved positions within the company, I managed to find a girlfriend, and in the very latest news, as of April 6th, I was laid off. Along the way, I also lost nearly every bit of gains I worked so hard for in TX. I restarted my food log with the new year and have been sporadically** working out the past month. I'm hoping that posting here will help me hold myself accountable again on the working out. Here's hoping.

I will do my best. That my best for today isn't as good as my best yesterday is immaterial.

*Which was on the old forum. I was really, really confused that I couldn't log in until I read @PetiteSheWolf's thread and figured out that there was a change in fora.
**At absolute best.


Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 9
And we're back. Had a terrible weekend, what with having just lost my job, but I talked my girlfriend into going to the new* fitness center our apartment complex has. We hopped on treadmills for about half an hour and spent some time exploring the options there. Looks like I have some free time to get back into shape, or something. I do intend to get back into more fully working out with body weight workouts. We'll see how all this works out. That's a lot of out working, or something.

*It was recently built with the renovations the management company completed recently.


Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 9
So, it's been a week. I've posted all of... <checks number of posts>... three times.* I'm off to a fabulous start. No bodyweight workouts. Wandered to the fitness center... <counts>... most days. My girlfriend has found out she likes the whole treadmill thing. Oh, and tossing medicine balls. Also, she hates that she likes it, possibly because of the ridiculous hour we get up to go there since she doesn't feel comfortable working out with others around. But also she was apparently conditioned to hate movement/exercise in any form when she was younger. As for me, still no bodyweight work. I'm finding it difficult to work up the will to actually get up and do anything in the hours I normally would because that's normally time my girlfriend and I spend together and I've never been one for working out in the early morning. I like being already warmed up from the day before working out, it's one less thing to do to get going with the workout. I feel so drained the rest of the time and have other hobbies to attend to as well. Yep, reads like excuses to me, too. What am I going to do about it? Do my best to get started again, obviously.

*Including this one.


Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 9
I've been MIA for a day or two*. I picked up a new job in retail at a board game store while I searched for a chemistry position, which sent me back to the St. Louis area about a year ago now. In January, I restarted working out and reshaping my diet. Then I received a new opportunity to manage the game store, which I accepted, and took me back to central Minnesota. The company was already planning to expand my store, but I was able to get the location I wanted because the owner put his trust in my judgment. This has been a rewarding change, but one of the most difficult positions I've ever had, if not the most difficult. In August, I restarted working out yet again and this month, I've been working on my diet. It's been a thing. An exceptionally difficult and ridiculous thing. I can't promise to post often, but I can offer to do my best to be more active.

*Fine, is week or two good enough?


Guardian from St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 9
First, thank you to everyone who has either reacted to my recent posts or posted themselves whether recognized from the past ( @Laura Rainbow Dragon @HellYeah @Fremen @neilarey ) or not so much ( @aku-chan )*. I appreciate the responses and that at least a couple people remember me.

The workout:
Wall Sit 2:05
Balance Challenge day 25, 9:00 balance (completed in one go)
Two sets of Tempered Steel

Wall sit plus balance hold is rough on the legs, but when haven't I been willing to be a little** rough on myself?

Soon enough I'll detail my plans for the rest of the year and into 2025.

*By which I mean I don't recognize your name from my previous stints here in the Hive. We may have been in different circles at the time.
**Or a lot, for that matter.