For the bees that wished me Happy Birthday back in May this year - thanks so much!!!
*glompy hugs*
I came off a fixed MCL after what felt like forever (almost 10 months overall) and I got back to training for about 3-ish months before I then I had a total hysterectomy at the end of June this year for stage 1 cervical and stage 2 uterine cancer. First follow-up is good news and hopefully my next one in January carries on with that trend! The last two years have not been kind to me as far as physical health goes and it took a massive toll on my mental health. I am grateful to have such great benefits via the SO's job and I am doing almost weekly therapy sessions currently to help with that piece of the bio-puzzle ~
This was all quickly followed by getting insanely busy with two jobs - photography and working at the BJJ club I train at as well.
I live quite rural about an hour outside of the city I work, which is not ideal, or uncommon anymore, but I like my jobs. We are planning on moving closer to the city come the Spring next year so I am feeling
quite excited about this future event!
I do find I need to spend a decent amount of time on either my computer, or a screen of some sort, more often than I would like for my photography job. As such I tend to avoid screens when I am at home whenever possible. Sadly that means I miss out on Hive goodness! Perhaps I'll eventually find a good balance going into the new year *fingers crossed*
As for fitness, I am doing the occasional run here and there when time allows with the busy schedule and have managed to get up to 5.5 km already. Contemplating a half-marathon for middle of next year maybe.
I am back training BJJ once a week right now and I hope to bring it up to twice in the next 2 to 3 weeks providing my knee still feels good. I don't want to reinjure my MCL in the slightest! If I can get up to regular training 3 times a week by the end of the year then I'll do a competition in either Jan/Feb.
My weight-lifting/body weight training is a little intermittent currently, but my work schedules are smoothing out so I'll be able to get that better organized soon.
I've mostly just been stacking monthly challenges for the last few months consistently so I was doing something concrete every day + walking, without over doing it. Really looking forward to getting back into the things and hopefully (maybe) some consistent posting here too, but I'll see how that goes