Rainbow Dragon's Lair

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you @Syrius @CODawn @Maegaranthelas


@Lady Celerity @Syrius : DWW days are great! I like to have a structured workout plan, because I do want to maintain (and continue to build) well-rounded fitness and full body strength. (I would totally neglect the upper body work if I just did what I wanted every day.) But at the same time: I'm not training for the Olympics. So I think the occasional play day is fine. And they keep the work from feeling like too much of a grind.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
January 18:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - shavasana
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Quiet Room
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - clench/unclench, wrist circles
calf raises: :v: - one-legged calf raises
plank: :v: - Plank Hero
feathered peacock: :v: - one-legged dolphin
hip flexors: :v: - Standing Abs
hip abductors: :v: - side-lying leg lifts
glutes: :v: - Plank Hero

Programs & Challenges:
Daily Hug: :v:
Push & Pull: :v: - push-ups
Total Body Strength: Day 17
Standing Abs: Day 17
Plank Hero: Day 17

running: :x:
tempo runs / alt cardio: 3/3
interval training: 1/2

hiking: 7.2 km

PARSEC monthly meeting: a very interesting talk re: all sorts of practices for sustainable living.
Also some reading of a book on making a living as an artist.

writing days this week: 3/4
writing time: 3:25/8 hours
artwork: 10 min. sketching
artwork days this week: 3/4

Targets will normally be 5 days/week for both artwork and writing content creation, and 10 hours/week for writing content creation. They're reduced this week due to officially taking Monday as a holiday.


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
SOOT: 11
GBOT: 12
Gaming Rules: 14

Consecutive days of working out: 132
Consecutive days of French study: 1524


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 366
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14"
Today's change of leadership is extremely dark, dangerous, and terrifying for many.
I disagree. And I don’t think all of us Americans in this community think today’s change of leadership believes the same as you. I appreciate your caring. I think we’re gonna be fine- or even better. While I don’t agree with everything about the new leaders, I’m pretty optimistic about it.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
I disagree. And I don’t think all of us Americans in this community think today’s change of leadership believes the same as you.
I did not say all. I said many. Political contests always result in winners and losers. They always result in some people being unhappy with the result. But certainly never before in my lifetime has a US presidential contest resulted in the election of an individual who has repeatedly threatened to wield his political power to criminally prosecute people who have committed no crimes and for whom there is no evidence they have committed any crimes, simply because those people were doing their jobs and/or opposed him politically. Certainly never before in my lifetime, and I believe never before in the history of your country, has an outgoing president felt the need to issue a long list of preemptive pardons to people who not only have never been convicted of any crimes but in fact have not even been charged with any crimes, to protect them from the wrath of the incoming president. Trump's threats against these individuals are not a matter of belief or opinion. They are documented fact. A great many people are deeply concerned by this. (Amongst other things.)


Well-known member
from USA
Posts: 366
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14"
I did not say all. I said many. Political contests always result in winners and losers. They always result in some people being unhappy with the result. But certainly never before in my lifetime has a US presidential contest resulted in the election of an individual who has repeatedly threatened to wield his political power to criminally prosecute people who have committed no crimes and for whom there is no evidence they have committed any crimes, simply because those people were doing their jobs and/or opposed him politically. Certainly never before in my lifetime, and I believe never before in the history of your country, has an outgoing president felt the need to issue a long list of preemptive pardons to people who not only have never been convicted of any crimes but in fact have not even been charged with any crimes, to protect them from the wrath of the incoming president. Trump's threats against these individuals are not a matter of belief or opinion. They are documented fact. A great many people are deeply concerned by this. (Amongst other things.

What you’re calling facts actually aren’t. There’s so much you don’t know or understand. Americans have suffered too much the past 4 years. I will not go any further. I am considering stepping away from this community because of this. I know I’m in the minority being a born again Christian and a conservative but I really enjoyed this community up to this point, and doing my best to stay away from politics. I was a huge fan of this site for many years before joining. I’ve tried to be kind and respectful of our differences.

Take care.


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,368
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
What you’re calling facts actually aren’t. There’s so much you don’t know or understand. Americans have suffered too much the past 4 years. I will not go any further. I am considering stepping away from this community because of this. I know I’m in the minority being a born again Christian and a conservative but I really enjoyed this community up to this point, and doing my best to stay away from politics. I was a huge fan of this site for many years before joining. I’ve tried to be kind and respectful of our differences.

Take care.

This will be more medicine than sugar, so I'll be that girl: you are entitled to leave if you do not feel comfortable around here anymore, but before you do, here's something to think about: we all have different opinions on the matter, but we shouldn't think about this as a matter of who is in the majority or the minority, because we'll never agree on anything. Trust me, there are things I disagree with you, and I mentioned them in my log... just last Friday, but running away is not going to make anything better for you on the long run because that's how people get polarized in the first place: when they see something that questions their beliefs, they run. Again, you don't need to engage with the opposing view, but just think about what you see and ask yourself "how is this person's point of view going to affect my life," or "how could I use this to be a better Christian," or, even simpler, ask yourself the meme: "what would Jesus do." You're right: the Hive has no place for political discussions, but that doesn't mean we won't get political in our logs because, at one point or another, it will happen. Again, you don't have to interact with everything, and you are entitled to leave if that's what you desire, but before you do, at least have this to think about.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
January 19:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - shavasana
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Quiet Room
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - Talk to the Hand
calf raises: :v: - Ankle Recovery
plank: :v: - Plank Hero
feathered peacock: :v: - dolphin
hip flexors: :v: - power jump HIIT*
hip abductors: :v: - kicking HIIT*
glutes: :v: - Total Body Strength

Programs & Challenges:
Daily Hug: :v:
Push & Pull: :v: - back work in TBS
Total Body Strength: Day 18
Standing Abs: Day 18
Plank Hero: Day 18

running: HIIT workout*
tempo runs / alt cardio: 3/3
interval training: 2/2

hiking: 9 km

* I needed to do a HIIT workout this day to hit my weekly goal for interval training. And I saw that @Damer had just released a new video with training tips for how to achieve one's power jump. Since this is an exercise I want to work on achieving, it was a perfect fit for this day's training! I did one Tabata of the camel thrusts exercise and one of the kneeling-to-squatting stepping exercise from Damer's video. Then I did a third Tabata of kicks (2 sets each of front, side, turning, and hook kicks). Doing those power jump training exercises in the Tabata format was no joke! I think I will keep them as a regular (maybe once a week) part of my training for a bit. See how that goes.

Just a wee bit of brainstorming story ideas.

writing days this week: 4/4
writing time: 3:30/8 hours
artwork: 15 min. sketching
artwork days this week: 4/4

Days/week targets were hit for this week, but not my butt-in-chair hours for content creation. I did do a fair bit of other writing-related work. And sure: I had other non-writing related tasks I needed to attend to this week. But I really need to be hitting my content creation hours. And the reason I missed this week was not due to the other things I needed to get done. It was due to all the time I spent gaming.

I need to work on this! Gaming has become my stress-relieving activity. (Especially during these winter months when it's not so easy to just take Shelby for a walk to a nice forested area.) But the level of stress in my life these days is not enough to warrant the amount of gaming I have been doing. So I need to make a change.


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :x:
SOOT: :rstar::rstar::rstar:
GBOT: :rstar::rstar:
GR: :x:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
SOOT: 14
GBOT: 14
Gaming Rules: 0

I decided that if I don't hit my content creation hours target for the week due to solo gaming, my gaming rules score for the week needs to be zero. Hence why that score got zeroed here.

Consecutive days of working out: 133
Consecutive days of French study: 1525

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
In other news: Miss Shelby got herself a new vet today!

We haven't actually met the vet yet. Shelby's health is good, and she isn't due for a check-up or vaccines or any other routine stuff until June. But she is an older dog. And I'm limited as to which vets I can take her to due to no longer having access to a car. So I wanted to get her signed up as a patient somewhere now, so I'll have someone I can call in the event anything does go awry with Shelby's health.

On Saturday I was talking to another dog-walker in our neighbourhood, and mentioned needing to find Shelby a local vet. She recommended a place that is only 800 metres from our home. So I decided we'd check them out today. The office staff at this clinic were very friendly and helpful, and they got answers for me for my most important questions:

1. Will this clinic prescribe and stock for Shelby the parasite control meds she's been taking for the past decade? She's an old dog. I don't want to switch her to new drugs at this point in her life when I know she responds so well to the old ones.


2. Will the staff do routine medical procedures--like physical exams, drawing blood, administering vaccines, etc. in the exam room with me by Shelby's side? Shelby is a very brave girl! She makes no fuss over being poked and prodded and stuck with needles. Her old vets always commented to me on what a great patient she is! But the one thing that does upset her is being separated from me. Our vets in the BM understood this and kept her in the exam room with me. But I know some clinics prefer to separate animals from their humans for certain medical procedures.

The answers were positive in both cases. This clinic regularly prescribes one of the meds Shelby takes. The other they do not normally stock but can and will prescribe and order it for Shelby if that's what I want. On the matter of Shelby remaining with me for her treatments I was told this was no problem. The clinic does sometimes take dogs "into the back" to draw blood. But they have no problem doing it in the exam room if that is my preference. (The office person said she would make a note on Shelby's file to this effect and that if a vet tech ever did try to take Shelby away I could simply tell them I preferred for Shelby to remain with me, and they would accommodate my wishes no problem.)

So yeah! Another moving thing taken care of, and I think a good place found for my #1 girl.

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Saw an ad today for a 220 square foot studio apartment in my neighbourhood, asking $1400 + electricity a month. Which the landlord, sadly, will likely actually be able to get.

The ad suggests the apartment is 350 square feet. But it includes a floor plan. And if you do the math on the floor plan, it adds up to 220 square feet, not 350.

The ad says the unit includes a "full" bathroom. But it only has a 3-piece. (More and more often these days I am seeing ads for apartments with no bathtub that nevertheless make this claim about having a "full" bathroom.) In this case the ad actually reads: "Full Bathroom: Gorgeous and modern, perfect for relaxing after a long day." (Emphasis mine.) Perfect for relaxing? Really? You know a lot of humans who like to relax standing up, do you?

Of the kitchen the ad says: "Stylish Kitchen: Sleek, updated kitchen with everything you need."
The kitchen has no dishwasher. It has only a single sink. It has less counter space than even my tiny kitchen. And no space in which one could possibly add any furniture of one's own.

The add claims the unit is: "Bright & Airy: Big windows let in plenty of natural light."
The apartment in truth has two windows, neither of which I would classify as "big", and one of which is in the bathroom!

"This cozy and super functional studio apartment is located on the second floor and offers everything you need for comfortable living," says the ad. (Again: emphasis mine.)
Everything? Really?

The door to the apartment opens directly into the only room in which one could possibly put a bed. This room is smaller than either of the bedrooms in my apartment. And it would need to serve as bedroom and living room and dining room.
You're coming inside from a Canadian winter, dressed in a heavy coat and a hat and mittens, and boots that are covered in snow. And you've got no coat closet and are going to need to put your boot tray in your bedroom.

And it's a second-floor apartment with no balcony.


Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
That's outrageous!

I can almost guarantee this was originally a three bedroom apartment that got cleaved into a one-bedroom and a studio because the vacancy rate is so low here the landlord felt confident they'd be able to rent out two shitty units for more money than one decent one.


Well-known member
Huntress from Canada
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 268
"i aint there yet, but im healin - cari fletcher"
So yeah! Another moving thing taken care of, and I think a good place found for my #1 girl.
Awwwwwww that's sweet! Sounds like really good customer service. I'm glad you found a place willing to work with you to make sure she's well cared for!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Awwwwwww that's sweet! Sounds like really good customer service. I'm glad you found a place willing to work with you to make sure she's well cared for!
Thank you! Me too!

Shelby's vets in the BM were so awesome. I was not happy about having to leave them. And I definitely had anxiety over the need to find Shelby a new vet here. I needed someone close by, due to not having a car anymore. And so many people got dogs during the pandemic, some vets now (including the vets who we used in the BM) are not accepting new patients currently because their practices are full. So I worried about running into that problem here too. And I had first hand experience that not all vets are awesome.

The vets that the rescue from which we adopted Shelby use are awful. I had to make multiple trips there with dogs we were fostering for the rescue (including Trudy, who I ended up adopting), and I can say nothing good about them. They are in the habit of separating your animal from you the second you walk into the building. Before you've even made it to the reception desk to check in, a vet tech is there dragging your pet away. They do all procedures behind closed doors and don't even speak to the humans until they're done.

I had to take Trudy there to be speyed. They immediately whisked her away from me. "Go home. We'll call you when we're done." But when I went back to pick her up they said, "Oh, she can't leave. She's dehydrated and hypothermic." Because they had tried to cut corners so had not given her an IV for the surgery!

I insisted on seeing Trudy. And she was so relieved to see me! She was weak, but wagging her tail, licking me, leaning into me. She did not want to leave my side!

I asked them to show me how to work the IV (that they now wanted to give her) so I could take her home. But she wasn't legally my dog at that point in time. So the vets called the person who ran the rescue, and she accepted their advice that Trudy needed to stay at the clinic. But I could not stay with her. Because the clinic was closing for the night and had no overnight staff!

They made a poor, sick, frightened dog stay alone in a cage overnight so they could give her an IV and a heating blanket she would not have needed if they'd just taken care of her properly during the surgery to begin with!

Thankfully, Trudy survived that night, and I went back to pick her up the next morning. When I got her home and examined her I discovered that not only had they shaved her belly (necessary for the surgery) and three of her legs (one for the IV I could understand, but why three?) but they had cut her at every site they had shaved! Multiple big nasty red gashes everywhere. WTF? I did not realize right away that they had also shaved and cut her neck.

Because rescue dogs are a high flight risk, the rescue asks fosters to keep their foster dog's collars on them at all times. So I did not discover Trudy's neck cuts until they got infected and puss from her infected wounds leaked out around the edges of her collar.

Then, to make matters worse, the vet had done a shit job of stitching Trudy up after her surgery. Her wound re-opened. And I had to take her back to be re-stitched.
I was not happy! First, the vet tried to blame me for the problem. He said I had let her lick the wound. (Uh, no. We kept the Elizabeth collar on her so she couldn't lick it, and she was with either me or my mother 100% of the time, so was never left unsupervised.) Then I insisted on going back into the surgery with her. Trudy was terrified of being separated from me by those people, and there was no way I was going to let them butcher her again! But when I got back into the surgery it quickly became obvious that the vet techs were not going to be able to work with me there. They were not used to being watched, and it made them very nervous.

Trudy was the gentlest dog ever. She was a big, goofy, loving Golden Retriever who didn't have an aggressive bone in her body. (She did not even respond with aggression when other dogs who we met on the street growled or snarled at her. Instead, she would run behind me and hide!) But these vet techs, instead of being gentle with Trudy and coaxing her to do what they wanted, ganged up on her. Three of them worked together to manhandle Trudy and physically restrain her. And then they had the nerve to tell me Trudy was upset because she could sense that I was nervous.

I wasn't nervous. I was frakking angry! But the vet techs were definitely nervous, knowing that I was there watching them and judging them. So I left the surgery in the hope that might enable them to get the job done and just hoped Trudy's trauma would be over quickly.

When I ended up adopting Trudy, you better believe I swore to her she would never have to go back to those horrible vets ever again!

So yeah: I was worried about needing to find a new vet for Shelby. Would I be able to find her a wonderful medical team like the one we left behind in the BM? Or would the only vets in my neighbourhood be horrible, like the clinic the rescue in Chatham used? So I was very happy when we received the enthusiastic and unreserved recommendation for this nearby clinic from a neighbour, and relieved when we went to check them out and everything seems to gel with what we were told.

The last couple of years have been very hard on Shelby. First with losing Trudy, then my father, then my mother (who's still alive and actually a little bit improved physically--but Shelby doesn't know this), and then needing to move house under extremely stressful circumstances and leaving behind all of Shelby's old friends in the BM. And Shelby was my rock through all of that. I want her to have the best possible life I can give her now for whatever time she has left!

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
January 20:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - moving meditation, shavasana
Dance / Yoga: :v: - Quiet Room
Gratitude: :v:

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - clench/unclench, wrist circles
calf raises: :v: - one-legged calf raises
plank: :v: - Plank Hero
feathered peacock: :v: - dolphin
hip flexors: :v: - Standing Abs
hip abductors: :v: - Plank Hero
glutes: :v: - Total Body Strength

Programs & Challenges:
Daily Hug: :v:
Push & Pull: :x:
Total Body Strength: Day 19
Standing Abs: Day 19
Plank Hero: Day 19

running: :x:
tempo runs / alt cardio: 0/3
interval training: 0/2

hiking: 7.9 km

Correspondence. Nothing to do with my fiction writing. But important.

writing days this week: 0/5
writing time: 0/10 hours
artwork: :x:
artwork days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar:
SOOT: :x: (-7)
GBOT: :x: (-5)
GR: :rstar::rstar::rstar:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 3

Consecutive days of working out: 134
Consecutive days of French study: 1526
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
January 21:

Cardinal Points:
First Thing Water: :v:
10 Minutes of Mindfulness: :v: - lots of contemplation this day, fighting anger, despair, and the urge to give certain people a piece of my mind in socially inappropriate ways
Dance / Yoga: :x: - restorative*
Gratitude: :v:

* Haven't actually done this yet. It's almost 7:30 AM here. I have not gone to bed yet. I will do some stretches in bed when I finally go there. (There's meant to be at least one song involved in this. But that might improve my mood, and I prefer to sit with my anger for a bit longer.) Stretching did not happen. I just went to bed.

Group of Seven:
hands & wrists: :v: - clench/unclench, wrist circles
calf raises: :v: - one-legged calf raises
plank: :v: - Plank Hero
feathered peacock: :v: - dolphin
hip flexors: :v: - Total Body Strength
hip abductors: :v: - side-lying leg lifts
glutes: :v: - prone leg lifts

Programs & Challenges:
Daily Hug: :v:
Push & Pull: :x:
Total Body Strength: Day 20
Standing Abs: Day 20
Plank Hero: Day 20

running: :x:
tempo runs / alt cardio: 0/3
interval training: 0/2

hiking: 6 km

Still so cold out.

Correspondence. Nothing to do with my fiction writing. But important.

writing days this week: 0/5
writing time: 0/10 hours
artwork: :x:
artwork days this week: 0/5


Scheduling Habits:
GOBOT: :rstar:
SOOT: :x:
GBOT: :x:
GR: :x:

Cumulative Habit Scores:
Gaming Rules: 3

Got up early to put the garbage out. The truck came by. Worker picked up my compost bin. Undid the latch. Presumably heaved bin in the general direction of their truck. Then tossed my bin onto the ground. I went to retrieve it and discovered all of my compost was still inside the bin. Lovely.

Had some breakfast.
Took Shelby for a very chilly walk.
Went back to bed.
Long nap.
Fed Shelby dinner.
Probably ate something myself.
Another walk with Shelby.
Read the news.


Spent a lot of time trying to convince myself I need to be the change I want to see in the world.
A lot of time.
Still not feeling it.

Consecutive days of working out: 135
Consecutive days of French study: 1527
Last edited:

Laura Rainbow Dragon

Bard from Canada
Posts: 3,023
"Striving to be the change."
Thank you for the support friends.

I have had some sleep.

In the calmer light of day I still feel largely impotent in the face of great evil. However, as I was falling asleep (this morning!) I remembered that I am not in this alone. Of course I cannot hold back the tide of hatred by myself! But I don't need to do it by myself. I only need to do my part. And I only need to do it one step at a time.

I'm still tired, and--for the moment--hungry (I haven't eaten yet) and cold (I just took Shelby for a very short walk). But this is what I have to offer this morning:

In my home, and in my heart, your name and your gender are what you tell me they are. Period. I do not have jurisdiction over much else. But where I do have power, I will hold a safe space for you. Also: if you should ever find yourself in the same public washroom as me because that is the washroom in which you feel safest, I will defend your right to be there to anyone who challenges you.

:hug: :tuzki-love::rainbow: