I have competed in 2 different ones. The longer one is called the Impi obstacle course. 18KM with I believe 27 obstacles. But it was more running up and downhill
The other one was the same distance but more of a tough mudder.
For now I just want to try to get my body moving and weight down. 115 KGs running OK a trail will cause earthquakes
In regards to the days done, currently I am only doing the Baseline program.
My mind has a bad tendency of wanting to run away, think I can do more, add to much and then end in injury or disappointment.
And sadly this is a circle that has been running for a long while. So I order to break it I tool a step back and first get used to actually exercising.
With me working 1 month morning and 1 month evening it really throws me a curveball.
During the morning I started working out at work... when I work evening I think I need to create myself a schedule of all the things I need to do. Not sure I like to be stuck in a strict routine, but it is something that helps me... even when it comes to food.
I am still not 100% sure what program I will do next but I might go for some more body weight orientated one